Kanye West going against Hollywood's Elite: The Kardashian Clan. Kim Kardashian's worst nightmare come to life and Pete Davidson's role in all of it


Gather round, gather round! Hear ye, hear ye!

If anyone is a victim in this situation, it’s the general public who has seen Kanye West go on his unstable rants, Kim Kardashian in yet another odd relationship, and Pete Davidson who manages to scam his way into the lives of A list female celebrities.

Free us!

“How Pete? When’s the course dropping?” all the frat boys scream!

I’m not really sure what exactly I’ve said in the past about these two, but I’ll do a quick summary and then we’ll get into the tea that my sources have exposed. I have like 3 sources for this post so you already know it’s going to be juicy.

Check out my video about what’s been going on lately with them in public, how they started dating, and the craziest sh!t that Kanye has said/exposed:

We answer these main questions and include excerpts of Kanye publicly talking about this situation…

Lord… where do I begin?

Pete and Kim are not in a fake PR contract based relationship.

This isn’t your typical Shawn/Camila fake relationship nor is it the business-arrangement-to-real-love Justin/Selena situation.

This is a we-sleep-together-for-real-but-we-also-love-the-attention type of love.

For the frat boys that are going to buy Pete’s course on how-to-secure-a-hot-rich-independent-woman (I’ll stop with the dashes now), there is one theme that Pete has gotten down to a PROFESSION that you need to understand.

How does their relationship work?

It’s the same theme we saw during his “alleged” coked-up relationship with Ariana Grande and it’s the same we see now with Kim.

Pete is a symbol of freedom and clownery in the industry. And no I don’t mean American freedom, whatever you define that as. I mean a breath of fresh air.

He’s the clown you bring around because he’s funny. Pete is that guy you bring around to feel better about yourself because you’re like “wow, I’m not THAT messy.”

He’s light-hearted to chill with despite his dark humor and trauma. Pete was the freedom that Ariana’s mind feened for after the breakup with Mac Miller and after the horrible Manchester bombing. When talking about their relationship, I described it as Ariana being on a cloud with him… just floating… no phones in sight, just vibes. Pretty sure she confirmed this years later.

In the case of Kim, we don’t have that same coked-out relationship because to my knowledge, Kim does not do any drugs. Kimberly is a future lawyer 😤 a businesswoman ☝🏼a CEO 🗣 she does not do the partying lifestyle in this phase of her life which I will elaborate on and how that meshes with Pete and his reported drug usage.

When celebrities date each other, they often run into this issue of “one-upping each other.” Stans love when 2 A-listers get together because why would you get with a loser, right? Well here’s what you have to understand… the bigger the celebrity status, the more baggage it comes with.

Look at Kanye and Kim.

Look at Justin and Selena.

Look at Brad and Angelina.

Look at Bella and The Weeknd.

This theory of mine is why you see so many celebrities get into a more chill relationship after their high profile publicity-based one.

Now we have:

  • Pete and Kim

  • Justin and Hailey

  • Bella and Marc

People see that as a “downgrade” because those online like to compare status/aesthetic and unfortunately for you guys, that’s not what defines relationships.

According to one of my sources, Kim and Pete are sleeping together.

Therefore, it’s not one of those situations where it’s only for show and they’re not sleeping together like Shawn & Camila. This also isn’t Abel & Selena who were fake dating, but also sleep together.

Shockingly enough, Pete and Kim ARE in a real relationship.

Is it loving and romantic? No.

According to my source, Kim does care about Pete and she doesn’t like him partying or doing drugs. Kim is also not part of the party scene so she doesn’t want Pete involved in that.

Clint Brewer Photography / A.I.M

Someone remind Kim that Pete is 28 years old and that’s like prime age of partying in Hollywood.

There was even a situation with Miley Cyrus where it was reported that Miley and Pete are hooking up and Kim didn’t like that. Kim even unfollowed Miley on Instagram.

Getty Images

A little Miley break and tea…

I don’t remember if Pete and Miley slept together, but what you should know about Miley is that she wants to fck anything in sight.

NBCU Photo Bank via Getty Images

This is why I have grown to be quite annoyed by Miley (veterans know that I was her OG defender in 2013 tho lol), because she makes a lot of people uncomfortable with her…. excessive comfort.

It’s like Miley girl… just because we are working together does not mean we gotta fck!

One of my sources even said that she made Dua Lipa very uncomfortable after their Prisoner music video and it’s the reason why they didn’t perform it together or even work together moving forward.

It’s pretty much of a reputation that Miley has gotten herself in the industry which kinda sucks because she lets her excessive comfort get in the way of work.

Back in 2014 when Katy Perry went to see Miley live in concert on her iconic Bangerz tour in LA, they both went in for a friendly “girl kiss” as Katy described it, but Miley went full tongue and everything which made the whole thing quite awkward. Katy even said, “then she like tried to move her head and go deeper and I pulled away.”

If I were to describe Miley’s excessive comfort in one situation… it would be that Katy story.

Back to Kim & Pete…

So it’s not shocking that Kim wasn’t happy that Miley and Pete were working together especially since people in Hollywood don’t even take Kim and Pete’s relationship seriously.

Miley probably thought “oh… yall for real sleeping together????”

Kanye and Kim’s Relationship

I had a huge post on Kim and Kanye’s relationship back when it was rumored that they were going to divorce. I explained a lot about their dynamic, finances, and how their relationship was for many years so definitely check that out.

According to my source, Kanye did cheat on Kim during their marriage.

“Their relationship was real, but also very business-centered.” - my source

This clarifies everything I’ve been hearing throughout the years which was that Kim and Kanye sleep in different rooms, they are very business-based, and so on. So basically their relationship was real but revolved around business.

Also, the cheating is something that he talks about on the Donda album in the song, “Hurricane.”

“Here I go actin’ too rich / Here I go with a new chick / And I know what the truth is / Still playin’ after two kids / It’s a lot to digest when your life always movin’.”

About his struggling marriage: “Architectural Digest, but I needed home improvement / Sixty-million-dollar home, never went home to it / Genius gone clueless, it’s a whole lot to risk / Alcohol anonymous, who’s the busiest loser?”

A source tells PageSix that “The song is in a way his testimony of everything he did wrong and taking accountability for their marriage breakdown.”

Going back to their business relationship, that’s where they both draw the line.

My source tells me…

“Kanye has stakes in Skims and Kim has stakes in Yeezy. That’s mainly why she continues to wear Yeezy even after all this sh!t.”

“If you think about it, Kanye has attacked Kim for basically everything. Friends, family, even her lawyer advocacy side by accusing her of cheating on him when she just met with Meek Mill to discuss criminal justice reform.

But not ONE thing about her businesses. At the end of the day, they both like to make money.”

Back to Pete and Kim


One of my other sources describes the Kim and Pete situation as “insane.”

So of course I’m like… what? It’s not funny like it seems? There are actual issues?

She tells me that Kim is one of those celebrities where her entire life is controlled and she’s the type to have a huge tell all interview years from now talking about how much she hated being famous due to lack of control.

I don’t know about you guys, but that came as a shock to me because the Kardashians are known as people who will do anything for fame, which is true, but that doesn’t mean that they enjoy the control that comes with it.

She’s basically under an invisible conservatorship. I always tell people to pay attention to the media because it’s really a storybook that’s prewritten before its release,” my source elaborates.

My source tells me she believes that this relationship with Pete is “Kim fighting for normalcy. She wants the little things again and Pete gives her that sense of a ‘regular’ relationship.”

However… she tells me that Pete is also used as a pawn. A pawn in what? Well, her war with Kanye. He’s the perfect person to use in this situation.

“The thing about Kim is she’s very big on image. She’s very artificial, but also very knowledgeable in knowing people like controversy over coming off proper and polished.”

So Kardashian controversy is done on purpose to give her a sense of realness.

Now here’s where Kanye comes back into it…

“The whole situation is bigger than what we see.”

“Kanye was a pawn in the marriage to begin with. He was only supposed to help her have more access to archives in the fashion industry. Now that she’s established herself to criteria, he’s not as useful.”

This whole thing is about fashion? LMAO.

“Don’t get me wrong, Kanye has his peculiar tendencies.”

If you guys watched my video about the weirds things about Kim and Kanye’s relationship, I showed a clip about how he had his stylist throw out things from Kim’s closet that he doesn’t approve of. That was just one of the many weird things about their relationship.

“Kim knew [about his peculiar tendencies], but she had an end game objective. The whole problem is Kanye could literally end the Kardashians.”

“But the Kardashians are so useful in modern day propaganda. Him going against them is him going against the elites.”

Now… that’s something…

The Kardashians are constantly used as a distraction and as my source said, “modern day propaganda.” When the tragedy at Astroworld happened, how did people quickly move on from an event that you’d think would consume social media the way the show Euphoria did?

Kim and Pete.


Yep… Kim frolicking around town with Ariana’s ex-fiance was enough to get people to stop talking about fans literally dying at Travis Scott’s concert.

Even though everything Kim and Kanye did for their relationship was business centered and they both ended up achieving the empires they desired, my source tells me that “Kim gravely regrets ever marrying Kanye. She feels like she has a huge weight on her shoulders dealing with him.”

My source also adds that Kanye “definitely has the resources to expose them.”

Alan Chapman / FilmMagic

Kanye attacking her in the media and going off on a tangent on social media is actually Kim’s worst nightmare. It’s not the dream publicity and purposeful controversy that everyone thinks it is.

“She’s very very image conscious and she hates that he is in the way of trying to control her narrative. I think if there’s anything that could potentially drive her mad, it’s exactly what Kanye is doing. It’s literally her worst nightmare come to life.”

“It was all butterflies and rainbows when Kanye was seen as someone who could advance her connections in the fashion industry, but now it’s become more than that.”

Charles Sykes/Invision/AP

It’s safe to say that their relationship has passed the threshold of what it could bring.

After learning all this new information from my source, I think we can all answer the remaining questions we have about them, especially with Kim going on Ellen and talking about how Pete got her name branded on him like a fckin horse.

I believe that Kim is trying to use Kanye’s playbook that runs on shock value, to try to distract people from what Kanye is saying.

Now I’m not really sure what the hell Kanye can expose on them, it’s not like they’ve hired hitmen in the past like their fellow collegues, but that’s where you guys can get creative in the comment section.

Also, Pete and Kanye have real beef hence the text conversations. Pete replied in a way we all expected him to; “in bed with your wife aha” like I said… frat boy course.

Last little bits of detail:

  • The paparazzi is notified whenever Kim and Pete are going out and Backgrid is responsible for the majority of their pictures


  • After Kanye exploded on Twitter in 2020 and called Kris Jenner a dictator, Kris did what she does best and that’s make nice with Kanye hence why he hasn’t brought her up this time around. Let’s see how long that will last.

This post has been long enough, but it’s inspired me to revamp my Elite Hollywood / Dark Hollywood topic on esmg. I just hope I have the brain capacity to organize my thoughts because truly… I don’t. This post had 3 sources and it had me all over the place, buuuut I hope it was worth it.

Here are some messages between my sources and I:

different source

I hope you guys enjoyed the post and I hope I was able to deliver some scandalous tea whilst also clarifying everything. Be sure to let me know if you liked the post ;) or not…

What do you guys think is going on? What more can Kanye expose? What are your thoughts on Kim and Pete? Let me know in the comments down below!

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