How it all went down with Johnny Depp and Amber Heard… HER PLAN all along
You’d think I’d talk more about the topic that I got proven right about in ways I would have never imagined… imagine this… it’s 2016… esmg is hated for a lot of things and to add to it, I come out to say that Amber Heard is the real abuser not Johnny Depp… in the midst of the entire world cancelling Johnny.
It was brutal, but brutal isn’t even the word to describe the turn of events here.
In this post, we are not going to talk about the defamation trial or anything that was exposed in public. That will be for a different post. This post will be reserved for discussing how it all went down.
It will be about….
I briefly talked about this in a random Twitter thread but today I will be elaborating on details I can’t believe I’ve withheld from you guys.
My issue with Amber Heard isn't to negate her story at all, but it's the fact that I got source information in 2016 telling me she only married Johnny Depp for fame and fortune since THE START. The downfall of the marriage was **her plan** before this entire mess.
— A. (@ExposingSMG) May 4, 2022
Everything in this post is according to a source unless stated otherwise.
Before Amber Heard accused Johnny Depp of domestic violence, I knew her as “the D list actress who is cheating on Johnny Depp and planned to get married to him to take all his money and capitalize on his career.”
I remember seeing her picture for the first time at the 2016 Met Gala and being like omg this woman is gorgeous and Alana, saying “that’s Amber Heard. She’s fcking crazy. Justice for Johnny Depp.”
So that’s how I knew her as and before we could post about the sham of a relationship, she had already accused him of domestic violence and the world had canceled Johnny.
But the story we heard from sources was completely different.
This was Alana’s story to expose, but we never got to it. So I’m going to discuss source emails that were sent to Alana in 2016 as well as information that we have been told later on throughout the years.
Our sources told us that this was Amber’s plan from the start.
Get to the famous old actor, manipulate his ass, marry him, and soak in the benefits.
This is an excerpt from an email in 2016.
Amber doesn’t care about Johnny and they do not get along. I don’t know how he married her considering their engagement phase was one from hell. Constant fighting and disagreeing. Everyone saw right through her and no one from Johnny’s camp approved.
What I found weird, however was how there weren’t that many opinions from Amber’s camp. Neither good or bad. It’s like she kept everyone far away and at a distance. She was always up to something.
Apparently they had a court house marriage and no one was there. This is different from the beach wedding btw.
Splash News Online
Splash News Online
A different source tells us that whilst married to Johnny, Amber was trying her hardest to advance her connections in the industry by sleeping with rich/famous men that were on good terms with producers so she can get good roles. It was said that she was doing this before the divorce because she wanted to cover all her tracks during the divorce just in case people lost interest in her.
She wanted to make sure she secured a big role at the time before everything went down.
Johnny was extremely jealous because Amber kept him walking on eggshells. My source says that she definitely gaslit him because she was cheating on him, but would have a whole crazy scene and make him feel like he’s the delusional psycho one when he would question her.
Amber sneaking James Franco in one night.
My source doesn’t think that Amber initially planned to say he’s an abuser but she got the idea from how unstable Johnny was when he was on drugs that it would be something that would work in her favor.
Not one person reported a shred of information that he was physically abusive during those years and something like that is hard to hide considering Amber claims nowadays that many people knew about the abuse. Something like this would have leaked considering Amber leaked everything else throughout the years.
As for the sexual abuse that Amber said she endured in court, I am not one to negate her story but it’s also worth mentioning that she tried to sleep with Johnny after accusing him of abusive and violent behavior publicly AND after getting an active restraining order against him. This made everyone feel like she was trying to manipulate him into sleeping with her so she can supposedly accuse him of rape...
Amber Heard tried to sleep with Johnny Depp after accusing him of abusive and violent behavior publicly AND after getting an active restraining order against him. She really was trying to manipulate him into sleeping with her so she can supposedly accuse him of rape...
— A. (@ExposingSMG) July 7, 2020
Please listen to the below video where you can see Amber maniplute Johnny to hug her and he questions her and says “after all the shit you accused me of, you wanna hug?”
amber heard took out a temporary restraining order against johnny depp THEN proceeded to set up a meeting with him where she asked him to hug and cuddle her.
— b ✧⡱ (@j0hnnycdpp) May 3, 2022
“what if i die without you?” she said.#johnnydeppamberheardtrial #justiceforjohnnydepp
How are we supposed to not believe that she didn’t do this and more throughout the relationship?
My source says that from day 1 of marrying Johnny, it wasn’t a loving relationship. It was a planned attack and organized downfall.
Getty Images
So it’s hard for me to believe Amber presenting her stories and whatever witnesses she had when that’s something you would EXPECT from her considering this was all planned.
I mean making sure you have roles secured BEFORE the divorce goes public? This is some next level insanity.
And the cherry on top of it all is that it was Amber who was abusive. She’s on candid camera saying that she hits Johnny, starts physical fights, and gaslights Johnny by calling him a big baby who had to get other people involved to stop the fights.
How come she never replies back to him saying that he’s the one who’s physically abusive? No… instead, she’s reiterating how SHE’S physically abusive.
Dave J Hogan/Getty Images
Another thing we said in 2016 was that Amber liked keeping him on drugs.
Why? It’s all about control. The more vulnerable and high Johnny was, the easier it was to mold the story to her liking.
When Johnny was a messy drunk, it wasn’t a good look for anyone and he wasn’t a good time. He was mean and liked to hit objects during these phases. This is something that you can see with today’s court case. He’s always on camera assaulting cabinets, but never Amber despite her recording him trying to get that sole reaction.
In 2015, Amber and Johnny had a fight about his drinking. My source says that Amber wanted him to get help, but at the same time, the intervention wasn’t done in a loving way.
She says that “it didn’t seem like Amber had his best intentions at heart. It just seemed like she made sure to have this fight with him so she can say she did in the future and make it a point to show how messy he was and how much she cared. I also remember hearing from a former employee of hers at the time that at the time of this intervention, Amber was drinking a lot too. Speaking of which, I have to tell you about her drug problems.”
Before we get into Amber’s drug problems, let’s talk about how this story was spun in the media.
My source tells me that at the time this was going down, they weren’t married yet and that Amber was threatening not to marry him, but everyone knew that wasn’t going to happen and that they were going to get married because it wasn’t a marriage of love, but of benefit.
She tells me that Amber’s publicists put out these stories in the press to show that she cared for him as a person and not him as a superstar since she was questioned about the relationship from day 1.
To be fair, Johnny’s publicists also put out stories in the press about how he was fine and doing incredible and not doing drugs or being a drunk. That obviously wasn’t true.
Now here’s the catch and something that made me be like WHAT?
My source tells me that “Supposedly, Johnny’s drug issues and lack of control is what drew Amber to Johnny. She saw him as an easy target and someone that she can quickly control. I spoke to [redacted] and she said that supposedly she wanted to have some sort of conservatorship over him; similar to Britney Spears, where she’s in charge of all his finances specifically and everything else. For this to happen, they had to get married though and this is why the wedding was rushed.
Getty Images
“If you go back and read articles from that time, I think you can find some talking about how the wedding was rushed because they wanted to get it done due to their upcoming hectic schedules, but really that was all Amber’s doing. Johnny’s family didn’t approve from the start and his daughter Lily wasn’t having it. It caused a lot of rifts between Johnny and his family.”
Lily didn’t attend the wedding because she didn’t approve of the relationship. Can you imagine being 15 years old at the time and seeing how toxic this relationship was from the start?
“Another thing, they didn’t get a prenup, right? Well, I heard from [redacted] that he was advised to get a prenup, but for some reason, he was scared of losing Amber being the ‘best thing’ that ever happened to him so he didn’t wanna upset her by accusing her of wanting his money since she’s insecure of how people see her in the relationship.”
“Amber played the part but let me tell you this… even if Johnny was magically convinced to have a prenup, she would have never gone through with it.”
Speechless is an understatement…. anyone else? I’m quoting my source messages because 1. I’m not at liberty to post screenshots and 2. I want you guys to read this information the way that I did so you can be in shock the way I was.
As soon as they wed… everything went downhill and Johnny immediately regretted everything. He thought he would be able to get away since she was filming a movie and so was he, but he also didn't wanna see her at home, and at that point, Amber felt like she was losing control so she was going crazy.
My source tells me that she remembers hearing that people from Amber’s camp were talking to…. BlindGossip!
She sent me the link to this story:
My source tells me that was the story they were working the angle with—that Amber threatened to leave Johnny unless he cleans up his act. The Amber source for BlindGossip said that “he started avoiding her” after marrying her because that means he was back to his old drunk ways, right?
After marrying her, there was immediate regret and Johnny disappeared for some time and she couldn’t get a hold of him so why not release a story that he was a drunk that was running away from his new wife?
Btw, BlindGossip used to hold some weight back in the day so this was a big deal for it to be released. Nowadays blind sites have unfortunately lost credibility and with the growing culture of crowd gossip on social media and celebrities working hand in hand with the media, you can’t find good tea anywhere else…. except esmg of course ;)
Johnny was a drunk though, but to my knowledge, he was going through this downfall that Amber also provoked and wanted because it gave her more control in the relationship.
So that’s that…
I’m going to discuss 2 more points in this post.
Amber cheating with men and women
Amber’s drug issues
In the first ever exposed, we said that Amber cheated on Johnny with men and women. Years later, it was confirmed in court that one of the woman was Cara Delevinge and one of the many many men was Elon Musk.
As I said earlier, our source says that Johnny was gaslit by Amber because he would question her and she would have a whole scene about it and it made him feel crazy. Plus, he was always on edge from all the drugs so that didn’t help him.
According to my source, Amber would always have a low-key girlfriend during her marriage to Johnny, but there was one condition—don’t ask about Johnny.
Imagine they call ESMG crazy asses (us) to testify?
As for the men, my source believes that Amber wasn’t interested in a heterosexual relationship for the hell of it, but she only slept with men who can advance her connections in the industry. So the women were there for pleasure and the men were there for connections.
Let’s talk about Amber and drugs.
So when Amber first started her career in Hollywood, she had a huge drug problem and was known for her cocaine use. It was really bad and I don’t remember if she went to rehab at that time or not, but it wouldn’t be surprising to hear that she did some secret stints.
Anyways, while married to Johnny, a lot of the focus was on how he did drugs and how he had a problem, but what most fail to mention is that Amber was really bad as well.
And what is a drug addict if they don’t project?
So it was easy to throw all the blame on Johnny and have her be the face of the intervention when homegirl needed rehab just as much as he did!
Interestingly enough, she testified that she didn’t do any cocaine and was in fact against it, but Amber’s personal nurse, Nurse Erin, wrote in her notes that Amber has "a history of substance abuse including an addiction to cocaine and liquor.”
Josh Drew, one of Amber’s besties since 2003 and who lived in the penthouse next door to Johnny also testified in 2020 that he knew that Amber did cocaine, LSD, mushrooms and ecstasy.
So what does this do to Amber’s credibility when her entire argument is “Johnny the druggie abused me” when she in fact was a druggie who was abusive to him?
The crazy part is I’ve heard from different sources that Johnny and Amber did drugs together and if anything, SHE was the one who was more hell bent on going overboard with the drug usage.
Many sources even called Amber: the enabler
Even when Johnny and Amber were first linked to each other and not officially dating, Amber was already name dropping his name everywhere. This helped her get better roles and connections in total.
The funny part is that if any of her co-stars who didn’t have the name recognition that Johnny did, hit on her, she would be like “ew no.”
She’s a woman who only sleeps with those of status.
Here are some other bits and pieces of information I’ve been told by sources throughout the years:
When Johnny and Amber first got engaged, Johnny didn’t tell anyone since all his friends and family literally hated her. However, she supposedly leaked the news to the press before he can tell his family, and that caused problems.
Before her marriage to Johnny, she was known as an actress that would do anything for fame and was very good at manipulating the media. When she did go on dates with other famous men, she would be the reason that the paparazzi were there. Some of the men she dated weren’t interested in a high-profile relationship filled with paparazzi so they eventually cut ties with Amber.
Also before Johnny, she was known as a serial cheater in the industry who would do anything for a movie role.
According to my source, Amber took a lot of money from Johnny throughout their relationship and he started getting suspicious at one point but never brought it up. Other sources believed that she would constantly wire herself a fat amount every few weeks or so.
I am going to end this post here because I exposed A LOT…. this has to be one of the biggest tea spills on this website.
Let me know what you guys think down in the comments below and add on any insights you have about these two.
Also, it’s been highly requested that we posted about the defamation trial. What kind of breakdown of the trial do you want to see or do you just want to see the craziest key points that were exposed? Let me know!
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