Exposed: What is going on between Justin and Hailey? Will Selena get involved? What does the future hold for Jelena?
If you follow me on Twitter, you would know about what I’m about to say. So my source got back to me with an update on Justin and Hailey as well as Justin’s career.
So our last post talked about Jelena’s most recent spotting. Whether or not you still aren’t convinced that the spotting is real, it’s irrelevant. It’s still a spotting that made so many headlines. So in my last post, I said the following

and my source agrees. She thinks that Justin actually wanted to tell Selena face to face that he’s tired of her bullshit.

She also told me that Justin and Hailey’s friendship is getting stronger because she saw a text of Justin saying that he’s in love with Hailey. Before you guys flip out, please pay attention to the part where my source said she doesn’t think he was actually serious, but he said it casually. We also know that he told Chantel he loved her, and it’s safe to say that didn’t work out thanks to Selena.

So Justin and Selena will probably always remain in contact mainly because he believes he “owes it to her” as we told you here. The guy believes that Selena shouldn’t be exposed lol. That and he wants to stay on her good side. Last time he didn’t stay on her good side, we found out that it was reported that she was part of the reason the weed pictures got leaked.

Don’t act surprised tho. I mean those pictures were leaked in January 2013 aka when Selena started to never shut the fuck up about him. It was clear she was out for blood, or just negative headlines.
Plus, he refused to give up his career, so she wanted to take it away from him

So Justin wants to stay on her good side. However, that doesn’t mean he’s scared of her. He has equally damaging info on her, but he just won’t release it because he won’t stoop to her level. Remember when Justin told his team to not stoop to Selena’s level in the midst of all the shade she was throwing at him? I honestly think that the only time Justin will expose Selena, is if she is seen as a threat to his future girlfriend.

So now you guys know that Justin and Scooter are planning something really big. Thought I’d tell all my fellow Beliebers out there since I know how much we all want Justin to start releasing things again.
Alright so my source has explained to you Justin’s relationship with Hailey, his current relationship with Selena, his thoughts on a relationship, and his future plans. Hopefully there won’t be any confusion.
Hailey is also in New York

and my source heard that Justin is going there soon so lets see what will go down.
Also, I’m a little bit worried that Selena will now do something to sabotage Hailey and Justin’s friendship since I just exposed that it’s getting stronger. She has a history of ruining any possible relationship Justin could have had as we saw here.
I’ll guess we’ll have to wait and see.. till next time! (next time meaning tomorrow since that’s when I’ll be posting again)
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