Selena hates us, but there's no denying she's used our information for her own benefit.

For those of you who don’t know, Selena indeed knows who we are. Aside from her psycho team who tried to get in touch with us in the past, Selena herself wanted to meet the obsessed freaks behind exposingsmg. We’ve made it clear we don’t want to be in touch with her highness because we know what she wants; this blog to get shut down. Sadly for Selena, we aren’t the type of people she’s used to talking to. You know the type that will jump and get her whatever she wants. I can go on and talk about how Selena flew specifically to Miami to find us when we said we were there for a bit or we can talk about how she sent friends to find us in Yosemite, but who’s interested in Selena threatening bloggers? I’d show screenshots of when I said Alana and I would be in Miami and how Selena flew to Miami randomly and then left, but I don’t have the patience to go look for them since it was in summer and it’s currently winter 2015. However, lets just talk about how Selena used our information before. 

1. Selena and the relationship between her other sister Victoria

Lets start off when we exposed her relationship with her father. Read about that here. We posted that post on August 20th, 2014. 

If you guys don’t know, but Mandy the demon (Selena’s mom), gave birth to a cutie named Gracie in 2013.


Too cute! regardless of the fact that was sort of a stunt to seem like a happy family when they weren’t. Hey guys do you think if I ask Selena if I can visit Gracie and hold her, would she let me? I think she would!

For the record, I’m an overly sarcastic person if you couldn’t tell already.

Anyways, so Selena’s father, Ricardo, also gave birth to a cutie named Victoria summer 2014.



By the time I posted that, I believe Victoria was almost 2 months old.


If I’m not mistaken, Victoria was born June 24th, 2014 because Ricardo posted the following picture September 24


Everyone, including her brainwashed fans, were lowkey confused as to why Selena is paying her other sister, Victoria, no attention! It’s not like Selena was doing much in her life at that point other than partying and being up Justin’s ass. 

In that post, we said this


I said that with the intention of bringing Selena and Ricardo closer because even though I’ve never met Selena personally, I know how she works and operates. I can predict Selena’s next move and I know what she’s thinking. That’s how well I know her and I have my sources to thank, but whether or not you want to make some joke about how I should be checked into a mental hospital, you all lowkey know Selena 100% reads my blog and 100% values my opinion. I don’t really care whether you believe me or not, because you know damn well you’re bitter that your idol cares more about what I have to say rather than what a bunch of broke preteens who can’t buy her albums, have to say about her boob mole.

Back to the point of this post. 

After I posted that post on August 20th, 2014, Selena was seen visiting her father and Victoria shortly afterwards. Please note that she never saw Victoria before my post. 

The first time she actually saw her baby sister, was October 11, 2014 when she went to Texas


October 14th, 2014


So less than two months after I made my post. If I really wasn’t the reason that Selena finally went and gave Ricardo’s family a chance, then how come she didn’t go sooner when Victoria was born. Or maybe a month after Victoria was born? 

This is what Selena was doing when Victoria was born


This is what Selena was doing around the time Victoria was almost 2 months old


So she wasn’t exactly busy with work or anything unless you wanna call Justin work since she is using him.

But why did Selena wait until October 11th to meet Victoria when we said it August 20th? Well September was the premiere of Rudderless so she was busy


So she went in October. November was gonna be release of The Heart Wants What It Wants and then in Christmas she spent time with Victoria as well.


Exposingsmg actually brought Selena some clarification rather than just exposing her evil intentions. See? Selena and I can be the best of friends some day!

2. Selena and 5 Seconds of Summer

I take credit for bringing 5 Seconds of Summer to Selena’s attention so if they ever end up being one of her victims for fame purposes, I give 5sos fans a free pass to send me hate. You can read more about 5sos and Selena here.

On August 16th, we tweeted this


It’s no secret that Selena keeps her tabs open on me so it’s not like it’s impossible for her to have seen that tweet. 

Three days later, this happened


and because of that follow, Calum followed Selena back, started liking her photos, and then slyly, Selena then made her way onto Luke the following month


So I assume that when we brought it to her attention that they don’t like her, she probably found out that they are a pretty popular band and that their music is much more successful than hers, so she saw them as another opportunity. If she wanted to use them, she should be on their good side. Which is why after she started the domino effect by following Calum, Calum followed her back, started liking her photos, she followed Luke, they asked Luke about her follow in an interview, he put her on his Christmas wish list, and etc. So she just got free publicity from that band without them even knowing it. Like we said in our last post, Selena is an opportunist. And she knows damn well that that band, wouldn’t be too hard to use. When I did my research on them, I’ve realized they’re a very humble band and that humbleness could quickly turn into confinding in the wrong person (being naive), in this industry since you’ll let anyone in. I mean Justin could probably prove that humble/naive theory of mine eh?

And it’s no secret that because Selena felt that Justin has hurt her because he wouldn’t give up her career for her (what an ass!)


she made sure that she would damage it. We explained all of that here. So that is why when Luke said he’d avoid Selena because he wants to become friends with Justin, that probably translated to “I’m team Justin, not Selena!” in Selena’s stupid mind, so she had to make sure that they were against him as well as everyone else she got to turn against him.


Knowing Selenators and their childish minds, I know they’ll make some joke about me belonging in an institution but lol lets be real, it’s not a coincidence that once I say something, Selena goes and changes it around for her own benefit. There will be more times Selena uses my information to her own benefit, so I’ll keep this post in the section where they’ll usually get updated.


Hope you guys enjoyed ♥ there’s an upcoming exposed post that I still need to work on so stay tuned :)

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Exposed: What is going on between Justin and Hailey? Will Selena get involved? What does the future hold for Jelena?