Everything You Need to Know About Johnny Depp and Amber Heard's Messy Divorce: What Has Been Exposed So Far
Trigger warning: rape, suicide, violence, abuse, etc..
Johnny Depp and Amber Heard started dating in 2012, got married in February 2015 and had their divorce finalized in January 2017. Amber initially filed for divorce in 2016 and got a temporary restraining order against him, citing “physical abuse.” Then there were photos of Amber with bruises and the world had officially cancelled Johnny at that point. Well that is, unless you read and believe exposingsmg because we were the first to break the story in 2016 and call Amber out.
I gotta say, I had fcking balls. I wish I wasn’t on Tumblr at the time because I would have loved to read the comment section under that post. The amount of HATE I got…. Everyone accused me of some seriously nasty things and I started getting attacked by local twitter and not just stan twitter. Only for 2020 to roll around and have me PROVED RIGHT.
I’ll have a credibility post up later, but yeah moving on!
Johnny ended up filing a $50 million defamation lawsuit against Amber, claiming that he wasn’t abusive towards her and in fact, SHE was the one who’s abusive. He said that she staged those photos of her with bruises and that she cheated on him. All three points that we said in our explosive post in 2016.
Check out our 2016 posts on them:
In those posts, we expose that Amber cheated on Johnny with a woman and that later came to light as Cara Delevigne. Trash supports trash I guess.
We’re going to discuss the main key points of their trial and all the evidence that came to light. I want to give a huge shoutout to my friend who runs the JohnnyDeppCase page on Instagram. She’s the one that has been keeping me updated with their trial and a lot of the receipts I’ll posting is thanks to her. So check her out on Instagram if you want to keep up to date with the case and know more about it!
The Photos/Videos of Her Bruises
Amber released photos of her with bruises back in 2016 and claimed that Johnny was physically abusive.
In 2019, court evidence shows that her photos have an erased metadata. Metadata is the basic information about a photo such as when and where it was taken. For example, screenshotting a photo can erase its metadata.
This led the court to believe that she is lying and the photos were staged. In our older posts, we even showcase how her story and bruises don’t match up with the timeline because she would be posting photos of her with no bruises or makeup, and yet this was supposedly “after” these photos were taken.
As the trial progressed, the timeline continued to show that Amber was claiming she was physically abused yet there was evidence AGAINST her. For example, the following picture was taken in March 2015.
A day before this photo was taken, Amber claimed that Johnny punched her in the face repeatedly while wearing rings. And yet… she appeared completely fine?
In December 2015, she was on the James Corden Show and she said in court that at that time, she had 2 broken ribs, a swollen nose, a busted lip, and 2 black eyes. However, she looked gorgeous and completely fine. No sign of bruises on her hands, face, or anything. She also was talking fine for someone with broken ribs.
But makeup could hide things, right? Yeah, except the fact that the makeup artist that styled Amber on set said that she didn’t see any sign of injury beforehand.
She’s also walking and moving pretty fine for someone who had two broken ribs. Watch below:
Audio of Amber Saying She Hits Johnny
The icing on the cake in their trial is when audio proof of Amber gaslighting Johnny was released. She was also saying that she did hit him and that he should grow up and stop being a baby. She also said that she does start physical fights because Johnny was like yeah I called Travis over because you start physical fights. She then starts MOCKING HIM.
Amber exposed herself in that audio alone. In showcases her for what she is, a vicious and manipulative liar.
The full audio is about an hour long so you can check it out here.
Supposedly Wanting To Accuse Him of Rape
Amber tried to sleep with Johnny after accusing him of abusive and violent behavior publicly AND after getting an active restraining order against him. This led everyone to believe that she was trying to manipulate him into sleeping with her so she can supposedly accuse him of rape. This is all on tape and it's something that has been submitted to the court.
Also, if he did sleep with her, there would be DNA evidence to support her if she went through with the claim... but Johnny refused and left the room.
This is next level vile.
Leaked Video Footage of Johnny Slamming Cabinets
Johnny is also suing the newspaper's publisher, News Group Newspapers, and Executive Editor Dan Wootton over a 2018 article that claimed that he was abusive to Amber. This was all published on The Sun.
In 2016 when Amber filed the restraining order, a video was leaked to TMZ of Johnny slamming cabinets to paint him as the violent one. She definitely leaked this video, but either way, The Sun’s lawyers relied heavily on that video in their lawsuit with Johnny.
However, Johnny’s lawyer played the full version of the video and you can see that after he threw her phone when he noticed she was recording him, he asked her why and she just laughed and smirked. He also left the room and didn’t touch her.
I screenshotted the tweet just in case it gets deleted in the future, but the link to the video in that tweet is here.
When TMZ released the video in 2016, they captioned it saying:
Johnny Depp went crazy on Amber Heard in their kitchen, throwing a wine bottle and glass ... and she videotaped it.
We're told the video was shot months before the May 21 incident in which Amber claims Johnny struck her. Amber asks Johnny if he drank a bottle of wine and tries to calm him down. She says she was sorry for something although she was not specific. Johnny isn't having it, and appears out of control. After throwing the glass and bottle, you see him swiping at Amber's phone ... trying to get it from her.
All of this shows that Amber was filming bits and pieces of videos and submitting that to TMZ to expose Johnny. Johnny only retaliated in a court of law to DEFEND himself. It really shows you how Amber wanted to exploit Johnny just in the media for I guess… public approval? More fame? Publicity? (Yes as we exposed in 2016). And it’s only when Johnny was getting his justice that it was seen that everything she submitted was small bits taken out of context.
Johnny’s Finger Being Cut Off
Johnny said that Amber cut off his finger in an abusive brawl when she threw a bottle of vodka at him. Originally in his medical records, Johnny said that he cut it with a knife, but the doctor wrote the wound was due to velocity because the bone was crushed. Johnny only said that HE cut it off to protect Amber because at the time, their problems weren’t public. However, his doctor cited VELOCITY which means something was flung at a high speed velocity to result in the bone being that damaged.
Read more here.
On top of that, Amber changed her story on how his finger was cut off FIVE times. Here are the five different scenarios she displayed:
he cut it with a knife
he punched the wall so it got chopped off
he smashed it with a plastic phone
she wasn’t there
she was there but she doesn’t know how he did it
This also shows that Johnny’s version was the truthful one and because photographic evidence matches that. He said that she flung two bottles of vodka at him. She missed one and hit the glass and then cut his finger off with the other.
In that photo, you can see that the glass is broken where she supposedly missed, there’s blood on the floor, and the plastic phone on the table is intact.
Who Pooped In Their Bed?
Yes, that’s a question that the court was trying to find the answer to.
In 2016, Johnny called Amber “Amber Turd” in text messages because she supposedly sh-t in their marital bed in LA in 2016. He says that he was joking because that means “Amber in the dumps.” Apparently they got into a huge fight because Johnny was two hours late to her 30th birthday party. Amber claims that Johnny threw a bottle of champagne at her meanwhile Johnny says that he woke up to feces in their bed the next morning.
Amber claimed that it was their Yorkie who pooped in their bed, but when a photo was released, it shows that it was actually human feces. Johnny also says that no 3 or 4 pound dog would have sh-t like that in the bed. You guys can search up the picture, I don’t wanna gross yall out.
Amber changed her story 4 times about this incident.
First, she said that it was a harmless prank
After, she said that it never happened.
Then she said that it was Johnny himself.
Finally, it was supposedly the dog that did it.
At the time of the incident, Johnny joked about it, but he told the court that “It was one of the most absurd, unexpected statements that I have ever witnessed in my life so, yes, initially I did laugh because it was so strange.”
He also said that it was a fitting end to their relationship LMAO.
Amber’s Sister Testifying Against Johnny
Amber’s sister, Whitney Henriquez, testified and said that Johnny was going to push her down the stairs and that’s why Amber intervened and punched him. However, Whitney made a mistake and said her back was to Johnny and yet was standing between them. So why is her back to the aggressor?
Then, Whitney said that Johnny kicked her out and she had to sleep on her boss’s floor.
However, a day after the trial ended, Whitney’s former boss filed a declaration in the US trial saying that she told her that Whitney was terrified that Amber would kill Johnny and that Amber was the one who was going to push her down the stairs.
Whitney’s boss also claims Amber was "extremely violent" and abusive towards Johnny Depp. Read more here.
I can’t believe sis was really blaming Johnny and yet it was Amber directly abusing her. The funny part is that it backfired and the truth came to light as it always does!
It gets worse.
Johnny’s lawyer then exposed Whitney’s lies by showing a video of Whitney discussing with someone that Amber hit her. It was apparently taken on an old reality TV show before Amber was even famous. One of the girls there tells Whitney, “I can’t believe Amber beat your ass.”
Watch it here:
it’s one thing to accuse someone of being physically abusive, but it’s another thing for you to be completely be physically abusive all by yourself.
And this is something we’re starting to see—Amber is the one who’s physically abusive in multiple situations.
Amber’s former assistant, Kate James, Exposes Amber
Kate and Amber / Photo: Backgrid
Kate James said that she told Amber about a violent sexual assault she had endured, only for Amber to "twist" the story for her own use.
"She referred directly to a violent rape that occurred to me 26 years ago and she twisted it into her own story and she used it for her own use. I am a sexual violence survivor and that's very, very serious to take that stance if you are not one.” — Kate.
Here’s Kate’s full declaration in which she exposes some insane things about Amber and calls her a “classic bully.” it’s long so I put it into a slideshow and you can just use the arrows to read throughout the whole thing.

Here’s Kate’s second declaration:

Audio of Johnny Supposedly Being Suicidal
In July 2016, Amber was recording Johnny in which seemed to be a really worrying mental breakdown of Johnny wanting to hurt himself.
Johnny Depp arriving to court. // AP Photo/Alberto Pezzali
It’s clear that he was struggling and it says a lot that she was recording that. It’s like she was planning to ruin him all along (I mean we know that’s the case hence what I exposed in 2016). And it’s obvious that she was recording everything she can to try to use anything she can against him.
At the beginning of the recording, parts of which are unclear, Johnny says, “My f-cking knife. Cut me. You want to cut me? You want to see some sh-t? Cut me. Cut me wherever you want. Cut me. You want to cut me somewhere?”
Amber then says, “Do I want to cut you?” Johnny replies, “Yeah. You want an arm? You want chest? Where do you want? Where do you want the scar? Where do you want it? Cut me.”
That’s so sad.
You can read more here.
I think that’s enough for today. Johnny and Amber’s story is so twisted and vile because there’s literal proof of Amber using topics for her advantage. In my post on her from 2016, I exposed how this was her plan all along and the fact that she was secretly recording Johnny at every moment, shows that she planned to have evidence for something. As time showed us, she tried to paint him as the manipulative and abusive druggie meanwhile that was her all along. Johnny isn’t perfect and he has his flaws of course (some of which we exposed in that first post too), but at the end of the day, it’s obvious that he was the victim in their relationship.
This story is so beyond sick because all Amber did was make it harder for victims of domestic abuse to speak up. She’s going to go down in history as someone who’s referenced in a situation where the woman is lying and that’s disgusting because it just made life ten times harder for ACTUAL victims.
Another thing I wanted to point out is that you guys shouldn’t believe everything that’s told to you in the media. Real life is different than the life of fame. These celebrities have things to gain from pity stories. They live exaggerated lives than average people do.
I got called someone who supports domestic violence in 2016 just because I exposed a story I genuinely knew was the truth. And would you look at that? Someone even said that I knew the story before his lawyers did LMAO. That’s the thing, evidence usually comes to light from who? WITNESSES. A lot of the times I will tell stories about celebrities that fellow celebrities don’t know. And that’s not far fetched, that’s just life.
So I think there’s a lot to learn from this Johnny and Amber story. It’s absolutely sick and twisted.
Another huge thank you to my friend that was keeping me updated with the trial and sending me receipts! Check her out on Instagram!
That’s all for now. Let me know what you guys think about this crazy story. You can comment anonymously so take advantage of that. I really want to hear your thoughts and questions! I will be replying back.
For any victims and survivors who need support, there is a 24/7 hotline. Call 1-800-799-7233 or 1-800-787-3224 for TTY, or if you’re unable to speak safely, you can log onto thehotline.org or text LOVEIS to 22522.