Selena Gomez cancelling tour for "me time"

Yes you heard it correctly, Selena is cancelling her tour for “me time” but I don’t think that’s the full story. And with Selena, nothing is the full story. The girl lies more than she sells records. 

This is not the big post I’ve been talking about. I’m posting this to keep you guys patient until we have an awesome week of big post after big post after big post because I have a lot in the making. 

Anyways, here are some headlines of this situation just in case Selena fans are thinking I’m making any of this up since they resort to excuses when they can’t expose. 





Lmao how selfish do you have to be to cancel a tour for fans to “focus on yourself." 

Firstly, you can’t cancel something big like a TOUR for "me time” like what Selena is saying. 

There are three possible reasons but only two are logical explanations.

A: Selena is taking a break because Justin is taking a break and they wanna reunite, plus Selena wants to buy a house in his neighborhood meanwhile Justin wants to sell his.

Ah young children. 

Justin is taking a break because he FINISHED his tour.

Selena is taking a break because she’s CANCELING her tour. 

See the difference?

Selena doesn’t even come close to in terms of working, to what Justin does or to what other stars do. The Believe Tour has been going on for about a year and a half meanwhile the Stars Dance Tour has been going on for a couple months.

Anyways, Justin can’t be a reason for her to cancel a TOUR just to be with him. You can’t tell your label “Oh I’m canceling, gotta go mooch off my ex boyfriend in hopes that my album scrapes gold.” However, that brings me to B.

B: The Stars Dance tour is canceled because Selena failed (again) to sell out the majority of the tickets.

Let me remind you that Selena only had one or two sold out shows on the Stars Dance Tour as I told you here. The leg that Selena cancelled, was the international part where she was flying to Australia who according to her “wanted to go to it again because when I was there with my ex-boyfriend on tour, it was so beautiful so I wanted to tour there!” so whenever she did play out of the states in arenas of a 6k capacity, she barely sold that out. Imagine how bad it is now that they had to cancel. Aw, poor flop. Maybe she is getting something out of her flopping, JUSTIN. It’ll be like 2011 again where she can use him for her career and then two years later, drag him and make him look like the bad guy! 

C: Health issues.

Unfortunately, she could have cancelled for health issues like her PR “sister” Demi did in 2010. 

Who knows, maybe her alcoholic ways is really worse than I predicted.

A lot of you are saying she’s pregnant but I mean classlena would never have sex before marriage like some of her 12 year old fans seem to think right!


The only logical explanation for this is B or C. 


Girl bye, touring for a couple of months doesn’t compare to stars who tour for over a year and actual SING at their shows.

I mean hello??? Justin fainted and threw up on stage and you don’t see him canceling shows for “me time”.


How funny would it be if she’s out drunk and carried out of a club like this memorable time


I wonder what type of excuse her fans would come up for that one. 


Anyways, this was a little post for you guys since I haven’t posted in a while. This should keep you patient for the big posts waiting to come ;)

In the meantime, follow me on twitter and talk to me on


It’s your fave exposers.


EXPOSED: And it all started with a deal aka JELENA. The official Jelena contract of 2011. (+ a little bit on Justin and Jasmine)


Delena stays being a PR coming from Selena's side.