EXPOSED: The REAL reason Justin kept taking Selena back. (+ SO much more)
Here are all the times she shaded him. Here are all the times she used him after the breakup. Here are all the times she went back to him to make sure no one else is getting close to him.
My sources and I feel like Selena has some sort of disorder because we don’t understand how someone could be so vicious and manipulative. She’s straight out evil and FEEDS off someone’s pain and embarrassment. She thinks that the hate she receives is worse than bullying in school. She lied about being poor. She lied about writing songs about Justin to get some more sympathy. She had Justin take the blame for an arrest when it was partially her fault as well. She throws a fit whenever she doesn’t get what she wants. She is rude to her fans, but FORCES Justin to be rude to his. If that doesn’t equal the definition of a psychopath, I don’t know what does. But if you’re still not convinced that she’s CRAZY, keep reading.
About a year ago, Ashley (aka Selenaexposed, if you don’t know who she is, read this) told us that Selena believes that if she can’t have Justin no else can. Many laughed and didn’t believe her.

Now, Ashley said that, and then Selena came out with a song with that lyric above. Funny that even with her absence, she stays getting proved right. Selena is the one who broke up with Justin regardless of his obvious love for her. He practically BEGGED her to come back to him, but like we said before, she feeds off of someone’s pain. You know, like a leech- a creature that sticks to you and sucks your blood until you die. Appropriate comparison if I say so myself. Back to what I was saying, Justin truly did love her and was committed to her at such an early age. Does this sound like someone who treated Selena like crap?

“Got a whole lotta texts on my phone and I don’t reply” He won’t reply to anyone who isn’t her.
All That Matters. Yes he wrote it unlike Selena who lied about writing songs about him.

Next up, Heartbreaker.

Yes he wrote it.

Up next, Nothing Like Us

And yes he wrote it. In fact, he was the only one who wrote it. No co-writers unlike Selena who might say she wrote a song when the reality can be 1. she didn’t or 2. She changed like one line and the 12,243 other co-writers did everything.

And lastly, but surely not the only song he wrote about her describing in depth, her love for her, One Life

And of course he wrote it because he’s that talented enough to do so.

Keep in mind that if the writer is listed first, he or she wrote the most and yes for all the songs Justin is indeed listed first.
With that being said, don’t tell me he cheated on her, broke her heart, and whatever other ridiculous excuse you want to come up with.
And after the breakup, she treated him like crap

Basically, he begged her to come back to him. And that song is called Flatline. And of course he wrote it.

There’s a lot of points I have to make before actually tell you what I want to tell you so bare with me.
So if Selena sings, not writes, songs like “Love will remember us, love will remember you” does that really compare to something like “And if I had the world in my hands, I’d give it all to you”???? Of course not! I trust that all of you know that Selena’s broken heart act is all what it looks like, an ACT– an attempt at more headlines. Some of the songs Justin recorded about her weren’t even released on an album– One Life, or even PERFORMED– almost every song on Journals. But I understand how that’s attention seeking yet crying about what the hearts wants on a stage, on national television, 2 years after your breakup, 4 months after you’ve been seen on top of a random you hired, and yet you’re the heartbroken one? My bad! I didn’t know.
Moving on.
When Justin and Selena got serious, he was like 18, but he truly loved her when he was 16/17 and was already tied down to her. Why? Because she was his ideal girl. To him, she was PERFECT. Sure Jasmine and Jacque and Caitlin were all gorgeous, but to him, Selena was his ideal love and that’s why even though for her it was business, he was already emotionally in a relationship before it can even be called a real relationship. Most guys at that age are just beginning to experience girls and they don’t even want a serious relationship, but not Justin.
You see, before Jelena, Justin had a lot of friends. However, during and after Jelena, he didn’t have that many when it came down to the girls.
Jacque Plyes/Rae

They were really close. He guest starred in her movie and they had a close relationship since. However, and correct me if I’m wrong which I never am, not once was Jacque seen with Justin after he started “dating” Selena. And whenever he partied, it was with his guy friends and Selena’s friends. However, after Jelena ended and Selena hasn’t contacted Justin for quite some time, look who hung out

Lets pretend that that was a “coincidence” you know, just for Selenators’ sake.
How about Justin and Jasmine, who did date for some time.

I don’t even need to tell you how close they were. Them dating is enough. However, did Jasmine and Justin hang out anytime when he was with Selena? God no! Do you want both of them shot dead and at the other end of the gun you see Selena standing there? However, after the breakup and when Selena was not making her monthly calls to Justin after/before a release, look what we see

Are you starting to catch on? Selena forbade Justin to hang out with any other girls. And knowing Selenators and their mental excuses, lets say Selena was like any other girl and didn’t want her popular hot boyfriend hanging out with any pretty girl. Yeah that’s normal. But is it normal to FORBID a person from hanging out with FRIENDS? It’s not like Justin wanted to hang out with these girls alone, in the dark, in the mountains where there is no cell service. No my good friends. Selena wanted him to cut off all ties to them. Did Justin forbid her from hanging out with any of her close guy friends? Nope. Did Justin cause a scene when Selena was basically pushing herself on James Franco? Nope. He didn’t even mention it. So is that fair? To forbid him from hanging out with friends who many knew his ass before his peak? Nope. But let me keep going and lets label Jasmine and Jacque as a coincidence that they didn’t hang out. Maybe Justin secretly hated them.
Lets move on to Caitlin Beadles.

YES they were very close. Even after their breakup, they remained good friends as you can see from the bottom right photo. However, there isn’t one time when Jelena started, did Justin and Caitlin hang out. And because he was forbidden to hang out with her, he was sorta forced to cut his ties with Christian and yes that caused problems. You guys can actually read a whole post about the Beadles and Jelena here. But looky here, when Selena was once again not messing with Justin’s heart and brain, look who started hanging out

And it’s not even Justin and Caitlin hanging out, it’s the whole crew who knew Justin and loved Justin before Selena did. If you catch the shade, then you’re the real mvp.
Lets move on to this popular ship, Miley and Justin.

Miley and Justin were really close before Jelena. They hung out together and performed together on different occasions. And it’s no secret that Miley and Selena don’t like each other. So of course Miley was on the list of people Justin was forbidden from talking to.
But as soon as Selena was no longer in Justin’s life, he was free to hang out with whom he pleased.

And after the breakup, he was all alone because well, he cut out people out of his life to please her, yet she wasn’t in his life anymore.

Bad Day, last line. Here are the credits since I am a credible person

Now don’t be stupid and show me pictures of him with friends and whatnot. What I mean by “all alone” is that the people who were close and were good to him before Jelena, weren’t in his life any longer because he shut them off to please Selena. And 90% of the people Justin hangs out with now, are the friends of his friends. He’s lonely. Don’t believe me? Believe someone who knows him on a personal level

“He’s very isolated”

“He’s the most visible and yet isolated human being I’ve ever met.”
It’s sad how no one paid attention to exactly what Ariana said right there because this just shows he is very alone regardless of how many people he surrounds himself with and he was going through an extremely tough time in his life. But did he scrape together a sob story and whine about it? Or did he deal with his issues that were caused by the devil itself, in quiet?
Now tell me my lovely readers, is it fair to tell someone who they can and can not be friends with especially at such a young age? Like we said before, Selena was Justin’s ideal girl so he dropped everything for her before they were even dating. But once they were in 2012, there were rules. Rules he had to follow as if he was a prisoner in his own life. He was denied any female friends and he agreed to it because that’s how much he loved her. And like I questioned before, did Justin forbid Selena from hanging out with whom she pleased? As a matter of fact, the following is Selena with guys during her relationship with Justin

Now my favorite story to tell about Selena being a whore during Jelena, is the Selfredo story and my favorite pictures to show are the beach pictures because 1. Alfredo is Justin’s close friend and 2. those pictures are from Ashley Tisdale’s birthday party in which Justin was invited to but he was sick.

Good job Sel! First you forbid Justin from having any female friends and then you’re seen being all over guys one in which was Justin’s good friends? Hey all you boys out there, girlfriend goals or nah?!
Look at this

Those are Selena’s female friends. What level of hypocrisy is Selena on? Most if not all, Justin at parties consisted of Justin’s guy friends and Selena’s friends. Any other girls brought to parties they were present at, were with other people. But as far as anyone was concerned, Justin did not have any female interaction outside of Selena and work. Even on the set of the Boyfriend video, Selena had to be there because Justin had to do this

So Selena wasn’t gonna let that happen without making people remember who she is in his life

What do you call someone who tells their boyfriend to not talk to ANY girl? A jealous (clingy) person right? Well that brings me to my next point: Selena’s extreme jealousy and bitterness.
We’ve discussed this briefly in a post a while ago. You can read that here. Not only is Selena jealous, but she’s very bitter, and very insecure which explains the usage of plastic surgery. Read more about that here and here.
For example, Selena says she sees everything that’s being said about her. Lets take the yellow teeth scenario. Selena always used to smile and look very friendly/cheerful at awards. Take a look

This is something I noticed about her so don’t think I’m crazy.
The yellow teeth then started which is probably due to Selena’s addiction to smoking

And Beliebers and other fandoms made sure Selena noticed her yellow teeth, not only every time she didn’t brush her teeth, or when she looked in the mirror, or when she got ready to go out, but they didn’t let her forget it.

Keep in mind that this is the nice side of Twitter. For Selena’s sake, we didn’t get the real mvps from twitter. That would just make her straight out break into to tears while she’s reading this post.
“So what’s your point Angela?” Right. So during that wave of hate she got for her yellow teeth, she went on Ellen laughing because she doesn’t take care of her dental hygiene acting like it’s a joke

So FINALLY, Selena whitened her teeth.

And as you can see, the results show

So why am I talking about this? Well, if you take a look at her at red carpets now, she rarely smiles and she seems very stiff

So again, what is the point of this? It’s to show you that regardless of how obsessed she is with herself and how self-absorbed she is, she’s still VERY insecure. But not insecure, like “I’m ugly, she’s prettier!” Insecure like “I have yellow teeth let me fix that, so those fat jealous cows on the Internet not make fun of me since I am better than everyone else”
Look at our plastic surgery post

Many insiders have said that most of Selena’s money is spent on her and trust me it’s reflected in her work–her stage that looks like a stage for a talent show at an elementary school. And it’s rare when Selena donates to charity. It’s all through “UNICEF” which is a scam and I trust you guys already know that. The point is, if she doesn’t like something about herself, she will change it. She’s THAT type of insecure. Now what does Selena’s insecurity have to do with Justin? That’s why she did not want him hanging out with other girls and she made him pay the price for HER insecurity. Not once did Justin give Selena a reason to doubt him. And if he cheated on her, it would have been reflected in his songs.

Instead, he’s confused as to why she left him.
Don’t worry I will get to what I really wanna say but like I already said, I have to explain things for you. I can easily just straight out tell you, but I have to prove myself.
Here’s a couple dms from my source

So not only did Justin have to give up his female friends to please Selena, but he had to give up her career for her because of Beliebers who she clearly doesn’t like. It’s no secret Justin is close with his fans more than the average star is

So she didn’t like that and wanted him to give up his career for her. You don’t believe me that she wanted him to give up his career? Well believe Justin

and yes Justin wrote She Don’t Like The Lights

But Justin is still here and releasing music so he didn’t give up his career for her now did he? Nope, but he did pay a price. She Don’t Like The Lights was recorded somewhere in 2012 when Jelena were already having a bunch of problems as I said earlier in this post. So when Justin didn’t obey Selena’s orders, what did she do? She damaged the one thing that he wouldn’t give up for her; his career. Don’t believe me? Well believe the 360 turn his career took after they broke up. The first headline in the rollercoaster that was coming his way, was “Justin BIeber cheated on Selena Gomez with Barbara Palvin!” and I trust that you guys know the Barbara Palvin story inside out. If you don’t, read this. Ever since Selena made everyone think he cheated on her, things started “leaking” about Justin. First thing being the weed pictures

Ashley already told you that Selena helped leak those since she knew he was gonna be smoking with that crowd. Now I’m not saying that EVERYTHING Justin got in trouble for was because of Selena. However, his actions were him rebelling against everything because he was going through an extremely tough time. And she didn’t make it easy for him either by turning the whole general public against him. Sadly, she succeeded.
So eventually when they broke up. Justin wanted her back. She made it clear she didn’t want him back. So he tried to move on. However, he disobeyed her once again. In her mind, if she can’t have him or if she doesn’t want him, then he can’t move on and no one else can have him. Now aren’t those the ideal realtionship goals?

So Selena cried about it to everyone which takes me back to what Ashley first exposed. Keep in mind that the source telling me this is not Ashley. She’s done with Selenaexposed as we’ve stated before, but everything stays matching up huh

Moving on. So Selena went after Justin’s career and ruined his image and took away his friends. Taylor Swift is a perfect example. Her and Justin were the best of friends, but after all the lies Selena fed Taylor, Taylor grew to hate Justin and Justin was very confused to why Taylor randomly cut all ties with him. And that’s reflected in All Bad

Justin thinks that it’s her friends feeding her lies about him, but if only he knew she’s the source where the lies are coming from.
That’s who Selena is. She makes you choose. That’s one of the reasons Miley and Taylor aren’t friends.
Justin had no female contact since the deal in 2011 so even though Jelena was fake, to him it wasn’t. He was already emotionally attached before him and Selena started dating for real which explains why the breakup hit him so hard and didn’t hit Selena that much. So do you blame Justin for trying to move on? Was Selena justified in breaking his heart and then not allowing him to move on? She already took away his female friends and his career’s good image. What more does she want?
Basically, Selena wanted Justin to stop life for her problems. Now lets take a quick Jelena break and lets just talk about Selena has a person. I’m sure we’ve all seen how messy Selena is.
From drinking

(Read more about that here)
To her obvious drug problems

(Read more about that here and here)
and etc.
Selena wasn’t always like this. And trust me, Justin remebers how she was before. According to other insiders, Selena’s drug habit started when recording Spring Breakers, but got bad in 2013. And we’ve all been telling you about her issues in 2013 and now in 2014, she said that she wasn’t in a good place. Obviously she still isn’t, but that’s not the point. The point is she was in rehab for her obvious addictions.

She brought it upon herself. She was always partying and doing god knows what with god knows who. Justin didn’t know how she gets when she gets drunk and all of that shit. She’s a different person. Back when Ashley was running Selenaexposed, she told us that Rozie, the girl who used to be her source, saw Selena in that state and got worried and called her boyfriend, Justin at the time, so he came and was in complete shock at the state she was in. Remind you, Ashley says that he never saw her that way. So who’s the reason he saw her in the state he did? Rozie. I’ll stop there because I won’t go to limits to tell you what Selena did to her and the mental state Selena drove her too.
Back to what I was saying. Justin didn’t know Selena’s psycho party side. And I have a feeling Justin let Selena in on every secret in his life and Selena still hid things from him because that’s how psychopaths work. They always have something planned just in case.
So back to Jelena. According to our source, when Selena became all fucked up, she made Justin think that it’s his fault. She made him think that he owes her. That he’s the reason she’s like this. When he really isn’t. But she made him think that. So to answer the title of this post, Justin feels like he owes it to her to help her. He isn’t as delusional as we said he is. He just feels bad and feels like he owes it to her.

Crazy huh. Tell me Selena, how can you go living life making someone take the blame for your problems. I can’t imagine if Selena, god forbids, ever overdoses, how Justin is gonna handle that. He will think it’s his fault because SHE made him think it is. He feels like it’s wrong to move on. He feels like he knew of Selena’s insecurity and still went on and moved on so Selena made him feel like he’s sinning when he’s moving on. Remember the “he’d rather models” bullcrap?

She gave him so much shit for hanging out with girls and just taking innocent photos with him

then 2 weeks after, she’s wrapped on top of a guy she never met before in her life and is all over him.

Come on, let me hear those excuses? Cause I’m sure there aren’t none. Everythings making sense now. Justin would help Selena career wise by agreeing to meet up with her, take photos by the photographers Selena’s surely called since ain’t no paparazzi stepping on private property, and he would post things of them on Instagram because Selena can easily be like “You made me like this Justin, you owe me” if he refused to comply.
So Selena is incredibly jealous, but not for the right reasons. Which is why she appeared every single time Justin tried moving on as you can see here.
And as you can see from the dms below, there’s not much anyone from Justin’s side can do much about it

Now I hope you can see why I was disgusted by her when I announced that my source got back to me. I know a lot of things about Selena, but I never knew that she made Justin feel like a prisoner in his own life. How selfish can you be to let someone think that they’re the reason for your own troubles? For your own carelessness? That’s disgusting and so selfish. It’s plain out mean… and uncalled for. Justin loved her more than anything. He loved her so much that his life was pretty meaningless without her and she ENJOYED that he felt that way. As Ariana Grande said, he’s isolated. Yeah he can be partying with “friends” or hanging out with other girls, but despite that all, he felt empty. I’ve been told that he’s been on anti-depressants for some time and I’m sure Beliebers know that he was dealing with anxiety.

“How to kick anxiety’s ass”
He’s now trying to fix himself up, by saying he stopped smoking weed.

Weed is used to give a person happiness NOW. That’s why drugs are used. To help you forget the pain, to numb you up, and to make you feel happy at the exact moment you take it. Now did we hear of this in the news? No. What did we hear of? “Justin eggs house! Justin burns down hospital! Justin hates Jews! Justin kicks babies!” Now did Justin make anyone feel bad for him? Nope. But what have we been hearing the past 2 years from Selena? “Buy my album! Watch my movie! My ex is a douchebag! He cheated on me! Feel bad for me! I’m so heartbroken yadda yadda yadda stop your lives and talk about me!” Did anyone ever hear Selena take the cost for something she did? Nope! It was always blamed on someone else. Whether it was Justin for sending her to rehab. Miley for breaking them up. The Jenners for getting her into drugs. Lorde for not being a feminist. Etc etc. There wasn’t a time Selena was fully mature about something. Why do I say fully mature? Because I know these cows will bring up what Selena is saying about Justin in interviews now but no that doesn’t count. You don’t go shit talking someone for 2 years and then decide to MILK the same story but with a different attitude. Get the fuck out of my face if you think it’s fair for Selena to milk her breakup, once while dragging Justin and once while saying she cares for him. But then again, she always plays nice when she releases something. I mean remember the release of Stars Dance

Speaking of that, you can watch our video here in which we talk more about that.
And yes right before that interview, she was hating on him and right after she was hating on him so keep your excuses to someone who’s delusional enough to give you losers the time of day.
Finally, lets end this enormous post. I’m sure that this will have cleared up a lot of confusion and it surely proved a lot. I would have poisted this earlier, but I wanted it to be PERFECT. I wanted to prove myself 100% and I accomplished that. You can’t argue with hardcore lyrics. Hope my readers enjoyed this ♥ Thank you guys for everything and I love you all.