Exposing The Scandalous Truth About Meghan Markle and Prince Harry: What Led To Their Departure From The Royal Family?

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle at their wedding. REX/SHUTTERSTOCK

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle at their wedding. REX/SHUTTERSTOCK

This marks our first ever post on this royal couple and it’s only ONE out of our three part series on them (so far). Grab your tea and get ready for a rollercoaster of emotions. Stay tuned until the end of the post for a huge reveal on the royal couple that I haven’t seen being said anywhere else.

Before marrying a royal, Meghan Markle was a B- list actress in Hollywood. She starred on the show “Suits,” and did a couple of not-so-popular Hollywood gigs. Prince Harry is part of the British royal family, son of Princess Diana, may she rest in peace. So how in the world did two people from completely different countries, class systems, and statuses meet?

Their Relationship Timeline

In July 2016, they were set up by a mutual friend and they both went on a blind date. A couple weeks later, they jetted off to Botswana, which is where they credit their romantic getaway to be how they knew they had to get married.

In October 2016, media outlets start confirming their relationship, but it is only confirmed by the Kensington Palace in an official statement in November 2016.

British media started lashing out on Meghan (which I believe are due to some instilled racist beliefs) which caused Prince Harry publicly defend her and say, “Some of this has been very public—the smear on the front page of a national newspaper; the racial undertones of comment pieces; and the outright sexism and racism of social media trolls and Web article comments.”

In December 2016, they start making their relationship more public as they are pictured on a romantic cozy date in London.

Photo credit: News Group Newspapers

Photo credit: News Group Newspapers

In April 2017, Meghan shut down her lifestyle blog “The Tig.” What does this signify? Meghan is probably going to become a royal. The royal family can’t really have “blogs” or social media accounts that they control because it’s not the standard for them to associate with locals and commoners like me and you.

May 2017 is where it gets interesting. The royal family has a lot of traditional customs and expectations so with Pippa Middleton's wedding coming up, people were speculating if Harry would bring Meghan as his date. If he does, it’s serious and also kind of looked down upon because there is an unspoken rule of: “no ring, no bring.”

You can’t just be bringing your boyfriends/girlfriends around your royal family and friends of the family. Also, British media was speculating that Meghan wasn’t even invited to the church or the wedding reception. However, she she ends up being at the wedding reception, but her and Harry aren’t photographed together and they didn’t sit together either.



Why? It’s taboo since they weren’t engaged or married. Again, no ring, no bring. But the fact that she came despite “no ring,” signified that there will be a ring soon and that their relationship would be controversial to say the least.

In August 2017, they took another romantic getaway to Africa. British media is like it’s not a question of if they are getting engaged, but a WHEN.

September 2017 rolls around and Meghan appears on the cover of Vanity Fair where she gushes about how “in love” her and Harry are.

Photographed by Peter Lindbergh, Vanity Fair, October 2017

Photographed by Peter Lindbergh, Vanity Fair, October 2017

Also in September, they attended the Invictus Games Opening Ceremony in Toronto, but they DO NOT sit together. Why? It’s political as Harry is a government official and was sitting with the likes of other government officials from Canada, America, and so on. Also, royal protocol says that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle aren’t allowed to sit next to each other at official events until they’re engaged.

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Getty Images

Isn’t it interesting how royal figures are supposed to act versus regular celebrities? I think this whole topic is pretty cool. It’s refreshing to see something different and the fact that these little rules are expected to be followed is surely different to hear, because with this blog often covering American celebrities and Hollywood lifestyle, it’s all about scandals in the public eye. But with royals, they still have to keep an even more flawless image than your typical cookie cutter celebrity in Hollywood.

Can’t wait to see how this story pans out when Hollywood officially mixes with the royals ;)

Back to the timeline!

September 29, 2017, they make another rare JOINT public appearance at a tennis match where they sit in the front row.

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Getty Images

They start getting cozy with each other and holding hands and all the body lanuage specialists come out of their little holes to analyze every little movement because everyone is FREAKING OUT.

Photo credit: Getty Images

November 2017 is an important month because that’s when Meghan leaves the show “Suits,” flys to London, moves into the  Kensington Palace and ANNOUNCES THE ENGAGEMENT on November 27.

This is big because as you can already tell from the timeline, the royal family has a lot of customs and traditions. With Meghan being married once before and divorced, it was something that many speculated will cause issues within the royal family. On top of that, Meghan is MIXED… BIRACIAL. So that was a FIRST for the royal family.

Here’s their public outing after their engagement.

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Getty Images

I remember everyone on Twitter was freaking out when these candids appeared.

Harry and Meghan then unveil their gorgeous engagement shoot in December 2017. They’re classy, chic, and elegant. Everyone is stanning at this point.



At this point, even I’m fangirling and let me tell you something, I don’t fangirl.

Social media ran rampant because everyone was so excited that Ms. Meghan Markle was breaking boundaries by getting engaged to a prince, even after being a divorcee and the fact that she is biracial. In theory, it’s beautiful. Meghan is bringing some representation and flavor to the royal family and Harry seems to be into it.

Everyone started telling stories about how “Meghan found her prince and so will you, dream big” and a bunch of crap like that, which was truly inspiring in the moment.

After all, LOOK AT THEM!


Goals, right? Ah, on the contrary. You can’t trust anyone from Hollywood, but we’ll get to that in a moment.

The Royal Wedding — May 19, 2018

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle got married in front of millions of people in a beautiful ceremony that was attended by friends and family, with over 100,000 spectators watching.

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Getty Images

Personally, I thought the wedding was a snoozefest and I just recently skimmed through it for the first time. However, I was living for the looks. I think both Harry and Meghan looked absolutely amazing. I guess as long as the relationship is polished from the outside, who cares about the inside, right?

Alexi Lubomirski

Alexi Lubomirski

Harry and Meghan then jetted off to their honeymoon and then fast forward to October 2018 when they announce that they are both expecting their first child together. All is good so far despite everyone commenting on how early she got pregnant. Sis was securing the main bag.

In November 2018, the Kensington Palace announces that they will move into the Frogmore Cottage which is a house on the grounds of Windsor Castle, but people were a little ehh about the situation since they were starting to live a more secluded life. By the way, they were living on Nottingham Cottage after their engagement.

Let’s do a quick flash forward to 2019.

Funny thing about the Frogmore Cottage. They spent £2.4 million of the tax money to renovate the cottage in June 2019. This made people furious and it was actually said that they wanted to live away from the palace because of tensions that arose with Prince William (Harry’s brother and future king of England) and Kate Middleton.



The following diagram shows who’s who at the Kensington Palace and how close Meghan + Harry would have been to William + Kate, if they accepted the offer to live there.



Let’s go back to the timeline.

Here is where everything starts going downhill…

As we’ve already established, royal life is different than our favorite scandalous Hollywood celebrities. So you’re probably confused as to why they were questioned when they moved into the Frogmore Cottage, but you have to understand that as royals, they have a duty to the public. They are public servants and that is actually how they are described as. Intellectuals know that they had problems with William and Kate though which we will get into later on in the series.

February 20, 2019 rolls around and Meghan flies to New York City for an extravagant six-figure baby shower, thrown to her by Serena Williams.

Meghan in Manhattan on February 19, 2019. JAMES DEVANEY/GC IMAGES.

Meghan in Manhattan on February 19, 2019. JAMES DEVANEY/GC IMAGES.

Having a baby shower was looked at weirdly because Meghan is no longer a “regular person” so she shouldn’t submit to regular people things anymore. And to be honest, I heard from several sources that this whole idea of Meghan flying to the US for a baby shower, was not encouraged by the royals, but Meghan was going to do it regardless of what everyone thought. And so she did.

I’m trying to show you the timeline of events and little by little exactly what’s happening, so that we are able to understand how everything unfolds when they step down from senior royals. Here at ESMG, we go detail by detail which is what you guys love.

I should probably note that Meghan has an estranged relationship with her father, Thomas Markle. Her father is going around to tabloids basically exposing Meghan and commenting on her relationship with Harry. Also, Meghan is facing a rather harsh backlash from British media which people say it’s because they’re racist and they don’t want a biracial woman in the royal house. This treatment from the media is ongoing. It’s not something that happened after the wedding, but rather throughout their public relationship as I stated earlier in the post. Of course after the wedding, they’re at their highest publicity so everything is scaled up. We’ll be getting to all of that.

Meghan and her father.

Meghan and her father.

In February 2019, the DailyMail publishes a letter that was given to them by Meghan’s father. This was a five page letter that Meghan wrote to her father back in August 2018.

In the letter, Meghan says that he’s broken her heart “into a million pieces” and that when it comes to her half sister, Samantha, she has “silently suffered at the hand of her vicious lies” because Samantha was also talking to the press.

The way Meghan phrases this makes it sound like they held a knife to her throat. It’s phrased rather.. poetically.

At this point, Meghan has five of her friends speak to People Magazine and this was once again frowned upon by royal standards because royals don’t respond to press drama and engage in what’s usual drama for regular celebrities.

Of course after all this drama, you’d expect Meghan to hire a good publicist and so she does. She hires Sara Latham, a PR veteran that used to work for Hilary Clinton.

In April 2019, they launch their Instagram account in which they have more say in the posting than the average royals do when it comes to their social medias.

May 6, 2019 rolls around and that’s when Meghan gives birth to Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor. They once again do a nontraditional royal announcement when Meghan goes to the hospital in secret and announces the gender of the baby on Instagram. Talk about modern. Two days later, they show their newborn on a photo call with members of the press which they hand-selected. They also invited cameramen from CBS (an American media outlet) into the room.

Very publicity heavy as you can tell.

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Getty Images

In June 2019, Meghan and Harry quit being part of the Royal Foundation that was set up by Prince William and Kate Middleton back in 2009. This is important because there’s some shady things going on behind the scenes when Meghan and Harry start their own charity (and they will). Why you may ask? Well you’ll see.

On July 6, 2019, Meghan and Harry had a private christening for baby Archie. This once again shocked royals and fans because usually the royal family have a semi-public christening for the public because they are seen as “public servants.” This made the people upset because they were being secretive. They then debuted the picture of Archie on their Instagram before members of the press have access which is once again, something different.

Something you should understand by now is that being in the royal family means the press will be in constant contact with people who represent them because they control everything that they put out. Their role as public servants means they owe the public to know about their lives and whatnot—they’re public servants (I say for the 30th time so far). This also shows you another thing: they control the narrative. Any source that speaks out to the press and is cited as a palace source, means they’re an actual source and not some random on the Internet that they’re quoting. Again, this is the royal family—not Hollywood.

July 14, 2019 - Prince Harry and Meghan attend the Lion King premiere where they do some shady business (discussed at the end of the post). Photo credit: MAX MUMBY/GETTY IMAGES

July 14, 2019 - Prince Harry and Meghan attend the Lion King premiere where they do some shady business (discussed at the end of the post). Photo credit: MAX MUMBY/GETTY IMAGES

The point of this timeline is to show you how little by little, things are going down for the royal couple. People were shocked and confused, but once you look at the timeline, you can see the tension building.

Now we’re in August 2019 and Meghan and Harry have been expected to join the queen at Balmoral castle for some time together (which is a royal tradition), but what happens? You guessed it. They don’t go and instead they fly to Ibiza to hang out with Elton John for three days. Not only does this spark comments of disrespect, but it brings up the issue of how they are constantly using private jets for non-royal things and instead, for personal endeavours that are not part of their royal duty. I may not have elaborated about their excessive private jet use throughout this timeline, but it’s something they faced criticism for.

Meghan and Harry getting on a private jet to Elton John’s home / Photos: MEGA

Now why is the constant use of private jets an issue? Firstly, Meghan and Harry have spoken a lot about environmental issues so they just seem like big hypocrites preaching about the environment, but constantly using private jets when they are unnecessary.

Here’s a diagram of their constant flights by private jets in August alone.

Secondly, they’re using the royal budget for non-royal activities. Since a big portion of the budget for the royal family is paid for by taxes of the people, the people have a right to comment. The constant use of private jets, especially for non-royal duty, makes them look bad, but it gets worse.

The literal future king of England, Prince William and Kate Middleton, were spotted alongside their kids, getting off an economy flight from the Norwich International Airport to Aberdeen Airport. This flight reportedly cost less than $80 a ticket. Locals saw them on flight minding their own business and just getting to their destination.

Prince William, Kate Middleton, and their kids getting off their flight / Photos: MailOnline

The cost of their trip? Less than $400. The cost of Meghan and Harry’s? About $20,000.

We’ll revisit this later on, but let’s continue.

In September 2019, Meghan hired the PR firm Sunshine Sachs, which is an American PR firm known for its work in Hollywood.

Damn, it’s like Meghan is preparing for a leave to Hollywood or something.

…. oh.

According to one of my sources, this is the PR firm that is responsible for all the positive articles being put out on Meghan every month or so. Guess she got sick of the British media and decided to take the narrative in her own hands… literally considering these articles are planted. After all, you can take the girl out of Hollywood, but you can’t take Hollywood out of the girl.

Meghan Markle in a scene from 90210.

Meghan Markle in a scene from 90210.

P.S. PR firms do this kind of thing. Celebrity teams will often have deals with popular media to put out x amount of positive articles about a celebrity. In other cases, celebrities will have secret moles working for them in the press to alert them of any incoming scandal so they can shut it from within before it reaches the general public. This blog isn’t like that. We are here to tell the full truth.

On October 1, 2019, Harry writes an open letter saying that both him and Meghan are suing the company Mail on Sunday because they published the letter that Meghan’s father gave them. Harry cites “relentless propaganda” of the tabloids saying that “There is a human cost to this relentless propaganda, specifically when it is knowingly false and malicious.” He also brought up how his mother, Princess Diana, was killed in a car crash because of the paparazzi.

Towards the end of October, an ITV documentary about Harry and Meghan’s trip to South Africa is released. In the documentary, Harry speaks about how him and William are no longer close and how their relationship has seen difficulties. That day, they announce a six-week long sabbatical from royal work which is “a time period in which a person does not report to his regular job but who remains employed with that company.”

Harry and Meghan in the ITV documentary / ITV

Harry and Meghan in the ITV documentary / ITV

It’s kind of sad that Harry and William have drifted especially after all this time and what they’ve been through together. Hmm.

They then jet off to LA for Thanksgiving.

First of all, releasing news of a sabbatical leave during a documentary of them showcasing charity, is a total PR move. I see Sara Latham is at work. You gotta get the audience in their feels before you release the controversial news. I respect the game.

Second of all, Meghan doesn’t have a good relationship with anyone from her family (except her mom, but we all have opinions on that). So why is she going to LA for Thanksgiving? Doesn’t it make more sense to spend your first Thanksgiving in the country that you have a royal duty for? And maybe with your new FAMILY since you didn’t really attend to that during the summer? Also, the fact that they’re flying to LA is just so suspicious.

I wonder what’ll happen next.

Prince Harry and Meghan on November 7, 2019.

Prince Harry and Meghan on November 7, 2019.

On November 13, it’s also announced that Harry and Meghan will not be spending their first Christmas as a family, with the royal family.

Remember that six-week sabbatical leave aka not working? Well December 11 comes around and reports emerge that Harry and Meghan are actually meeting with people to have a U.S. branch of her and Harry’s charity. Their charity would be called, Sussex Royal. Remember how they left William and Kate’s charity? Again, all key details.

Also, can we please discuss how shady that is? You claim you need a mental health break, but you’re really canoodling with Hollywood executives? I mean do you, but this is kind of messed up.

…. but we’re getting to it!

Harry and Meghan in Vancouver after Christmas / Photo: CHRIS JACKSON/GETTY IMAGES

Harry and Meghan in Vancouver after Christmas / Photo: CHRIS JACKSON/GETTY IMAGES

Wednesday—January 8, 2020

It is announced by Harry and Meghan, through Instagram (damn, is it Meghan’s favorite platform or what?) that they are officially stepping back as senior royals. See their official statement below:

“After many months of reflection and internal discussions, we have chosen to make a transition this year in starting to carve out a progressive new role within this institution. We intend to step back as ‘senior’ members of the Royal Family and work to become financially independent, while continuing to fully support Her Majesty The Queen. It is with your encouragement, particularly over the last few years, that we feel prepared to make this adjustment. We now plan to balance our time between the United Kingdom and North America, continuing to honour our duty to The Queen, the Commonwealth, and our patronages. This geographic balance will enable us to raise our son with an appreciation for the royal tradition into which he was born, while also providing our family with the space to focus on the next chapter, including the launch of our new charitable entity. We look forward to sharing the full details of this exciting next step in due course, as we continue to collaborate with Her Majesty The Queen, The Prince of Wales, The Duke of Cambridge and all relevant parties. Until then, please accept our deepest thanks for your continued support.” - The Duke and Duchess of Sussex


This is cute and everything, until you learn that…… this was the plan all along. A plan that was crafted and perfected by none other than…. Ms. Meghan Markle.

Just because I don’t write about a topic, doesn’t mean I don’t know about it. With Meghan originating from LA Hollywood circles, it’s easy to know things. Information spreads in LA faster than this virus is spreading around the world.

So I’ve been told before by my sources that Meghan is basically this social climber and her entire relationship with Harry is based on one thing: to get more famous, separate him from his family, and establish their own empire. And this was disappointing to learn because I was rooting for them.

P.S. This source is someone I personally know. I went to high school with her, she was a couple of years older, she moved to California to attend college, majored in some media thing (not going to disclose the exact information) and then she eventually got close enough to be telling me this information. I am only revealing this because I know I will be questioned on how I know about this topic and I did take her permission to reveal this part of her history. Back to the post.

Interestingly enough, I was chatting with a friend on Twitter about this and she was telling me about how I should write about Harry and Meghan. She says BlindGossip is not accurate on many occasions, but they’re quite accurate about Meghan and Harry—especially with them saying that Meghan is trying to separate him from his family.

I responded saying, “So true, I’ve heard that” because I was told on multiple occasions that that’s the endgame for Meghan’s plan—separate Harry from the royal family.

Of course I come bearing receipts. Our conversation took place on January 7. The literal next day is when Meghan and Harry, announced they’re stepping down as senior royals.

Until this day, I’m still shook at how close these events happened.

Please don’t use this screenshot and attempt to say that my source is Blindgossip. The above screenshots specifically show a conversation with a friend about how my source is saying the same thing that BlindGossip is saying—later confirmed by time itself.

Going back to Meghan and Harry’s goodbye, the Buckingham Palace replied in a way that hinted that they didn’t know this was happening.

Their statement said, “Discussions with The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are at an early stage. We understand their desire to take a different approach, but these are complicated issues that will take time to work through.” The queen 100% sounds annoyed. They need “time” to work through it because it seems like they had no prior warning and found out through Instagram. After all, we’ve established that Instagram is Meghan’s preference of announcement.

Something you should know here is that Meghan and Harry would receive money from the taxpayer-funded Sovereign Grant, which they said has covered 5 percent of their expenses, in a Q&A. Now with their newfound financial independence, they are no longer receiving that money. However, it’s speculated that they are still receiving money from Prince Charles’ estate (Harry’s father) which covers 95% of their costs.

Is Meghan deceiving Harry?


Based on my knowledge, yes and no. I know that the majority of my readers reside in the U.S. so automatically the first thing that’s going to come to your minds is what I’ve drilled in your heads about Hollywood couples: PR!!! But no. This is not the case.

However, everything I’ve been told revolves around one common theme: this is Meghan’s plan to get to the top, in which Harry is just a mindless fool following along because of the emotional trauma that’s he’s gone through in the past.

Yes, yes, I thought that was a reach too. Maybe she had good intentions and is benefiting from the situation as she’s going along, right? Wrong.

Regular readers of this blog remember when we exposed how Charlie Puth talked about a manipulative tactic that Selena Gomez used to lure him in. He described it as “perfume regret.” Ah, what does that have to do with our royal couple?

Well, scent is obviously a very powerful thing and it can trigger emotions, memories, and so much things. In the case of Charlie Puth, he says that Selena wore this extremely strong scent that she wore when he first met her, on a day that they weren’t together. He said she did that to definitely mess with him and it’s actually a very common tactic that many girls use.

Many girls including Ms. Meghan Markle.

A source close to the palace spoke to FrontPageMag about how Meghan researched until she found Princess Diana’s favorite perfume and that is what she wore on her blind date with Prince Harry where she swears she didn’t even know who he was or who the royal family was.

Crazy, huh? This ruins every little ounce of hope that I had about Meghan’s intentions being pure from the start. This literally shows that she had a plan all along and you guys are actually going to learn more in part 2 of this series, where we expose Meghan’s past relationships and how she actually met Prince Harry when she was engaged to someone else.

There is not one LA source that told me something good about working with Meghan in LA, which is disappointing to say the least. A matter of a fact, I’ve been told that Meghan’s random visits to the U.S. after moving to England, was because she missed the LA lifestyle. And by LA lifestyle, I mean.. the partying lifestyle if you get what I’m saying. You can take the girl out of Hollywood, but you can’t take the Hollywood out of the girl.


One of them alleges that Meghan did everything in her power to climb to the top and once you showed that you weren’t any use to her, she wanted nothing to do with you.

How do celebrities climb to the top in Hollywood? Ah yes, you can either sleep your way to the top or contract your way to the top.

Once Meghan got to the top, she clearly abused the powers that she wasn’t used to having. Renovating a cottage on palace property for over €2.4 million knowing that you were going to leave anyways? Abusing private jets for non-royal duty while preaching about environmental justice? I mean come on. It’s obvious that she wasn’t used to these luxuries in her B-list acting career so she had to enjoy it when she became a royal.

Also, I read somewhere (I don’t know if this is true), that Meghan invited celebrities that never gave her the time of day, to her wedding as a power move. Like “look, I’m someone now :-)” if that is true, that’s actually so funny.

“Her need for constant attention and playing the victim, is alarming.” - my source

Remember earlier in the post when she wrote a letter to her father about how her heart shattered in a million pieces and how Meghan “silently suffered” at the hand of her half sister’s vicious lies?

I mean what’s their story, boo?

Also, the letter was hand written in a very elegant-script font. If someone gave me that letter in the year of 2018 (when she sent it to him), I’d know they’re trying to prove a point of presitiogouse and it’s like “… oh, here you go commoner :-)”

You know what Meghan’s statement reminds me of? Regina George crying in the principal's office about how Cady Heron slandered her in the “burn book.” A book that Regina actually made (this is a Mean Girls reference for any of y’all who aren’t catching on yet) to bully every girl in the excuse.

OG queen of victimizing.

OG queen of victimizing.

I feel like Meghan is that girl that will smile in your face while sleeping with your boyfriend, only to break the news to you that she’s sleeping with your boyfriend, on a day where you have a movie audition.

She definitely seems like that person to get in your head.

Listen, to get a prince to fall in love with you and then convince him to leave his family so you can pursue your Hollywood career is….. genius. Evil, but genius.


Oh and before you come at me with your theories, I have literally been told by sources that this is Meghan’s plan, she had no interest in royal duty to begin with, and her only concern was making it big in Hollywood. The timeline proves more than I could tell you (despite me showing you date proof of me discussing this with a friend before the news leaked).

Meghan knew what she was signing up for. She knew all the royal duties and what was expected of her from the royal family. So for her to get married into the family and then step down after abusing all the perks, not even attempting to spend holidays with them, and then MOVE TO LA after originally citing they will be staying in Canada to avoid the crazy lifestyle of the press, is suspicious. You wanna avoid press? Move to Norway or something. You don’t choose the heart of fame and press after you spent a year complaining it.

Which brings me to my next point.

How did Meghan get Harry to leave the royal family?

Chris Jackson/Getty Images

Chris Jackson/Getty Images

Prince Harry has always been described to me as “a lost figure in a place where his presence isn’t prominent.”

Growing up, Harry has always been there to see everyone say “William, you’re going to be the future king” so he’s always established a mentality in his mind that whatever he does, is not important. When he was a child, he’s always told William, “well you’re going to be king so who cares about what I do” or something along those lines. This is something seen by many older/younger sibling dynamics where there is a favoritism and in this case, William was favored. Meanwhile, William was groomed from the start to be a leader. Even after Princess Diana died in a car cash, he went out the next day with a brave face to greet all the locals who were giving their condolences.

While writing this, I feel like I’m living in medieval times lmao


Harry has always been the face of public scandals during his younger years and whenever confronted with his behavior, the response was always, “well I’m not going to be king so who cares?”

What am I getting at? Lack of authority control.

Swoop Meghan into the equation and her constant whispers in his ear and she blows up Harry’s ego to the point where he packs his bags and moves to LA.

If someone told the queen that this is how it would have all went down for Harry, I’m sure she’d think that she was on an acid trip.

The thing is, Harry was never the authoritative figure in his life. He was always second best because many people favored William and that clearly took a toll on him. So with Meghan in his life and surely whispering in his ear, he feels like he’s in control.

“Yeah babe let’s leave your racist family and go to LA for US,” she whispers convincingly making him think that this plan is to benefit him, but really it’s to feed her failed career as an actress.

I mean what does Harry have to do in LA? Ah, be a stepping stool of course.

Speaking of LA, in July 2019 Harry was caught on video hustling Disney’s CEO Bob Iger, trying to get Meghan a role talking about “you know she can do voice overs? She’s really interested.”

Look at her, chatting up Beyonce and Jay Z. Maybe she’ll try singing once the acting fails.

Listen, in theory, this is so cute. But in the timeline, it actually shows that their departure from the royal family has been planned for a very long time and it only happened after Meghan got her year as a wife of a royal, messed up all family bonds, and then jetted off to LA. After all, what does she have to lose? Nothing. You can’t lose something if you had nothing to begin with. What does Harry have to lose? Everything.

Also, her Disney role was done in secret and without the consent of the royal family. They didn’t even know and it’s one thing to have your opinions about the royal family, but this really shows us that Meghan never had any respect for them or their traditions. The only thing she had, is the audacity to abuse royal privileges without taking on the responsibilities.

Disney ain’t even interested in pursuing a deal with Meghan. A Senior Disney Executive told the DailyMail, “Meghan needs Disney more than Disney needs Meghan. She’s a controversial figure. There have been reports of a deal but that’s not true beyond the voiceover work.”

Look, I know the royal family is a pain and in the messages between my friend and I, you can see me calling them racist. I was 100% for Meghan and Harry, but then again your mind changes once you learn the sad truth. Also, in our upcoming series—most specifically the next 2 posts following this one, you’re actually going to see a lot of acceptance from The Queen towards Meghan and it actually surprised me. The Queen gave Meghan benefits that she didn’t offer Kate or her family, before they wed into the royals. Of course, you’ll have to read those posts when they’re up because we just spilled so much tea.


Call me crazy, but it’s looking like it’s all backfiring on Meghan and with Harry losing a lot in the process.

Let’s end this post on a bang.


Now this is something I haven’t saw anywhere… not on blind sites, not on gossip threads, not in talks between fans, and it surely wasn’t guessed correctly when I gave my readers the hint.

What is a crazy couple without a little cheating scandal in the midst, huh?

In my exposé on Kylie Jenner and Travis Scott, I included the following message.


Let’s unveil the message shall we?

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Well when it comes out, remember you heard it here first ladies and gents. Don’t forget. People often like to discredit us despite our credibility being proven solid time after time.

I was NOT expecting this. To be honest, I thought Harry was a mindless fool, but being told of his alleged cheating got me even more surprised than I was when I found out the truth about Meghan. I’m not excusing his cheating, but then again sis had a whole plot and plan to infiltrate the royal family and get a Hollywood career out of it so uh… level the playing field I guess?

We gotta discuss this in the comment section below. I got these texts in February as you can see and everything we just talked about in this post, seems to be buildup of something large. Something such as a possible divorce between the two. Maybe Harry is starting to resent Meghan now? Maybe he’s seen through her and what she has done? After all, what do we have to do in quarantine besides sit and think?

This concludes this explosive start to the Prince Harry and Meghan Markle series! I really hoped everyone enjoyed this breakdown of their timeline and how they’ve been playing the world. For any new readers, welcome to ExposingSMG (exposing scandalous media groups ~ the rebrand).

Comment down below your thoughts. I’m really interested to know everything. I personally loved Meghan and Harry in the beginning, but of course the harsh truth ruins all fantasies at the end. I mean I followed stan accounts for them on Instagram. I was rooting for them!

Me to Meghan

Me to Meghan

What was the most shocking thing you’ve learned? For me it was the perfume tactic and the alleged cheating. What were your opinions on them before reading this post and what are they know? Let’s start a discussion.

You can comment anonymously so take advantage of that. I will be reading and replying.


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