Meghan Markle and Prince Harry Missed the Mark in 2023 (exclusive details)
Photo: Nancy Kaszerman/Zuma Press
I have never in my 10+ years of celebrity blogging, seen someone f*ck up THIS bad.
It’s one thing to say that people treated you unfairly or were racist, but it’s another thing to be given opportunities to redeem yourself and STILL mess it all up.
Welcome to the story of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle… occupation? Professional grifters.
2023 has been a big flop for Harry and Meghan and that says a lot considering 2022 was filled with a bunch of flop projects and tax schemes where official documents showed that Harry & Meghan only clocked in 1 hour of work per week for the year.
This year, we had Harry’s disastrous Spare promo tour where he hit us with the “did Meghan ever say the royal family was racist?” and shifted the blame on the British press while simultaneously destroying the only argument Harry & Meghan laid on by Harry saying the royal family isn’t racist “having lived within that family.”
justice for Tom Bradby who looked so confused
I’m not here to discuss whether or not they’re racist because you can make up your own minds about that. What I’m here to discuss is the sh!t show of a year they’ve had and how I don’t see 2024 being any better.
Let’s start with how…
Meghan isolated the black community from her
I originally wasn’t gonna talk about this because I’m not going to give insight on something that I don’t experience therefore I can’t take it away from someone else, buuuut my source has some tea.
When I jumped on the Meghan & Harry drama train back in 2020, I was contacted by a source who basically spilled the deets on Meghan being your average Hollywood diva on Suits… without the status.
It’s one thing to be a diva and be an A-lister… it’s another to be a D lister and still be a diva.
That same source said the following:
“Meghan isn’t understanding why the black community isn’t siding with her and maybe if she spent any time hanging out with black people, she would know what to say to stick, but she hasn’t. The drama about being upset that a black man was hired for her and finding that insulting was insulting to me as a black woman because only someone who is used to always being surrounded by white folk, would find offense in black numbers.”
I too whenever I would walk for a stage rehearsal and get a chance to see the cast or staff, I would count how many black people were employed or how many people of color but I wasn’t insulted by their hire. I was more like ‘oh yay, someone like me.’ But since Meghan is always looking for offense to use in the media, she thought that seeing a black hire would resonate with us as an offense because she isn’t used to actively looking for them if that makes sense.”
I was really grateful that my source could offer insight so here’s context on the story she’s talking about:
@scandalousmedia Meghan Markle is now reportedly complaining that a black man was hired to help her during her days in the royal family, saying that she felt insulted. So many white people were hired to work for Meghan; namely Samantha Cohen & Jason Knauf, but a black man is where she draws the line. Seriously? #meghanmarkle #princeharry #omidscobie #endgame #omidscobieendgame #LieutenantColonelNanaKofiTwumasiAnkrah #katemiddleton #catherinemiddleton #kingcharles #princewilliam #royalfamily #britishroyalfamily #oprah #oprahwinfrey #scandalousmedia #queenelizabeth #princearchie #archie #fyp #fouryou #foryourpage ♬ Everybody - Nicki Minaj
The issue with Meghan is that she likes to use race as her main argument but she’s the same person who…
Threw a black journalist under a bus…
Said she never got treated like a black woman…
“I’ve never been treated like a ‘black woman,’ so that talk [her mom being called the n word], never really had to happen to me.”
Fell out with the black director for Netflix and replaced her with a white one…
If we’re gonna have the race talk, we should talk about how Meghan can’t seem to get along with people of color or black people for that case.
“She’s genuinely shocked at how the black community didn’t come to rally with her but rally for what? You don’t care about the royal family’s history and past controversies and you sure as hell didn’t care when you made your name off of them. Now that the royal family isolated them in return, suddenly it’s let’s see what social justice issue we can use to make ourselves look better,” my source adds.
If you’re new to the Meghan & Harry drama, I recommend checking out my YouTube channel where I cover every single insane thing they’ve done:
“If she actually familiarized herself with black struggles, she’d know what to say to get us on her side,” my source said.
According to my source, Meghan comes off as a privileged white woman who can’t recognize her privilege which is why everything she says doesn’t stick.
She and Omid Scobie can try as hard as they can to make it happen, but Meghan has always been out of touch with her background and she’s only using it as a weapon against the royal family.
All the black elements of the royal wedding, were done by Prince Charles at the time. The choir… the traditions… Meghan credits him for that on Netflix and he even walked her down the aisle.
King Charles put the choir together and brought up all his contacts, Meghan said on Netflix.
So if the white British dude took care of all the black elements of the wedding, what did you do Meghan?
If the royal family allowed her to be half in and half out like she wanted, she wouldn’t have been screaming “The royal family is racist!!!” like she is now. That’s the main issue. She wouldn’t care if she could benefit and she sure as hell didn’t care when she was blowing through the royal family budget and using up more money than the literal Queen.
“Her being out-of-touch with her roots is also why no one is really siding with her after the Omid Scobie book naming Catherine and Charles as the royal racists. Friends and family always talk about what a baby is gonna look like and who it’s gonna resemble more. Ain’t nobody looking at white passing Meghan and white Harry and thinking that baby is gonna be dark,” my source says.
What do you guys think? I always try to refrain from talking about sensitive topics and “picking a side” because I will never tell someone “no you didn’t experience racism,” especially when there were times when the press was mean to Meghan…
However… if you’re not likable, the press isn’t gonna like you. It’s simple.
I’ve seen the likes of Justin Bieber, Miley Cyrus, and Demi Lovato—all white artists who have been in the media for over 10 years, get biased treatment from the press depending on their likability factor.
When Bieber was peeing in mop buckets or Demi was talking about froyo or Miley was twerking at the VMAs… they all got lashings from the press.
Meghan gets exposed as a grifter and a liar 30x and wonders why no one likes her.
Because everyone can see right through you, love.
I don’t think you guys understand how damaging it was for them to be DROPPED by Spotify and called “f*cking grifters” by a Spotify executive especially when Spotify gave them a chance as well as $20 million.
And what did they do? Oh right, Meghan produced 13 boring and useless episodes that were branded as a flop… for 20 mill… yep.
The worst part is when Meghan plays the race card while not doing anything for black movements. Instead, she has public fallouts with well-accomplished black women (Allison P. Davis & Garrett Bradley) whom she throws under the bus and yet wants people to blindly praise her.
— A. (@ScandalousMedia) December 5, 2022
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle spent 6 hours on Netflix calling royal biographers and the media liars only to confirm every single story in Spare ... you can not make this up
— A. (@ScandalousMedia) January 7, 2023
If you recall, Meghan was supposedly upset she couldn't wear the emerald tiara that Princess Eugenie was promised... so the story goes that they wanted to upstage Eugenie at her own wedding by telling guests they were pregnant... classy.
— A. (@ScandalousMedia) January 7, 2023
So once again, the media was right 🤔
A clip of Meghan Markle doing the perfect curtsey on Suits is going viral, following her claims that she never heard of a curtsey and her dramatic remake of how she "bowed" to the late Queen
— A. (@ScandalousMedia) December 23, 2022
oh it's bad for her ...
Meghan and Harry's car chase story backfired big time and their one defense of 'THE UK IS ALWAYS THE PROBLEM' can't help them anymore. Now Hollywood is rolling their eyes because everyone knows the media & paparazzi HELP the celebrity. This entire scene of pRiVaCy is BS.
— A. (@ScandalousMedia) May 19, 2023
Everyone wants to stay away from Harry and Meghan
Harry and Meghan are simply not good for business and they’re not trustworthy so everyone wants to stay clear of them EVEN if they scam their way into an event.
The following is a different source than the one mentioned above.
“Kevin Costner strictly told WME that he didn’t want anyone to hand Meghan the mic and that he was only agreeing to have M+H there as a favour. That’s why you can see her trying to grab for the microphone, but nobody was handing it to her and a lot of people weren’t paying her any mind,” my source says.
You guys have to watch my video on this and see how embarrassing Meghan and Harry were at Kevin Costner’s fundraiser.
The entire event was Meghan trying to grab the mic like you cannot be serious!!!!
The fact that Kevin Costner had previously warned everyone not to give Meghan the mic is even funnier considering this poor lady over here who has to smile and nod as Meghan’s going to grab the mic…
fkhdsklfjlsdk CHILL MEGHAN OMG
Or when they wanted Harry to speak but he motioned for his boss Meghan to talk instead and they were like ehhh no.
My source told me:
“Crazy thing is that she knows this but she’s pissed and she just has to save face because she wants to make it seem as if she’s in that inner circle in Hollywood when she really is not. Oprah didn’t even talk to her and neither did Ellen, Portia did but it was just only formalities.”
why does it look like they shoved themselves at the end into the photo sdjksljdls
Meghan’s lack of self-awareness is going to be the end of her.
My source also says the same thing as the first source mentioned at the beginning of this post and that is:
“That’s the issue, she’s completely unaware of how she comes across to others.”
This information is from October and I never got around to posting it so here it is.
She told me that most A listers are pretty much done with them and that when Harry & Meghan went to the Caribbean, they pretty much fought the whole time.
Here’s some information on Meghan’s relationship with Serena Williams and Kevin Costner.
“Serena is actually team Meghan. But they’re more business partners then they are friends. Remember they are signed to the same agency WME. Serena is more tolerant of M’s behaviour. For what reason I don’t know… I asked my source this and she says she doesn’t know either like you know Hollywood everyone has their own hidden agenda.
Kevin Costner is not a push over. He hated that he had to have both of them at his charity event. He actually told off an official from WME about it. Like with everything he had to go through with his ex-wife and his recent divorce he was not happy to have her there than Harry.”
The Kids
My source also says that she’s asked around about the kids considering how they keep leaving them and said:
“There is so much speculation surrounding their children that I’ve asked around and nobody really knows much about them. I’m starting to even doubt that they even exist.”
Meghan talks about her kids in a way that makes it seem like she doesn’t even see them.
I don’t know if you guys ever watched the show Devious Maids where they show this actress wife as “America’s sweetheart” but really she’s this horrible person who can’t stand the kids and anytime her kid does something that’s… well, kid-like, she throws him over to the maid… yeah it reminds me so much of Meghan 😭

Crazy show.
For example, at the Variety Party, she was asked about her favorite Thanksgiving tradition with the kids and instead of giving a wholesome and somewhat truthful answer, she said exactly this:
"That’s a great question. Our little ones are little, and we're enjoying every moment of it."
Huh? You’re asked your favorite holiday tradition and you’re talking about your kids being little and enjoying that?
Just a few days ago, she said that she bought Archie a camera and that Archie who’s allegedly 4 years old… said “oh but it’s not a Leica camera like Misan’s.”
Meghan Markle lying about Archifical wanting a “Leica Camera”
— MeghansMole©️ (@MeghansMole) December 16, 2023
Pay attention to how uncomfortable Misan appears by Meghan mentioning it. Says quite a lot
A lot of people were like…. what 4 year old kid is aware of cameras and their brand?? Most kids just want toys and something that beeps… not a $2,000 camera let alone would they say “but MOM I wanted a Canon PowerShot G7 X Optical Zoom 4.2x 20.2MP camera :(“
And people dug into this and found out that the late Queen’s favorite camera was a Leica:

Meghan has shown creepy behavior in the past when she cosplayed as Princess Diana or even named her daughter after the Queen’s personal nickname while also claiming that the whole family is racist. Hence, her behavior is a bit creepy.
What do you guys think?
Here are some messages between my source and I:
Meghan and Harry’s Relationship
There have been rumors of divorce for god knows how long especially with a hotel manager saying they keep a room aside for Harry when he stays often without his wife, but I don’t think a divorce would happen soon considering they still have a lot of tricks up their sleeve.
But I have some inside tea.
My source says the following:
“I have this theory that they’ve been fighting a lot because it’s Meghan who is the one who is done with the relationship but she pretty much doesn’t have any legs to stand on being that she’s only relevant because of Harry. Source says she thinks ‘Meghan is stuck’ and doesn’t really have enough wiggle room to leverage in the relationship. Also, her jealousy is getting out of hand. She’s actually taking it out on Harry and everything.
Then there was the NYC trip where Meghan was staring at Harry like a spineless loser whilst also blocking him and standing in front of him. I made a whole video about that so check it out:
Not to mention the Beyonce concert and how Harry looked like he’d rather be anywhere else the whole night.

And because he was such a downer and Meghan couldn’t make those A list connections, she ditched him and went to the concert again the following night to squirm herself with some big A listers.
You guys have to watch my video because the video footage is hilarious.
“During the Beyoncé concert Meghan managed to get in the same box as the CEO of Netflix Ted Sarandos and his wife Nicole. There were other celebrities in the box as well such as Kris, Jenner, Jeff Bezos, his wife Lauren, Kim, Kardashian, Kelly Rowland Kerry, Washington, etc. My source said word for word that Sarandos’ wife asked security to remove Meg from their section. She said she didn’t want her there, because she wasn’t personally asked there but you know our dear Megsy loved to hate crash”
She’s talking about the following picture:
I’m going to insert the rest of the messages that include additional details, but my source does mention an interesting thing and it’s that Meghan doesn't know how to act around A-listers and she basically comes off as a fan. And in Hollywood, you have to fake it till you make it because it’s a shark pool so if anyone smells desperation… it’s over for you.
This is also the same thing we see whenever Meghan is photographed or interviewed.
She can’t ever play it chill. You can tell that this is her lifelong dream come true and she craves all this attention.
They literally had to MOVE HER along the carpet because she wouldn’t get off the carpet for photos & interviews like you can not make this up.
I mean pls, look at the way she’s staring down this Variety interviewer like take it easy Meg.
And she does this aggressive stare a lot which I think it’s psychology trick gone wrong:
you know in psychology when they tell you “don’t be scared to look someone in their eyes to make that connection” or whatever the hell… yeah
This is all the tip of the iceberg when it comes to these 2.
Here are some additional messages from my source:
For more Harry and Meghan content, subscribe to us on YouTube where we keep up with all their shenanigans.
I hope you guys enjoyed this post! Be sure to check out the rest of the Blogmas schedule and what was already posted + what’s coming!
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Happy holidays and I’ll see you in the comments!