The Shocking Details of Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin’s Engagement: Selena Gomez + Culty Churches
Hello friends. It’s been a very long break. Breaks over and it’s time for us to snap some necks with this exclusive insider information on all things dealing with Justin and Hailey. For most of you reading this you are probably very confused and think this whole engagement between J & H was very rushed and messy. Some of you think it’s PR and some of you think it won’t last past Christmas. This post will help align all of us in the same direction.
Okay let’s get right into it.
The problem with this engagement is that people think it won’t last since it was rushed.
“He just started dating her three weeks ago!”
“Selena is the true love of his life”
“What happened to Shawn?!”
“This is PR”
“Selena’s unbothered”
I love when I see things piss people off some much that they have to run to their conspiracy drawing board.
Let’s get one thing straight.
Do we all get this now? No? Read it seven more times.
Everything that we have posted about Jailey in 2015, 2016, and so on; makes sense now because this engagement proves us right when we said their relationship was never a one-sided, non-mutual, kind of love.
Read more:
Justin has not signed another contract based PR regarding dating someone since his first one with Selena Gomez in 2011 and his second one with her in 2015.
Let’s go way back in 2015 when Justin and Hailey really started hanging out.
*Note: they did hang out in 2014 but it was just as friends and Hailey was trying to help him through tough times*
they spent New Years 2015 together.
Formation of Jailey
Here is our post explaining what Justin and Hailey were doing in 2015:
In that post, we tell you guys that Justin really wants a girlfriend. My source says “….Justin really wants a girlfriend but it would take too much out of him right now. Crazy right? But Hailey and Justin are good friends. Flirting (a lot) and hanging out.”
This was in 2015. So in 2015 Justin and Hailey were just good friends who flirted and hung out A LOT.
They got very close in 2015 and Justin would even joke about “falling in love with Hailey” joke my a—

My source also said that Justin would not date anyone random and he takes dating very seriously.
Justin doesn’t date for fun, he dates for marriage.
Funny how we said this three years ago in 2015—TALKING ABOUT JUSTIN AND HAILEY—and here we are talking about their engagement. It’s time to get on the A team.
My source literally says “he must see the person {he’s dating} as potentially becoming his wife”
He will sleep around and have flings, but he won’t date anyone he doesn’t see himself marrying.
*the source information stated is from the post that was linked above*
Hailey and Justin were also very flirty with each other on Instagram when they started to show off their friendship.

They got along very well and everyone that was not toxic in their lives knew that.
How do we know Justin saw Hailey as his potential future in 2015 and not some random fling? He took her on vacation with his family. Something he’s NEVER done with other flings.
Only Hailey and Selena were taken to see his family. And Justin was only serious about Hailey and Selena.
Hailey with Justin’s mom.

Hailey with Justin’s dad.

Hailey with Justin’s siblings.

ALLLLLLLLL of that……and you’re going to tell me he didn’t love her and she was just some fling?
And of course from day one, us and our sources were always supporters of Jailey (no not because Hailey followed us in 2016, this post was written months before in 2015 and no not because we are happy it’s not Selena. I don’t really cry about who Justin dates. It’s not like I’m marrying him), but because she was constantly there for him and she wasn’t as corrupt as Justin and Selena.
There was a nice innocence coming from Hailey. She was younger than him and less experienced in the fame world, so it was touching that she was constantly there for him and never once sold him out despite the hate.
We also made a post about how Justin and Hailey friendship was starting to get much stronger:
This is the post where we tell you guys Justin joked about falling in love with Hailey. Jokes are cute and all but to say something like that in a joking matter, you always have to wonder if there’s any truth to it.
Which we know there was.
Also, Justin posted this on Instagram during the Jailey era:
I might be wrong about this, but I don’t recall Justin and Selena ever hanging out around the time Justin and Hailey hung out.
There were a few times Jelena was seen in 2015, due to their contract, but besides that, Justin and Hailey were unbothered.
Out of alllllllll the girls Justin has flirtatiously “dated” Hailey was the one he was most sure about. He let her hang out with his family when he TOOK HER ON VACATION… FAMILY VACATION.

You don’t take the person you’re seeing on vacation with your family unless you are sure that at some point in your future you will be with them. He really liked her.
So for everyone claiming that Justin and Hailey dated for two weeks before getting engaged, you have to rethink your facts.
They were VERY involved in each other’s lives.
Warning: lots of pics coming up.

This leads me on to my next point.
Jailey’s 2018 reunion
There’s something that needs to be said before I can continue.
You will read this in the Jelena post but basically, when Jailey started to be seen together again in June, Justin was trying to kill two birds with one stone.
Hillsong Church exposed:
2017/2018 Jelena exposed:
In short, Jelena ended and Justin found out that Hillsong spread rumors of a Jelena wedding to the press so he leaned on Hailey.
Justin leans on Hailey a lot when things with Selena don’t work out.
In the beginning, Justin was trying to bother Selena by promoting Jailey. He did have feelings for Hailey, but he also wanted to piss Selena off. At least that’s how our sources felt. And when we planned to come back, we planned to drag him to hell. But things changed.
I guess he got mad because Selena broke things off again just because she felt like it due to her sick habit of emotionally controlling Justin, and he wanted to piss her off so he made sure to be super public with Jailey.
Justin realized how twisted Selena is and how often she plays these mind games on him so he went “Look at me making out with the girl I told you I wasn’t talking too.”
Reminder: Justin and Selena saw other people behind closed doors since they weren’t dating for reals.
He’s a complete idiot for that but 2 things can be true at the same time.
He wasn’t playing Hailey or using her, but he was also trying to bother Selena.
Justin did like Hailey and he enjoyed spending time with her as you guys can see from all the Jailey hangouts I just showed, but he wanted to shove it in Selena’s face and Hillsong’s face. You’ll see soon as you keep reading.
Justin does have real feelings for Hailey considering he asked her to marry him. But in the beginning that was the status. When it hit him that with Hailey, it’s genuine without any mind games, he didn’t wanna let her get away.
Selena vs. Hailey
No there was no physical fight between them, as you guys keep saying.
Selena always always always saw Hailey Baldwin as a threat. Selena has always been triggered by Hailey and her connection to Justin. In Selena’s eyes, a girl getting really close to Justin threatens her power over Justin.
If Justin’s into a new chick, then he won’t be so hung up on Selena and impacting his life would be more complicated with another girl involved.
It makes a lot of sense if you think about ALLLLL the times Selena reunited with Justin again right after he’s seen with a girl. She made sure he wouldn’t move on. Let’s take a lookie for the disbelievers.
Selena comes back. I remember this day so well. She traveled all the way to Norway to be with him even though before/after that she shaded him.
How….does…..a….fan get a picture of a celebrity…..literally getting out of an airplane….. I—
Selena of course needed to physically show us she was there.
Few weeks later: a new girlie
Jelena at the movies.
The music video girl for “Confident’’ and “All That Matters”
Cailin Russo was Justin’s music video girl. They were getting a bit close. Selena had to put in her two cents of course.
Then Cailin responded
It’s like… that man was just WORKING and she was still unhappy!
Cailin hung out with him at the Believe premiere.
BAM! Selena comes back.
Also this was during the time Selena was leaving for two weeks for rehab. So of course, before she left she needed to snatch some headlines by hanging out with him. She left for rehab literally a day or two after the photos below.
Post on that here:
And as always, we were proved right about rehab:
And just in case we didn’t see the candids of them together….Selena also had Justin shove it in our faces with his manic posting on Instagram:
If you think this is a lot, then you clearly weren’t around in 2013/2014 and didn’t see the other 900 times Selena did this.
Sis literally didn’t leave him alone. Not with Sofia, Chantel, Ashley, Yovanna lmaoooooo she suffocated ALL OF US. Every girl Justin ever moved on with or took out on dates, Selena came right after. Every. Single. Girl.
Remember when Justin had a fling with Sofia Richie? Something Selena set up to get him away from Hailey because she was THAT threatened by her.
And then Selena ended Justin and Sofia? Ugh iconic. Her mind.
Long story so posts on that here:
Continuing the bitter tour, Selena then did the following but then Justin exposed her, saying that she’s the one who has used him for attention.

Going back to what I was saying, Selena butts into Justin’s personal life whenever he is with someone else. She is literally the plague. Like girlie, do you want that mfer or not?! Make up your mind! (Oh wait… that’s what What Do U Mean was about)
This is why so many of you guys thought they were together but in reality, they never actually dated, she just kept going back to him for shade, promo, headlines etc.
Let’s say I’m wrong…
If Selena wasn’t using Justin all those times then why would she shade him and then go back to him (of course after she releases a project)? Out of all those girls, Hailey was the only one Selena truly worried would threaten her power over Justin.
Post on Selena going back to Justin here and one of the reasons that he would accept her back:
I suggest you guys read the posts I’m linking because 1- they’re a great story 2- you won’t be in my ask box asking questions I’ve already answered.
Read this full post first before you go ahead and read the linked posts.
Also isn’t it funny how it used to be Justin posting pics of Selena during one of Jelena’s on/off again reunions in 2013/2014, but in 2018 since it was different (NO CONTRACT) he didn’t post anything but SHE did????

Since the Jelena reunion in 2018 isn’t the same thing as Jelena in 2013, who is doing the posting now?
lmaoooooooooooooooo she looks so $%@*# stupid now
And hello to Selena and her minions reading this! I know, it’s creepy. It’s like we are in your head. And hello to my favorite celebrities reading this.
So let’s go back to Selena being threatened by Hailey.
What does smart sneaky Selly do?
She finds a friend of Sofia Richie and causes the Jofia hangouts to push Hailey away. Now this is around the time Justin and Hailey put a pause on their relationship because of tour.
Justin didn’t want to start a relationship because he knew a new one wouldn’t work around his tour schedule. We said this in like 2016 I think, then in 2017 or 2018 Hailey confirmed it.
Post on that:
With that information, Selena of course decided that Justin having a new fling would completely push Hailey away and make her look stupid in public.
Since this happened a few months after Jailey was on pause, Justin was single. So being with Sofia wasn’t a next-second thing which is why in Justin’s eyes, it was an innocent fling, despite how it looked like to Hailey.

Both of those things happened. Hell, most of Selenators tweets about Hailey go “I mean I feel so bad for Hailey. Not only did he publicly not want her but he chose to marry his second choice.”

First of all, y’all are stupid.
There wasn’t a second or third choice.
Selena was Justin’s first choice in 2012 BECAUSE ALL HE KNEW WAS SELENA and he wanted to marry her.
Then when she didn’t want to be with him nor did she want to marry him (post on that here:, he tried moving on after their breakup.
Of course, Selena did not allow him to do that since she popped up after every date he had.
When he finally became close to Hailey in 2015, he started to have feelings for her. It doesn’t matter who you started with… it matters who you end with.
It’s Hailey wearing the ring right now, not psycho exes or bitter stans.
Justin and Selena haven’t dated for more than 2 months since 2014. If he wanted to marry her, he would’ve… one problem! She didn’t. She kept breaking things off with Justin despite him wanting to commit to her. Same thing happened this time around, so wtf was that man supposed to do?
Okay let’s get back on track.
So during the Jelena reunion that happened in 2017/2018, Selena would constantly ask Justin about Hailey and he would tell her he wasn’t talking to her.
Lies, he was.
I know this gif killed you guys with anger
For everyone who hasn’t read the Jelena post about this:
Justin and Selena both acted like a couple behind closed doors, but they weren’t one. Which means both of them saw others during this little reunion. I know it’s hard to understand because Justin and Selena seemed so in love, but is anything genuine with Jelena?
They didn’t even end up together.
Justin was set up to go back together with Selena because Hillsong and Selena were working together. If what I just said doesn’t make sense, read the posts on Hillsong and Jelena, which I have already linked.
If you don’t read the Jelena post but still wanna attack me with your two cents, nothing you say will be taken seriously or even answered. Don’t try.
Update: Jelena post got deleted lol…
Y’all wanted Justin to stay with Selena cause #Jelena #love over Hailey someone who has defended Justin publicly time after time???
Let’s take a quick lookie at what Hailey said after Selena went on the worldwide tour of Shading My Ex.
Hailey in 2013 after this video comes out does what?
In 2013, while Selena was going on shade parades about Justin, as he was having his downfall, Hailey who was like 16 at the time, more mature than Selly who was 21, still defended Justin.
Selena’s behavior after the breakup was toxic and people wanted Justin with someone who would care for him and defend him, but now that yall got that…….. y’all miss Jelena cause #InnocentLove #2011???
Hate on Hailey all you want, honestly be my guest, but let’s stop acting as if Justin picking Selena would’ve been the smarter choice for his sanity just because you have a young Jelena fetish.
Also because smart mature Selly in 2015 who was 24 at the time, still didn’t give Justin a break let’s see another pathetic shade attempt
What business does she have saying that LMAO
First; both albums outsold Revival.
Second: The comments are 12 minutes apart. Was my sis sitting there for 12 minutes fuming so she decided to post another comment in all caps?
Now Hailey in 2015
Since we are on the topic of Jelena and Selena’s mind games let’s see why they could’ve NEVER EVER ended up together.
A timeline:
-October 31st 2010: Jelena haunted house hangout
-December 9, 2010: Ihop
Lmaooo so staged.
-November 2010: Spending Thanksgiving together
-December 19th 2010: Jelena hangout
-January 2011: Jelena on a yacht
-February 2011: Vanity Fair Oscars, aka their debut as a couple.
Post about fetus Jelena and their PR:
And then from there we get a bunchhhhhhhh of Jelena. Like every other day we got information about them, rares about them, headlines talking about how in love they are, private photos about them etc. Jelena was literally in everyone’s ass and face.
Let’s move on to 2012 timeline:
-2012 happens. Not much goes on besides Justin and Selena dating for real and breaking up every other day.
Then the iconic November 2012 Jelena break up and the official one
She snapped this day lmao
Post about this fight:
That post also explains Selena constantly going back to Justin for promo.
Then after that, Angela made a nice explanation of just how toxic and trashy Jelena got.
BTW in the post I just linked you can find this timeline and can click on the other 800 posts linked explaining each bullet point.
So I’m hoping at least half the people reading this remember the tragic and toxic Jelena times.
Justin and Selena would’ve never worked out in the end. There was too much toxic history and toxic mentalities. Selena shaded Justin from left to right. She helped drop him deeper into depression, she leaked horrible stuff about him to the media, she developed a drug addiction in which she told him, he caused it (100% NOT true), Selena’s mom doesn’t like Justin, Selena’s extended family don’t like Justin, Justin’s friends hate Selena, Selena shaded Justin a literal 40+ times in public, etc etc
And if everything I have said about Jelena was wrong how come in the END IM STILL RIGHT?!
If Jelena’s ten million reunions were not all contract based or planned for Selena’s benefits HOW COME THEY STILL DIDN’T WORK OUT? HOW COME THEY BOTH MOVED ON SO FAST IF IT WAS GENUINE LOVE????
Both were out pictured cackling!
For the ones who don’t believe me; CONGRATULATIONS you all look dumb, you ALWAYS look dumb!
whoo boy was that a workout.
Okay so I think we are done with Selena. Let’s move on.
Hillsong and Hailey’s connection
Now if I remember clearly, Hailey started to become quite close with Justin’s pastors and his manager in 2017. Now don’t spam me in my ask box bragging about how Hailey went to a Hillsong seminar once in 8 B.C.
I’m not talking about Hailey and her relationship with God, I’m talking about why Hailey felt the need to have a connection with Justin through Hillsong.
Let me answer a question I already feel creeping into my ask box.
“Omg! Is Hailey an atheist?!” No. She very much believes in God. But her Hillsong connections got very close not so much for God but also for a connection to literally the love of her life, Justin. (Hailey you deserve so much bette-i mean…..yay Jailey!)
Okay so here is proof that Hailey literally had some sort of contact with anyone with a connection to Justin’s life. BTW: Hailey and Justin have the same circle of friends. That’s how they met in the first place; mutual friends. So I’m not saying Hailey went out and bought all his friends but I am saying, sis made sure she got her share of hanging out with their same friends circle.
Ryan Good

Ashley Benson

Madison Beer.

Joe Termini and Kelia Moniz

Scooter Braun and Yael Cohen Braun

Carl and Laura Lentz

Lmao. Now please understand this; Hailey was not stalking Justin. She is FRIENDS with the same people he is friends with. It’s not like Hailey woke up and suddenly found how to get connections to everyone in Justin’s life. She ain’t Selena! So please don’t tell me Hailey is his second choice or some fling. She is part of Justin’s life and is part of his/their friend’s lives. So y’all can keep laughing at her for being a “fling” but the reality is she’s living her best life while you guys read about it.
Now for all the 12 year olds that are about to yell “omg the obsession” “ew how sad!” “omg how creepy”
1. Let’s not act as if you are currently not reading a post about their inside lives.
2. Let’s also not act as if y’all haven’t stayed up all night crying about Jailey.
3. Let’s also not act as if when we have a crush on someone we don’t do things to try to get closer to them.
4. Sis won. She secured the bags and the bag maker! lmaooo
Now I know it seems a bit weird that I’m doing the most to defend Hailey but for Selena I’m over here like “haha toxic bitch!”
So lets do another H vs. S (i know i know but when dealing with morons one must go to the full extent)
Hailey genuinely cares for Justin and loves him. She doesn’t want to use him and isn’t! Her trying to get close to him was her way of going after someone she was truly interested in. I’m not saying sis is perfect or an angel but I am saying she cares a lot for him.
Selena cared for Justin but she cared more for herself. She used him many times in 2013/2014 to promote her crappy songs. Then she got another contract with him in 2015 to help her Revival era while making sure she isn’t looked at as Justin’s ex. She helped destroy his image in 2013/2014 and genuinely did not want to be with him nor did she want him to move on.
Hailey’s intentions were pure, Selena’s were not which is why Selena gets the boot.
Do you morons get it now?
So yes that’s the reason Hailey was suddenly superrrrrrr invested in Hillsong and Justin’s friends. She has no bad intentions with the church or with Justin.
In return Hillsong didn’t take Hailey seriously. They didn’t see Hailey as the girl Justin would pick/settle down with. For them Hailey was another bump in the road for Jelena.

Carl Lentz seems very fishy about congratulating Jailey. When the reporter asked if he was happy for them he responded back saying “um, yeah sure.”
We are posting about that on August 13th, 3PM.
So Carl aka the same guy Hailey went on vacation with and was really close with isn’t super happy for their engagement…..
Hailey and Carl’s kids.

hm…I wonder
Now did Hillsong feel so great and supportive about Jelena because they actually care for them and see them as good for each other?
Hillsong sees Jelena the way Selena sees Jelena. Good. For. Business.
Why do you guys think Justin and Selena had like 800 meet ups at Hillsong? Headlines.
“Omg! Jelena is back and hanging out at Hillsong?!”
“Justin and Selena just recently spotted together at Hillsong!”
The couple enjoys a Hillsong seminar!”
“Getting lunch after Hillsong!”
“Selena talks about her struggles at Hillsong while tearful Justin watches!”
Hillsong, Hillsong, Hillsong.
Justin and Selena are a power couple so if hanging out at a specific place is constantly getting that place attention, it’s good for their business.
So Hillsong didn’t see Hailey as a threat. Sure, they liked her but business savy Sel was better….for business.
Here is a post on Hillsong:
This post digs completely into the horrible stuff the Hillsong church is actually a part of. After reading that post, Hillsong tricking Justin into thinking Selena is who God wants him to marry just to help their sales seems very VERY believable. You know… compared to the pedophila, sexual abuse, corruption, cancer lies, and shit that they got exposed for.
We came for necks.
Hillsong vs. Jailey
We already told you how Hillsong feels about Jailey and Jelena.
Jelena = good for business.
Jailey = laughable
My source also has said:
“He [Carl Lentz] definitely had money plans with Selena and was hoping she would be his wife. Hailey was never supposed to be his wife. It’s too much of a liability…”
So pastor Carl Lentz had money agreements with Selena over Jelena. Carl was hoping that in the end Jelena would get married. A Jelena marriage was what everyone EXCEPT JELENA, agreed on.
Note: Selena was on board for the Jelena marriage once a upon a time, on ONE condition, Justin retires so he does not overshadow her career. Don’t believe me? Try explaining to yourself what Justin’s song “She Don’t Like The Lights” means. Once again, all explained in the HIllsong and Jelena post.
Also my source said that after Justin found out that Hillsong has this narrative of Jelena getting married and were constantly pushing it towards the eye of the media, he started to distance himself with them and leaned closer to Hailey.
Also a lot of the Jelena getting married headlines were all about Hillsong and pastors approving and some of them even say that their information is from Hillsong sources.
Here’s more proof on how everything ESMG says is correct.
Justin and Selena’s many many many hangouts dealt with Hillsong. Either leaving Hillsong, going to Hillsong or being at Hillsong. 8/10 Jelena hangouts (for this 2017/2018 Jelena) was affiliated with Hillsong. Then Selena ended things on the narrative that she can call Justin up wherever and whenever. Justin finds out that Hillsong would push the idea of a Jelena wedding and he distances himself from them. AS THIS IS HAPPENING, Justin is talking to Hailey and is leaning closer to her while distancing himself from the church and Selena. So even though Selena left, JUSTIN WAS STILL TALKING TO HAILEY.
So what happens after one or two Jailey Hillsong hangouts? Hillsong is kicked out of the equation and Jailey starts to be seen on the streets of Brooklyn, New York. No more hang outs at Hillsong like Jelena.
Yes they still attend Hillsong, but they don’t LIVE there the way Jelena used to.
Here is Jailey being a couple without being too associated with Hillsong.

Here are headlines saying Justin has distanced himself from Carl Lentz.
And here is Carl Lentz not supporting Jailey.
ESMG: 68123456789876543
World: -0.2
And here is esmg being told this info BEFORE any headlines coming out.
“I highly doubt Hillsong takes Justin and Hailey serious anyways” - June 24.
“Carl Lentz hesitates to congratulate Jailey engagement” -July 13.
Get on the winning team hoes.
July 11, 2018.
So to clear up. Hillsong supports Jelena because of the power they give to Hillsong. Hillsong never took Jailey seriously and are quite surprised she’s now going to be his wife rather than Selena. They always believed Jelena was endgame.
ESMG vs. Jelena/Jelenators
So basically Jelenators are crying about how rushed, fake and messy this whole engagement is. Their reasonings?
“Justin and Selena were just together!”
“He cried over Selena many times what makes you think he’s over her?”
“Justin hasn’t moved on with any girl that didn’t end up with him still choosing Selena!”
ah so this is what people think when they don’t read ESMG. So lost. Sad. All love.
Listen morons. Read this and read it carefully, then after that read it nine more times.
Justin and Selena started a PR together in 2011. I don’t give a shit when the contract was written or the 12 seconds Justin and Selena were PR in 2010. Their PR started rolling in 2011.
Because Justin was so fascinated with Selena, he was hooked onto her from the start. She only saw him as PR but he developed feelings. Later on when they developed a trust and friendship they dated for real, NO PR in 2012. That means the Jelena contract was mostly for about a year. So to the people saying I said the contract lasted for six years…y’all can fuck off.
Justin and Selena have had many many many breakups throughout the summer of 2012. They break up. Selena goes on a shading parade that lasts four WHOLE YEARS. Justin has a horrible time in 2013/2014 as he starts to battle depression and sink deeper into life problems. His life started to go downhill after Selena left him/messed with him. He also started doing hard drugs and taking pills.
Whenever he tried to move on with someone, Selena came. And this happened for all of 2013/2014. This answers your “they keep going back to each other. ugh true love” bullshit. It was not “hey let’s meet up because we are fixing our problems” it’s “Hey Justin remember when I started to develop a dependency on drugs thanks to you? Yeah well hang out with me because you did this to me and I have a new song coming out. Thanks loser.”
Basically that was Justin and Selena’s relationship in 2013/2014. It was all her using him and telling him she blames her problems on him and Justin running back to her because she was the love of his life/he felt like he owed it to her.
Post on that here:
And their 2013/2014 hangouts were around a release of Selena’s, 9 out of 10 times. So fuck outta here with the “she doesn’t use him!” bullshit. Justin himself said she used him. Justin’s credibility > Selena’s lying ass.
I don’t even want to begin to get into the fact that Selena was caught LYING about writing songs about Justin, when she did not. But let me breathe, this is a Jailey post after all.
*****If you’re confused because you aren’t caught up on all the information and you don’t want to, either A: stay confused with your mouths CLOSED or B: give your confused two cents attacking us and get dragged*****
Let’s continue.
He starts hanging with Hailey often in 2015 and they start to get very close. So close to the point where he envisions himself marrying her. Selena saw Hailey as a threat and pushed for Justin and Sofia. Point of the story is, Selena stopped being the love of his life in 2012 and officially in 2014.
He will ALWAYS have a soft spot for her but he now understands they are not meant to be together. They are not endgame and he knows that. So enough with this “Selena’s the love of his life” bullshit. It’s not 2014 where that can be believed anymore. Also Justin and Hailey have known each other for years. They in 2018 have the same feelings for each other as they did in 2015. Enough with this “But Jailey started dating 3 weeks ago!11!!!1″ crap.
The difference between 2015 and 2018 is literally only the TIMING. The Jelena contract died and Justin is not on tour. THOSE WERE THE TWO MAIN ISSUES FOR JAILEY.
So thanks to the Sofia situation, Justin makes Hailey feel/look really dumb. He also hurt her a lot with that. So my source in 2016 says that when Justin is done with his amateur shit he will go back to Hailey and he will show her how serious he is about her and he said he will show the world.
Once again,
August 13th, 2016:
Our source in 2016 told us that when Justin’s done with the amateur shit, he’s going to redeem himself to Hailey publicly.
Two years later in 2018 what does he do now that the “amateur shit” is over? HE PROPOSES TO HAILEY.
We can’t make this up lmaoooooo
How…..can you doubt us now????? In 2016 everyone thought Jailey was dead because of Sofia then Selena….but ESMG told you.
And by being so flirty and happy with Hailey, that is Justin proving to her how much he loves her.
My source said that Justin will publicly make it up to her!
What is Justin publicly doing???
2013 Jelena vs. 2018 Jelena
Since Jelena in 2013/2014 was real and not contract based what they did shows you that 2018 Jelena wasn’t real at all and even if they acted like a couple, they were not officially.
In 2013/2014 any girl Justin was seen with got shaded by Selena.
In 2013/2014 Justin was constantly spiraling into depression because Selena broke his heart and instead of leaving him alone she constantly showed up, making her mark on him and truly traumatizing him with girls which is why Justin can’t normally function with girls sometimes.
In 2018, Justin FUCKING PROPOSES TO HAILEY and we get no shade from Selena. No tears from Justin. Everyone is happy. Why? Because Jelena this time was not genuine. Justin isn’t heartbroken this time around like he was.
Esmg readers this should make sense to you. You guys have been keeping up with us since the start. Justin isn’t moving on quickly from Selena, HE’S BEEN MOVED ON. Selena has NEVER envisioned herself marrying Justin besides that failed Hillsong plot.
For all the suckers who never believed ESMG, have fun staying up and night sobbing to this engagement because in your dumbass eyes Jelena should’ve ended up together.
Let’s take another look.
Justin and Selena after a REAL fight/breakup.

fake tears but i’ll let it slide

Of course… it was difficult getting photos of Selena sad or vulnerable (like Justin) cause sis was pretending to be the happiest she can be while shading his every move.
I truly feel bad for her and her bitter ass.
And now….?

Clearly something is different.
The People vs. Jailey
lmaoooo this sounds like a Supreme Court order.
Let’s get all the questions out of the way.
Q: Is Justin officially over Selena? Justin is romantically over Selena. He will always care for her but he’s spent six years fully getting over Selena and six years being single.
Q: Is Justin rushing too fast into being with Hailey? No. Feelings > time. Jelena has been on/off for like six years and they still didn’t end up together. Stop crying over the time in a relationship and start realizing there are more important things, like how the couple feels about each other. Also just because in OUR eyes Jailey hasn’t been together for that long doesn’t mean that’s how it was behind close doors.
Q: Is the Jailey engagement fully ending any Jelena hangouts? Not necessarily. As you can tell from this post, many are rooting for Jelena. I would not be surprised if she showed up at the wedding or even in a year took a picture with them. But Selena’s power over him sure is limited.
Q: How does Selena feel over the engagement? She currently thinks it’s a publicity stunt. lmao poor girlie is shook.
Okay so since this isn’t our ask i’m going to stop the questions here.
Some of you guys may be rolling your eyes asking “why don’t they just tell us the summary instead of this long ass post?”
I’ll tell you why. Because the summary only makes you guys much more confused. We have tried it before and it leaves us with you guys running around the place screaming. So since you don’t deal with the aftermath don’t question the process.
So basically Justin and Hailey talked while Jelena was still going on. Justin and Hailey have had a long history (not as long as Jelena or as toxic) before in 2015/2016. Justin and Hailey were never a PR couple. Justin wouldn’t get himself in something like that again. Justin always leans on Hailey when things go wrong with Selena. Which is what happened this time around again.
Selena has always been triggered by Hailey because she felt that Hailey is someone he can actually move on with. Selena has done enough to try and push Hailey away. When Jailey got together this time around Justin was trying to shove it in Selena’s face. AT FIRST. He was using Hailey to feel better about himself but then God made him see the light and then I guess he remembered how strong he felt about Hailey. Justin at this time in his life was ready to settle down.
He saw Hailey as the girl he was going to move on with in 2015/2016, he saw her as someone who truly cares for him, someone who isn’t going to sleep at night planning his downfall. So after a few weeks of dating again, he proposed.
Hillsong doesn’t take Jailey seriously and wants Jelena because Jelena is good for Hillsong business. This engagement is a “fuck you” towards Hillsong and their personal beliefs. Just because Justin has been seen at Hillsong recently doesn’t mean what I said wasn’t true. Justin doesn’t hate Hillsong or hate Hillsong pastors then but he did stray away from them for a bit.
Doing some PR control I assume? Bull.
This is it guys. The long ass Jailey post. I proved everything to the best of ESMG’s ability (lmaoo) and I hope you enjoyed this.
Do I have advice for the non-believers reading this? Yes. Read this post without crying over Jelena. It will make much more sense understanding what I’m saying when you finally let Jelena go. It’s not your relationship so stop sobbing over it. Stay unbothered like the ESMG team who only like writing about them, but we don’t give a fuck at the end of it
Hope y’all enjoyed!!
Here are the messages from my source:
Well Hailey knows everything now since my sis reading! Hey Hails!
Hope you enjoyed! :)