Exposed: What is going on between Justin Bieber, Hailey Baldwin, and Sofia Richie? More on Justin’s Hawaii vacation and his leaked nudes.


I just posted my Tell All revealed and honestly I want to go have a chill free night, but I just got some tea on all this recent drama and I know all of you tea addicts are waiting for it, so here I am to deliver. 

In our latest dailyesmg post which you can read below,

We said that Justin and Hailey stopped talking as much as they used to. Turns out, there were some big plans for Jailey that we will tell you about right now. Before I do so, let me say it again, Justin and Hailey both mutually liked each other. Justin was just as invested in Hailey as she was in him. 


So what happened to them?

Well when Justin and Hailey started getting real close, it was serious between them. Kendall Jenner and Justin were already so close and Hailey was best friends with Kendall, so she had that advantage to get to Justin. We already told you this. Now the funny part is when Justin and Hailey were getting close.

Hailey didn’t feel too secure with him and thought he would play her and sh!t. I mean Justin kind of has a reputation preceding him right now. Because Hailey felt that way, Justin brought her on vacation with his family and brought her around his siblings to prove to her that she was the real deal to him. 


Who was the last girl to be around Justin’s family? Selena. 


When Justin was about to embark on his huge Purpose World Tour, things were already heated between him and Hailey. This means they were about to be official. My source says that nothing too drastic happened with Hailey and Justin around that time, yet Justin was kind of scared of having Hailey as his official girlfriend while he was on tour. So that is why he and Hailey kind of cooled down before he went on tour. He was a bit wary about making it official between the two. 


Remember when Justin went on vacation with that snake Alfredo? Read more about Alfredo here: 


That is when Justin’s most recent Hawaii trip was planned. 


Justin’s friend, who is a clothing designer as my source told me, was supposed to invite all the models since he knows them all. 

Reminder, this was after he got back on tour and before the NYC show that Hailey was present at. 


During the Hawaii vacation, Justin’s nudes leaked. 


They were in a private area so there shouldn’t have been any paparazzi. Who leaked those photos? Yep, the models that Justin was with. My source tells me that they sent it to someone and got money for it.

Was Justin forced to hang out with these models? No, but my source says that there’s speculation between the inner circles that this was set up to ruin his friendship with Hailey (and surprise surprise, this vacation was planned when Alfredo was around). However, when Justin posted the following pictures, it was all to get back at Selena, not Hailey. 


Why you may ask? Well if you remember, Selena started drama and fueled Jelena rumors when she posted a 2-second clip of her cover of Justin’s song “Let Me Love You” before it was released. That is all explained here:

She kept going on with during “Feel Me,” a song she lied about writing, but she’s crazy and bored right now so let’s ignore her. 

Those pictures were basically a response to Selena. 

Now, going back to Justin and Hailey, they both agreed that there was no title on their relationship before he went on tour and that both of them could do whatever they want. But at the end of the day, Jailey was supposed to happen. 

My source says that she feels like Hailey is very betrayed by all of this because you have to understand where she is coming from. They went from almost dating to oh we don’t have a title on our relationship, here’s me with models. It gives her the feeling that he never cared about her even though he did. 


My source feels like Justin is going to try to redeem Hailey back and he might even have some public thing planned out because I mean, he made her look stupid. He made her seem as if she was hung up on him when in reality, he was hung up on her too. I mean come on, talking about marrying her to the public?


You also have to understand that both Hailey and Justin agreed to not have a title on their relationship, but even so, he can’t just throw Hailey away like that because he was scared of getting into another relationship. 

And just like we told you, Hailey is hurt by all of this 


Moving onto Sofia Richie and Justin!

What’s the deal with Sofia and Justin?


My source gets the vibe that them hanging out is not genuine at all. Meaning, it seems planned and now that I think about it, I definitely think there was some sort of agreement between the two. You don’t get this cozy to someone this fast if there is no agreement planned ahead. 


And you all know that Justin doesn’t post these types of photos unless he’s told too, hence with modern day Jelena (no not with Hailey).

So Justin and Sofia are most likely under a PR contract and we will let you know if we find out anything any further. 

Now moving onto Sofia Richie and her own personal drama. 

Let me introduce you to Anara Atanes and Samir Nasri who were dating until they split back in November 2015. 


Anara Atanes reportedly took to Instagram to call out Sofia Richie and claim that she’s using Justin. Look at the following screenshots.


Anara’s Instagram is now put on private.

Who was the 17 year old hanging out with the 29 year old?

Yup, you guessed it! Sofia and Samir!


Honestly, what is Samir’s nearly-30-year-old-ass doing hanging out with Sofia?

And that happened not too long ago. So apparently, Sofia has some history following up with her. 

Justin? Justin loves the drama. It entertains him. You know how drug addicts do drugs to get that high? Yeah, that’s like Justin, but with drama. Him starting drama, gives him a high.

So I honestly believe 100% that Sofia and Justin are some sort of PR, but we don’t know for sure as of yet. Justin is NEVER like that with any other girl. He hoes it up with girls he never then sees again, but he never acts like he’s dating them in like 2 days. It took him forever to even touch Hailey lmao. But yeah, it seems very unrealistic that Justin and Sofia would be dating when they just met. And we all know how much Justin fears relationships hence him backing down with Hailey. 

Hope you enjoyed tonight’s serving of tea and till next time!

Here are the messages between my source and I:


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