Hello everyone.
I knew it took a while to get this post up, but you know the drill. We’re very busy but regardless, you will always end up getting a big post to make up.
I am doing something I never thought I’d have to do again: write a Jelena post with recent information dealing with the past couple weeks. I always thought if I was referring to Jelena again, it would be to exposed something that happened in the past. But I must’ve forget that Selena is a attention seeking leech and Justin’s just plain stupid. As you’ve all probably know by now, *sigh* Justin and Selena have reunited and this time it doesn’t look like it’s ending shorty. Keep reading to get all the details on Jelena and Abelena.

I literally go like this to Angela, “I really want Justin and Selena to meet up again” and she goes “They did. He was rumored to be at her house” and I go “No, I mean I want candids, she’s high fiving him, he’s screwing her on the side” and two minutes later….we get a Jelena candid.
There I was chilling in my room, speaking things into existence and bam Jelena photo.

So yes, you can blame me for speaking it into existence.
Now you’re all probably going “omg pray for esmg, Jelena is back” and the only thing y’all need to pray for is for Justin and Selena’s souls.
Esmg has never been happier! We are always wondering how iconic it would be if we were around (publicly) when Justin and Selena were dating in 2011. Now we might finally get our chance.

Now you’re all probably thinking “hey wasn’t Selena JUST with the Weekend like 2 weeks ago?” The answer to that is; yes.

This is them OCTOBER 5TH
So after the picture of Justin and Selena eating breakfast “leaked” everyone went crazy.
Now before I discuss Jelena, let me talk about Selena.
If you’d like to skip the history of Jelena, scroll down until you see the purple line.
Selena, selena, selena, selena. Same old selly. Never changing even with a near death experience.
*You need to read this next part to understand how truly pathetic Selena is. So if I get any “omg we just wanted a quick Jelena update” y'all will be lucky if you even get a tweet from us after that. So sit back and relax*
Let’s quickly go back to when Jelena first started.
Look at these intresting photos that the public got;

They are literally posing here ^

How adorable. These pics just randomly leaked during 2010, back when Justin and especially Selena, were nobodies.
So obviously we all know Justin and Selena started off on a PR contract in 2010 as we explained 87 times here:
Selena’s team started randomly milking Justin in the end of 2009 and then really increased the level of miking, starting at the end of 2010; which was probably when the first contract got signed.
Let’s take a look at one of my favorite attempts by Justin and Selena.

Now you guys are probably all going “What? you zoomed up at the screenshot” and for the newbies out there who don’t remember this i’ll say it again; Selena’s team literally zoomed up on her picture of Justin in the span of a split second. If you look at the screenshots you’ll see it goes minute 1:30 then minute 1:31 (the close up picture) then back to normal at minute 1:33.
If that doesn’t scream PR, I don’t know what does. And that was 2010 if I remember correctly.
Let’s move a little bit forward to 2011.

The iconic Jelena at the beach pictures. This one was hilarious. So the pictures on the “private” beach get “leaked” on May 23 and a few days later in an interview Selena announces that her and Justin are dating one day before her album gets released.

Shoutout to the veteran ExposingSMG readers who remember ^ that screenshot from the old ESMG theme.
Let’s also take a look at all the hilarious things that Scooter and Mandy leaked to the public.

If you guys want to see more of Jelena’s 2009-2011 hilarious publicity stunt antics read the post right here:
Here’s a part from that post that I found funny:

Okay so that was just SOME of the stunts they pulled back then to help promote Selena and to help destroyed the “Justin Bieber is gay” comeback.
Let’s look at 2013/2014 when things for Jelena are completely messed up:
So obviously Selena and Justin met up many times after their official breakup (November 2012; it was never the same after that month) to help mend things and get back together.

When that started failing completely because Selena and him were just fucking toxic, Selena starts to be seen with Justin again but now it’s after her movie gets released or her singles or an album.
For example:

Also to make more headlines Selena started spreading lies about Justin cheating on her:

Then in 2017 (she’s dating Abel here) she said she was single for 4 years (end of 2012-2016) meaning Justin never cheated on Selena, she was just acting crazy this whole time!

Literally she took the saying “knock me while I’m already down” to a whole new level.
She was even so crazy she appeared in the music video for “Your Boyfriend’s a douchebag” with her bitter friends.

Where the douchebag is dressed as Justin:

And because Selena loves Justin so much here she is bragging about making him cry on national television and being overwhelmed with happiness.

And then she laughs about it while Justin was probably in some corner crying and self medicating and planning his next failed suicide attempt.

Pure evil.
Can’t wait to see this happen ALL OVER AGAIN.
Since Justin wants to be a moron and hang out with his leech, he better not start crying after she does this ALL OVER AGAIN.
There is honestly so much more she’s done but I don’t want to sit there and list it all because I’ve already done that 400 times.
Here, I’ll link you to some popular posts that you can read to fill in any missing holes… literally.. ANY missing holes will be filled with these posts.
- First Jelena contract - [read here]
- Second Jelena contract - [read here]
- Selena makes Justin feel as he owes her - [read here]
- Selena shades Justin 800 times - [watch here]
- The amount of times they reconciled around a release - [read here]
- And again… - [read here]
- And just for a crazy laugh, throwback when she hired someone to hang out with her on her birthday to make her already suicidal ex, more suicidal - [read here]
- The beautiful mind games of he cheated on me… even though I’ve been single... - [read here]
- Another mind game when she attacked him on Instagram and he reminded her who tf he is - [read here]
- And let’s end this list with the JUSTIN AS A PERSON post - [read here]
Okay now that we can see that history proves Selena is an attention seeking leech and Justin’s a moron and Jelena will forever be toxic, let’s start.

Here’s a timeline of the past two months:
September 2nd-7th Abelena adopts a puppy, Charlie.

September 8th, Selena and Abel go on their second red carpet appearance

September 11, Selena and Abel move in together.

On September 14 Selena posts her kidney transplant pictures to her very large Instagram audience.

September 17th Selena goes to The Weeknd’s concert.

October 5th, Selena and The Weeknd hanging out.

October 20-25, Rumors that Selena will be having a documentary and will talk about her struggle with lupus.

October 23, Selena announces her new single Wolves will be released October 25.

and promoted the shit outta it.

Wolves does good at first but then tragically falls just as fast.
September 12-October 24ish, Selena is done filming her new Woody Allen movie btw about child molestation.
So the child molestor (Allen) made a move about a 15 year old girl having a relationship with an older man. So-called woke Selena…..the girl who produced (she only came once to set) 13 Reasons Why…..agreed….to work with Woody Allen…….to film……..a…….movie……about…..child……molestation.

“So you see Selena, the real key to success is getting away with things-like molesting children and having morons like you agree to work with me”

Probably making some cute jokes about their love for…… children.
I mean I get it, she worked with Woody Allen maybe not knowing he was a child molestor….. but Selena… the script and agreed to do it? Again, an attention seeking disease.
October 28, Selena rares get leaked including Jelena rares, Delena rares and Taylena rares

Wow we stan attention seekers in this house. She looks great. lmao

They’re so fucking ugly
October 28-31 Selena has a 2 part interview with the Today Show about lupus.

October 29, Jelena’s first candid after two years of not officially being seen together. And a shit ton of candids follow after that.

October 30th, Abelena is confirmed to be over. More Justin and Selena candids.


“Damn I wonder how many people are talking about me right now”
October 31, more Jelena candids. (at this point idek the date)

November 1st, Selena bike riding wearing Abel’s windbreaker.

attention seeking disease.
More Jelena candids.

“I wonder where Wolves is at on the charts right now”
In the span of 3 days there have been more Jelena candids released than Abelena candids. They were out like 3 times a day????
So Selena was with Abel two weeks before all of this and he apparently tried to see if he can donate his kidney to her (according to some headlines) and all that crap and then she’s seen with Justin?
Like let’s pretend this all wasn’t PR, your team leaked rumors of Abel trying to see if he can be your kidney donor and they thought it was a good idea to be seen with Justin weeks after that??????

These were all on September 17th.
So shouldn’t Selena be considered a cheater since she was out frolicking with her ex the day she was still with The Weeknd?
And right after Abelena is confirmed that it’s over, here we have Selena at her happiest.

“Hey Justin, tell me again your prediction for Wolves sales?!”

“and then I said, “happier with models he is”, remember that Justin?

I mean…. does she have no shame? No respect for herself? Us insiders know it’s PR but the whole world including her moronic we-get-played-by-our-fave-24/7-since-we-can’t-think-for-ourselves fans thought Abelena was fine.
I mean just imagine If Justin was dating Selena then went to hang out with Hailey while he was still publicly with Selena, her fans would’ve destroyed him. So why are they call quiet when Selena basically just did that?
And because Selena looks fucking stupid what does she do?
Goes to a random fucking park, in heels, to read to a random fucking kids, and leaves.

I have so many questions.
First of all who the fuck carries a frozen book and goes reads to kids at the park randomly… unless you have this photo op PLANNED????
Second, why the fuck is Selena Gomez aka I-agreed-to-work-on-a-movie-about-child-molestaion, HANGING OUT WITH CHILDREN?
(Lmao calm down roachlenas your fave isnt a child molestor that was a joke)
But honestly though those candids of her at the park were self dragging.

And of course her fans, who are very questionably emotionally dependent on Selena, believe there is nothing wrong with these new candids.
I mean COME ON.
Go read to children and pretend you’re not doing some shady shit on the side is like the #1 PHOTO OP publicly stunt that the Elite world always goes for.
I mean HELLO

Lmaooo yes I just compared Selena to George Bush.
I mean Selena looks fucking stupid and this whole Jelena mess is taking the world by storm; Selena reads to kids at the park.
9/11 is in motion, the president that nobody fucking likes is reading to children.

Wow so PR in Hollywood and in Politics is the same. Who’s surprised? Not us!
Let’s move on.
I mean not only was she laughing her heart out with Justin a day after Abelena is over, SHE ALSO WORE ABEL’S SWEATER.
And not even some regular “oh everyone owns a black Nike sweater” sweater… it was some bright ass and ugly jacket that everyone remembered Abel wearing when they were together like 1 week before their contract expired and Jelena rose.
Let’s all recap what just happened.
- Selena and Abel are still officially together from January 2017- October 28th, 2017. (About 10 months)
- Selena’s song Wolves and Lupus interview both flop. (Even her own fans aren’t talking about it, all they are talking about is Jelena.)
- Selena is seen with Justin.
- To create more drama since shes an attention whore, she wears The Weeknd’s sweater while bike riding.
All of this coming from the girl who swears she wishes she wasn’t famous.

The girl who cries at night “I wish people would forget about me”

The girl preaching about how she doesn’t want her relationship public.

The girl singing “I would be okay if my fame went away”

What a fucking joke.
Now let’s see what Ms. Gomez’s team is saying.

Of course Selena’s team has to remind everyone that he’s trash just in case anyone forgot. I mean once Selena relapses and needs a third rehab stunt and a third kidney, they’re going to need a scapegoat!
Literally as I’m writing this post these photos come out:

So according to TMZ, Abel misses being single. He didn’t want to be tied down to Selena because he’s not a relationship type of man. Justin asked Selena if they can hang out. Justin spent months convincing Selena to hang out. The Weeknd broke up with Selena and Justin had nothing to do with it.
So basically it’s EVERYONE’S fault BUT Selena, even though she’s the one that has a single out and a lupus interview out.
So coincidently Selena has a single and her interview about lupus out but she didn’t plan her breakup with The Weeknd or her hang out with Justin.
Coincidently God went “ya know sel, I finna do ya a favor and let you hang out with Bieber (the guy everyone goes crazy about whenever he's with someone) coincidentally the same week your projects are out and ya know what since you’re a saint and can do no wrong, imma change the timeline and have The Weeknd break up with you, since you ain't no cheater.”
I… mean what?????
So Selena ONCE AGAIN throws her ex under the bus to fit her vanilla image.

I mean…. he broke up with her to fool around with other girls. And Selena’s okay with it??? I mean she’s out cracking up with Justin days later.
We saw how Selena reacted to Justin when they had their breakup. She was a mess, shading Justin from left to right, because she was HURT right? That’s the narrative her ROACH fans gave us?

And all the sudden The Weeknd breaks off his ten months dating Selena to screw other girls and Selena all like “hehe okay Abel!!!”
And Selena’s team is all like:
“oh y'all thought Selena’s cheating on Abel? oh hell nah he broke up with her and Bieber spent months convincing her to hang out all COINCEDENTLY THE WEEK HER TWO PROJECTS ARE OUT.”

I mean with Selena’s luck she should definitely go after the lottery.
Once again let’s go over how much the world loves Selena.
So innocent Sel has a song and lupus interview all coming out around the same week.
Coincidently for innocent Sel, reports of The Weeknd breaking up with her come out WHILE she’s hanging out with her ex.
All! Coincidently! On! The! Week! Selena’s! Projects! Come! Out!
What is that she has? Was it leukemia or lupus? I tend to forget like she does.
Nope that was all dear old Sel. But hey! She ain't no cheater or attention whore, It was Abel who broke up with her because he so called misses the single life even though was rumored to have checked if he can give Selena his kidney and Gomez ain't no attention seeking whore because it was Bieber who ALL THESE MONTHS BEGGED SELENA TO HANG OUT AGAIN.
So basically in the end, Selena’s the victim in this again and it’s all Abel and Justin’s fault.
Selenators defend Selena as if she pays their rent or benefits them in ANY WAY.
The exposingsmg team told you guys that once Abelena breaks up, Selena will throw him under the bus.

wow……it’s almost as if…. the so called liars have……have……have……have….SOURCES?!?!?
And peep how all of this is weeks before their breakup. Someone call for exposing legends?
Now let’s tackle what’s being said about Abel in these TMZ articles.

They weren’t seeing each other???
Yet in September they were LIVING TOGETHER. And they spent her birthday out. And he rescheduled his tour around her kidney transplant surgery. And they were literally photographed together ALL THE TIME.

So he schedules his concerts around her surgery and that still ain’t enough for her. Same old sel.

So he called her SEVERAL WEEKS AGO AND ENDED IT. (I love how we all got the news on October 30th when he “ended” it several weeks ago.)
So several weeks ago that’s what an estimate of 4-6 weeks ago? I mean if it was 2 weeks ago or even 3 weeks ago, they would’ve said a few weeks ago. But they said several. This could even go back to 7 weeks.
Yet they were living together SEPTEMBER and adopted a dog (two extremely big steps in their relationship) OCTOBER, were hanging out OCTOBER 5TH, all for us to get “relationship has been fizzing over the summer” “he missed being single” “ENDED IT SEVERAL WEEKS AGO”

And y’all still don’t believe it’s PR????
Not only did Selena released her song Wolves and releases an interview talking about Lupus, she just finished shooting her Woody Allen movie which will also need promoting. So who does dear old Selly call?! Justin-Im-FULL-of-SHIT-Bieber!
And of course Selena’s team MAKES SURE we understand that this isn’t Selena’s fault and that Abel is happy!

On top of that, Selena is liking Abel’s pics on Instagram.
November 9, 2017:

November 9 is also the 5 year anniversary of Jelena’s first and offical breakdown. Now if Justin was chilling with Selena and went and liked Hailey’s picture, I’m sure everyone will have meltdowns and call him a whore.
But then November 18, 2017, she SHE UNFOLLOWS HIM on Instagram.

But since poor little diseased Selena did it, it’s fine.
(This is like my third or fourth ‘proof this is pr for Selena’ part because it’s so fucking obvious)
- Selena released two singles while still being with The Weeknd; Bad Liar and Fetish.
- They both flopped so bad that when Selena goes MIA I actually thought it’s because of how bad they flopped.
- Selena and The Weeknd are publicly fine from January 2017-October 27th.
- Selena and The Weeknd are doing so fine, they move in together and adopt a dog. (September 11/ October 2nd-7th)
- Selena releases Wolves October 25th and her lupus interview officially October 29-31.
- Selena finishes shooting her movie which will need promotion in a few weeks.
- Selena and Justin are seen together many times, first being October 29th.
- TMZ claims insiders say “Abel broke it up several weeks ago” “he misses being single” “It wasn’t Selena or Justin’s fault”
- Selena and Justin are still seen together after all that.
If you guys don’t believe it was PR from the start you all must be very confused. Sad. All love.
ESMG team stay winning.
Want more proof that Jelena is a power couple and Abelena stood no chance? Let’s look at all the celebrities/social media influencers talking about them.

Jennifer Lawrence literally asks Kim Kardashian about Jelena.
This is so painfully obvious that Abel and Selena were a PR contract and once that expired, Selena went back to Justin to use him some more for her new era.
I mean everyone that was in their inner circles or even in the industry, KNOW THIS.
On November 16, 2017, we get Jelena’s first kissing pictures.

On that same day, Hailey Baldwin and Ashley Moore, two people who were once VERY close to Justin, say the following.

Ashley was caught in the middle of the toxic Jelena mess and Hailey knows more toxicity about Jelena than we do.
You can hate on them all you want but here is the difference.

Even this huge IG model who knows the bullshit of the industry, tweets that.
So Selena and Justin can do whatever the fuck they please.
They are only fooling the morons.
This post has went on long enough so stay tuned because in one hour, we will post the inside tea. This post was the appetizer to dinner. And tomorrow will be the dessert.
Hope you enjoyed. SEE YOU IN ONE HOUR.
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