Exposed: The Jelena Proposal.

Hello! Long time no post eh? It’s been over a month actually and I’m really sorry but I haven’t found the time to post. I had a month off from school recently and friends that went away for college came back to visit and we just kinda spent time with them so really, I’m sorry for the lack of posting but I’m not abandoning friends and family for Selena lmao. But anyways, we’re back!

So not only are we back here on tumblr, but we’re also back on Our new is exposingsmg2 and many of you know what happened to our old as we stated before. Speaking of, what we’re going to talk about today, we’ve already talked about there. If you’re someone who usually talks to us on, then you know what we’re going to say. It was also highly requested that we do a post on this and I’ve finally come through. I was really stubborn and I didn’t want to post about this topic at all but I’ve been convinced. 


Okay lets start. Every exposed post is based on what our source told us.

As we all should know, Justin and Selena started off as PR in 2011 (maybe late 2010 now that I think about it). They started dating for real sometime in 2012, but Justin was already emotionally attached to her way before which explains why she got over him so fast and had no problem emotionally abusing him. You go Sel! They broke it off officially in November 2012 and then after that they were on and off for about a month until Selena was over him and then just started messing with him and using him for her career which resulted in Justin being manipulated and that led to a lot of things such as depression, anxiety, emotional pain, etc etc which led to drugs, acting out and whatnot. Everything we’ve just said, has had a post done about it in great detail so if you’re an active reader of our blog, you should not be confused. Also, one of the reasons Justin agreed to meeting up with Selena (this was much later on when he felt like she was using him) was because he felt like he owed it to her to help her since she would tell him that’s he’s the reason for her issues, even though he’s not. Isn’t Selena girlfriend goals or what? ♥

It’s been reported that difficult schedules has been the reason they broke up, but even with that being true, a lot of things went into the breakup including trust issues that spawned from the Jelena proposal.


Btw the “it’s just our luck right?” reply is us talking bout something else so don’t think that we’re laughing about it. 

So we’re not really sure on when Justin proposed, but it was sometime before November 2012. I’m gonna take an educated guess and say a month or two before. Selena did love Justin at one point, but as you can tell from the Jelena timeline I’ve summarized for you, they only really dated for a couple months. And of course Justin was wayyyyyyy more in love with her than she ever was with him. 

This engagement is ironic because a couple months later in 2013 when Selena was promoting Stars Dance, there were rumors flying around about Jelena being engaged, and she was running around wearing a ring that looked like an engagement ring. 


The engagement we just told you about had nothing to do with Selena’s attention seeking on GMA. Never forget the wonderful line “I’ll always care about him and protect him” Oh the lies.

So since I feel like you guys are still confused and will continue to ask us about this on, let me have a sort of Q&A thing.

When did Justin propose to Selena?

We’re not sure, but we’re going to go with sometime in the middle of 2012. 

Why did Selena say no if you said she loved him?

Because she wasn’t ready to be engaged. Also, she’s not stupid. At that point, her and Justin have only been dating for a couple of months and even though he was in love with her way before they even started dating for real, she was just starting to fall for him. And since Selena was Justin’s first real love, he was devastated when she said no which caused trust issues and made him question if she really loved him. 

If Selena was really using Justin, why did she say no?

She wasn’t using him at that point since they were dating for real. It wouldn’t make sense for her to think of the career benefits he’d bring her, if she actually loved him at that point. 

Why didn’t Selena reveal the engagement afterwards when she started using Justin again?

It doesn’t work like that. She has to get HIS TEAM’S okay and HER TEAM’S okay if she wants to leak news like that. 

Why was Selena wearing that ring on GMA?

We all know Selena and her love for feeding the GP something they can talk about that will keep her name in headlines. There was a Jelena spotting before GMA 


so what better than to wear an engagement ring on GMA, spark rumors that you and Justin are engaged, and have some headlines about you while releasing an album and releasing a song that’s not necessarily a breakup song? Voila! Marketing people, marketing. 

So I feel like I’ve covered everything there is to cover on this topic. We don’t know if anyone else reported this but Selenaexposed touched upon this topic before.

Hope you guys enjoyed and hopefully everyone had a lovely Easter ♥ Love you all.


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It’s your fave exposers.


Exposed: Selena’s mind games. More on how Selena’s career is dying without Justin.


We’re back on!