Delena stays being a PR coming from Selena's side.
For those of you who don’t know what PR is, it means public relationship. Hollywood is filled with PR even if you don’t realize it.
Sadly, one of your favorite friendships seems to be a PR stunt nowadays. [Demi & Selena fight: (x)] [Demi & Selena reunited at X-Factor: (x)]
I’ll go through this again. When have Demi & Selena reunited after their big fight?
1. Right after Demi got out of rehab when all the attention and press were onto her.
2. Demi & Selena at the TCAS/VMAs
4. Demi hosting New Years Eve on MTV
4. Demi & Selena at X-Factor
and now
5. Demi & Selena at Demi’s sober house
Pay attention to when they hang out.
This happens

once Demi has so much attention on her.
This happens when they’re both at an event (meaning no personal meet-up)

They both look genuinely happy here.

Don’t they look awkward.
Demi hosts NYE and things get very awkward with Delena

So basically they meet up once or twice each year.

And now

As soon as Selena is called out for being a bitchy brat because of what she did at the Jingle Ball, and as soon as Demi reveals that they smoked weed together, we see Selena visiting Demi at a sober house.
So basically what you’re telling me is that after Selena had a terrible night at Jingle Ball by being caught lip syncing, she flips out in front of everyone because of a technical difficulty that happens to everyone. Everyone calls her a bitch, an abusive person, a brat, and all these terrible names that people thought Selena wasn’t. All of the sudden, a couple days later, Selena shows up to “support” Demi at a sober home. The press immediately forget about all the bad attention she was getting and turned their heads to the Delena reunion.

I don’t know whether to be scared or amazed. Selena is surely a work of something… evil you could say.
Considering the fact that Selena is obsessed with attention, who would ever think that Selena would remove attention from her right?
Selena removed bad attention from her name, by seeming like a supportive friend which = good attention for Selena.
You know how everyone says no attention is bad or whatever the quote is? That’s not necessarily true.
Attention like entertainment wise; is wonderful.
Miley twerking on Robin Thicke at the VMAs was not bad attention. It was free promotion. She entertained. She had fun. Some liked it, some didn’t. Whatever that performance was, it doesn’t prove anything about her personality.
Attention like you’re a bitch wise; is terrible.
Selena flipping out on stage because of a technical difficulty after being caught lip syncing, is terrible attention. That makes her look like a bitch and who would wanna work with a bitch? Or buy a bitch’s albums? No one really.
So does Selena go into hiding after what happens at the Jingle Ball?? No! That would remove attention from Selena and that’s something she can’t do.
Reconciling with Justin randomly after preaching about how happy you are when you’re single, would be too fishy.
So who does she go to? Demi. Childhood friend.
And she already “hung out” with her on X-Factor so to you losers, it seems like they’re already friends right?
Headlines go from


Selena goes from being called a bratty bitch to being called a supportive friend in the matter of 2 days and everyone forgets about her mess on stage.
Ah Hollywood sure is interesting.
You can keep on loving Delena all you want but just keep what I just said in mind, it’s all PR.