Exposed: Taylor and Selena's fallout.

Hello everyone, happy Sunday! The long awaited Taylena post is finally here. 

So a lot of you have been wondering what happened to the friendship of




Well the reason for their fallout is pretty simple and involves a who and what.

Who? Justin Bieber. 

What? Drugs. 

Let me explain the who to you guys first. 

If you guys remember a post a did a while ago called Selena’s Poisonous Ways. (Taylor Swift & Ed Sheeran vs. Justin). In that post, I explained how Selena impacted what others thought of Justin. Why? Because she talks unbelievable amounts of shit about him to her peers and I mentioned that in my first post. You’re probably thinking okay no big deal, everyone talks shit but when it comes to Justin, Selena exaggerates the truth dramatically. 

So basically she ranted to Taylor about how horrible Justin is and how he treated her terribly. Basically all lies. If you have been following up with all my posts about Jelena, you should realize that what Selena told Taylor about Justin, is what she told the media as well. Remember her several shade attempts? So now Taylor thinks Justin is a monster and I wouldn’t doubt it if Selena made Taylor choose between her and Justin just like she made Taylor choose between her and Miley before. So clearly Taylor is on Justin’s side. 

Taylor asks Selena the same question I ask Selena. If Justin is such a terrible person, why did you…

  • fly all the way to Norway to see him?


  • go hang out with at the movie theaters?


  • have a fourth of July party with him?


  • go visit him at his place before your rehab disappearance?


  • and etc.

So Taylor got mad at her going back to Justin every single time which proves what I said about Selena going to him and Justin doing what she says like posting photos of them. And if I’m not mistaken, a lot of media outlets who wrote about their friendship said basically what I’m saying now.

But just like me, Taylor is questioning Selena on her motives with Justin. Plot twist: Taylor is me. I am Taylor. We are one.  

So I hope we’re clear on half of the reason regarding the fallout between Taylor and Selena. Also, I apologize for saying “so” a lot. 

The second reason that caused them to stop talking is because of Selena’s drug addiction. Alison, my source, said Taylor didn’t like Selena lying about her drug use. In Selena’s defense, a person on drugs is someone who isn’t right in the head most of the time. So obviously Selena isn’t gonna be like “Yes Taylor I do drugs and I blamed Justin for being a bad influence even though I’m one myself” just like she won’t say that to her fans. 

I’ve done a huge post on Selena’s drug use here and I found out more information on her drug use along with how I could prove that information so brace yourselves. I’m excited to write the updated drug post. 

In that drug post I just mentioned, I helped you guys visualize someone on drugs by showing you Adrianna Tate Duncan from a show called 90210. Remember?


There was another scene in where one of Adrianna’s friends go to her and they’re like “Are you doing drugs again?” (This was after Adrianna went to rehab and relapsed. Oh the similarities between her story and Selena’s are quite scary.) and Adrianna looked the friend in the eye and she was like “Do I look like I’m on drugs?” And she really didn’t and after Selena’s scary face changes, she seems to go back to looking normal and her fans are like “She looks fine!” Well no duh. I’m sure looks can’t possibly be deceiving in any way shape or form. 

So that scene from 90210 is how I imagine Taylor and Selena’s conversation went down. And it’s no secret that drugs have been the reason for friends to stop talking, relationships to end, work problems and so much more. 

Okay so whenever I mentioned this post, I always said “Taylena/image post” but I’m gonna shorten this post to only involve Taylena and not Selena’s image because that will be in a different post. 

So now the question remains, if Selena and Taylor aren’t friends, why were they together at the Met Gala?



I didn’t wanna get into this mainly because that will bring me to Selena’s image but what I do now is that they’re not friends now. Were they friends that night? I don’t know for sure since I obviously wasn’t there and neither was my source but it does seem interesting because they looked so happy in that video. Interesting because Selena isn’t really happy and no one would be in her state of mind hence her drug addiction–double hence her self pity instagram post. 

That paragraph was confusing I know and it’s supposed to be because it will all be explained in the image post. Ta ta! Till next time which is up next because I’m posting tonight because I realized I haven’t celebrated hitting 9k followers on here. 


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How many times have Justin and Selena reconciled since their breakup and why?

