A Breakdown of Everything That Meghan Markle and Prince Harry Exposed In Their Oprah Interview... And Their Contradictions
Joe Pugliese/Harpo Productions
Oh god, here we go. Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s sitdown interview with Oprah has been probably the most anticipated TV event in years. Here’s a detailed breakdown of everything they exposed and things that… were contradicting.
I was live-tweeting during the interview and I even made a cool infographic for my Instagram, but whoever got esmg’s account in the shackles of IG HQ, disabled it momentarily. This often happens so my people are working on getting it back. Thanks for being patient. #JusticeForOurInstagramAccount
Without further ado….
What Was Exposed
The interview first started with Meghan and Oprah. Harry joined them later.
Royal Wedding
Meghan referred to the royal wedding as “not our day but the wedding for the world.” Then, she said that both she and Harry got secretly married 3 days before so that it can be a moment special to them only.
“The spectacle is for the world but we want our vows for us,” Meghan said.
Meghan claims that:
she went into it “naively” because she didn’t know much about the royal family growing up
her mother didn’t even know if Diana even sat down for an interview and asked her, “Did Diana ever do an interview?”
She didn’t do any research about the royal family because:
As someone who lived in the States, she didn’t know much about the royal family.
She wanted to hear it from Harry’s mouth as opposed to researching him.
She didn’t fully understand what the job is of a working royal. “I didn’t romanticize any element of it.” She thought that what she read in fairytales is what the royals were. She said she was judged on the perception of what it was like meanwhile she was living the reality.
She knew Princess Eugene before she knew Harry.
can someone elaborate on this in the comments? How would she have met Eugene before Harry? Maybe I interpreted her wrong.
Meghan’s childhood friend came out to say that was “fascinated by the royal family” and that she had books on Princess Diana. A different source even said that she researched until she found Diana’s favorite perfume and that she wore it on the first couple dates with Harry.
Several sources have even said that she is obsessed with Diana.
Right off the bat, Meghan is lying and it seems like she’s trying very hard to put up this narrative that she didn’t know who the royal family was and didn’t care to find out because she doesn’t care about status. If you watched the interview, that’s basically where she was going with it. It was like this specific part of the interview was laid out to prove to people that she isn’t a social climber as she was accused.
And it’s not really cute that she was so oblivious about the royal family… one of the longest-reigning monarchies in the world. Like did you not go to school? I’m American and I can assure you that I was well aware of who the royal family was in the 5th grade. So either she’s ignorant or a liar. Which one does she want to go for?
Also, it’s not believable that she didn’t research them and that she didn’t google Prince Harry. She also claims to not read ANY articles written about her. Meghan—queen of restraint on natural human curiosity. Maybe she should give a class on the psychology of that as one of her side gigs.
On Meeting The Queen and Her Relationship With Her
She said that meeting The Queen was casual. She was on her way to lunch with Harry and then he was like oh let’s say hi to my grandmother or whatever.
He then asked her if she knew how to curtsy — she thought it was “fan fare” that didn’t happen behind closed doors but it did. She then went on to explain how shocked that to learn that the act was still on behind closed doors.
Again… this idea of I'm SO NAIVE, I BARELY KNEW ANYTHING THAT WAS GOING ON… isn’t cute. And if you are like Meghan; unaware of the fact that literal ~~~royals~~~~ don’t behave like average people, then I guess ignorance runs in your bloodline too.
She learned how to curtsy outside before meeting her.
She said “thank god” that she didn’t research the royals because she would have been so in of her head of it.
“The queen has always been wonderful to me,” Meghan said. She also said that The Queen gave her a beautiful gift. She gave her “beautiful pearl earrings and a matching necklace.”
Meghan then talked about how when The Queen travels, she has this blanket on her in the car. Meghan said that The Queen shared her blanket with her. She was like “come on Meghan” and put the blanket on her. “It made me think of my grandmother who’s always been warm and inviting.”
Then Meghan went on a whole tangent about how the royals aren’t like celebrities in Hollywood. She made a point to emphasize, “this is not the same.”
No sh!t. I could have told you that when I was in the 5th grade.
The rift between Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle
Oprah brings up a rumor stating that “Hurricane Meghan is the reason for the departure of the Palace Staff” and that she made Kate cry. She says that the narrative “was a turning point” for her.
Meghan says that she didn’t make Kate cry.
“That’s when everything changed,” Meghan said. “Did you make Kate Cry?” Oprah question. “No,” Meghan replies.
There’s a lot of dramatics in this scene so if you didn’t watch the interview, I got you. I need to put you through the agony I was in when watching this. Time to turn on my author hat.
“So where did that come from?” Oprah asks.
Meghan took a deep sigh and just stared at her.… Oprah asked again….
“The reverse happened. It was a really hard week of the wedding and she was upset about something and she owned it and she apologized for it and brought me flowers. What was shocking was that the reverse was out in the world and it came out 6-7 months after it happened,” Meghan replied.
She continued: “A few days before the wedding, she was upset about something about the flower girl dresses and it made me cry and it really hurt my feelings.”
Meghan also claimed that she wasn’t being supportive and then grouped a lot of people under that.
Meghan also said that Kate “is a good person.”
“Why did you cry then?” Oprah question.
“I don’t think it’s fair to her to get into the details of that because Kate apologized and I forgive her,” Meghan said. Everyone in the institution knew the truth.“
” So why didn't anyone in the institution say that?”
“That’s a good question.” - Meghan
Says Kate is a “good person”
There aren’t any public contradictions to this yet, but it was reported by several sources that there was a feud going on between Kate and Meghan. That’ll probably come up to more light later.
However, I came to find a part in “Finding Freedom,” aka the book that Meghan was exposed to have a hand in writing/giving information, which says that “there were no tears” in the end and that Meghan & Kate were just stressed.
So what is the truth??
About the Tabloid Drama & Not Being Protected
“Were you silent or were you silenced?” asked Oprah.
"The latter,” replied Meghan.
“How were you told to handle tabloids and gossip?”
“Everyone in my world was given a very clear directive from the moment they knew Harry and I were dating — to say no comment. I did anything they told me to do. It was through the lens of ‘we’ll protect you.’”
Friends would call her saying that “Meg this is really bad” and she would say “Don’t worry, I am being protected.”
“Once we were married, everything started to worsen. Not only was I not being protected, but that they were willing to lie to protect other members of the family, but they weren’t willing to tell the truth to protect me and my husband.”
Let me take a deep sigh for this one.
Meghan reads everything that is written about her. If she didn’t, then why did she make a big fuss about the press? And go as far as suing them with detail? She’s trying to paint the idea that she was unbothered in the palace but it was her friends and family concerned who were concerned about what was being written. Are you really trying to tell me that EVERYONE ELSE was reading the tabloids, but Meghan wasn’t?
Now here’s the funny part.
Shallon Lester, who worked as the editor of Star Magazine for 10+ years, said that back in 2017, it was a well-known fact that Meghan hired, not 1 or 2 publicist companies, but THREE to run articles about her and make sure that her name was in the tabloids a certain number of times each month. As someone who ran a tabloid company, you have to comply with whatever number of articles that Meghan’s team wanted about her.
This is also another fact about the industry… surprise surprise… celebrities love the press!
Think I’m lying? A reporter literally exposes her for this.
If you are going to sit here and believe for a second that Meghan didn’t want her name in the press and hired these THREE companies (or even doubt that she did despite someone from a tabloid telling you otherwise) for no reason, then do you. However, this is probably not the article for you.
Here’s another reporter who exposed that they did indeed stop the false information being put out:
She’s coming after people who actually have facts and it’s like she’s trying to discredit every single media outlet but the truth is… Meghan wanted her name in the tabloids and it says a lot when people are coming out to speak against her.
On being welcomed:
“I think everyone welcomed me.”
On lack of control and being lonely:
Meghan said that she was told, “Don’t go out with your friends because you’re too oversaturated right now.”
“I’ve left the house twice in 4 months. I’m everything, but nowhere.”
She also claims that she was very lonely. When Oprah asked, “How are you lonely, but married to a Prince?” She said that she wasn’t “lonely with him,” but that there were moments in the middle of the night.
“I know there is an obsession with how things look, but can anyone talk about how it feels? Because right now, I can’t feel lonelier.”
“It breeds loneliness when you come from freedom,” Meghan said.
On The Tours & Not Being Protected There:
Meghan said that the tours were “exhausting” and that she was tired. “We were making it look like everything was fine.” She said that people were surprised to hear that there was pain that.
“I felt like it hasn’t occurred to anyone that I was suffering… I was asking the institution for help.”
When asked help for what, she said “After the Australian tour, when I knew we weren’t being protected, it was during that part of my pregnancy that I started to realize what our continued reality was gonna look like.
“What kind of protection?” Oprah questioned.
“They would go on the record and negate the most ridiculous story for anyone. But the narrative about making Kate cry was the beginning of a character assassination.”
I put that ^ quote under the tours section because that’s when Meghan brought it up again. When asked about the tours, she brought up the Kate story and talked about how she wasn’t protected. The tea was, I was writing this post while watching the interview so I broke it down how it flowed during the interview.
What am I confused about is what protection? She had security detail present with her on tour (even after they quit less than a year of working for her) so what was concern over protection? Is it the media? Because they are going to run whatever a source tells them and it’s highly unbelievable to say that EVERY SINGLE STORY BY EVERY SINGLE TABLOID is not true and that there’s a media conspiracy going around Meghan.
As for her complaining about the tour being exhausting… I mean girl… that’s the job. I’m pretty sure Ariana Grande is exhausted on tour too, but that’s what a tour is. You’re on tour surrounded by people who are LESS FORTUNATE THAN YOU and you’re complaining… it’s your job, it’s what signed up for, girl this is becoming a broken record at this point.
She was literally in Africa talking about “Nobody asked ME how I was doing” I just … lemme not speak.
Photo: AAP
On Archie not having the title of a Prince and claims that the Royal Family Is Racist:
Meghan said that before they knew the gender, “They were saying they didn’t want him to be a prince or princess which would be different from protocol. He wasn’t going to receive security. This went on for the last few months of our pregnancy.”
Meghan says that she was told that Archie would not be given security or a title and that the Royal Family was concerned about how dark his skin might be when he was born.
Oprah was then shocked and said “How did they explain that and who told you that?”
Meghan said, “There’s no explanation” and that “I heard a lot if through Harry and other parts of it through conversation with family members. It was a decision that they felt was appropriate.”
“Was him being called a prince important to you?
“If it meant that he was gonna be safe then of course,” Meghan said. “The idea of our son not being safe and also the idea of the first member of color in this family, not being titled in the same way that other grandchildren will be… when you’re the grandchild of the monarch, so when Harry’s dad becomes king, automatically, Archie and our next baby would become prince/princess.”
She then talks about how the title for her is about protection and safety. “It’s not their right to take it away… while I was pregnant, they said I wanna change the convention… for Archie. Well, why?” She also says that she never got an answer as to why. She says that she never denied not having the prince title and that “it wasn’t our decision to make.”
Taking the photo after labor:
“We weren’t asked to take a picture. That was also part of the spin that was really damaging. I just thought, ‘can you just tell them the truth? Can you say to the world, you’re not giving him a title and we wanna keep him safe and if he’s not a prince, then he’s not part of the tradition? Just tell people and then they’ll understand.’ But they just wouldn’t do that.”
“Is there a specific reason why you didn’t wanna be a part of that tradition? I think many people interpreted that as you both were saying ‘we’re gonna do things in a different way.’”
“That’s not it at all. Now that you know what was going on behind the scenes, there was a lot of fear surrounding it. I was very scared of having to offer up our baby knowing that they weren’t going to be kept safe.”
When asked if it’s because of his race that he wouldn’t become a prince, Meghan kind of hopped around the question and said, “In those months that I was pregnant… also concerns and conversations about how dark his skin might be when he’s born… potentially and what that would be and look like… I think that would be very damaging to them [about who had the conversation with Harry].”
Meghan said that these conversations were relayed to her from Harry and it was conversations that his family had with him.
Oprah said the next day that "Harry didn’t share the identity with me, but he wanted to make sure that I knew and, if I had an opportunity to share it, that it was not his grandmother [The Queen] nor his grandfather [Prince Phillip].”
I’m not going to sit here and deny any claims. I don’t think anyone is in any position to say that Meghan didn’t experience racism. On the topic of racism, it’s something that I even brought up in my first M+H post. I never denied it nor belittled it, as one shouldn’t.
However, some people are saying that she started playing the race card for sympathy since her comments beforehand were weird in comparison to now:
I’m just giving you guys the information that’s already out there and you can do what you want with it.
I don’t know if the royal in question that made comments about Archie’s skin color is uneducated or just flat out racist, but genetically speaking… a white father and a half white mother wasn’t going to result in a kid that’s remotely dark. I mean that’s just not how genetics works. But okay.
Nonetheless, it is disgusting that the topic of color was even brought up and used this way.
About Archie not having protection & title because of his color, I’m going to talk about that in a different post which involved a lot of talking with different people who studied the royal family & their laws.
Read it now:
There’s a lot of misinformation spilled by both Meghan & Harry and it makes me think they wanted that misinformation out because they know that it’s a complicated thing to understand especially if you’re not aware of royal rules and laws.
Talking About Suicidal Thoughts & Things Being ‘Turned Over’:
Meghan said that she was having suicidal thoughts and wanted to harm herself. She reached out to one of Princess Diana’s best friends because that’s whom she thought can understand what it’s like to be on the inside.
She said that she told Harry that she doesn’t want to live anymore. Then, they had to attend an event at the Royal Albert Hall, where she claimed that she was sobbing the whole time. “If you zoom in, you can see how tightly his knuckles [Harry] are gripped around mine.”
When she asked for help, she claims “the institution” wouldn’t help her.
“When I joined that family, that was the last time I saw my passport, driver’s license, my keys.. all that gets turned over.”
I’m going to talk about the institution denying them help later in the post.
Meghan claims that she hasn’t seen her passport since she turned them over so this begs the question—how did you travel to Ibiza to see Elton John, to New York for a lavish six-figure baby shower, and to endless vacations, without a passport?
After the wedding, Meghan took a private jet to the following events:
Their secret honeymoon
Lavish $500k baby shower thrown in New York by Serena Williams
The US Open to see Serena Williams play
Misha Nonoo’s wedding in Rome
Traveled privately to both Ibiza & Nice
Then went to Canada for Thanksgiving
Then she and Harry left the royal family
So how did she do all of this without a passport?
What happened when they left the royal family:
Meghan confirmed that they stayed at Tyler Perry’s house and he offered them security. At the time, this was something that was heavily denied by her PR team, but it’s something we exposed so checkmark for the exposingsmg team.
When asked why their security was taken away, they said that it was their justification because of their change in status. They said that “the risk and threat hasn’t changed” even though they won’t be working members of the royal family.
Harry says that the tipping point for him was that he was desperate to ask for help and that they werne’t getting it. He said that they were taking a breath “from this constant barrage” and that Harry was deeply concerned about “history repeating itself… talking about my mum” and how this time it was far more dangerous because of social media.
Harry said, “To receive no help at all and to be told continuously this is how it is, this is just how it is, we’ve all been through it.”
“Lack of support and lack of understanding… and the press” - Harry about why they left.
“Did you blindside The Queen?”
“No. I’ve never blindsided her. I have too much respect for her,” Harry said. He thinks it came from within the institution.
While they were in Canada, Harry had “3 conversations with my grandmother and 2 with my father… before he stopped taking his calls.”
“I took matters into my own hands. I need to do this for my family, but I’ve got to do something for my own mental health and my wife’s.” - Harry about why Charles stopped taking his calls.
It’s important to note that they were receiving money from Prince Charles in 2020, including $2.5 million to cover security expenses.
They did have security in the UK and Canada… which they didn’t pay for.
Here’s their security officers being fed up with them because they were treating them like assistants:
There is picture evidence of this so you can’t play the “media is always lying :(“ card which is Meghan’s favorite.
Meghan said that she feels like the little mermaid — falls in love with a prince then loses her voice but then gets it back.
Being Declined Help From ‘The Institution’
Harry said that he was ashamed of admitting that Meghan needed help… “I didn’t have anyone else to turn to.”
the family has the mentality of this is how it is and this is how it’s meant to be.
“what was different for me was the race element.”
People were confused that “the institution” didn’t help and that Harry even later denied getting help despite it being public evidence that:
Diana was seeking treatment for post-partum depression, bulimia, and marital problems. In her 1995 interview, she said “I received a great deal of treatment.”
Prince Charles attended therapy sessions with Dr. Alan McGlashan for 14 years after seeking help in the early years of his marriage.
Prince Harry started going to therapy at the age of 12 to deal with loss of his mother. In 2017 he said, "I have probably been very close to a complete breakdown on numerous occasions when all sorts of grief and all sorts of lies and misconceptions and everything are coming to you from every angle.” Then at age 28, he saw a therapist "more than a couple of times” with the help of his brother William.
Princess Margaret reportedly “suffered a nervous breakdown" during her divorce and got treatment for depression with a psychiatrist.
James Middelton, Kate’s younger brother, opened up about undergoing a year of cognitive behavioral therapy for depression. He said that every family member, including Kate, attended the sessions with him.
So I am a little conflicted about the idea that “the institution” don’t promote getting help and frown down upon it to the point where Harry claims he didn’t get the help he needed—despite already being on record saying that he has—even though everyone else who seemingly needed the help, got it.
This begs the question, are Meghan & Harry lying because they know Americans can be ignorant and won’t research any information?
Another thing that was brought up was the fact that Meghan hand picked her medical team for Archie’s delivery in 2019 so how was she given that power, but not the power to talk to a therapist?
The Royal Family vs. The Tabloids
“I am acutely aware of where my family stands and how scared they are of the tabloids turning on them,” said Harry. Then he goes on about this “invisible contract” between the institution and the UK tabloids.
Meghan chimes in and say “If you as a family member are willing to wine, dine, and give full access too these reports, you will get better press. These tabloids have holiday parties at the palace. there is a construct that it is on play there.”
“My family is fearful about what the papers would say about them,” Harry said.
Sources are saying that everything that Meghan & Harry said here is a complete lie and there isn’t this big conspiracy surrounding the tabloids. Tell me what you guys think.
Things Changing:
“They were really welcoming [about the family] but it really changed after the Australian tour,” Meghan said.
Harry said that “it brought back memories” of when Princess Diana and Prince Charles were on their Australian Tour.
“Were u trying to have it both ways? step back and keep ur foot in royal business?”- Oprah
“On the security element: I never thought that my security would be removed. that was a shock to me. That’s what changed the whole plan.” - Harry
Meghan then rambled on about security. She said that at this point, her concern wasn’t for Archie or herself, but she wrote letters ”please keep my husband safe.”
On the claims that Meghan manipulated Harry and was the reason for their exit so she can build a brand:
“I left everything because I ove him. Our plan was to do this forever,” Meghan replied.
She also claimed that nothing was offered to her to teach her anything about royal life and that nobody prepared her.
Wasn’t Samantha Cohen hired to train her? That is before she stepped down months later. Samantha is also referenced in the bullying allegations published by The Times in which sources said that Meghan was horrible to her.
It’s also important to note that Samantha Cohen was not just "hired" for Meghan. She had been the Queen's own Assistant Private Secretary for 17 years(?) and then she retired. The Queen asked her to please come out or postpone her retirement in order to help Meghan adjust & guide her for an initial period. It was to be for a number of months and she resigned before expected. She is also one of the people who were willing to testify in court saying Meghan lied in the Mail on Sunday lawsuit.
Also, take a look at what was said in “Finding Freedom,” — a book that was exposed in law that Meghan had a hand in giving information to.
So all of a sudden she wants to say that she didn’t receive any training??
I… I… anyways
If Harry would have left without Meghan:
He said, “No. I wouldn’t have been able to. I myself have been trapped as well.”
Then Oprah dragged him by saying “trapped how… you’re a prince… a privileged prince.” He then says, “Trapped within the system. My father and my brother are trapped. They don’t get to leave and I have huge compassion for that.”
Then they were asked how would Diana feel…
He said that she would be very angry and very sad, but ultimately all she’d ever want is for them to be happy.
Response to Being “Money Grabbing Royals”
They claimed that the Netflix and Spotify deal were not part of the plan. It was suggested by a friend so they can make money since his family cut him off. He only had were the grand millions that Diana left him.
“All I needed was enough money to pay for security,” claimed Harry.
Relationships With Family
Harry said that he has a very good relationship with The Queen.
When asked about his relationship to his father and if he’s taking his calls, Harry said “Yeah he is.. there’s a lot to work through there. I feel really let down because he’s been through something similar. He knows what pain feels like. And Archie is his grandson, but at the same time, I will always love him but there’s a lot of hurt that has happened. I will continue to make it one of my priorities to try and heal that relationship, but they only know what they know” — Meghan then cut him off and said “Or what they are told.”
About his relationship with William, he said “I love William to bits. He’s my brother, we’ve been through hell together, but we are on different paths.”
“In conclusion, would you still be with them [the royal family] if you had the support?”
Harry said, “without question” and Meghan agreed.
One thing to note is that when they stepped down in 2020, Meghan said that they didn’t want to step down from the family, but as senior royals. She was open to still work, but just not being part of the senior royals. Harry also agreed.
A point that everyone is making now is… “if your family is so racist and treated y’all horribly, why did you want to still be ‘half royal’s?’” Because they’re changing their statement as to why they left. And even if they did leave for xyz, why did they still wish to stay in January 2020 as working royals, just not senior royals. Why would Meghan still want that despite the alleged talk over Archie’s skin color?
Then they started talking about things that delight them about this life and it was getting ready to end on a happy note. Oprah then asks, “Any regrets?”
Harry said, “No. I’m really proud of us. I am so proud of my wife. She safely delivered Archie during a period of time that was so cruel and mean.” He even opened up about how he was crying when she was breastfeeding Archie.
Meghan then hopped in and said “I have one. I regret believing them when they said I was being protected.”
I really wish I knew what protection she was talking about. I could argue that the general public should be protected from the fake articles put out every month by Meghan’s 3 publicist companies.
Fairy Tale Ending Response
“We have not actually survived, but we are thriving. This is just the beginning for us.” - Meghan
Oprah then asked if Meghan saved Harry and he said, “yeah…without question.”
Meghan replied saying that she would disagree, “he saved all of us.”
The End
I need to know your thoughts. There’s a lot of contradictions here which makes their story… hard to believe. Nobody is taking away from their privileged struggles, but all I’m saying is, it was 2 hours of Meghan victimizing herself and of Harry taking out deeply rooted issues on “the firm.”
It was a lot of “but no everyone has been amazing to me” but this ~~~firm~~~ has been highly racist to me.
I was recording a video about this topic because I don’t know what to even say, but I want to hear your thoughts. Personally for me, I can see through anyone’s BS especially when it’s during an interview. And all I can say right now is… my bullish!t radar was going off the whole time.
Comment down below what you guys think. You can comment anonymously so take advantage of that. I will be reading and replying back.