Exposing Meghan Markle's Past Relationships: Trevor Engelson, Cory Vitiello, and Shady Relationship With Prince Harry. And MORE!

Stephen Pond/Getty Images

Stephen Pond/Getty Images

Well here we all are in our continuing series of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry. The tale of the picturesque modern royal woman brought to you today by ExposingSMG (and friends).

For this post, I collabed with one of my close friends who wrote the majority of it since she had insightful information about the royal family. Everything in this post is validated by our sources. You’re in for another huge tea ride especially after our first part on this royal couple.

Before reading, make sure to check out part 1 of this post to get the background information and some inside tea.

In this post, we will be talking about the Duchess of Sussex: her upcoming in Hollywood and her life as a Hollywood actress, her past relationship where she was married, her relationship before Harry, The Queen’s role in welcoming Meghan to the family, and her marriage to Prince Harry.

It’s important to note that this post is purely insider information on Meghan as a person, her relationship with Prince Harry AND the British Royal Family. Remember that things aren’t always what they seem, so please read at your own discretion and be open to what is being discussed. A note to Sussex Royal fans: this post is not being written with defamatory intent to the Duchess and her husband M̶r̶.̶ ̶M̶a̶r̶k̶l̶e̶ Prince Harry.

Meghan in Hollywood + Her Life as an Actress

GP Images/WireImage

GP Images/WireImage

We already know Hollywood 101 and the constant rhetoric of PR that both Angela and Alana spew day to day with their exposed posts. It’s very vital to be aware of that during this first segment of the post. First, let’s shed a little background on Meg before we get started. Meghan Markle started out as a Z-list actress who scraped by in Hollywood by playing a secondary character on a B+ list rated cable television show called Suits

Meghan was an actress who wasn’t that well known and didn’t have as much exposure as the likes of Sandra Bullock, Gwyneth Paltrow or Angelina Jolie. I can basically pull up her filmography on one hand just enough to say that she was a briefcase girl on a television game show Deal or No Deal, starred in a couple of commercials and cameos on shows like CSI in the early 2000’s, and then landed the role on Suits. Google her and look up her work on YouTube; it won’t take long to breeze through her catalog.

She doesn’t have a lot of range considering that many of her roles consist of her playing secondary characters or a brief sexy love interest. It’s fair to say her acting career hadn’t exactly taken off. Meghan admits this when she herself has said that it was difficult to get roles early in her career. Check out her credits here.

She’s a very beautiful woman, but for someone who looks like her to say that racism prevented her from getting roles, goes a long way. Although Hollywood is a racist and colourist industry, there have been a handful of very successful people of color and mixed backgrounds that have managed to get work and become A-List. Given that Meghan is a white passing biracial woman, securing roles wouldn’t have been HUGE roadblock for her. If she’s referring to navigating her way through the industry then that’s where having the right connections come in.

Meghan spoke more about this in an interview saying, “"[It] was the first time I could put a name to feeling too light in the black community, too mixed in the white community …  For castings, I was labeled 'ethnically ambiguous.' Was I Latina? Sephardic? 'Exotic Caucasian'? I wasn't black enough for the black roles and I wasn't white enough for the white ones.” Read more here

Some people are talented, but if you're talented you have to have the right connections that get you to the best casting directors. This is where Trevor Engelson, a film director, producer, and talent manager comes in. He also happens to be Meghan’s ex-husband.

Meghan and her ex-husband, Trevor Engelson

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Getty Images

Meghan is a prime example that if a strong, independent woman can't make it on her own, you must find a powerful person of status who can do it for you. This is something that we have explored on this blog, with the constant use of PR contracts to boost one’s career. It’s just business. Now there’s nothing wrong in finding someone to help you with your career. However, if you make a habit of using people then dropping them when they have nothing left to offer you, then it just makes you pretty despicable. This is what Meghan does by any means necessary. Trevor was the ideal man for a young woman looking to make her way in the acting business.

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Getty Images

Following the beginning of Meghan’s relationship with Engelson, that is where the roles in CSI and Deal or No Deal emerged. Those roles that were proving hard to get, were suddenly attainable. In 2011, they wed in Jamaica, which was nothing like her fairytale wedding was to Prince Harry… yes I’m talking weed dens. Though that’s not really a surprise considering that many celebrities like to party hard even during their nuptials. 

Photo credit: Star Magazine/MEGA

Unfortunately, a couple of months later Meghan landed a role on Suits and that also signaled the end for poor Trevor. Despite moving his office from Los Angeles to New York so he could be closer to her in Toronto, it wasn’t meant to be. Trevor tried to make the marriage work by doing this, but unfortunately for him, Meghan was ready to move on to her next target. 

Much to the surprise of Trevor, Meghan moved out of their apartment. She returned the wedding and engagement ring he’d bought her via FEDEX. A nice way to end their relationship don’t you think?

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I just guess she was looking up new apartments in LA after she left him. O̶r̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶s̶t̶a̶l̶k̶ ̶m̶o̶r̶e̶ ̶e̶l̶i̶g̶i̶b̶l̶e̶ ̶m̶e̶n̶ ̶ t̶o̶ ̶g̶e̶t̶ ̶h̶e̶r̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶t̶o̶p̶.


In short, that basically sums up her divorce from Trevor Engelson as ending for the following reasons. They cite “irreconcilable differences” for their divorce. She was her own woman now, earning a steady income, making new friends on set and off, and no longer dependent on her husband’s connections.


I guess she’s one step closer to Primetime!

Next up was Canadian celebrity chef, Cory Vitiello.

Meghan and Cory Vitiello

Rex Features

Rex Features

After Trevor Engelson was deemed surplus to requirements, Meghan moved on to dating and then eventually becoming engaged to, celebrity Canadian chef Cory Vitiello in 2014.

Cory Vitiello – the owner of trendy Toronto eatery The Harbord Room – opened doors to a higher class of society for Meghan. This social circle included the son of a former Canadian prime minister and the global membership director of the elite private club Soho House, Markus Anderson. This relationship provided Meghan with the means to make the jump from an actress to a socialite.

My source said that this is what led Meghan to make a lot of connections and network because she was now in the leagues with the big dogs and their powerful influencer wives. Crazy enough, this is how Meghan met her now best friend, Jessica Mulroney. Jessica is married to Ben Mulroney who is the son of the former Canadian prime minister, Brian Mulroney. She also happens to come from a wealthy family and is an heiress to a famous Canadian shoe line called Browns Shoes Inc. She’s basically a fashion designer who has designed outfits for the Canadian Prime Minister’s wife Sophie Trudeau. In short, she’s a very rich socialite.



So my source commented on Meghan’s relationship with Cory and said:

“He would be invited [to top gatherings] by his inner circle. Within the confines of the city, being with him was a VERY useful platform for her. He would be bigger in terms of the Establishment of Toronto. He would be leverage for Meghan.” – my source 


Meghan being that she was previously married and engaged, has used her previous partners’ connections to get to where she is now. I gotta give it to her. She reminds me a lot of younger Hollywood celebrities in terms of networking and climbing the social food chain in order to go places. Only she’s older, has more of a sophisticated charm and didn’t spiral downward into the mosh pit of substance abuse and depression like the rest of Hollywood. Cory was friends with a lot of wealthy Canadian, politicians and upper class people, especially in the entertainment sector. Though this can’t be a huge shock to veteran readers of this blog.

Well played Meg, well played.

Meghan and Harry


In June of 2016, it was one of the social gatherings that Meghan and Cory attended where she met Prince Harry. E! News claims Harry's friend Violet von Westenholz is the one who introduced them, but others have speculated it was fashion designer Mischa Nonoo.

It doesn’t really matter who set them up, but what matters is that they were indeed set up on a blind date. They exchanged numbers and things took off from there.

To reiterate, she did meet Harry when she was still with Cory. I’m not sure how that fits into the blind date story, but okay.

However, what did Meghan manage to do since she was still with Cory? She ended things with him of course! They broke up around the same time after Meghan met Harry. If that doesn’t scream user to you, then I don’t know what does. You’re in a two year long term relationship and suddenly you meet a prince and bam, you’re single?

When a source close to Cory’s camp was asked if Meghan’s breakup with Cory had to do with Harry, the source said, “I can’t comment on that.”


She was with Cory for over two years from 2014 to 2016 and then suddenly dropped him like a hot potato to run to the next eligible bachelor that’s a lot higher on the social food chain. If you think about it, a prince is pretty much up there with any Saudi, American or European billionaire. When Harry was introduced to her, I can bet that bells and whistles were going off in Meghan’s head along with the constant sound of cha-ching cha-ching in her mind.


Just roll out the red carpet this is my ticket to stardom and the Academy!

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This tweet I found aligns to what the Sun Express was talking about at the time where Harry and Meghan started dating.

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You can read the entire article here.

Now keep track of Meghan. She’s a basic actress who made it on a cable television show and who has already gone through two prominent men in the business already. Trevor and Cory weren’t as prominent, but proof that she basically used them to her own advantage and in poor taste at that considering that the many minor roles she scored, were because of their influences. She networks a lot and does more of her job in socializing with people in the higher ups in order to further her career.

After four months of quiet dating, the news finally leaked on October 31, 2016 that Prince Harry was dating Meghan. This was written in the Sunday Express that Harry was “happier than he’s been for many years” and is "besotted" with her.

Photo credit: News Group Newspapers

Photo credit: News Group Newspapers

The plan and isolation

According to my source, Meghan knew what had to be said in order to get Harry to marry her; “This was where the gaslighting started, she got into his head and told him that he was worthy of great things and that he could accomplish them with her.”

How else would she have gotten him to leave his entire world and move to…. HOLLYWOOD? It literally sounds like a plot of a movie.

Meghan is also a very dominant personality. If you watch the interview that Meghan and Harry did when they got engaged, Meghan was controlling the entire interview. He barely spoke and she was talking in a very scripted way. One thing that stood out to me was how SHE was answering for HIM and if they both started talking at the same time, she would dominate and speak first. There’s a lot in their dynamic levels that needs to be unraveled.


Meghan also used his mother to bait him. In the first post, we exposed how Meghan reportedly wore Diana’s favorite perfume on their first date where Meghan claims she didn’t know Harry. Using scent to play on the past is a manipulative tactic used by our favorite Hollywood starlights. We all know the trauma that Harry went through when his mother Princess Diana passed. 

Diana was a humanitarian, an icon and obviously meant a great deal to him and his brother William.


A manipulator’s one goal is to have their victim vulnerable by making sure they have no one other than themselves. And what does Harry have now? Only Meghan. Meghan wanted to get into Harry’s good graces and have him lean on her as a kind of mother figure I guess you could say. She encouraged him to talk about his feelings and told him the more he lets the sadness and anger out, both privately and in public, the sooner his pain would heal. Before you knew it, Harry was out talking about his feelings in the public eye and shocked media because that was a first for him. This is great that Meghan was able to encourage this behavior for him, but I wish it was done with better intentions and not with a plan based on isolation.

My source also tells me that Meghan said things to him such as “once he was able to choose for himself and act independently from his family, they would fulfill his mother’s legacy together.” Fast forward to January 2020, and we know how that played out. 




It’s one thing to bond with your spouse on their late mother, but to use that to your advantage to manipulate them and isolate them away from their immediate family is another thing. Honestly, it’s obvious that Meghan wasn’t talking about Diana to help Harry, but rather was only doing that to play a mind game and ultimately CONTROL him.

I can totally see how Meghan would want to benefit off of Diana’s name or maybe in a sense justify the backlash she has been receiving in a way that would compare her to Diana. "Oh Diana went through this” “People are treating her like Diana” which is blatant lie because Diana was well loved considering she was an actual victim of many things.

The queen’s role

Everyone knows that British Royal Family is not perfect, but they are still Harry’s family. His older brother William, is his best friend and Prince Charles was still his father who provided and cared for him and William financially and emotionally over the years, despite him treating his mother like a side piece. Despite what happened to Diana, the Queen herself holds Harry as one of her favorite grandsons. Family is family and regardless of what has happened in the past and what they have done, the Windsors do care and look out for each other. 

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Getty Images

The Queen even agreed to be a part of Harry’s Invictus Games for Paralympic Athletes promo ad with The Obamas. The Queen normally doesn’t do things that don’t pertain to her usual schedule, but since it was for Harry she agreed. It’s rather cute if you ask me. You can watch it below.

The Queen initially did not want Harry to marry Meghan, because not only was Meghan a divorcee, but she was also of mixed race. They would obviously be faced with a lot of backlash and racist agenda since the UK is a predominantly European country with most of the population being of Caucasian background. I’m not saying the entire UK is racist. I got some comments from upset readers on the last post, but we can’t dismiss racism that does occur just because it doesn’t apply to your personal feelings.

However, seeing that Harry was her grandson and that he would never become King, she said yes and granted his wish. She also did this because she wanted to right some wrongs when it came to her own sister Princess Margaret. Margaret wanted to marry a man who was already married, to which the Queen forbade her from marrying him. 

During this period, Meghan later said: "We had a good five, six months almost with just privacy, which was amazing."

On November 27th, 2017, Harry and Meghan made it official when they announced their engagement to the world. 

AP Photo

AP Photo

So, after Harry and Meghan became engaged, they talked about how they met and their love, dreams and aspirations, as all royals do whenever they talk to the press addressing the public.

Meghan said that she never heard of Harry or William or the Royal Family before meeting them. Which was either word vomit coming from her mouth or an outright lie. I’m leaning towards that being a lie. She was an A-List wannabe with a hankering for rich men and I find it hard to believe that she didn’t have a clue who Harry was.

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Here she is at 15 years old on a field trip in front of Buckingham Palace.

She didn’t know who he or the royal family was?


Since The Queen gave Harry and Meghan permission to wed, she even offered for them to live without royal titles since they loved to prattle on and on about privacy and whatnot. She did this because she wanted to give Meghan a smooth introduction into life as part of the monarchy in a way that would allow her to continue her acting work.

Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images

Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images

She was even invited out to private events with The Queen and introduced to her inner circle. I mean that was pretty nice of Harry’s grandmother to do that for him considering Kate Middleton didn’t exactly get welcomed in as fast as Meghan did. So The Queen took measures to get to know his future wife, help her fit in and make her feel comfortable in adjustment to becoming a member of their family. 

The Queen literally said that Meghan could keep her career as an actress, but ultimately have no titles so that they could lead a normal life. The funny thing about that is that Meghan declined that offer. Why you may ask? Meghan knew that a royal TITLE would certify someone with class, power, and status. She knew that people wouldn’t be as quick to take to her if she was just Mrs. Meghan Mounbatten-Windsor. Her Royal Highness Meghan Duchess of Sussex has more prestige. She wanted to use her status as a member of the royal family to push herself into the limelight and cultivate a new image for herself. Read more about that here.

Are you catching on? This woman is honestly just an evil genius.


Meghan and Harry got married on May 19th, 2018.





The way she is smiling like that is purely unnerving, but like I said genius.

It’s kind of like…


PDA as a royal

Now I want to specifically talk about something that I find fascinating about these two and that is their body language. Harry and Meghan are known for their over the top PDA. They really want the world to know that they are a couple who are head over heels in love. I’m not saying that they shouldn’t hold hands at all, they are husband and wife after all.

However, it’s rather unusual that they do it all the time especially because they are held to a different standard considering they are royals. Whether they are at work related royal events, private events or even casual events, the PDA is always there and it’s a sign of co-dependence where Harry looks as if he’s being guided around like how a mother would guide around her child.

Let’s say that you and your spouse owned a company and were at a networking event, would it be appropriate to hold hands every minute? 



Photo: Getty Images / Beretta/Sims/REX

Dominic Lipinski/PA Wire

Dominic Lipinski/PA Wire

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Pool/Samir Hussein/WireImage

I don’t want you guys to interpret this section as “omg is she really complaining about them holding hands?” because like we’ve been saying, this isn’t your regular Hollywood couple. They are royals and there are royal standards that they have to follow because it’s expected from them—it’s their duty. Again, public servants.

This is the equivalent of seeing any other governmental officials holding hands at every moment. But let’s compare them to the future king and queen of England, Prince William and Kate Middleton.

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Getty Images - Getty

I mean they’re all at a public event and even though it is a Christmas related event, she’s holding onto his arm as if she’ll die if she let’s go. This is also something that the media has commented on a lot.

You have to look at them as professional government officials because that’s what they’re supposed to be. And what better to understand them than compare them with fellow royal couple—William and Kate?

Which will be discussed in the next post!

So that’s it for part 2 of this Meghan and Harry series! We hope you are enjoying all of the tea. A huge shoutout to one of my close friends who wrote this post—you helped me untangle a lot as I navigate my way through a completely new realm for this blog.

In part 3, we are going to discuss Meghan’s relationship with Kate Middleton (their apparent feud), her relationship with Prince William, everything that went down after her and Harry stepped down as senior royals, their scam of a charity, relationship with The Queen AND SO MUCH MORE!!



Please let us know if you’re enjoying this series down in the comments below. Ask all the questions your curious hearts have. You can comment anonymously so take advantage of that. We will be replying back!

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