Exposed: The Controversial Post

For the longest time, we’ve been hinting the controversial post. I’ve brought it up many times on twitter and Alana has ignored questions about it many times because some of our readers, have always had an idea of what we’re about to expose. 

Over the course of the 2 years I’ve been around, we’ve exposed many things, and some of those things, made their way to the public eye. We’ve exposed Selena for the very cruel person she is. That made people question many other things that we never talked about. 

Without further ado, here’s the video that goes with this post. Please watch it first and then continue reading, to avoid any further confusion. 


So uhh… tell us what you thought either on twitter, on the comments, or here when you reblog the post. 

Is it shocking? Were you surprised?

We were quite shocked, I really don’t know why. 

Before we found out about this, we had readers tell us, “She’s a Christian, she wouldn’t do that because it’s a sin” Well there’s a lot of sins we all do. And obviously it’s not like Selena is a saint. None of us are, but Selena’s pretty much evil and selfish. 

Hopefully the clip I provided for you in the video explained everything from an outside perspective so you people can’t call me biased. As you can see, it didn’t mention Selena at all, but we related to her in that sense because Vanessa and Lindsey aren’t the only celebs like this. 

Here are the messages between my source and I. Again, sorry for not telling you sooner. 


Around the time we talked about this, is when I called out Selena (and others) for disrespecting the Muslim religion, which brought the topic of religion up. 

This is the post where I talked about her and her friends in Dubai. 


Those were just a couple of pictures from that post. 

To continue with the messages:


Pretty weird right?

By the way, the video we will start talking about Selena in church, was this one:

A video posted by Tatum Burnett (@taterzgonnat8) on


I’ll post it again on my blog here, just in case the person ever deletes that off Instagram. Justin is the one in the white hat and Selena is the goon going to him and dancing in front of him, in the white jacket. 


And since this conversation was from a long time ago, I don’t remember where these messages fit in this but I’ll just post them since they were part of that conversation I believe. 


Here are a couple photos from the video:


Now don’t be stupid and forget everything else we’ve taught you about the industry in the past. Do not forget our huge video exposing her fake image which you can watch here:


Hopefully you realized by now that ever since rehab, something we exposed,


is around the time Selena started bringing God into everything and was always seen leaving church and whatnot. 

Now don’t be an idiot and attempt to pull up receipts from 2006 where Selena visited church that one time with a blurry LQ photo, because I’m not here for it. What you should have learned from us when we talked about her image, is that the TIMING of whatever is released or published, is always what counts. NOT the timing of WHEN it happened. 

To dumb it down:

If Jelena posted an unseen selfie from 2013 in 2015, it doesn’t matter because media outlets will talk about it NOW, not when it was taken. They’ll talk about WHEN it was posted. This is a concept I tried explaining to people, and it was always the delusional children who never understood it. 

Since I know for a fact that people WILL bring Justin into this and annoy Alana about it on, let me dumb something down for your little curious minds also. 

Justin is not and was never a bad person regardless of what you think. You can think whatever, I personally know the inside deets and I share some of them and you can believe them whether you want to or not. People will try to argue that Justin is using God to fix up his image now. 


Justin had the cleanest image ever in 2010 till the end of 2012 (ironically when the breakup happened and Selena had it out for him) and he was a walking bible. 


And no one will force these celebrities to tattoo something on themselves. And here he is during his horrible image


He wasn’t even planning or doing anything to restore his image at the time that was being taken. 

That was just a little background information on Justin. Anyone could have figured it out with common sense but we aren’t all blessed with the ability. Don’t come at me with his VMA performance or anything of that sort. If you didn’t get the hint by now, I clearly love and care for Justin, espicially knowing what’s he been through. 

So to summarize:

Our source told us that Selena does not believe in God. 

We don’t know how long she had this belief, but her team started using God after rehab. The following pictures are also from the video and are only a couple out of the several she has up:


oo queen of likes


I can go into her AMA performance in 2014 and how she prepped for it by getting emotional by listening to her religious song and making herself sad before she got on stage to sing about her overexposed relationship, but I believe that this post and video has dragged her enough for one night and that she has a lot of hate coming her way (as well as I do for those brainwashed idiots who still idolize her). 

Thanks for reading ♥ and make sure to tell me what you think.


Follow me on Twitter, subscribe to us on Youtube, and talk to us on! Our personal twitter is argenthearts if you want to talk to us more there :)


It’s your fave exposers.


Exposed: The reason Selena thought Justin “belonged” to her.


The New Official Jelena Contract of 2015