The New Official Jelena Contract of 2015
Allen Berezovsky/Getty Images; Gary Gershoff/Getty Images
Everything in this post is according to my source.
If you follow me on Twitter, then you know what this post is going to be about since I gave you a hint on July 7, 2015, after I accepted my two awards at the Selena Stan Awards 2k15.

I then tweeted the following:

So I told you that there’s a Jelena contract going on.
Two days later, on July 9, this happens.

Everyone brushes it off even though it does have something to do with Jelena and I’m sure media outlets picked up on that and started writing about it. But whatever right?
Two days later on July 11, this happens.

I don’t need to prove my credibility. The order of events proves it for me every single time I post. And never forget this post.
Let’s get on with it shall we?
So yes there is a Jelena contract this time around, but it has nothing to do with them dating like the first one did. You can read about the first contract here.
Read about how every single time Justin and Selena hung out was because of a release:
And finally, read about why Justin kept taking Selena back, here.
The posts I just linked are kind of just background information you should know if you want to understand everything clearly and not attack Alana on with annoying questions.
This contract is completely different from the first one in 2010-2012, which stated that they should do things like the following.

This contact is going to be very low key in a way. I did state that the contract was to benefit Justin, but it’s benefiting both.
We told you in the past that Selena was out to get Justin since he didn’t give up her career for her. And if you listen to his song “She Don’t Like The Lights” that proves what we just said. So Selena then went on her way and tried to ruin him. In 2013 and in 2014, random things about Justin got leaked every month or so. That doesn’t happen to the average celebrity unless someone is out to get them.

So the things about Justin getting leaked weren’t a coincidence just like every time we said things that happened, were not a coincidence.
Selena has something on Justin that she’s using to blackmail him. So what is Selena’s problem?
Well for starters, she wants the promotion and relevancy, WITHOUT the recognition of being Justin’s ex. It’s no surprise that her high-profile relationship with Justin, is what she’s known for.
So what is it they’re going to do to achieve that as well as stop Selena from leaking things about him? Sign a contract.
The contract will state that Justin and Selena will have to be seen in the same room, at the same event, departing from the same place, or anything along those lines. They don’t have to talk and they don’t have to take a picture together. That way Selena will make headlines for being with the most famous pop star on the planet, and Justin’s career won’t suffer any more scandals. Some of the time, it won’t even be Jelena causing Jelena drama. An outside party can have an involvement by bringing up Jelena.
What is it that Selena has on Justin?
Well it’s flying between sources that the video is from 2013, and Justin is doing some hardcore drug at a club or some event.
That is the reasoning for the whole contract: to protect him from another scandal. We told you before that they all want to stay on Selena’s good side therefore nothing like this happens.
Who told us about this contract?
Someone who used to work with Justin. If you’re really good at connecting the dots, you’ll know who she is. We have mentioned this person before.
Here’s her texts with our source.
At first they’re just talking about Selena’s drug use, which a lot of you have been asking about so I’m killing two birds with one stone.

It’s no surprise that Justin was on drugs probably everyday after his breakup with Selena, until he came to his senses. So what you’re all probably questioning right now, is why are they making him sign a deal with the devil, rather than just come clean. We all know he did drugs. We all know he was messed up because he wasn’t in his right mind, so why not come clean?
Because my dear children, a drug scandal is way worse than a spotting with the awesome, independent, strong, woman, Selena Gomez.
Justin’s team was smart in this case.
A drug scandal is worse than Beliebers dragging Justin on Twitter for hanging out with the same person who insulted him, broke him, and ruined him.
Where do Selena and her team get these things to blackmail him?
Simple. They go through extreme measures even if that means hacking into computers and stuff like that. Whether you’re a fan of Selena’s or not, it’s a fact that Selena peaked in her career, after her high-profile relationship with Justin. Selena needs him and her career needs him. There’s very few people in the industry that hold a lot of power with the general public. Two of those people are Justin and Taylor Swift. People care about who they hang out with. People care about who and what they’re doing. Which is why you’ll always find those two, into deals with smaller artists.
Now this is where I, start to get even more annoyed with Justin.
Does he have something on Selena?
Will he release it?
Of course he won’t because he’s just that kind of person.
Yeah yeah what a wonderful character he possesses, but as long as he keeps Selena in his life, nothing good will come out of that choice except not having another scandal.
Here are the messages between my source and I. If you didn’t understand how I explained it, she explains it as well.

The following picture is what I’m talking about

That picture was in early June, and a friend put them both on snapchat. Like my source explains, neither one had to post it themselves so it doesn’t speculate any dating rumors or that Selena is running back to him for promotion. I believe the contract is what caused that event as well. We just found out about the contract, but a contract is written up within time so I’m sure it’s been around for a while. Also, around that same time, is when Justin slammed Hollywoodlife.

I’m not sure if he did that because he was fed up with the lies, or was it because of the contract that says they don’t want people thinking they’re dating.
Again, they don’t want the dating rumors to start up again because Selena does not want to be known for him. The image she and her team are trying to pull off is the independent act.

To summarize:
There is a new Jelena contract
They’re not dating
Both of them are still not on good terms
The point of the contract is to play nice with Selena’s team so they don’t leak something on Justin (again) and cause a scandal.
Selena does not want to be known as his ex therefore this contract will call for them to have spottings every now and then, to promote her, meanwhile it protects Justin.

And now here’s my source and I making fun of Selena’s fans who are still stuck in 2009 and have the mentality of a ten year old.

As for Hailey…. my advice for her is to move on. Selena still doesn’t want him associating with any other girl and it seems like Justin doesn’t have feelings for Hailey the way she has them for him. Here’s what she tweeted during this drama.

Do you guys now understand what I meant by Justin dating Hailey is a good thing so he could cut all ties with Selena? Oh well. It is what it is.
As for Beliebers, this is to protect him. Don’t pay attention to them and maybe this contract won’t bring in the attention Selena and her team want.
Throwback to the first ever Jelena contract from 2010: