Selena Gomez and her Lupus Rumors

Hey guys. I hope you’re all excited for my last post of 2013 


I wasn’t gonna post till then but then something came up and you guys kept asking me about it so here is what I have to say about this




I say it’s a bunch of bullshit for many reasons. Firstly, lets talk about the timing of this rumor. It came out right after Selena basically showed herself as a selfish bitch when she canceled her tour for me time as I showed you here.


And now, we suddenly get a rumor that she has lupus? For those of you who don’t know, here’s what lupus is 


“Inflammations, swelling, and damage to joints, skin, kidneys, blood, the heart and lungs.”

Um if someone had lupus, could they be doing all of this




Hey doesn’t that seem like someone who has damaged joints? 

Hey doesn’t that seem like someone who’s whole body is affected by a disease?


And this is coming from someone who knows someone with lupus


The reason why everyone believes that Selena has lupus, is because one of the symptoms is a swelling face and stomach and Selena usually has those two traits. However, ONE symptom does not mean she has the disease espically if these are how people look like when having this disease 



and this is Selena (with her puffy face)






Wow doesn’t she look so similar to the victims with lupus!!!!!

“Makeup covers it up”

But this is without makeup and it’s from a couple days ago


Does that look like someone with lupus? No. 

I doubt Selena has lupus. To me, it’s fishy that rumors float around saying she has lupus right after she gets hate for canceling her tour and if she does have lupus, then feel better Selena? But according to the sources, “she’s battled it for years” so it shouldn’t be the reason behind her tour cancellation if she toured before and was completely fine. It would have damaged her skin by now. And it’s not just your face it affects. It’s your whole body. And knowing Selena, she would use ANYTHING to make her seem like a victim. She once said she was allergic to this substance that is used on doorknobs and her fans was like “OMG SELENA IS SO STRONG!!!” Like that's ridiculous. If Selena really had this disease, she would have milked the fuck out of it and we would have heard of it nonstop. 


I asked my source if she knew anything but she’s not sure. She’s heard some talk about it around the family but she doesn’t know if she has it or not. 

Before I end this, let me remind you that lupus affects your whole body


and it’s not like we haven’t seen Selena’s whole body. 


It also affects your hands.


and there’s nothing wrong with Selena’s hands. Her hands are actually quite pretty


Could it be possible she has lupus? Sure! And if she does, then hopefully it doesn’t ruin her life and hopefully she’ll get better. What I’m saying is that it’s not likely for her to suffer from lupus. It’s quite obvious as I proved above. 

And if it’s later confirmed for sure that Selena does not have lupus, then wow. Her team (Mandy) and her will stoop to the lowest levels of low to make something like this up just so they can have an excuse to why she canceled her tour.


I didn’t really wanna talk about this since it’s not a big deal but a lot of you asked me about it and I deleted most of those questions on ask so here’s my response. 

See you on December 31st when I post the post that you guys voted for. Bye! Follow me on Twitter and talk to me on


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