Does Meghan Markle Want to be the Modern Day Princess Diana?


Nowadays, you can’t read an article about Meghan Markle and her controversial relationship with Prince Harry, without at least seeing one mention of how Meghan is the new Diana. The reason for that is because Diana was quite controversial during her time as well. The only difference is, she left the royal family after getting crippling depression and anxiety considering Prince Charles cheated on her.

Diana was also notably harassed by public media to the point where they killed her—the paparazzi that is.


Meghan isn’t shy when it comes to voicing her opinion of how she feels that the media has ruined her and her reputation. She also claims that the royal family didn’t even have her back when it came to the media backlash. She’s even suing one outlet for publishing a letter that her father gave them in which Meghan wrote to him.

The funny part is, we exposed that Meghan actually researched until she could find Diana’s favorite perfume so she could wear it on her “blind date” with Prince Harry who she claims to haven’t heard of before.

… yeah you haven’t heard of probably the most famous royals right now? Sure.

In this video, we will be answering the questions regarding whether or not Meghan Markle purposely dresses like Princess Diana. We demonstrated many MANY outfits where it looks like Meghan is purposely trying to rebrand as Diana.

Watch it now:

Does she do this solely based on inspiration or is there a hidden agenda behind these very similar outfits?


If we have learned anything about Meghan from the past, it is that she is one very calculative person. She doesn’t do things for the sake of “coincidence” but rather for a greater reason.

Later on in this video, we will be showing you guys what some of Meghan’s former friends from her pre-duchess lifestyle said about her! And trust me… it’s kind of scandalous.

So enjoy the video, let me know what you think, and request other royal family related posts that you want us to cover. We have a lot of more scandalous tea coming up.

One thing we do know is that…

Meghan WANTS to be the modern day Princess Diana and is hoping that all of this coverage will make her the most famous ex-royal, if you will. The media isn’t going around comparing how similar Kate Middleton’s outfits are with Diana. No, they’re only doing that with Meghan. Also, Meghan lying about not knowing who the royal family is yet wearing Diana’s favorite perfume the night she met Harry is quite psychotic. But we already established that she has always had a plan.


Another thing is at the end of the video, we included what people had to say about her before her royal life where they reveal that she had a literal obsession with Diana…. insanity.

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