EXPOSED: And it all started with a deal aka JELENA. The official Jelena contract of 2011. (+ a little bit on Justin and Jasmine)
Justin and Jasmine on the left, Justin and Selena on the right
And by “it”, I mean Jelena.
This is one out of the two big Jelena posts I told you I was gonna talk about.
From excessive planned PDA, to lying about locations, to breaking up a thousand times, to getting slapped in the face, to getting yelled at, to getting locked out of her house, to getting dragged for a year, I think we can all agree that Jelena wasn’t exactly a healthy relationship. And then again, how can you have a healthy relationship if you all started off as a deal? In other words, I mean a fake.
Ah Jelena. Where do I even start?
How about New Years Eve

During 2009 when Justin was just starting to become a big star, he was asked about girls who were well known. One of those girls was Selena Gomez. Every time he was asked about her, he said “She’s pretty but I don’t like her.” So he wasn’t interested in her especially since he started dating Jasmine Villegas about 2 months later.
Let’s talk about these two

who were broken up because of this one

I suspect. But then again, when are we ever surprised when Selena breaks up anyone? Ya know, considering Justin & Caitlin and Miley & Nick.
Jasmine and Justin dated for a while as Jasmine confirmed in 2012, but the reason why they weren’t exactly public, was because Jasmine wanted to be respectful for his Beliebers. Aw, how sweet.
And Justin said that he was dating Jasmine when he met Selena. (x)
They’re caught making out in a car on September 16

And then he takes her out to Hawaii on October 10

And that was sorta the last we saw of them hanging out regardless of the fact that she was on tour with him for a while.
All throughout October, Selena was everywhere only because of Justin. She was asked about him here……. and here…… and here……
Out of all of those three videos, Selena is asked about Justin and she replies along these lines “He’s a dork” “He’s little” “He’s my little brother”
The responses are so fake in the last video with her on Ellen. Basically, the plan is to keep denying stuff which will make the media talk more and more. Especially if you keep denying it. And I love how Selena acts as if Justin is a personal friend because she keeps saying “Oh I’ve known him for so long” and blah blah even though the only time you are seen with him before October (aka before you broke him and his girlfriend up for your career) was at events.

On October 31, Justin is hanging out with Selena

Why would you hang out with Selena Gomez on Halloween rather than being with your girlfriend?

You couldn’t have just texted her that?
It seems quite weird that Justin just took his girlfriend out in Hawaii and then he starts hanging out with someone else who he just was with only on events (New Years & TCA) just a couple of days after their romantic vacation.
November 1

Justin then randomly tweeted something about him being in a Haunted House with her

Then this happens that night

Random meetups huh. It seems like a boys night ya know with Jaden, Will, and Justin at Will’s son’s high school basketball game. Why is Selena there? She’s not his girlfriend. Jasmine is.
Basically, Selena was planned to be there. She looks out of place on a guys night and she was randomly with Justin on Halloween even though he has a girlfriend.
And that’s when you know that the deal has just started. The deal = a publicity stunt. Selena was getting headlines & promo when being with Justin. And their managements didn’t care if it broke Justin and Jasmine up.
December 9


In 2012, Selena accidentally revealed that she met Justin because Scooter called Mandy. Lmao I told you guys that those two nincompoops were behind all this.
Let me bring a video to your attention. This video took place in July 2010. Selena is holding her phone that has a Justin Bieber sticker on it. Okay cool. Maybe she’s a fan. Who cares? However, when you watch the video after she holds up her phone, it is closened up on the sticker of Justin

LMAOOOOOOOO LIKE HOW MORE OBVIOUS CAN YOU GET THAT YOU WANT PEOPLE TO THINK YOU HAVE A THING WITH HIM??? Also, in which the video is closened on Justin, it was shot AFTER the actual video because in the regular still, Selena’s finger is on Justin’s face and in the closened up still, it’s not. And it’s not blurry as if it would be if I were to closen up on it myself and then make the photo bigger, which I didn’t do. I smell Mandy’s fine touch on this. Why do I bring Mandy into this? Well Mandy is Selena’s manager so she pushes Selena into things all the time. And Mandy wanted to be a famous star but that didn’t quite work out so she’s hoping to live her dream, through her daughter.
But moving on.
Funny how suddenly Selena & Justin are all friends when she didn’t even know how to say his name before

I don’t know exactly what happened with Jasmine & Justin but you will know the full story soon when things go as planned.
Thanksgiving 2010

Love how almost everyone else is cut out of the picture but them two. Leaking photos again huh Scooter and Mandy?

And this one was leaked in early 2011 but doesn’t Justin look HAPPY?
Things got awkward with Jasmine & Justin ever since Selena got involved. I mean Justin had to sing Overboard with Jasmine every night on tour. Poor Jasmine though. She gets sucked into this big mess all because of this messy publicity stunt. And both teams (Justin & Selena’s) weren’t slick because Beliebers were quick to catch on on the fact that they were all a PR. You’ll see.
Also sometime around Thanksgiving (this was leaked in 2012)

Oh I wonder how this one got “leaked.” If you weren’t with us back when Jelena started, let me just be the one to tell you. Jelena was sorta known for leaking their own photos. Or should I say, Scooter and Mandy.
December 19, 2010
We have this, Justin and Selena on their way to Justin’s tour bus

“Come on Justin, don’t you see the paparazzi? Start laughing and look like you’re having fun.”

“I’m not much of an actor, Selena”
How uncomfortable would Jasmine have been when Selena went back to the tour bus with Justin.
And then this happens a couple weeks later

If this was really a romantic vacation, then why is Ryan there??? I mean things are probably weird with Justin and Selena now that they’re not really dating so I guess he wants his best friend there to hang out with after he’s done doing his job of pretending to be dating her.
I love how the paparazzi never caught Justin and Selena kissing. They looked like they were close to kissing, but didn’t kiss. Or it was a kiss on the cheek. Also these pictures look awfully posed to me. It’s like those “couple” pictures of swimwear you see in Vogue or Abercrombie and Fitch catalogs, am I right? And funny how the Paps only get the perfect shots of them touching. Not talking. Just touching.
Then this happens in February 2011

and of course this

I LOVE how clear the photo is, wow paparazzi’s cameras really are advanced! But the reality of it is that this was leaked by both sides.. again.

And of course Jelena ends the night with a fake kiss

Keep in mind that both Justin and Selena denied they were dating even after this happened.
Keep in the mind that that little scenario happened just before Selena’s single, Who Says, was coming out.
Then we have Justin buying Selena gifts on his 17th birthday

Don’t they look in love??

“Justin put your arms around me, mom just texted me telling that the paparazzi are watching us right now so stick to the plan!”

Lol he seems like he had a terrible birthday.

And then later he flipped off the paps because as you know from my recent posts, Selena always put Justin in a bad mood and didn’t let him put her on hold for Beliebers so I’m not even gonna get into that now. Too much to cover here.
After this mess, Justin starts his tour but the deal won’t allow the publicity to die down

March 11th, Who Says was released so obviously this ^ happened to assure people that they are still together which meant promo for Who Says = sales.
I don’t have the patience to explain to Malaysia to you guys so here, read about it there.
Later on in April, this happens

Then in May, one month before Selena’s album release; When The Sun Goes Down, this happens

And yes even after all of that, they STILL denied that they were dating? Why? Well if you keep denying it and you stay doing shit like that, people will talk more.

“The water looks so beau-”
“Sorry Selena. Scooter said every time I see one of our planned photographers, I have to kiss you. You do want a platinum album don’t you?”

That was the day of Jazzy’s birthday if I recall. Let this sink in. Justin missed his little sister’s birthday, to massage Selena’s feet.
We all know how much family means to Justin, so obviously he wasn’t looking forward to this. It’s like he had no choice and he had to be there. Btw, love how this picture “leaked”!
And of course also in the month of May, many things happen because it’s all leading up to Selena’s album release and Selena wants that gold album and she’s striving for platinum!
So then this happens on national television

But I thought according to Selena, they weren’t dating and “he’s my little brother lolz that dork xD”
And also earlier in May

At that was at some meet & greet where fans were giving Justin gifts. Shouldn’t he be focusing on them instead of shoving his tongue down Selena’s throat? And shouldn’t Selena have the decency and respect to not be there when fans are around meet him? Of course we know Selena doesn’t have those two qualities.
But really, what couple is practically about to f-ck each other at a FAN event? That’s how you know they were all planned. This was planned, as usual.
And as we all know, Selena was beyond irrelevant before Justin as you can see here in this post where her career before and after Justin, is compared. And it’s not like she had a fanbase before him anyways as we learned here.
A couple of weeks before Selena’s album release, they are seen here

Don’t you love how the paparazzi ran all the way on the other side of the park, to get the same picture? Lol “paparazzi.” Did someone say Jelena’s photographers?
Poor Justin though. He was on tour all throughout May so promoting his album and promoting his “girlfriend’s” album must have been hard on him.
Uh oh guys… June is coming up. Do you know what that means? Jelena has to be seen everywhere together because

And on June 23, is Selena’s premiere of Monte Carlo so Justin better get to work and try to publicize everything to help her sales and box office!
God knows what those two posted on Instagram during that time. I’m not gonna go search the Internet for that though.
June 1
Lmao they sure didn’t wait

They gotta get them candids stocked up before the big album release huh!
June 2

June 3
Still together! You’d think Justin would rest considering he’s taking a small break till the My World Tour starts up again but “No!” Selena screams. “You better get me that top 3 gold album before I sabotage your career, you child!"

Love how Justin is so into the kiss. And he’s eating… who the f-ck kisses with food in their mouth? Not me! I don’t wanna throw up if my boyfriend’s tongue decides to choke me along with the food I’m eating. And notice Selena’s fingers? Dirty with food. That’s how I hold something when my fingers are dirty. So why can’t they kiss AFTER they’re done eating?
Oh yes, Scoot Scoot or Man(ifailedasacelebrityandamomsinceiteachmydaughterhowtobeevil)dy probably texted one of them that they called the paparazzi and they should be there. And can’t keep the paparazzi waiting just like Selena isn’t gonna be waiting for her album to fail to get into the top 3 like the first two tries.

"I’d rather be playing video games with Ryan” Justin thinks as Scooter texts him to review what him and Selena will do at the MMVAs.
Who else loves the amount of candids we’re getting right before Selena’s album release? And it continues

“I’m gonna get a top 3 album, I’m gonna get a top 3 album” Selena cheers.
June 9

“Selena I really just wanna enjoy the game”
“I’ll tell Scooter you’re not following the deal.”
“Sorry… lemme twirl you so we look like a movie couple.”

And of course right before the MMVAs, this happens

Who do you think was the source for that article? Mandy? Selena? Scooter? Hm..
June 19

Justin thinks it will be fun to poke a little fun at the fact that “they’re dating” and tell Selena “Oh hi Selena. Nice to meet you, we should get out sometime” ha ha ha real cute. (x) Might as well said buy her album while you’re at it.

Love how Selena was the one to present him with 2 awards tho! (x)
Selena then releases her album on the 21 and on the 23, she has this event

in which Justin obviously attends.
And one day before that event, Justin posts this

wishing his “baby” a Happy Birthday. Pull up your shirt Selena. Your class can’t be put in this position.
Also, lets not forget how Selena confirmed that she and Justin were dating ONE DAY AFTER her album was released.

Read more here.
Ever since then, Selena has always lied about Justin being at events with her to spark attention = promo.
A couple of days before Selena’s album release, she had a Q&A at a mall in which Justin was not present at which means, no one cares. So to spark up some hype, Selena does

Funny since he wasn’t even there

He was in Atlanta

Leave it to Selena to lie about Justin being there to cause hype. This basically proves that she was using him as the DEAL stated.
There are more times where lies were being spread to spark rumors and you can read them here.
Of course Jelena stays with their antics as Justin is there to promote her tour

Lol doesn’t he look happy.

Poor kid bursting with happiness.
And of course the promotion

One day, Selena actually LIED (again) saying Justin would perform at her concert (so people can buy tickets) and then he never ended up showing up and she got booed at her own concert by the Beliebers who were there for Justin. Lol shouldn’t have lied in the first place Sel!
Anyways, god knows where along the lines Jelena actually became for real because being in 2013, we know how much Justin loved her. I can’t confirm Selena loved him because she didn’t show any actions of love. The only action she showed, was hate.
Meanwhile, Justin is about to release a second love album about her.

Credit to prettylittlebtches in helping me find Jelena’s earliest stunts.
Hope you enjoyed reading about this mess of a relationship. On the bright side, Justin may have had a horrible 2013 considering Selena attacked his every move but at least he’s ending it with the success he’s used to

and Selena?

she crashed her car and Stars Dance is somewhere in the bottom pits of iTunes. I guess good things don’t happen to bad people after all huh? Hope you enjoyed!