Exposed: Johnny Depp and Amber Heard. What really happened?

Amber Heard and Johnny Depp photographed in January 2016. Photo credit: Alison Buck/Getty Images

Amber Heard and Johnny Depp photographed in January 2016. Photo credit: Alison Buck/Getty Images

Yes, it’s your favorite blogger coming back with another reveal, hopefully this one doesn’t put me behind bars for revealing too much. 


On Twitter, I expressed my frustration in not being the one to reveal this story first. Many people who were never too fond of me to begin with, thought I lied about that because apparently I have some vendetta against everyone. 


I wasn’t actually that frustrated but as you guys know, we have an upcoming Tell All. If you don’t know what that is, read this


The original plan was to have Johnny Depp and Amber Heard in my Tell All and then to have them be part of the Tell All Revealed, but that didn’t happen. 

So what possibly could a Selena Gomez exposing blog know about a different Hollywood circle, you may ask? Let’s just say, we know many things about many different people. In other words, don’t worry about it *nyc accent*

We knew about Amber Heard and Johnny Depp for the longest time, just we like we know about many of your faves.


 We just didn’t say much, but of course ExposingSMG is evolving as you can see from our Tell All. 

Long story short, small young actress, 30, marries much older and bigger actor, 52. 


DISCLAIMER: We are not taking any sides. We are simply telling you the story and giving our two cents on it. If you don’t like it, well aw, sadly, the exposingsmg team does not care about bitter fans and their hurt feelings. Maybe in another life we will. 

Also, shoutout to my sister Alana from ask. She’s the one who was told this story a million years ago and I was recently filled in on it.

Our source told Alana BEFORE Johnny Depp and Amber Heard got engaged and married, that they were getting engaged and married. Basically, Alana knew everything before the cat was out of the bag for the general public to read all about. So Alana kind of saw them blossom and then fall. 


These two are not your typical Hollywood lovers, especially our dear Amber Heard who I believe is a victim of domestic abuse, right? Is that what the court of twitter decided upon? I’m just asking! 

Our source proceeds to tell Alana that Amber planned to marry Johnny for one thing only and that thing was: money. Surprise surprise. The oldest trick in the book. The young, pretty gal, gets with the old guy that if you add on 8 more years, you can literally say he’s twice her age. Not that I have a problem with that, I’m just saying it’s a little cliche. 

For those of you who didn’t know, which I assume is the majority, Amber is an actress. 


Around the time that Amber was dating Johnny, she was around 26 and he was approaching 50. That was when their relationship started. 

Our source says that Amber would not get along with his family members because they didn’t like the way she treated him. We are told that Amber is very possessive of Johnny and didn’t like him doing things without her approval.

It’s okay if you don’t believe me, but argue with Johnny’s sister. 


She needed to know everything about anything. Another controversial thing that we were told is that she actually enjoyed and kept Johnny on drugs. Keep em medicated eh!

Our source says that Johnny does every drug in the book. I believe that’s not a shocker to anyone. 


I’m not going to get too much into Johnny’s life not because I “support domestic abuse!” or I’m an “anti-feminst,” (that’s what the irrelevant stans who literally know nothing about anything, were telling me on twitter) but because I’m not putting risky information out there just to give you guys the inside scoop. I mean, no offense. 

Another thing we were told is that both Johnny and Amber cheated on each other in the relationship. We don’t know exactly who Johnny cheated on Amber with, but we do know one person that Amber was involved with. For those of you who don’t know, Amber Heard is bisexual so she’s had relationships with women before and one of them was during her marriage with Depp. 

And I know I don’t have to say this, but saying that Amber is bisexual is not me being “homophobic!” I know my readers think it’s ridiculous that I have to defend myself on this topic, but literally so many delusional fans who want me dead, read this blog, and twist every word I say. 

Back to the story.

We were also told that Johnny actually cared a lot for her and truly loved her.

So to summarize, according to our source:

  • Amber Heard married Johnny Depp with a plan to divorce him about a year later in order to get half of his money.

  • Amber Heard and Johnny Depp both cheated on each other during their short marriage.

  • Johnny Depp does drugs and Amber makes sure he stays on them.

  • Amber Heard was very possessive towards him and was very controlling.

  • Johnny’s family hated Amber.

On May 25, 2016, Amber Heard filed for divorce, 3 days after Johnny Depp’s mother died. 


So here’s my opinion on the timing of the divorce…

Your husband’s mother just died and now you’re filing for divorce? The person you once loved lost their mother and to make matters worse, you… filed for divorce? But let’s say she has a reason. 

Because on May 21, 2016, Amber claims that Johnny abused her by throwing a phone at her face. And these are the photos that got the naive and emotional fans indignant. 


You know what my source said? “It’s a shame that that crying photo of her got everyone all worked up. She’s an actress people!”

I’m sure that by this part of the post, we have struck a nerve. 

“ExposingSMG believe domestic violence is okay!”

“ExposingSMG supports woman beaters!”

“ExposingSMG is an anti-feminist”

“ExposingSMG is racist!”

“ExposingSMG hates women!”

You see how the claims have gotten increasingly dramatic and further away from the actual truth? 

Now, our source is 100% honest and said that she has NEVER heard of Johnny physically abusing Amber. We cannot come out and say “oh those photos are a lie” because we don’t know for sure and the ExposingSMG team only states something if they are 100% sure. But, my source has not been told that he has hit her and she asked around and everyone says that they never saw any abuse coming from Johnny

Based on what we know of Amber’s history and her intentions from the start, I believe that those photos were staged. Stan twitter, it’s okay if you don’t believe me. But you can stay in your little own bubble, because the cops > you. 


Check out what the cops said about this whole thing. 


So when the cops arrived the night of alleged attack, Amber showed no injuries. Now in Amber’s defense, bruises don’t form that second. They take hours to form.


The following day, Amber was partying it up with friends and showed no signs of those bruises from the “attack” that happened the night before.

How…. fishy. 




Back to the story. 

So how is that Amber is claiming that she was attacked on Saturday and then on Sunday she’s all joyful and chilling with friends WITH NO SIGNS OF INJURY?

Stan twitter (who likes to claim random things as facts): “ExposingSMG is so stupid. Don’t you know that bruises can take up to 12-16 days to form? God you’re just a woman hater!” 

It’s really not my fault that almost all the women I expose on this blog are literally insane. 

So what do we have so far?

  • Amber calls the cops on Saturday

  • Cops found no injuries or signs of an attack

  • Amber refuses to give an official statement that night (smart)

  • Amber comes out with photos that she was attacked on Saturday

  • Amber was hanging with friends on Sunday all good with no bruises

Hm…. this isn’t adding up no matter how hard you try to believe her story. What makes matters worse is that maybe a couple of her close friends have defended her and probably said the usual-cliche-supportive-”You better give me money from this lawsuit”- friends. “Oh Amber is a sweetheart! She wouldn’t hurt a darn soul!” 

However, to show the loopholes in Amber’s story even more, friends of Johnny and FAMILY, are coming out to speak about this with confidence in their story. Something Amber didn’t have the night she called the police and they asked to get an official statement so they can go on ahead and arrest Johnny! I would sure like to put the person abusing me behind bars especially if I just got attacked! But she didn’t because if she gave an official statement during that time, she wouldn’t be able to retract it in the future, if her plan changes. 

I think I found someone smarter than Selena. 

Oh hey look! 


Great minds…. pose together? I need to work on my phrases!

But check out what Johnny’s friend had to say about this marriage. 


Now check out this next story by another close friend of Johnny’s. I would say ironically, it matches my source’s story, but nothing is ironic about the information I reveal, nor is it shocking that someone else can confirm it. 


Look at the first line. Our source said that Johnny truly and dearly loved Amber. 


Well this is Alana and I, as well. When I heard that Amber was filing for divorce, I immediately knew what was going to transpire next and that hell was about to be unleashed on Johnny Depp. Why would I care? I am a blogger who loves celebrity secrets, but what I love more is proving the supposed “victim” wrong. 


So everyone basically knew how crappy Amber treated Johnny. 

Women are so smart honestly. Out of all the celebrity secrets we know, we can conclude that 95% of the schemes and plans and the elaborate plans are all led by women and it’s ironically that the “big strong” men are the ones being played. Oh how this world works. 

Let’s check out what Johnny’s daughter had to say about Amber. 


So Johnny’s friend confirmed that all his friends hated Amber. Johnny’s sister confirmed that his family and mother hated Amber. And now his daughter is saying that she’s a liar. 

I’m sorry but if Amber wasn’t lying, why exactly would friends of Johnny come to his defense if he was a horrible woman abuser? I can understand family, because family sticks up for family, but why friends? Especially when they aren’t close friends? What would they benefit by sticking up to the guy who is painted as a woman beater? Better yet, why would his ex-girlfriend stick up for him?


Johnny’s ex-girlfriend of 14 years came out to his defense. Someone who was with him for FOURTEEN years knows a hell of a lot more information about this guy than this woman who is almost half his age and was married to him for FIFTEEN MONTHS. 

I guess Amber isn’t as smart as my good lady Selena Gomez. Selena would have made sure everybody stays mute. Take some notes, Amber! If he was as horrible as you say he was, why would all these people come to his defense? 

But since Amber’s domestic abuse story backfired in the world of logic and information, she came out with this other claim. 


Maybe we’d believe her if we didn’t know that she was planning on marrying Johnny, divorcing him, and getting his money. She’s already been caught lying about those photos, so why believe her when she shows us a wine bottle and a smashed frame? Anyone could easily stage those. 

And we all know that things like abuse in a relationship, will sure get you more money in the divorce war! And Amber knows that for sure. 


Amber is lying people! 


I’m not using TMZ’s source as proof to this story. I’m using that to say that my source said exactly the same thing and my source can confirm that their source is not lying. 


And today this was Amber. 

“I’m gonna sue that stupid motherfcker for every penny he’s got!”

Also, Amber claims she got a video of Johnny abusing her….. huh? Imagine getting punched and saying “WAIT! Mary-Jane, hold this camera real quick and angle it here. OKay resume, punch me in the gut!” 

What kind of WWE scripted match was Amber in? And why isn’t that so called video the first thing she released? Don’t be surprised when some video comes out of “Johnny” hitting her. At this point, Amber could hire someone and put on her cute actress screams, and well… act. I’ve seen it happen before…… oh these celebrities. 

I’ve seen this happen way too many times. 

Pretty, young and much more irrelevant gal, gets with the much more older and more famous guy, plays him, and then takes all his money. 

What a shame. 

And it’s not like I have a previous history of running an Amber Heard expose blog (lol). 


I remember making my Met Gala review thread and I came across those pictures and I said to Alana, “Who is this? She’s gorgeous” and Alana, holder of all celebrity secrets says “That’s Amber Heard. She’s crazy.” In those exact words. And that was on May 3rd. The only reason why Alana even knows who Amber Heard is, is because our source introduced Amber to her, when she was filling her in on some dirt. 

With that being said, we are NOT taking any sides. We don’t call bullshit on Amber getting abused because like I said we can’t confirm that, we didn’t live with her. Johnny has his demons too, but we only know about what Amber did to him.

So that’s it!

Follow up to this post:


Domestic abuse is a REAL problem. Both men and women suffer from it every single day and it’s a problem that shouldn’t be taken lightly. I know someone who was physically abused and it really changes a person. Please be mindful to this issue, but I urge you to be open minded when it comes to the media as well! A man can also be physically abused just like a woman can. Do not underestimate anyone. Everything you see isn’t always the story no matter how real it looks. Do your own digging. Find the information for yourself! Don’t settle for the title of BRAINWASHED GENERATION. Don’t be stupid. Don’t be fooled. 

Hope you enjoyed. Comment down below your thoughts.

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