How many times have Justin and Selena reconciled since their breakup and why?
This post was last updated on April 12, 2020.
The world’s most toxic couple.
It truly confuses me when people think that Justin and Selena are back together because of what Justin posts on Instagram or when people ask me if they’re back together.
Here is a quick summary of Jelena or as I like to call them, Jelaids.

Justin and Selena dated for PR (publicity) for about a good year or so. Justin eventually started falling in love with her meanwhile she just saw him as more benefits to her career. Afterwards, they mutually loved each other and dated for real but only for a short period of time. In 2010, Justin was with Jasmine Villegas. In 2011, the contract with Jelena took off and started. In early 2012 or the middle of 2012, they actually dated for real. They broke up several times during 2012, but the actual breakup was in November 2012. No Barbara Palvin was not the reason for their breakup especially because he met Barbara when he was single.
So subtract the time they “dated” for publicity and you’ll be left with Jelena only dating for a couple of months. But because they were together for so long (together is used vaguely in this sentence children), they tried to get back together several times.
The following is a couple of those times:

November 9th is known as their official breakup because that’s the night that Selena framed Justin as a cheater for hanging out with Barbara.

and started a shading massacre

In Selena’s defense, she did that out of hurt. She was heartbroken and blah blah. Realizing the attention and headlines and free promo she received from those shade attempts, is when she started to see Justin as publicity and a benefit to her career once again.
Any Jelena reconciliation after the time where they tried to make it work in 2012, was strictly for promo or to make sure Justin wasn’t getting close with anyone else. Why would it be a problem if Justin gets close with anyone else you may ask? Well if Justin moves on or gets a girlfriend, Selena can’t randomly call him up to hang out because it would cause problems between him and whoever the girl is, if he’s always hanging out with his ex. So yes, she’s using him and he isn’t exactly aware of it.
Selena will play the same old mind games and pull him in with a couple of lies. Some of those lies will be “We belong together, we should work it out, I still love you” and others will be “Justin we should try being friends, we have been through so much.” Anything along those lines work. Does Justin realize this? Not really. Do his friends yes? Do her friends? No. Her friends think he’s a douche because of what she told them.
So since I summed everything up for you and there are more in depth descriptions in other Jelena posts, it bothers me how you guys still act confused when another Jelena reconciliation is upon us.
What part of she’s using him don’t you understand?
Are people trying to tell me that after the numerous attempts Jelena “came back” it’s NOT because Selena is using Justin? That it’s no coincidence it happens right before a project is about to be released?
This post is gonna be repetitive but after all, it is a Jelena post. #catchtheshade?
The week of Come & Get It’s release—April 2013
Selena releases Come & Get It on April 7, 2013. The song is flopping greatly and it debuts at #117 on Billboard which is the #17 on the Bubbling Under chart. Basically… it doesn’t make it in the top 100.
This is where it gets interesting because I’m going to show you its chart history until it reaches its peak after a little Jelena sprinkle.
April 14: it rose to #45
Selena then takes a 14 hour trip from LA to Norway where Justin was finishing up a concert on the Belieber Tour, on April 18, 2013.

TMZ reports the story saying that Justin is heartbroken because she’s giving him mixed signals, but also flying out to see him in a completely different part of the world.
April 21: Come & Get It rises to #22 on Billboard after news break that Selena is with Justin.
April 27, 2013: Justin posts the following picture on Instagram.

Everyone is freaking out, Selena then releases the video for Come & Get It and within a week, the song jumped from #14 to #6—her highest peak and first top 20, at the time.
May 11 during a radio interview, she says that she is 100% single. Interesting how that worked out for her.
The release of Slow Down—June 2013
Selena dropped “Slow Down” a track from Stars Dance, on June 3rd, 2013. This is before her album drops. Mind you, Justin is hanging out with some other girl named Jordan Ozuna. After all, Selena just stated she was 100% single.
They are then seen at the movies on June 30, 2013 and then fans on Twitter go crazy.

Justin thinks he’s having a movie date with Selena… but Selena knows what’s doing… considering the video for Stars Dance is getting released in 2 weeks. This little reunion stunt stays for a couple more days just as Selena soaks up enough Jelena drama for Slow Down.
Stars Dance release month—July 2013
Stars Dance was released on July 19, 2013. Suddenly, pictures of Justin and Selena from a July 4th party, leak on July 16. That is SO close to the release date… closer than the time the pictures were actually taken.
Splash News

And that was it for Jelena in 2013.
They did not reconcile again in 2013. THERE WAS ONLY 3 RECONCILIATIONS and all 3 were when Selena was promoting Come & Get It or Slow Down.
3 reconciliations out of 365 days and people claim that’s “on and off” lmao please.
January 2014—before Selena’s secret rehab visit.
This is a very messed up story because Selena used Justin to rack up some headlines and drama points, while she disappeared to rehab. You know, something to keep her talked about for the time being.
January 2, 2014 they are “photographed” on private property riding segways around HIS neighborhood. Once again, her going to him.

She then gets shipped off to rehab, has Alfredo Flores photoshop her into an old picture with Justin, gets Justin to post the following Instagram picture on January 4, as if they were currently together, just so she can stay talked about.
She basically had her team start all this drama so she stays talked about despite being in rehab without anyone knowing.
Well, we knew.
Can you believe that? They used him just so they can distract everyone from the fact that she was in rehab—something that gets confirmed in February 2014.
March 2014—Selena’s new movie “Behaving Badly” drops a trailer.
As Selena drops a trailer, Justin has to drop a pic, right? We’re getting the pattern now.
March 1, the trailer drops for Behaving Badly.
Of course Justin has to post a picture of Selena and so he does on March 3, 2014—2 days after the trailer for Behaving Badly.

Is this a coincidence? I think not.
On March 7, 2014, also during Behaving Badly promo and while Selena gets ready to end her tour, they make this whole cringey dance video.
March 8, 2014 aka one last day before Selena’s last show on her tour (in which she cancelled the majority of the ending 2013 shows until February 2014 for rehab), Justin of course has to go for some charity.

Her tour wasn’t selling and they thought I guess Justin around would make people come? Fans even started cheering for his name back in the day. Now you would only know this information if you were on Twitter that night.
April 2014—the release of Behaving Badly and Rudderless are approaching
To rack up Selena’s publicity points, Jelena attends 2014 Coachella together where media outlets report that Selena was drunk and high and it was Justin taking care of her all night.
April 11:

That night was a mess and Selena almost risked getting exposed for how she can’t handle her alcohol… or drugs for that matter. Read all about that Coachella drama down below.
A couple days before Coachella, Justin also endured Drunklena once again.
On April 8, 2014, Justin posted that he was recording with Madison.

5 hours later, Selena was spotted at LAX in which she hopped on a plane to go see Justin in the middle of the night…. DRUNK.

Read more about Drunklena bombarding Justin’s studio session night down below.
They attend Coachella together which we already showed you.
Remainder of April and the duration of May 2014—shading resumes
At the end of April and throughout May, Selena was back to her usual Bieber shading. She even started problems by shading the Jenners.
June 2014—Jelena appears again after she spent all of May shading him
Does she not get tired?
In June, they convinced everyone they were back for good. But keep reading to find out why the following occasions took place

Everyone thought they were back together for good because they seemed so cuddly and they’re spending a lot of time together, right?
No children, they aren’t back together. They were only back for sometime because right after all the media attention was turned on Selena, she dropped the following news…

And right after, she went back to shading him because why not be in the news only because of your ex, right? She gets more pathetic.
Like that’s what drives me insane. It’s a sick cycle. Reunite around a release —> start drama —> drop him —> start shading him —> repeat.
July 2014—she continues shading Justin as she’s seen with other men
In July she plays the whole heartbroken act even though she faked her heartbreak just like we learned here. She has to stay in headlines somehow!
August 2014—the release of Behaving Badly
In August, she drops her movie Behaving Badly in which she already got her promo from Justin in April and June.
Behaving Badly flops tragically…. it makes less than $40,00.
I guess she hopes her other movie Rudderless doesn’t flop as badly as she releases the trailer for it on August 14.

and as the trailer for Rudderless comes out, so do the cameras when Jelena are together

Think it’s not them? No worries, Justin is there to clear up the confusion

Think Justin really didn’t post that? Here’s another screenshot for you with a different time and a different phone

Still think it’s not Selena?

Here are other spottings of them at the movies, the same night (the Rudderless trailer drops)

August 16—Jelena is still hanging out 2 days after the trailer for Rudderless drops.

Justin posted a video of him on Instagram dancing and at the end, Selena is in the shot and of course she was gonna be in the shot because just like 2011, they had to let us know that Selena is hanging out with him. She’s just there laughing at the end like she’s a cute puppy even though in a week or so, she’ll go back to dragging his ass and if we’re lucky, we may get another act of her acting heartbroken on Instagram! But, don’t be fooled children. Her trailer for her movie just dropped and this is all promotion and it’s working. I mean we’re talking about her and her movie right?
August 28, 2014—Jelena appears again.

Mind you, they are being photographed on PRIVATE PROPERTY. Also there’s a whole story behind the following picture in which Selena would have gotten arrested, but Justin didn’t report her despite cops asking if someone else was using the vehicle.

So first they arrive in Canada on a private jet (something Selena does not have and isn’t used to much ever since she and Justin broke up), then they got horseback riding and then they ride a fourwheeler in the middle of nowhere. I shall repeat that again. In the middle of nowhere.
Are you trying to telling me that in the middle of what looks like a forest, there are paparazzi? Are they even paparazzi in Canada? How about when the private jet landed? Since when do we get papped photos of celebrities landing on a private jet? NEVER. Why? SInce the private jet is in the middle of nowhere.
Not only did Jelena reconcile after Behaving Badly flopped horribly, but Selena is FADING. Stars Dance isn’t gold. The Getaway couldn’t pass its budget. Behaving Badly didn’t even make $100k. The Stars Dance tour couldn’t sell out and barely scraped $20 million. Selena Gomez has returned to the nobody status she originally possessed before her and Justin started dating. And Selena KNOWS that as long as she’s up Justin’s ass, she will be talked about and she will remain in the spotlight even if it’s just for a little bit.
Yes everyone is tired of Jelena. Yes everyone hates them. But yes Jelena is a very popular topic that will still get people talking.
And of course Justin is doing the usual by posting photos of them or her and then deleting them

But then again Justin is told what to post that way when Selena leaves him again, everyone can be like “But it’s always him posting pictures of her, she INDEPENDENT!” But once you look at the facts and realize that it’s always Selena going to HIM after a failure project or a fading career, you’ll seem stupid.
It’s obvious that when Jelena was in Canada, the paparazzi was either called or Jelena’s personal photographers from 2011 made a reappearance.
And of course Alfredo has to chip it by posting this

obviously unnecessary but it all hypes up drama and will get Selena talked about. Also, Justin is literally photoshopped in.
Alfredo is the devil, but we knew that.
Oh and look what Blindgossip has to say about this

How pathetic.
“But they seem so real”
Jelena seemed so real during 2011 and look what we ended up finding out? This was all a contract. Now do I know if Justin knows she’s using him? I don’t know. Selena is quite convincing like I’ve said before.
September 2014—Rudderless is about to be released and Selena’s greatest hits album, For You, is about to be released.
September 4, 2014

September 7, they are still continuing to be seen DESPITE SELENA SAYING SHE’S SINGLE.
They just start being seen the first 2 weeks of September making everyone think they are back together.
All the screenshots taking below are mainly from drama that started on Instagram, such as letting us know that Selena topless is Justin’s iPhone background, or they’re hanging out at a pool—just annoying crap.

Here’s them September 14 at a bowling outing.
“Oh you’re just hating, they’re clearly back together!”
Maybe you’re right.
Or maybe she spent the month of September partying with him as promo for the fact that her movie “Rudderless” was being released in October 2014.
And that is EXACTLY what happened.
October 8—the premiere of Rudderless aka the same movie that they reunited for throughout August and September
Like are you kidding me? Oh and the movie got dropped the following week as she drops Justin suddenly.
BlindGossip did not lie when they said Selena’s form of promo is partying with Justin as she meddles with his heart only to drop him when her promo tour with him is over and the project is being released.
Now Selena starts talking about her new album “For You” which is due for a November release.

November 2014—milking the fake fling she had with Justin
After spending 2 whole months messing with Justin before the release of Rudderless and For You, sis drops her lead single “The Heart Wants What It Wants” painting Justin as an alcoholic (the year she got exposed for being in rehab—oh before she told her lupus story which she tells in 2015) and a bad guy.
Like are you actually kidding me? Is anyone falling for this?
Get this, she LEAKED a FAKE VOICEMAIL of someone who “sounds” like Justin, talking about some crap…. HOW DID SHE GET AWAY WITH THIS?
Then after she got everyone talking about the song with this “fake Justin” voicemail… it turns out it was NEVER OFFICIAL. They just released this “voicemail” for promo, but it never made it onto the official album/song. It was just used in the moment and nowadays, is hard to find.
She then fake cries about him at the 2014 AMAs…
Don’t be a fool.. she’s still using him here! She uses these “wings” behind her as if she survived some serious crap and not some dumb teenage romance—the same wings that Justin used on his Believe tour.
Oh that’s not all… she even had a silhouette of “Justin” behind her on stage.
And get this, she dropped the album THE NEXT DAY.
So you telling me she pulled this whole THING THROUGHOUT AUGUST AND SEPTEMBER only to drop a movie in October and then drop a new single and album in November, about how much he hurt her? You had all that time to do all of that in the short timespan between the events? Oh on the contrary.
She planned to milk this fake breakup because she was out HANGING OUT WITH HIM while filming the music video… no wonder why they reconciled so many times this year.

That whole sick and twisted story of THWWIW’s release, is explained in the post below.
The fact that she got away with all of this, mind boggles me.
Selena then wasn’t seen with Justin after their September 2014 spottings, until January 2015 because that’s when she released news for a project and the ESMG later tells you they signed a legal contract after all the crap she pulled in 2014.
In January 13, 2015, Selena released news that she’s in a new movie (and she was with Zedd for that PR)

And just like old times, two days later Jelena was spotted. Fun fact, we actually said on Twitter and ask that this spotting was going to happen because like I said, Jelena this time around was under a serious contract in 2015.

That’s all discussed in the post below.
Every time she seemed to reconcile with him, it’s right before a project. I mean she went back to him in April 2013, left to go promote, came back in June 2013 when she had something new, left to go promote, came back in July 2013, left to go promote and wasn’t seen the rest of the year because she was well.. promoting and Justin had already boosted up her publicity points and she was seen as doing well and “independent!”
Everyone ignored the fact that no, 2013 was not her year and yes she did need Justin and yes her career in 2013 was still impacted by Jelena.
So then she comes back in January 2014 right before she was gonna get checked into rehab in which she had to come straight out of and promote Rudderless, so of course she was with Justin.
Then disappeared in February “being independent!” as she claims, and returned like a virus in March after Behaving Badly’s trailer and for her tour. Racked up her publicity points for Behaving Badly and Rudderless and made sure nothing was going on with Justin and Madison in April, and then left.
Came back in June and then released news for a greatest hits album. She didn’t have nothing to release in July, but she did in August because as soon as the trailer for Rudderless appeared, so did Jelena.
She spends all of September hanging out with Justin because then in October, it’s all promo for Rudderless. And then she releases news for a new album. Told you all she will stick around till Rudderless. And then she released The Heart Wants What It Wants and then For You shortly after.
Now it’s 2015 and she dropped news for a new movie and 2 days after she does that, there’s another Jelena spotting. Funny since for the ending of 2014, she was singing about how Justin broke her heart. Sadly her career is broken WITHOUT him.
So not only is Justin helping her promote crap; just remember that if she ever got caught slipping (drink drink or snort snort or inhale inhale) if you know what I mean, it can allllll be blamed on Justin for being a bad influence like he was made out to be for over a year. Isn’t that sweet!
I can’t deny that Justin does do wonders for her career because when she flew to Norway to see him during Come & Get It’s hype, CAGI was “magically” resurrected from the pits of iTunes and Billboard and flew its way to the top. Try and tell me that had nothing to do with Justin. However, I feel like everyone is getting *yawn* bored with Jelena. She just looks stupid going back to him after…
“I made him cry”
“You’re a douchebag”
“He’d rather models”
“I’m just too normal”
“You screwed it up”
“The heart wants what it wants”
and blah blah blah.
Don’t be stupid and say “They hang out in places that aren’t obvious, they’re hiding from the cameras” If we have photos, then it ain’t lowkey.
Have fun stanning someone who isn’t known for who she is but who she associates with :)
Comment down below your thoughts. I will be replying back and you can comment anonymously so take advantage of that.