Johnny Depp and Amber Heard's Insane Court Battle: Lying about donating money, shady relationships to the UK judge, and more violent reports from witnesses
Celebrities try to avoid court cases as much as they can because even if you win, you often end up exposing more than intended. We’ve seen it with Meghan Markle & Prince Harry’s trial and we are constantly seeing it with Johnny Depp and Amber Heard.
A lot has happened since we last spoke about Johnny and Amber last year, so let’s expose what’s going on.
Before I start, a huge shoutout to my friend who runs the @johnnydeppcase Instagram account. That account is currently unavailable so at the moment, you can find her at @johnnydeppcase1 in the meantime. She has been keeping track of everything that has been going on between Johnny and Amber and has been very helpful. Go follow her!
Where did Amber’s Divorce Settlement Go?
When Johnny and Amber first got divorced, she was accused of being a gold digger. You know, the cliche younger star marries rich old dude then gets rid of him.
To combat these claims, Amber said that she doesn’t want his money and then pledged $7 million to Children's Hospital Los Angeles and the American Civil Liberties Union.
As the court case trailed along… it became imminent that Amber was lying about that.
Here’s what she first said:
This is from her witness statement which was filed in February 2020.
Then, Johnny’s lawyers did some digging and found that she only donated $100,000 at the time. In an official statement, it says that Amber is donating $3.5 million to the children’s hospital in several installments—with the $100k being one of them.
Then, fast forward three years and Amber still didn’t donate the rest of the money that she pledged. The Associate Senior Vice President reached out to Amber in 2019 and said, hey we didn’t get any money since your first installment???
Here’s the official statement:
When asked if she told the truth in her witness statement, she said yes, she did.
This is from her deposition in trial.
So not only was she lying about the divorce settlement, but she’s also committing perjury by lying in court.
When confronted about this, she blamed it on Johnny by saying that she’s been forced to spend millions defending herself against 'false accusations' made against her in the ongoing defamation case that he filed against her.
Johnny is suing Amber for $50 million in a defamation case against her because in 2018, she wrote an op-ed for The Washington Post in which she called herself a survivor of domestic abuse. She never mentioned Johnny by name, but was alluding to him. As a result, he is seeking $50 million in damages. He accused Amber of creating a 'hoax' account of being a domestic violence survivor.
In order to sue in a defamation case, you must be able to prove damages and loss of a job. After her article, Johnny was removed from his role as Captain Jack Sparrow.
Going back to the divorce settlement money. She said that Johnny delayed her from giving the money because of all the legal fees she had to pay in the lawsuit, right? However, the article was published in December 2018 and Johnny didn’t file his complaint until March 2019 which was about 2 and half years later after she pledged to give her divorce money to 2 charities.
Here’s proof of when Johnny filed:
As a refresher, here’s exactly what she said in August 2016:
“As described in the restraining order and divorce settlement, money played no role for me personally and never has, except to the extent that I could donate it to charity and, in doing so, hopefully help those less able to defend themselves.
As reported in the media, the amount received in the divorce was $7 million and $7 million is being donated. This is over and above any funds that I have given away in the past and will continue to give away in the future.
The donation will be divided equally between the ACLU, with a particular focus to stop violence against women, and the Children's Hospital of Los Angeles where I have worked as a volunteer for past 10 years.”
In 2017, she was included on the “Honor Roll of Donors” under the $1,000,000 - $4,999,999 mark:
So not only was she honored for something she didn’t do, she still didn’t give the promised amount. Then she proceeded to lie about why she couldn’t.
In October 2018, she said that '“Seven million dollars in total was donated, I split it between the ACLU and Children's Hospital Los Angeles. I wanted nothing.”
But that was not true…
The hopsital’s CEO, Paul Viviano, publicly thanked Amber for her 'tremendous gift' in a media statement, saying it would “support lifesaving treatments and cures … for critically ill children.”
That’s pretty low… it’s one thing to keep the money to yourself and it’s another thing to boast about giving money to a CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL and get honored for doing nothing.
It gets crazier.
It then comes to light that $500,000 was donated in 2017 and $250,000 in 2018, both in ‘honor of Amber Heard' from an anonymous donor. The hospital’s 2019 statement didn’t include those 2 donations because they didn’t consider it part of Amber’s original pledge because it wasn’t donated by her.
So who was the anonymous donor?
You guys ready?
Photo: MEGA
When she started dating Elon Musk, he sent them a check as an “anonymous donor.” This anonymous donor used the institution called Vanguard Charitable in order to send them the money. If you look up the records, you’ll see that he donated over $37 million to Vanguard Charitable in one year—the year he started dating Amber.
To reiterate, the anonymous donor in Amber’s name was sent through the charity that Elon donates through. Here’s proof of the 2 checks made in Amber’s name through Vanguard Charitable:
An ACLU executive director, Romero, asked Amber if the $500,000 was from her and that’s when she was like yeah those are part of my $3.5 million pledge.
Basically, she made Elon send a pledge in her honor since $500k to him is like ten dollars, so she can keep the money from the divorce settlement.
She stated under oath that, “The entire amount of my [$7 million] divorce settlement was donated to charity” in which an admiring Justice Nicols said, “hardly the act of a gold-digger.” The point of the story is, she kept the divorce settlement money and had a billionaire offer pocket change on her behalf.
Shady Judge Relationships
The judge in the UK used her so-called donations as evidence that she’s not a gold digger but didn’t look further into the situation to see how flawed these ‘donations’ are. Fans called the judge corrupt because apparently, everyone is in cahoots with Amber!
As portrayed by this interesting map above, Amber has connections to everyone involved and it’s probably why they’re overlooking the evidence against her. Amber and Rupert Murdoch were connected to the judge. She’s connected to the judge through her lawyer and the judge’s son works for TalkRadio which Murdoch owns.
Justice Nichols: “In my view no great weight is to be put upon these alleged admissions by Ms Heard to aggressive violent behavior”
— Adam Waldman (@adam_waldman) January 21, 2021
Amber Heard: “I was hitting you, not punching you. Babe you’re not punched! .. you’re fine!”
CHLA and ACLU were subpoenaed to provide all of the evidence that I just included in this post and Amber fought so hard to quash the subpoenas but the judge granted them.
This whole battle is still going on.
The Defamation Cases
Johnny opened a libel lawsuit in England against News Group Newspapers, the company publishing The Sun, which previously called him a "wifebeater" in a 2018 article. On November 2, 2020, the High Court of Justice ruled that Johnny had lost his claim because "the great majority of alleged assaults of Ms Heard by Mr Depp [12 out 14] have been proved to the civil standard.” The judge ruled that no evidence of a hoax was found.
However, the defamation case against Amber is still ongoing. In response to that, Amber filed a $100 Million defamation countersuit against him.
The judge did throw out one aspect of her case in which she referenced the Virginia Computer Crimes Act because she claimed that Johnny organized a social media bot attack against her in order to get her removed from Aquaman. There was a lack of evidence to support this claim.
Both of these Virginia lawsuits are expected to be going to trial later in the year.
Declaration of Tara Roberts
Tara Roberts has worked for Johnny as his Estate Manager on his Bahamian island property since December 2008. She testified in court that she saw Amber screaming at Johnny and blocking his path as he was in the car when they were visiting the island in December 2015. She said that she heard Amber insulting him and calling him names. To quote Amber, she said that she told Johnny “your career is over,” “no one is going to hire you,” “you’re washed up,” “fat,” “you will die a lonely man,” and more.
He was trying to leave the parking lot but she took his keys. He replied back to her saying “go away” and “just leave me alone.”
Tara also states that she saw “Amber lunge at Johnny, clawing, tugging and aggressively pulling him. He continued to stand there yelling at her to stop and leave him alone. When he stepped back to leave, her onslaught would start again. During this entire incident, I never saw Johnny hit Amber, or push her back, nor did he physically react to the attacks. She would calm down and hug and apologize then he would say he needs to leave and it would start again. Finally I stepped between them, she continued to reach for him but maybe my presence stopped it.”
You can read her full statement below.

Declaration of Travis McGivern
Travis worked as Johnny’s security guard for about 3 years. He was the one that they referenced in that audio of Amber admitting to being violent towards Johnny.
He testified that he witnessed Amber pick up and throw a can of Red Bull at Johnny as well as spit on him. He also says, “approximately 10 minutes before we left, I witnessed Amber punch Johnny in the eye with a closed fist.”
He also said, “I have had many opportunities to see Amber up close, and I have never seen any marks, injuries, or bruises on Amber. I under that Amber has alleged Johnny committed an act of domestic violence prior to leaving for the Bahamas on or around December 21, 2015. I escorted the family to the airport for this trip, and to be very clear, I did not see any marks, injuries, or bruises on Amber.
You can read his full statement below:

Key Details
We were the first ones to call out Amber Heard in 2016 and say that SHE was the violent one who was planning this whole elaborate plan just for MONEY.
That was later proven when Amber was on record boasting about how she hits Johnny and takes pride in starting physical fights.
That was all discussed in the last post about them:
Johnny has had an extremely troubled history with addiction and alcoholism which probably made Amber believe it’s easy to pin all the accusations on him. Johnny has stated that by the age of 14, he has tried "every kind of drugs there were." In his 2020 libel case, he admitted that he has been addicted to Oxycodone and alcohol in the 2010s.
He has been arrested in the past for being violent with a security guard (1989), brawling with the paparazzi (1999), and for messing up a hotel room in New York (1994).
Amber was also arrested in 2009 by Beverly Leonard for hitting her then-girlfriend. When all this came to light in 2016 during her high-profile divorce from Johnny, both she and her ex-girlfriend stated that the police exaggerated the story and accused the cops of being homophobic.
However, Beverly Leonard stated on Facebook that “I am so not homophobic or mysoginistic [sic]! The arrest was made because an assault occurred (I witnessed it) and the parties were in a domestic relationship.” The cop is also a lesbian and an LGBTQ+ activist.
So Amber… sweetie…
In November 2011, after she met Johnny on the set of their movie, the police received a request to delete the arrest information on the case which is allowed under Washington state law. However, the information was not erased from all systems considering it made it to the media.
For more information, check out the following thread:
TW abuse
— Grindelwald ✨ (@mderndarkwizard) February 28, 2020
Thread showcasing both Heard and Depp's evidence. I'll go through both of their filings and nothing will be omitted. When there are inconsistencies, I'll point them out. This thread will be very long, so you better sit down. Links to the docs will be provided at the end
That’s all for today!
Even though Johnny has had his problematic past, there is more than enough proof shown that Amber orchestrated this whole thing for her own selfish benefits—something we told you in 2016 FIRST. So with that being said, Justice for Johnny Depp.
Another shoutout to my friend @johnnydeppcase1 for all her help on this post!
Comment down below your thoughts and questions. You can comment anonymously so take advantage of that. I will be reading and replying ;)