HILLSONG CHURCH EXPOSED: Their history and weird connection to Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez. More info regarding Hailey Baldwin.



Ah yes, the post that we have all been anticipating for like a year, is finally here. 

Trigger warning: This post will mention pedophila, sexual abuse, and more. 


If you’ve been following us on Twitter, you’d know that we emphasized how much of a big role Hillsong church played in Justin’s life and love life featuring Selena, and Hailey. We are finally here to expose the church’s history and the church’s role even more. 

When we refer to Hillsong church as Hillsong or the church, just know that we mean Justin’s pastors, specifically Judah Smith and Carl Lentz. 

Before the church comes after us, we’d like to put our disclaimer. 

Disclaimer: Everything that will be stated in this post will be either directly coming from a reliable source or research done that has been public and will be linked if used. Our personal opinions based on our facts, may be included. Any non-public information written here is coming from a source and it is exclusive information from ExposingSMG.com that will be credited as such.  Read at your own cost. 

Let’s begin. 

What is Hillsong? 

Hillsong is a megachurch that was founded in Sydney, Australia (New South Wales, to be more specific). It follows a Pentecostalism version of Christianity which is defined as “a renewal movement within Protestant Christianity that places special emphasis on a direct personal experience of God through the baptism with the Holy Spirit.” Two characteristics of Pentecostalism are speaking in tongues (people speaking in languages unknown to them) and divine healing which is the practice of prayer and gestures which causes a “miracle” in spiritual and physical healing as opposed to relying on the practice of medicine. Hillsong church is known for their worship music (Hillsong Worship, Hillsong United, and Hillsong Young & Free).


They run programs for youth and children, family and marriage counseling, along with hospital visits. 

I won’t bore you with their history, but you best believe that anything I’m writing now is relevant to the information I will reveal and explain later in this post. 

Frank Houston founded Sydney Christian Life Centre (the branch of churches in which Hillsong originates from) and this then became under the leadership of his son, Pastor Brian Houston, as Hillsong church. 


Let’s talk about Frank Houston. 

Frank Houston, founder of Hillsong, also a pedophile.


We don’t care about the cute details like who his wife was, when he died, or what his favorite color was, so let’s cut to the chase. 

Sources: (X) (X) (X) (X)

His son, Brian, took control of the Sydney Christian Life Centre after he confessed to the sexual abuse (molestation) of a seven year old boy in New Zealand, over 30 years prior. He only confessed when the mother of the boy, reported the abuse to another church. 


In August 2007, three years after his death, more allegations surfaced stating that he had sexually abused a pastor in training, during their counseling sessions in the early 1980s. 

Let me introduce you to Peter Laughton, a victim of Frank’s sexual abuse. Frank, who was 60 at the time this occurred, was sent to cure Peter’s homosexuality. Peter was 23 at the time. Peter said the following about Frank: “My counseling sessions by the senior minister were nothing more than sexual abuse disguised in the form of the need of a father’s love and discipline. Through my naivety, I endured the naked beatings, the eternal bum caresses and masturbating into bottles, among other things.

Frank’s situation wasn’t taken as seriously since he was in his 20s and not a minor. This went on for 4 years, until 1984.

Peter on the left and Frank on the right.

Peter on the left and Frank on the right.

In October 2014, Brian Houston admitted to the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, that Frank, his father, was guilty of other sexual abuses cases against children, even though they were not reported. 


To avoid being biased, Brian Houston has publicly shamed his father for what he has done and has never supported his actions nor excused them. He is currently a senior pastor at Hillsong church. 

Former Hillsong member, Tanya Levin, exposes them. Have questions for Hillsong? Don’t ask them. Also, give them all your money. 


Source: (X)

Tanya Levin is a former member of Hillsong and at the time she was banished from the church, she was two years into writing her book, People in Glass Houses. She said, “There is no debate within Hillsong. That’s fundamentalism. It’s not open to free thought and question, not at all.” 


They [Hillsong] did not answer any questions she had and instead they wanted her to stay mute. Basically follow what we say, give us your money, and stop taking any sort of time from us and our millions. 

When she was shown the door at one of the campuses, she cried to one of the men who escorted her out. She told him that “whatever kind of Hollywood angel he was dressed as that night, there would come a time when he would outlive the usefulness to the Firm.” 

Basically, you’re useful to them now. But one day, you’re not going to be one day.

Ahem, take note, any certain celebrities reading this. 

She also told him to go home and read the Bible and then go ask the preachers at Hillsong, how come the Bible says one thing and you guys say the opposite?  


Tanya Levin admits that when she first met the people of Hillsong, her impressions consisted of them being such nice people who waved and spoke in tongues. She even says that despite everything she went through with them, hearing Brian Houston’s voice makes her feel better. But once again, those were her first impressions. We all have our first impressions. 

She exposes Hillsong by saying that if people came to them with a problem and they were not able to help them, Hillsong would never take the fault because they believe and practiced, that everything was the fault of the person, but never them. 

Hillsong be like


She says that Hillsong was “bleeding of money from the faithful.” If you don’t understand that analogy, they had so much money that they got from those who believed in them. 

Tanya’s family is one of the families who suffered the financial casualties of being part of Hillsong. Oh you didn’t know?

If you’re a member of Hillsong, you’re expected to give a 10th of your income to the church as well as make big donations to them. 

I wonder how much Justin Bieber gave them? Oh, we’ll get to that. 

In 2004-2005, Brian Houston bragged on ABC television that they made $50 million that year. Oh and it gets better! They’re tax exempt from everything! So not only are they taking their members’ money, they’re also not giving back. Unless you think their albums are them giving back to you.. oh wait, you pay for that too. 


Tanya continues to say that “It’s a corporate organization being run by corporately trained people to achieve economic outcomes. Economic outcomes are the new measure of spiritual success and sign of blessing” To dumb it down, it’s run by people who run the church in a way of one thing: GETTING THE MOST MONEY POSSIBLE! And Hillsong preaches to their members that God will repay everything that you give them and therefore the longer you wait for God to give you, the more you get. "How do you actually stand in front of people and say if you give me your money God will give it back to you - and actually sleep at night when you’re taking old people’s money? It’s obviously the more desperate people who want to make an investment decision like that. Very vulnerable people.“ - Tanya. 

Disclaimer: I do believe that God gives back and the longer you wait, the more you get. But I believe that from a religious perspective. Meaning, if I help the poor or I help someone in need, I believe that I will find that kindness somewhere else. However, the way Hillsong preaches, it’s basically “give me your money! Oh… and God will give you more later no worries haha xoxo!” 

That’s the equivalent of asking 5 of my friends to give me money and my excuse is, God will repay y'all ladies! If Hillsong was GIVING the way religion wants you to give, not materialistic things, then I’d agree with their statement. But they used it in a very vile way and as Tanya said, they made an investment on very vulnerable people. 

The church is homophobic, but we been knew. Tanya explains their homophobia perfectly, “They’re explicitly homophobic, but up to that point they don’t want to be seen as an unfriendly, judgmental place. They want to be seen as warm, inclusive, loving, embracing. But they’re not. They are of their own kind: if you’re in the system and you behave accordingly, the system will reward you.”


It’s funny how the church is homophobic but its founder sexually abused and molested young boys. 

According to Tanya, Bobbie Houston, Brian’s wife, said that “there are only three types of media about Hillsong. They are the positive, the neutral, and the anti-Christ.”


So basically, you’re either with us or you’re Satan. Didn’t know sis had the same view as Selenators! 

To summarize:

  • do not question Hillsong unless you want to be banished

  • they’ll only pay attention to you if you are useful to them now.

  • they are never at fault, you are.

  • give them all your money even though they are tax exempt.

  • money money money money

  • money money

  • money

  • they’re homophobic

  • money

Not only do they take your money, they lie about having cancer too! The incident of Michael Guglielmucci. 


Michael Guglielmucci is a Hillsong pastor who wrote songs for Hillsong albums. In September 2006, he announced that he was dying of cancer. It was reported that he was suffering severe pain, difficulty breathing, constantly vomiting, and lost a lot of hair. And according to him, that is why he composed the song “Healer,” that was apparently about his struggle with cancer. The song was pretty successful and he performed it for about 2 years. When performing the song, he often had no hair and sang with an oxygen tube attached to his nose. 

Then his father exposed him and said that he fabricated the cancer story to hide the pornography addiction that he’s had for 16 years

Damn. Sell the disease, sis.

Anyone know anybody who used a disease as a coverup for another problem?


What the hell? Who put that photo there?

Offensive women comments, homosexuality, and abortion. 


Sources: (X) (X)

Hillsong suffered an incident in 2015 when they invited Mark Driscoll, an American preacher, to attend their annual conference. They revoked their invite when it was found that he made offensive comments about women ONLY when a petition against his appearance garnered 3,000 signatures. But didn’t they already know about his previous scandals or did they only revoke their invite when it looked bad on their part? After all, he did blame a women PUBLICLY for her husband’s actions (also pastor), when he was exposed for paying a male prostitute for three years and buying crystal meth, in 2014. He said that if she didn’t let herself go, then maybe then her husband would not have turned to gay sex. Hillsong also seemed to ignore when he went on a crazy rant, criticizing feminism, homosexual behavior, and emasculated men who are apparently sensitive in his eyes. 

Surely with all the money Hillsong vacuums from their members’ incomes, they could have hired someone to background check the people they invite, no? 

Hillsong church is also known to not support a gay lifestyle as well as the belief that abortion is a sin. This is widespread against many religions, so I am not using this to support what I am going to expose on them. 


His response: 


Hillsong’s Scam to Get Out of Paying Taxes 


Source: (X)

Hillsong is tax exempt, they do not pay taxes. The senior pastors at Hillsong alongside their families, enjoy a lavish lifestyle without worrying about paying any sort of taxes. They are tax exempt because they are apparently not for profit charities so they are being treated as a charity in the face of the tax world. 


They have been criticized for this because they make millions regularly considering they take AT LEAST 10% of their followers’ income/salaries so why should they be tax exempt considering tax exemptions are meant to help small and struggling churches. 


How does Hillsong do this? Well their founder, Brian, uses Leadership Ministries Inc (LMI) which is a not-for-profit company to fund them in order to be tax exempt. Due to this, Brian and his wife have property deals that earned them $1.4 million. According to Herald Sun, they also get the benefit of “A $1 million, fringe benefits tax-free expense account each year for five people, including the Houstons.” They can use vehicles worth more than $120,000 and not pay taxes for them. They fund their oversea tours completely in which Brian can earn about $20,000 per speech. 


Philip Powell was a Pentecostal preacher that said that Hillsong should be stripped of their tax-exempt benefits and “should be recognized for what it is: a corporation, not a church. Hillsong is really just a sales and marketing operation. If you took out the religious aspect, a company like that would have to pay thousands of dollars in fringe-benefits tax each year.“


What you’re supposed to understand here is this tax-exempt benefit is supposed to help small and struggling churches. Not churches that makes over $50 million a year. 

But what can you expect from a money hungry church, right? 

Church of Wells’ open letter to Hillsong, exposing them. 


Source: (X)

Church of Wells is a religious group located in Wells, Texas. 

It is considered by some to be a cult due to their odd ways at approaching some things. I am telling you this because I am not biased and I will always report the full story to you. However, if you take a look at their controversies and compare them with the shit I just told you about Hillsong, Church of Wells would seem like the perfect and a church of saints. 

In June/July 2013, some of the pastors of Church of Wells, went to a Hillsong event in Sydney. They said, “What we saw over the next few days exceeded our expectation of how corrupt, unbiblical, and grievous the conduct of those involved truly is.”

They went there and preached some things, basically coming for Hillsong’s weave. 


As you guys should know by now, do not question Hillsong. Even if they are doing something wrong. They will banish you as Tanya Levin showed us. But Church of Wells showed us something else when you question them or bring up the fact that the Bible says one thing and Hillsong preaches another. 

I will dumb down whatever they say or explain it, when I put this -> […].

Their experience: 

“They also greatly withstood [resisted] the biblical understanding of true and false conversion, affirming that all who confess Jesus as Lord and invite Him into their hearts are born again, regardless of whether or not they are set free from a lifestyle of willful sin. In fact, they so greatly withstood our words and declaration of the Gospel, that they rioted against us, including chanting, throwing rocks and balls at us/our equipment, attempting to steal our equipment (almost successfully), yelled at us, and one man who was with us was even punched in the face so hard that he spat out blood (Peter Noble). A young man attending the conference stole the purse of a woman who stood with us, and as the thief ran away, one of the Hillsong pastors told those in line to enter the conference to do a ‘crowd wave’ as the thief ran past them all. When I rebuked [disapprove, or criticize based on the actions of someone] the pastor, he said in the presence of at least 2 of us (Damien James Gloury and myself) that he endorsed the behavior because the man was “just a teenager”, [so it’s okay that the teenager stole the bag of someone because according to the Hillsong pastor, ‘he’s just a teenager’] utterly justifying the wickedness, which is behavior condemnable to Hell by 1 Corinthians 6:9.”

It continues. 

“We were also harassed by 2 Hillsong pastors who stood in front of us for almost the whole of the 3 days, often using a bullhorn in front of us to turn away people from listening. These 2 Hillsong pastors threatened us with violence and swore at us, and were utterly hardened from any biblical reproof about their behavior. During one of the nights that a riot against us was breaking out, a woman from the conference was given a bullhorn by one of the Hillsong pastors and began to publicly speak to us in tongues, while the crowd cheered her on. Not only was this pastor endorsing the shameful behavior … but also the public mockery that was being made of a gift of the Spirit.” 


The pastors of the Church of Wells said that they preached at pride marches, atheist conventions, to Muslims, but they “have never faced such danger, violence and thievery as at the Hillsong Conference.” 

Let me make one thing clear. I don’t really care for the Church of Wells, like I don’t care for Hillsong. So I don’t believe in what they preach in. Am I a fan of them going to pride marches, atheists, Muslims, etc.,? No. They preach at Hillsong because they come from the same religion (Christianity) and one is preaching against the Bible [Hillsong]. Even then, I am not their biggest fan. The point of this is to point out Hillsong’s RESPONSE to their preaching and how they APPROVE of what their followers are doing (violence, punching, stealing, damaging of property, etc), all for what? Freedom of speech? That’s my personal opinion. 

Let’s continue. 

They criticize how when Hillsong called for anyone to convert, they didn’t mention genuine repentance or however it is that you convert to Christianity. I’m not here to criticize how Hillsong preaches against the Bible, I am here to expose them for the money hungry and hypocritical cult that they are. But them preaching against the Bible is just gravy on top of this exposing fest. 


“On the last night of the conference, we all witnessed the final call made by the preacher for anyone to become a Christian. There was no mention of genuine repentance, Godly sorrow over sin (2 Corinthians 7:10-11), conviction of the Holy Spirit, counting the cost of losing everything in this life, or the need to be made a new creature in Christ with a renewed mind, heart, and spirit, with power over sin (2 Corinthians 5:17). [all the things that you need to convert] … Also, on the last night of the conference, after the preacher finished speaking, all these “Christians” walked outside the stadium to the sound of demonic secular music. This also included the vile, ungodly, pagan “Harlem Shake” in which hundreds of Hillsong attendees joined into dance sensually and chaotically. … I only had the looks of shock, annoyance and disapproval from the sin-mad crowd that did not want to their works of darkness to be reproved by the light (John 3:19-21).” 


Personally, I wouldn’t imagine doing the Harlem Shake at a church, but do you, Hillsong. As you can see, the pastor from the Church of Wells by shook by this and he criticized how this goes against the Bible and was met with a disapproving crowd (which I am not surprised by since he is at a Hillsong event). 


There is a time and place for everything and the Harlem Shake is not something that should be done at church. Hillsong is trying to westernize everything and make Christianity into this whole thing like “look! We’re cool! We’re shaking our asses at church. We luv God lol look at the harlem shake!” They just want to appeal. There is a line and Hillsong doesn’t know where it is. 

And now to my favorite part. 

Church of Wells’ experience with Isaac Anderson ft. Hillsong. 

This story will be the most relevant to Jelena’s story. 

Church of Wells met Isaac Anderson while they were preaching in Sydney. Isaac lost his path in life and turned to sex to deal with whatever shit he was going through, being drunk all the time, occasional drug use, and a bunch of other shit. 

Remind of you someone? Perhaps this will bring back some memories. 





Isaac lost his way and he wanted to find God in order to better himself. 


So he went to Hillsong church. 




A youth pastor tried to set him up with a GIRL in order to better himself. 


I am literally internally screaming!!!!

If you are a new reader or have not read our Twitter thread on Jelena feat. Hillsong, or don’t know who Bizzle is, you’ll be a little confused. But relax darlings. At the end of the post we will explain. Just soak in this knowledge first. 

“Instead of leading him into the narrow gate of genuine faith and repentance, the youth pastor tried to set him up on a date with a girl instead. By Isaacs’s confession, it was more of a social club than a church and full of worldliness and false conversions.”

When Issac went to Hillsong and spoke to his youth pastor and told him about basically the shit they preached to him, the pastor tried to make him turn a blind eye to their cult ways and tried to convince him to turn to religious works of confession, baptism, and so on. The pastor even confessed to Issac that he also has struggled through shit like pornography, but Hillsong cured/helped him. 


uhhh….. imagine preaching about all these sins but you do them yourself. How are people to supposed to follow these pastors into religion when they’re full of shit themselves?!

“Not all of these pastors are like this!” -screams a stan on stan twitter who is trying so hard to be oblivious to the cold hard truth that is in this post. 

I’d write you a closing on this statement, but I’ll just post the Church of Wells’ closing on this topic. 

“At this point, you may be thinking, “Well, not everyone attending and all the youth pastors represent the heart of Hillsong.” To which I would reply, look at the pastors of Hillsong who established the Church in 1983 in Australia, Frank (father) and Brian (son) Houston. Frank Houston is known to have sexually abused and molested multiple children which is well documented, and publicly admitted on October 8, 2014 by Brian Houston to a Sydney hearing of the Royal Commission into institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse. Brian Houston, the current head pastor, has yoked himself with Joel Osteen, T.D. Jakes, Steven Furtick, Rick Warren and other heretical, compromised, prosperity preachers who tickle people’s ears with feel good messages and leave out true Biblical conversion and preaching on true repentance. Brian lives a luxurious lifestyle, with 2 waterfront properties, and wrote a book called, “You Need More Money”, which is a mockery to the Shepherds heart of Jesus Christ, calling sinners to repentance and storing up treasures in Heaven. Does this sound like the Heavenly-minded Jesus Christ of the Bible, who rode to Jerusalem on a donkey, only to be crucified and hated by the world? Some of those attending Hillsong include the rich, famous and worldly, Justin Bieber, his manager- Scooter Braun, Jeremy Linn (NBA superstar), the actor Austin Butler, and more. Need I say more? Why are the rich, prosperous, and worldly flocking to this church, while the poor, needy and those hungering for righteousness are cast off and abused?


Damn… came for Hillsong’s neck! 

Bruce Herwig and Why He Stopped Singing Hillsong 


Source: (X)

And we continue with how everyone with a brain and the will to educate themselves, sees right through Hillsong’s scam. 

So this guy, was singing at Hillsong and then through his experience with them, he realized that, wow…. they preach against the Bible and all they want is just money. 

A reoccurring theme with them, correct? 


He starts his post listing some of their notable achievements and says “You can find them on virtually every Christian radio station and sung Sunday morning in churches all across America. So what’s not to like?” Which is what everyone who supports and goes to Hillsong, sees. I’m not going to get into the details of his story. I linked him so you can read up on it, on your own. He also lists a Soundcloud recording for you guys to listen to the Hillsong event yourself and it backs up everything he exposes. 

So basically when he heard that they were opening up a church in Los Angeles, some place close to him, he decided to go. 

“It was very clear as the service progressed, Hillsong United and Hillsong the church are one in the same. There is no separation between the two. In the same way Jesus Culture is a ministry of Bethel Church, Hillsong United is a ministry of Hillsong Church.“


Everything is designed to feed the other. It’s a circle of MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY. 


Something that stood out to Bruce was that…… “There was no mention of sin. No mention of God’s righteous wrath. No mention of repentance. No mention of the cross.” 

And this is something that the Church of Wells also criticized. 

How are you a CHURCH if you’re not going to preach the main points of what you are BASED on…. aka the Bible! 

He continues to criticize (in a very nice manner, unlike the ExposingSMG team) how they are once again going against what the Bible preaches and not talking about the main points. 

Every time we sing a Hillsong song, we promote to our congregations the Hillsong brand, send them money, and, in effect, join them in their network and help them spread their message.“

The purpose behind why he exposed Hillsong, was to make the followers of Hillsong think about what they are singing and where these songs are coming from because you are endorsing these cults whenever you do conform to their money makers. Like Bruce says, “All MOVEMENTS have an agenda and need to be scrutinized…much more than a solo songwriter.


And he ends it with:

“Therefore, no matter how popular they are, or how I might not take issue with a particular song, I do not think it is wise to partner with them in worship. There are enough good songs out there that don’t have the baggage. We have a choice…we can sing something else.“

Hillsong Church Watch Comes For Them Next


Source: (X)

One scroll down their post and I read “It only goes to show that Hillsong once again refuses to acknowledge any form of biblical behavior or governance within their own church at the expense of their followers.”

The difference with this source and the previous sources, is that they cite Justin Bieber, specifically. First, they give a rundown of Justin on Instagram (posing butt naked, vacationing with his pastor, etc etc) following a 5 day Hillsong event that he supposedly attended with now fiancee, Hailey Baldwin. 

And then they write this:


Instead of Justin saying “Jesus saved me” he credited CARL LENTZ??? What kind of shit are they preaching to him there?

Now ain’t that some tea. 

After all, Justin does credit Hillsong for saving him, stating at the Sydney Hillsong, “I was blind but now I see.”


This event took place at the Sydney Olympic Park and it’s not known as some celebrity hangout but Justin being there, has attracted people from around the world. The cost to get in? $350.00. 


Justin kept praising Hillsong. 

Fans bought tickets to see Justin but who made the money? Hillsong. 

How much does Hillsong Church make? 


Source: (X)

Remember, Hillsong is tax exempt, meaning they do not pay taxes. They take 10% of their members’ income, and they live on heavy donations, many coming from celebrities. 

In 2015, it was reported that they make $100 million a year. 

They have about 584 workers and THOUSANDS of volunteers. 

They have collected $42.5 million from offerings and donations. This was reported in 2015 so that number has definitely grown a lot by now. The Daily Telegraph also reports that it “collects millions from music royalties and its childcare and tuition services, which are put back into the church’s operations and expenses.”

How much does Justin Bieber give Hillsong Church? Besides, free promotion. 


Source: (X)

In Post Malone’s 2017 Rolling Stone cover story, he revealed something quite interesting. 

When asked about Justin, he replied saying that he’s:

“a fucking awesome, great dude and a genuine friend. He’s gotten super-religious recently. Real culty. It’s a total cult. [when someone in the interview with him chimes in saying ‘It’s not culty!’ he replies saying that, ‘it’s a total cult.’] He’s already given them, like, $10 million. Those are the worst kinds of people. I used to be super-religious. I believed in God. But now I see through it. It’s nice to support something you believe in, I guess, but people are spending so much money, and God doesn’t care that your church has a fucking gold roof.“


Carl Lentz denies Post’s statement and actual takes some offense to it by firing back and saying:

“I put no stock in comments made by people who know absolutely nothing about the subject they are speaking on. I do not know Post Malone and I have no idea why he would say reckless things about our church, which he has never visited. Justin has not given our church 10 million dollars and we do not have gold ceilings. We do not even own a church building. So that gives you a little insight about how serious you can take his observations about anything to do with us.”


So he denies that Justin gave them $10 million and he says that Post Malone doesn’t even know what he’s talking about. 

Funny. Post Malone is in the industry and he clearly stated that he used to be super religious but once finding out the fraud of how much money these religious groups needed, that furthered him away from it. 


Notice how Carl Lentz says “We do not even own a church building” implying that they can’t even afford a church building let alone a gold ceiling. 


Manipulation at its finest. 

They made $100 million in 2015 alone along with over $40 million from celebrity donations (mainly) and yet he wants to play that card? 

Ha. Exposed. 

In 2015 alone, Forbes estimated that Justin made around $60 million to $80 million. 


And we all know about the 10% Hillsong rule of their members and their income right? 

So if Justin made at least $60 million in 2015, Hillsong would have expected him to give them at least $6 million. Notice, there is a difference between how much he actually gave them vs. how much they EXPECT from him. The fact that they expect even that is insane. 

In 2017, Forbes reported that Justin made $83.5 million.


So according to Hillsong, Justin is expected to give them $8.3 million. 

After all, Post Malone did say he gave them $10 million and Carl was like “uhh no it wasn’t 10 million!” So what was it Carl? $8.3 million? $6 million? Post Malone could easily have been estimating considering it’s such a huge number to begin with!


And if you don’t believe me, how do you want to explain the fact that Hillsong made $42 million in 2015 from donations alone? There aren’t that many people that can donate an easy $2 million so obviously that number relied heavily on celebrity influences. 

Any church that expects me to donate 10% of my income because they are a church who apparently “saves” despite them not preaching what the Bible says, is a cult. 

Argue with yourself. 

Hillsong Church’s Involvement in Justin Bieber’s love life, feat. Selena Gomez and Hailey Baldwin

Source: The ExposingSMG Team’s source. 

After all that exposing on Hillsong, it’s time to expose their involvement with Jelena and Jailey. 


We’ve mentioned Hillsong very briefly in previous posts and loyal readers knew that there was something fishy with Hillsong and they’ve been begging us to expose them for years now. 

I hope the beginning of this post sufficed. With all the shit I just told you about Hillsong and their psycho pastors, what I’m about to tell you shouldn’t be too unbelievable. 

After this post goes up, the Jelena post will go up explaining their reunion in a more in depth manner but this following information will only focus on Hillsong’s involvement and nothing else. 

Hillsong is the main reason Justin and Selena reunited. 


Jelena is an interesting couple because they went from being set up through their managers to being set up through a culty church. 

We personally believe that the pastors involved behind this Jelena setup are evil because this was all done for one reason and one reason only. And the reason was NOT for Justin’s well being which is the main reason he joined Hillsong the cult to begin with. 

The reason had to do with the reoccurring theme in this post and that is MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY. 

Justin first met Carl Lentz in 2007 when he was 14 years old, at a church service. 

However, it wasn’t until 2014 when Justin was really starting to get involved with Hillsong. 


That was also the same year that Carl baptized Justin in an NBA player’s bathtub… at 2 AM. 

After Justin’s breakup with Selena and after all the malicious shit that Selena pulled at the end of 2012 until 2014, Justin needed to recover. He fell into a pit of depression. He started drinking, doing drugs, whoring around and more. All of that to deal with the pain that Selena put him through (shading him, selling information about him to public, selling scandalous photos, and more). All that shit was discussed in previous posts and that’s what Google is for. 

Justin went through a lot. And he wanted to get back to a good part in his life again and that is why he joined Hillsong and really became a member, despite running into some of the pastors beforehand. 

He needed them to heal him and he was prepared to do whatever (and spend whatever) to get his mental health back on track. 


So Hillsong helped him find his way to Jesus. I don’t know how they did that considering they barely preach from the Bible, but Justin sees what he wants to see. And he was a pretty religious person before them so it’s not like he was a new convert with no previous knowledge on the church. 

But through them, he claims to have found his purpose. He also says Carl Lentz saved him. 


However, one weird point of their healing process was reuniting with….. a girl. 


They wanted to set him up with her. And by set up, I mean reunite. 

Sound familiar? 

Boy loses his way in life. Starts partying, drinking, sleeping around, and doing drugs. Boy wants to get back on track. Boy goes to Hillsong. Hillsong youth pastor suggests to set up Boy with Girl. 

Isaac Anderson anyone? Aka the same person who went through that exact same thing except he saw right through Hillsong and came and confessed his experience with them to the pastors of the Church of Wells as we explained earlier!

So if you don’t believe us when we tell you that Hillsong reunited Justin and Selena again, we don’t care because what you can’t deny is that is what they can do!! Hence the Isaac Anderson story. 


Why did Hillsong want to reunite Jelena? 

Hillsong have dabbled in Jelena for YEARS. So this is not new territory for them. However, they haven’t been this involved until now. 

When Justin and Selena first publicly reunited, where did they do it? 

Hillsong church! On the first day they publcily reunited it was at Hillsong. 


And who was preaching? Carl Lentz as seen above. 


TMZ did report she was at his house a week earlier and then they were spotted at the diner which we saw in the ONE paid, posed, photograph (the 3 P’s) that TMZ revealed to us. 


At the end of November, Jelena was spotted leaving church together. Shocking. 


That night, our source’s friend met Justin. She also saw Selena talking to some guy in the back and from how our source told it to us, it seemed like there was more to it. So it wasn’t like “hey y’all you like Jesus? Me too!” My source found it odd and suspicious aka what Selena is. And then the friend was escorted out. 

Also, look what US Weekly reported. 


Justin’s increased dedication brought them together aka HILLSONG. 

We then found out that Jelena had an agreement that involves certain clauses which they must follow. There was talk about marriage as well. This isn’t the first time Justin and Selena’s marriage talk comes up in a contract or agreement. 

Remember the parent contract? 

Trust me, you want to read that. 

So let’s go back to Justin’s downfall during the Purpose era. Yes, not during the Believe era. 


Justin was unhappy with the genre of his music. Purpose had a bunch of dance bops like Sorry, Children, Been You, What Do You Mean, Where Are U Now, and basically the majority of the album. It was very EDM/pop club music as my source describes it. 

The problem was Justin wanted to release R&B music and he worked with many producers on many R&B songs. However, the label forced him to release EDM/pop music because they said that he would make more money off mainstream music as opposed to R&B.


Now for those of you who might not know how marketing goes, you might chime in here with your 2 cents and say “no! Justin has so many fans he can make anything sell!” Tea, but that’s not always the case and that’s not how it works. And the label didn’t want to take a risk with trying to widen his audience considering this was his comeback from Believe. When he released Journals, he did not promote it or tour for it because of his mental state. Something we preached about and then Scooter Braun, his manager, confirmed for you… once again, years later after we said it. 


During this era, Justin was MICROMANAGED. He was watched very closely and he was overall very controlled. And with being controlled, comes rebellion. 


Since his breakup with Selena, Justin suffered from depression and anxiety. When Justin had no control over anything his life, specifically his music genre, that triggered that depression and anxiety, along with his claustrophobia. So, he suffered from that already with his breakup, and therefore it was easy for him to bounce back into that habit when things started going south, during the Purpose era. 

Remember when we told you that after the breakup, Justin would try calling Selena and then she would go around her to her friends and everyone, talking about how she doesn’t want anything to do with him? Fun times. Anyways, not being able to talk to her would shift his whole mood and he would distance himself from everyone, including Scooter. 


So Justin felt he had no one genuine in his life (all shit before the Purpose era started). But now on top of feeling that way, now he’s in the Purpose era, he feels like he can’t control his career, his music, his tour was forced, and he couldn’t do anything about his label. 

And once again, Justin was depressed. My source tells me that Justin had clinical depression and was prescribed medication for his anxiety as well as anti-depressants. He was going through hell with the industry, the label, and his mental health. He was working long and harsh hours and going through depression as well with the occasional drug use. It was like 2013 again, minus the extreme scandals that Selena sold to the media, as well as not that many drug usage. 

So as Scooter implied to you, he was suicidal… again. 

That’s why Justin cancelled the remainder of his tour and dedicated his new free time to Hillsong. That’s why Justin stopped taking photos with fans because he felt like no one liked him for him but only for his status and image. That’s why he was distant from Beliebers and the industry during what everyone thought was his RECOVERY. 


Read more on Justin Bieber As A Person:

If Justin retaliated against the label and did what he wanted, they would threaten him saying they would not book him for certain events and that he would not be allowed to associate or talk to certain people whether that is done in the private or public eye

His career was being thretened but he didn’t care because he wanted to die. 

So Justin was struggling with some things hence why he took out the meet & greet package from his tour bundle, followed that with cancelling the remaining like 6 or 7 shows, and then having a no-photos rule for a short period of time, with fans.

This was all happening in 2015-. 

What else happened in 2015? 

Justin’s commitment to Hillsong. 

My source tells me that Justin was told by Judah Smith, to give his life to God and when he does, his mental health would become better. And it did, because through his belief in God, he discovered his real purpose on Earth and he began to have a testimony with himself. 


She also said that the church is really like a cult because people come to them when they’re at their breaking point and so they’re vulnerable. They would do anything to make the pain go away. These things happen in the indsutry very often. 

Here’s where Selena’s involvement comes in. 


Selena and one of the pastors at the church had an agreement where he was going to convince Justin that the Lord wants him to settle down and marry Selena. He [the pastor] would preach to Justin that he would get through this hardship by rekindling with those who were in his life before his downfall and his depression. He also said that he should be with his soulmate, aka Jelena. 

Hillsong emphasized to Justin that Selena is his SOULMATE. 

But really, they just know that Jelena is a controversial and popular couple that brings in money and attention. 


That happened a few years ago. Like I said, Hillsong’s connection with Jelena goes a long way back. 

Also, Hillsong has dabbled in Jelena for years, but this last reunion was caused by them. And with that being said, Judah Smith was behind many reasons to why they reunited in 2014 as well. Here’s all 3 of them spotted at church in 2014. 


Going back to the pastor that Selena was talking to that was going to convince Justin that Selena is who he should settle with, it was most likely either Carl Lentz or Judah Smith, or both. However, Judah Smith has had Jelena influence since 2012. Here’s them spotted in 2012. 


Look at Alfredo, the rat. Read about him here:

Fun fact, ever since our exposed on Alfredo, Justin and him never became as close as they once were. The ESMG impact is real. 

Now of course this didn’t seem that malicious to the pastor or anyone who heard this plan because Selena has a way with words. (Unless it was for sure Carl and Judah). What I’m trying to say is that Selena can cast this plan off as something amazing when really it’s far from that. She may have come across this plan saying things like “I really want the best for him. I want him to settle down with me so we can both be happy and he can leave the life of sin. I hope that you can make him see the truth.” Basically the bullshit she fed the general public and her ugly fans. 

Some shit along those lines. However, the reality was that Selena was selfish and just wanted what’s best for her career. And who was snorting lines of cocaine while sleeping around? Selena. And yet sis wanted to seem like an innocent church gal despite being openly atheist at a certain point in her life. And during the times her psycho ass was conspiring with Judah Smith, she did not even believe in God. Yet here is she seen with him in 2013. 

Does nobody find it weird that Justin’s fucking pastor is out shopping with Selena in 2013 when Selena was TRASHING HIM publicly and shading him left and right? How is Justin that blind to trust him when he was Selena’s little message man during Justin’s downfall?????

Judah Smith even said that Justin NEEDS Selena to be happy. No wonder why it was so easy for Selena to manipulate Justin into reuniting with her all the fucking time in 2013 and 2014.

In 2013, Judah Smith tweeted: “I cannot believe the hate in my mentions….Justin NEEDS Selena..” 

Here’s screenshots of fans reacting to him. Throwback to old Twitter. 

Back in the olden days, that’s how we would quote tweets. He didn’t say “y’all going to hell” btw. That was an added comment from a fan. 


It was well known that Judah Smith was the fucking devil and one of the many reasons to why Selena so easily had her way with Justin. 

Now I know you may be confused with when Justin got involved with Hillsong. Judah Smith was Justin’s pastor in 2012- so on, but in 2015 is really when he committed his life to them. Before that, he was just being randomly baptized in 2014 by Carl and just here and there with them. 

However, the little agreement of Justin being convinced to settle with Selena, was put on pause. 

Selena started dating other people, including women. (2013-2014)


However, when the Jelena contract ended (end of 2016ish), Justin and Selena’s feelings for each other didn’t. 

But, when that contract ended, Selena started a new contract with The Weeknd, aka Abel in 2017. As we’ve exposed before, that contract was based on blackmail aka typical industry style. Selena also used her connection to Abel to get back at Justin because she heard a rumor that he slept with one of her friends. 


Selena and Abel got along (sometimes) because they dealt with their pain together, through drugs. 

But then what do we see throughout the years? 

Selena who openly expressed her disbelief in God (to mutuals), starts to attend church (and with Justin). Even though Selena didn’t want Justin to stay in the industry, she started being okay with the attention that he got from fans and being photographed with him. This all had to do with the plan and its clauses and it has to do with what Selena wanted all along: Justin to give up being famous and settling down with her. 

This plan has been talked about since TWENTY FREAKING TWELVE. And it’s in Justin’s song “She Don’t Like The Lights” which we’ve talked about several times. 

Just listen to it and it’ll make sense. 

Here’s the shocking part. 

My source tells me that Selena’s team is willing to offer the pastor MILLIONS if the church can keep Justin on track with this plan and being able to accommodate Selena’s career while staying lowkey in his and then eventually disconnecting from the industry completely


Remember when he said all that shit? But then he played it off as a prank? I think he was making fun of the situation. He’s a troll after all. 

My source also said that Justin is more in touch with his spiritually than religion, but he’s found a new way feel alive again and that is accepting that everything happens for a reason and God put everyone and every situation in his life, for a reason. And in order to go through with this, he must forgive

And of course that mentality works in Selena’s manner because Justin won’t look at it in a suspicious way. He’ll just be like “Oh this is all part of God’s plan.”


Back to the Jelena agreement with clauses. 

Justin had to stay away from negative media and any trouble and if he does not, Hillsong will drop him from their “healing cult.”

That wasn’t a problem for Justin… now. If it was during the Bizzle era, Hillsong wouldn’t even help him because they believe that he will just bring them negative attention. And as we have already established, Hillsong’s priority has seemed to be money over and over again, and not the person’s actual mental health. 

So Justin then shows his loyalty to Hillsong by not partying all the time and excessively purchasing random things that the media will find a way to turn it bad on him. And then they take him in. In 2015, when his commitment to Hillsong really took off, his reputation was fixed. It’s not like he was with them during his bad reputation. It’s almost as if they fixed him and then associated his name with them.


My source also tells me that Hillsong has Justin rekindling old relationships (remember, the whole redeeming yourself to God so you gotta surround yourself with those before the fame) and Selena has spoken to Pattie for Justin

Remember how we told you how Justin and Pattie’s relationship went downhill and Selena’s involvement in that? Yeah all in previous posts, go find it. 


What is the moral of this whole plan? 

To have Justin settle down with Selena. That has been the big plan all along.

I’m just going to quote my source here word to word

“Justin’s incredibly wealthy so he doesn‘t have to sign an agreement to get money off of, he has enough exposure and fans, but what he was missing for the past years and in what state made him vulnerable is him feeling lost and hopeless and willingly to take his own life. One of the only people who have had a genuine connection wIth Justin all an intimate, spiritual, and personal level is Selena. She’s the best advocate for their plan. Mandating Justin through her while appearing as they’re trying to help him recover through God, is the most intelligent plan. And let’s not forget they’re making millions from Justin as well. The church is not to be trusted in my opinion and nor is the pastor only because how they came at Justin in the time of need. They made sure not only were they "helping” him but they were helping themselves.“ 


So to summarize this whole mess, Hillsong wanted Justin and Selena to end up together because of money plans. Selena’s team wanted what they wanted all along, Justin to leave everything and Selena stays in the industry while he only feeds her career. Selena’s team was willing to pay millions to the pastor who can do that. Justin falls for everything but then he started seeing things in a different light and realized that Hailey was the right choice all along. Justin then proves to Hillsong, a big fuck you, by proposing to Hailey even though he knew how much they wanted to brainwash him into Selena being the right choice and being his soulmate. 

That’s okay if you don’t believe us. It’s not often that stans get proved right. However it is often that the ExposingSMG team gets proven right.

Explain this to me. We reveal the following on July 10:

So we basically said that Hillsong rooted for Jelena this whole time due to money plans and never took Hailey seriously. Justin then proposes to Hailey and goes against their wishes. How does his pastor react? 

July 14


Check out minute 1:27.

Here’s what he said in the video:

So grown man really hesitated to reply back because his money plans were put on hold since he aided in manipulating Justin into marrying a roach… for MONEY!!!! EVEN THOUGH HE’S ALREADY FILTHY RICH! 


And you can’t tell me he never liked Hailey. Matter of fact, his wife hung out with Hailey like all the time. 


And guess what? Carl hung out with Hailey as well!

Here’s Carl and Hailey leaving church together in NYC


Him chilling with Hailey at the beach


And Hailey chilling at his house, once again with him and his wife.


She was closer to the Lentz family than Selena ever was. So why does Carl seem so upset about their engagement? Clearly because the church was rooting for Jelena because Jelena getting married means more money and fame for them since Jelena is a much more controversial couple than Jailey is. 


If you want to disprove this, even though you really can’t since Carl confirmed our info for us by reacting like a selfish leech in the midst of the engagement news, go ahead. Give us YOUR explanation on why he’s against this proposal despite Hailey being so close to him and his family, along with his church. 

And it can’t be “he knows how marriage is, he thinks they won’t work out” because Carl and his wallet aren’t in this relationship and neither is stan Twitter.

Since Carl and Justin are in the midst of a fallout right now, it doesn’t mean that Justin has abandoned Hillsong. He still listens to their music along with Hailey. I just hope that this post sheds some light for both of them on the truth and foundation that Hillsong stands on. And when he one day realizes that, whether that is a year or two from today, our readers will tell you, “ExposingSMG told you so,” as they always do.


And Justin you fcking idiot, I’m sick of this. Paypal us some money or else we’ll turn on you and Hailey next. And join the real money team, Selena and Hillsong. 


And I want Judah Smith or Carl Lentz to open their fcking mouth and say something. 


Say something bihhhh

*10 mins later*

Back to Jelena and their reunion.  

What you have to understand, is that Jelena’s reunion was not only based on Hillsong. Jelena will be explained in the Jelena exposed post. This post is only about Hillsong’s involvement, but just know that they were trying to be together for real (of course with the influence of Hillsong), but Selena was using the church, Justin’s parents, and the media to imply an engagement between the two of them, as my source says. 

Like come on, paps would even ask Justin if he’s proposing to Selena! Why? Because there was talk in the inner circles that he would because of what the church and Selena were leaking. 


So Selena’s team leaked rumors that Justin might propose to Selena. 

Justin didn’t know that was happening at the time.

And once again, the Jailey engagement is a big “fuck you” to Selena, her team, and most importantly, Hillsong church. 

The paparazzi was also called for Justin and Selena spottings. I mean come on, that was obvious. They were in very lowkey places with 8,000 paparazzi shots but when TMZ wants to release their reunion picture, it’s only “one photo.”

Dismiss me with that bullshit. 

As of right now, Justin has not cut complete ties with Hillsong. If more Carl and Justin drama occurs, I’ll let you guys know. 

My source also says that Justin found out that Hillsong leaders were having this narrative about him and Selena being sold to the media. And when he found that out, he started leaning towards Hailey and he reached a moment in his life where he wanted to settle down and he needed to reflect on who has really been there for him over and over again. And what he saw was that Selena continued to use him again and again, through the church. And her leaving him again at an attempt to make him obsessed with her and yearn for her more, only showed him that she plays mind games to the max. So yeah, she left him and ended this reunion and my sis thought that we were suddenly in 2014 again. Why? Because Selena is under the narrative that she can call him up wherever and whenever again. But wake up sis. 

And then you have Hailey. 


Someone who was a fan of his at first, became best friends with him, and then became his lover. She was there for him in 2014 when Selena was tearing him down. She was defending him on Twitter in 2013 when Selena was making fun of him. She was there for him in 2015 when he was recovering from his downward spiral. She was there for him 2016 when he was finally in a good place in his mind.

And even though they broke it off in 2016 due to tour, she was STILL there for him and never once shaded him out of spite unlike Ms. Gomez who did everything in her power to ruin him. And then in 2018, his bum ass finally realized that. 


Hillsong didn’t win. 

Selena didn’t win. 

Her ugly stans didn’t win. 

Selena’s team didn’t win. 

The ExposingSMG team won (aka Justin and Hailey). And in the midst of all of this, we stay getting proved right. 

And that’s why the Jailey engagement was so sudden to everyone. None of you knew anything that was happening behind closed doors. 

Stay tuned for the follow up to this post which is the Jelena post (explaining Jelena’s relationship in a much more clearer manner) which will be followed with the Jailey post. 




Comment down below your thoughts. You can comment anonymously so take advantage of that. We will be replying back. Be respectful to one another or else your comment will be deleted.

Here’s the messages between my source and I. 

Lmao me talking about this post since Dec 2017. I hate myself. 

So then my source sent an extremely long message explaining this Hillsong deal. It would have involved 8,000 screenshots so I just copied and pasted what she said into three mini photos. 

April aka when we came back alive to our sources lmao


Fast forward to July. Those middle texts had to deal with other Jelena/Jailey BS that will be in the other posts. 

Since you guys notice everything… ignore the icon. I started messaging my source from a different account. 

Chantel info coming up in a different post. Ignore that part. Messages were cut out from here.  


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Let the comparisons start between Selena Gomez and Hailey Baldwin after Justin was seen crying in NYC


The Comeback: Are you ready for it?