There was a Jelena spotting just like we said there would be. Read on to see what's really going on between Selena and Zedd.
Hi. Long time no see. This is the first time I’m updating since New Years. Wow doesn’t that sound like an obsession eh Selenators? Since ya know, according to them I dedicate my life to this account as well as spend every waking moment on it. Ha, they wish. I know they love them some exposingsmg. Either way, I hope everyone had a great couple of weeks, days, however long it’s been. I hope Selenators had good night sleeps. You know sleep helps the brain and body develop? That’s why they say don’t wake up little babies and children. So I really hope Selenators have been having good sleeps. They sure need all the developing they can get. If you’re wondering where the hell the end of year post it, let me stop you right there. I’m not posting it. I actually started writing it and never finished it because I said to myself wow how stupid would I be to post a post of everything the video I posted, just said. If you haven’t seen it yet, I suggest you should. It’s pretty awesome if I say so myself. You can check it out here if you’d like. So that was a long intro so without further ado, lets get into the post.
So as you guys know, Selena spent New Years in Dubai with friends.

You know, remember, when they were disrespectful imbeciles in a mosque?

That should refresh your memory. I mean we had a whole post about it here.
So our source told us that the second she got in LA, she contacted Justin.

We’ll get to Justin in a second.
As for Selena’s trip to Dubai, according to BlindGossip, Kendall and Gigi took Selena to Dubai to get her away from Hailey and Justin.

It’s no secret that Kendall and Selena were PR from the start. Selena and Gigi aren’t even friends. Do you ever realize how Selena is just randomly “SO CLOSE” to the most random rich, celebrities? I’m not saying she can’t have friends, but we would literally get pictures of her and ______ hanging out for the first time ever, acting as if they’ve been in the placenta together and they were seperated at birth. Just know that most of the times Selena just starts randomly hanging out with a big name in Hollywood, it’s a PR stunt. You guys should have become experts in public relations if you watched my end of the year video.
Moving on to BlindGossip. Before Selenators go on a rant without fact checking first since obviously they have some brain developing to do, the people who run BlindGossip, work in Hollywood. Which is why they know everything about everyone. You’re probably like “Well if what they’re saying is true, why don’t they use their names?” Well where’s the fun in that? The reason they don’t say the names, is because that’s the point of the website. It’s like a game where everyone guesses stuff and once it’s confirmed, they reveal the actual people and give credit to the ones who got it right first.
We’re not using them as a source but they did say what our source recently said. Check it out:

You’re probably like aw poor Selena. Get a grip you ogres. Get your loose emotions in check. Remember every time Justin tried moving on after his harsh breakup with Selena? Remember how Selena showed up a couple days or a week after and then that girl was never seen again? Don’t remember? Well it’s a good thing I have it all here!
“What a life you got there Angela” mumbles a fellow sister Selenator while IT listens to an illegally downloaded copy of Stars Dance as IT saves a 437th photo of Selena while IT tweets its 23,987 tweet about Selena’s boob mole. “God you’re so obsessed”.
Okay back to Blindgossip who said the same exact thing as my source, Selena was just invited to Dubai to get Kendall and Gigi’s actual friend, Hailey, away from Selena so she doesn’t fuck up whatever is going on between Hailey and Justin.

Sooooo how does that make Kendall and Gigi bad people? I’m sorry they want their friend who probably has feelings for Justin, to not have whatever is going on between them not be ruined by his psycho ex that just needs him to make a couple headlines to promote an upcoming flop movie or album? Wow Kendall and Gigi, you whores only think about yourselves! And sweethearts, it’s been proved that Selena only went back to Justin during/before/after a release of some project or big news. It’s all here!
Face it Ogrelenators, you’re not pressed because I have an “obsession” with Selena. You’re just mad because Selena can’t get away with the bullshit she pulls because it will always serve as a receipt on my blog. A receipt that can always be referred back to. Oh and just to get you more mad, you know how you want to Google something that you saw on Twitter but it doesn’t come up? Well if I posted about something like that on this blog and you’re looking for it on Google, you’ll find it because I allowed Google to direct the info from my blog to their search bar. So go on you illiterate monkeys, tell me how I’m obsessed with your fave; how I devote my life to her! How I wake up in the middle of the night singing Stars Dance! Because at the end of the day, Selly boo, my queen, my angel, my muse, my obsession, my devotion, has already got her reputation ruined on social media and not just to people who use social media, but anyone can find out about her if they use their favorite search bar, GOOGLE!
And Selena won’t dare do anything to this blog. She doesn’t want to upset me. God knows what might “accidentally” leak. Or what kinds of people will the closing of this blog, get pissed off. Must suck to be you!
But to answer questions you probably have, my source told me that 1. Kendall and Justin are like best friends so uh for those of you shippers, yeah it’s most likely not happening anytime soon. 2. Hailey and Justin aren’t dating. I know that Justin doesn’t want a serious relationship or a relationship at all for that matter. Actually, we’ve explained his feelings on a relationship probably 60 times, it’s surprising that we still get questions. 3. I don’t know what Hailey wants from Justin. She probably does like him because you don’t get your best friends to whip off a psycho ex halfway across the country because you want to be “just friends” with this guy. Lol poor Hales. She is in deep. But Justin doesn’t want a relationship considering the pain he was in because of his last one. 4. I think I answered all questions so far….
Back to the point of this post. So yeah, Selena was whipped off to Dubai by Gigi and Kendall. And in the video we explained how Kendall and Selena aren’t really close at all, they just want to appear that way to get rid of all feuding rumors so they can’t have that negative attention shadowing a future project of theirs. You know you don’t replace negative attention with no attention. You replace it with………………
For those of you said it, congrats to you young soldiers. You are finally learning how the business works. I’m a proud mama.
Okay so Selena arrived in LA and my source told me that she actually texted Justin the second they got there and because of that, she told me to expect a Jelena spotting soon. And is the exposingsmg team EVER wrong? Nope! So what happened? There was a Jelena spotting. First lemme brag about how I was right.
11 days ago from today Jan 16, we said there will be a Jelena spotting soon.

The reason we said that, was because our source said this

But for a couple days, Justin didn’t reply back. For about a week actually. I assume he did eventually, probably because Selena spammed his texts with “You owe me! You made me into the coke addict I am!”
and what do you know happens next? A Jelena spotting!

Yes yes guys we know. You’re sad. We thought 2015 was going well for Justin. However, if you ask me, I don’t think this spotting went as well as Selena hoped.
For one, the only confirmation to this spotting that we have is TMZ, Stalker Sarah, and yours truly. And two, Justin didn’t upload anything of them on Instagram. Before I go into this some more, let me just clear up the whole “He’s with Kendall” thing!
It’s wonderful to have hope little grasshoppers. But what’s not wonderful, is denial. Frankly, I don’t care what Justin does with Selena anymore because lately we’ve realized that he’s carrying a burden, he feels she shouldn’t be exposed, and well I’m tired of cycles.
Firstly, TMZ isn’t gonna publish a story saying the workers at Mastro’s Steakhouse in Beverly Hills saw Jelena unless the workers themselves told them that. I don’t wanna repeat how TMZ is a credible source, but basically they talk to real sources and will post fabricated evidence. However, I’m not saying there’s a spotting basing it only on TMZ. Stalker Sarah saw them too. And I believe she has me blocked so she isn’t team exposingsmg (her loss!) and I know for a fact that Sarah met Selena and Justin more times than the amount of copies For You sold, so I’m sure she knows how they look like.
So lets get into this theory that he’s with Kendall. I mean it’s a repeat of August. Remember?

And more things eventually came out that proved it was indeed Selena no matter how many pictures of Kendall’s long fingers you guys got to try to convince yourselves it was indeed Kendall and not the devil incarnated in human form.
So here’s what I got when I was bragging about my credibility on Twitter earlier today

And of course leave it to you guys to believe that over a Jelena spotting. It’s obvious that he was with Kendall.
But…. that doesn’t mean he wasn’t with Selena.
You guys are aware that both spottings of him with Kendall and him and with him and Selena are in Beverly Hills… right? You guys are also aware that Justin has enough money to eat dinner twice in two expensive places… right?
But according to one of my readers, it was actually a different night?

Whenever his spotting with Kendall was, just know that it was BEFORE the Jelena spotting.
But here’s what’s gonna get you guys pissed off. Whether or not the Jelena spotting was real or not (it was) it still made SO MANY headlines. And you guys are aware that Selena just released news that she’s been cast in some movie right? You guys are also aware that she waited for a good time to release these news and I’m assuming she chose the time she did because I guess that’s when Justin answered her text. I mean she did say she was waiting to share the news with her broke fans. So what was she waiting for? Right, a Justin reply. Oh how the puzzle pieces fit! It’s impossible for my source to tell you in the beginning of January that there will be a Jelena spotting only to have Selena release news that she’s been cast in a movie only after we said that Justin hasn’t answered her texts only to have a Jelena spotting proving that she was waiting until she got a reply from Justin ONLY to fly off to Atlanta after everyone is talking about her because of this Jelena spotting

Evil fucking genius. And for those of the ogres trying to degrade my credibility by saying “Oh anyone can say there will be a Jelena spotting because they’re messy” Oh???? OH??? O H? Anyone? Anyone can say there will be a Jelena spotting only for it to be confirmed less than two weeks later? You imbeciles act like I said there will be a Jelena spotting in November and then when it happened in the middle of January and I was like “YAS PROVED RIGHT ONCE AGAIN!” Like no. I said there will be a Jelena spotting and so it happened less than two weeks. “Anyone can say blank blank! Anyone can start an exposing blog!” If anyone can as you demons seem to concur, then ANYONE WOULD SAY IT. ANYONE WOULD CREATE AN EXPOSING BLOG. But who’s the only one around? Me. (That exposing Madison blog was legit, but it was deleted due to certain issues, I’d rather not discuss).
I’ll give you a couple of seconds to fume.
So now lets get into Selena and Zedd.
Selena recently made an appearence at the InStyle’s & Warner Bros.’ Golden Globes party in which she was with her lover (lol) Cara.
I mean our source told you they’ve hooked up but with or without her, you could have easily assumed. I mean no one poses like that at a red carpet event unless they have some sort of thing. Whatever. Later on at the after party, Selena was seen with Zedd

and that sparked rumors of rumors. So are Zedd and Selena dating? Nope!
Selena is an opportunist. She sees an opportunity, and she wastes no time getting to it. She’s releasing a new album soon as well as he is. They’re apparently collaborating as well. So what better promo than another PR relationship? I mean them together sure has sparked rumors and gave Selena more attention because it got related back to Justin and now with that Jelena spotting it’s gonna relate back to Zelena and well lets just say that Selena got herself set to be in the headlines for a while, while she films a new movie.

Lol creepy how she works huh? But I mean I give her credit for being a gold digging whore. I mean she can’t really make it on her own, so she makes a path to it make it. And that path obviously includes various times of PR relationships. I hope you guys are aware that PR doesn’t always mean a romantic relationship. A PR relationship can be sparked in the direction of a friendship or in the direction of romance.
Selena seems like she got her pathetic life all figured out. If only she got her genuineness in check as well.

Yup the picture you’re viewing is real. Selena is walking with a Chanel bag, worth over $4,000 while she ignores a homeless person that no isn’t harassing her to give her money, but is asking for anything like a job. If you’ve ever let a Selenator make you doubt me (god knows how that would happen considering how they can’t even drag me) just know that Selenators hated on that homeless person saying things like
-get a job!
-Selena doesn’t have to give you money!
-She obviously didn’t see her
just understand that you’re choosing to believe someone who is insulting a homeless person because their fave couldn’t find a couple of bucks to give to them, over someone who is quite educated on how the world of Hollywood, marketing, and bussiness works. And those same people bashing the homeless person, I guarantee that if Selena indeed stopped and gave her some cash, her fans will have bragged about it till 2017.
Anyways I’m sure I’ve touched upon everything that led to confusion and hopefully I cleared up everything. Hope you enjoyed my lovely readers. And to my lovely sister Selenators, I hope it’s not too much to ask for you guys to change up the insults a little bit. “You’re so obsessed/kill yourself/get cancer and die” isn’t as hurtful as I hope for it to be. But I have more faith in you guys than I have in Selena’s albums. One day! Just one day! You’ll succeed in getting at least one thing right!
For the record, we never claimed to know Justin. If you’re wondering how we know if he replied back to Selena or not, it’s because our source, not my boo Alison, has mutuals with Selena’s friends. I believe this is the first time we’re telling you her relationship to Selena because we’ve told you that Alison is a family friend of Selena’s, but I don’t think we ever told you about our other source. She’s been our source around the same time Alison has been but we haven’t really addressed her much so if you’re confused, hopefully this cleared it up. Okay bye.
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