The Double Standard Between Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez on Stan Twitter: There Are Two Sides to Every Story (Charts, Shade, Actions, Music Releases, and more!)
2018 / INSTAR Images
This post was written in December 2019, but never posted for some weird reason. However, it was edited to reflect 2020 tea so um… here it is. Also, this post is made for the stan twitter argument—where this is needed to be said. If you’re a veteran reader, you probably know all of this. After all, I’ve raised you well.
Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez have been one high profiled relationship since their PR birth in 2011 (discussed in 2010). Bieber, being the more famous star, has been constantly dragged in headlines by Gomez who interestingly enough, managed to have the same era about him since 2013, after their official break up in 2012.
With this huge relationship, comes the debate of sides. Everyone has their opinions. Everyone has their two cents. Everyone wants to comment. And everyone wants to rewrite history. Unfortunately for them, ExposingSMG has documented Jelena like no other. You can’t rewrite history when we have the receipts to prove otherwise.
In this post, we are going to discuss the double standards on the cheating allegations, abuse allegations, “Justin being obsessed with Selena,” why their album releases are always so close together, chart positions, Selena’s shade, and SO MUCH MORE. This post isn’t meant to defend or bash the other. It’s meant to solely compare sides and reactions of the general public.
On this blog, we always post the opposite of popular opinion because that’s what an exposed does: uncovers the truth. And in the case of Jelena, there’s so much to uncover.
On any given day, Selena Gomez fans are often seething with rage because everything Justin does, seems like he’s out to hurt Selena.
With Justin and Selena releasing music during the same season (a classic business move that her kiddy fans won’t get), some of her fans are saying:
he’s using her hype to sell records
he’s trying to silence her
Scooter is out to get Selena….. Scooter has had plenty of years to get Selena back if he wanted to. He’s not waiting for NOW to do it.
Some other fans are saying:
He abused her :(
He cheated on her :(
He made her feel crazy and worthless :(
He’s racist :)
He married his second choice :)
Blah blah blah
Selena’s fans once again prove how hypocritical they are because no matter what they see, they won’t believe it because Selena has instilled a false narrative in their minds. And God forbid they think for themselves.
So I am now here to show you on a spectrum just how hypocritical and stupid stan twitter is.
DISCLAIMER: I am NOT saying Justin was an angel. He’s actually kind of a moron and has his own flaws as well, but they will never compare to the level of psychotic that Selena still continues to prove that she’s on. Don’t read this post with the mindset of “biased towards Selena again” because I’m not defending Justin in this post, but I’m just serving two perspectives on a platter. You may form an opinion after seeing both sides. That’s the human way to go.
“He cheated on her :(“
The cheating mentality was something that only came up after Jelena died in 2012. It wasn’t ever something that was speculated during the relationship. He was actually praised as being the ideal boyfriend—renting out arenas to watch movies, cutting off all his past friends (female friends included, which is quite toxic), hosting her birthday celebrations, and etc.. No one ever called him out for cheating during the ACTUAL relationship. Once upon a time, Selena’s fans were sad that she kept dragging him in 2013, because he was “nothing but sweet to her” they would say.
This is what I mean by they’re trying to rewrite history (the way Shawn Mendes and Camila Cabello’s team did too). For the new readers out here, I should probably tell you all that I have been on Twitter for many many many years. Before Jelena started and from until then. I have been keeping up with them and celebrities in general. But y’all know Jelena is my guilty pleasure.
Believe it or not, there once was no difference between a Selenator and a Jelenator and only stans who were on Twitter from 2010-2013, will tell you that. However, no one over the age of 15 stans Selena now so those stans are probably inactive.
So why do we all suddenly associate Justin with cheating? Because despite Justin telling us no he didn’t cheat, we all believe Selena who said he did. His mother can relate. Apparently, feminism means supporting women even if they’re toxic (Amber Heard tease anyone?).
Selena’s fans like to say Justin cheated because during 2013-2014, he was seen with Selena and other girls.
Okay fair enough BUT this argument goes two ways. Selena was seen with Justin in 2013-2014 AND was seen with other guys.
Most people like to credit this night for the reason why Justin “cheated” which was the night of the VS fashion show rehearsals AKA the night Jelena was officially over.
Jelena has been over before Justin stepped foot on the VS stage, but like I said, they’re trying to rewrite history.
However, Selena had a mental breakdown the night of the VS fashion show so read our first ever Exposed post on them below, to see what she did.
Actually here is a fun fact. Selena has been seen getting really cozy and comfortable with guys while Jelena was still together. Both of these were pictured in 2012 before the breakup.
Not only does she cuddle up with people who aren’t friends with Justin, she gets cozy with his bestie (at the time), Alfredo Flores.
This was during Ashley Tisdale’s birthday party in which Justin didn’t attend cause he was sick. But I’m sure he got to see all the fun Selena was having online!
Now that we actually have picture proof of Selena with other guys during Jelena, just like everyone uses Justin and Barbara, we can move on.
Here is a collage of all the girls Justin has/was reportedly dating after his OFFICIAL breakup with Selena in 2012 (don’t let anyone tell you they got back together after that).
These photos (besides the Jelena 2011 Vanity Fair picture) were all taken in 2013-2019. These are the encounters and the girls that are used as proof when the topic of Justin and cheating are associated, DESPITE both Justin and Selena reporting they were each respectively single at those times.
Now, here is the same collage, but with Selena and all the guys she’s reportedly dated/went out with.
How come people use the girls Justin was seen with as proof he “cheated” but all the guys pictured above with Selena aren’t ever mentioned??
If we will use the mentality that comes with Selenators, why aren’t we claiming Selena cheated and using the pictures above? How come for Justin he’s been with all those girls, but for Selena she’s only “friends” with them?
Both collages show flings Justin and Selena both had and RIGHTFULLY SO.
Don’t use pictures of Chantel Jeffries (ew) with Justin as proof he cheated because then we can use pictures of Selena and Zedd. Or Selena and Charlie Puth. Or Selena kissing Orlando Bloom (while he was still with Katy Perry BTW).
It’s funny how everyone ignores how Justin exposed her for cheating on him on Twitter (and in his songs which we’ll get to in a moment) because it’s become so common to think that he cheated, so you overlook the rarely presented facts.
Moving on.
“He cheated because Selena said so :(“
Fair enough. Selena said so, so who are we to question it?
Selena accuses Justin of cheating on her in her music videos, hints at it during interviews, and hypes her friends into thinking so (Taylor Swift.. RIP her cute friendship with Justin).
In “The Heart Wants What It Wants” she portrays him as a drunk with wandering eyes:
Okay … Selena said “look Justin is a drunk” but Justin said that Selena drinks heavily… two years earlier.
Once again both sides have spoken and only Selena’s fans believe her word for it.
Selena is also a proven liar so there’s that. Let’s not forget how she lies about writing songs that she never even wrote.
And the gag about all of this? Selena is the actual drunk.
Cheating allegations in songs
Selena released “Perfect” a song about being cheating on which makes her really insecure and she starts to compare herself to the girl.
This song slaps LMAO it’s so depressing.
But this still isn’t good enough because Justin has a song called “Faithful” invalidating her argument.
Faithful was written in the 2013-2014 period aka after the Jelena breakup was fresh. Perfect was released in 2015… over three years after the breakup. Funny how people believe the manufactured era over the Journals era were Justin spilled tea, yet never toured or promoted the era.
Justin got his story right FIRST while Selena tells hers after years of calculations and sitting with top notch publicists, yet everyone invalidates Justin’s side. Also, Justin ain’t the type to drag someone nor milk an era so expect him to speak through music as opposed through his publicists, like our girl Sel.
This song also talks about how he wants to move the hell on, but she’s holding him down with the emotional manipulation.
Selena also admitted to manipulating Justin during her Genius interview.. 6 years after we heard this song.
Also let’s not forget in “All That Matters” Justin says “faithful no matter the distance.”
Keep in mind that these songs are being released in 2013 where he directly addressed the breakup in his lyrics. In 2013, Selena had an entire era of dance songs without a single writing credit on any of them even though she said in countless interviews, that this album was going to spill her side of the story. You know, the same interview she gives every 2 years. If you watched a Selena interview in 2013, chances are she said the same thing in 2020.
Check out my post from literally 2013 where I show you this.
After all, he got his story straight first, yet people choose to ignore these crucial details.
Justin has also released a song called “It’s Working” where he describes a scenario between him and Selena, where he comes home to find her with a guy.
I’ll tell you the truth.
Selena has come out and said time after time that she was single from 2013-2016.
This statement was released when she was publicly dating The Weeknd.
Selena HERSELF said she’s been single all the times Justin was seen with those girls. So why is he a cheater when the victimizer herself has said she was single all those times??? And just to add onto it, Justin’s lyrics expose that exactly.
If Selena isn’t a victimizing ROACH, tell me why she painted him as the cheater all those years? Why is she lying to Taylor Swift about it and watching Taylor reblog posts about him cheating?
If he really cheated, why didn’t you sing about it on Stars Dance? AKA the album right after the Jelena breakup? Was she too busying singing about sex and being a prostitute to care about being cheated on?
If you don’t want drama, why is your comeback single about losing Justin to love yourself??? Why is that your lead if you aren’t a self victimizing weasel?
And do not think Jelena in 2017/2018 was them getting back together. It wasn’t. It was a FLING. ExposingSMG said it and years later so did Selena.
“I’m not dating anyone. I’ve been single for two years [2017-2019]. I’m on God’s timing not mine.”
Sooooooo in the Lose You to Love Me lyric: “in two months you replaced us” was for what? Attention?
THE TRUTH IS IN FRONT OF YOU. READ IT. Don’t imagine some dumb scenario just because Selena knows the GP is stupid (I mean they are, but prove me wrong) and therefore is playing them like a fiddle.
“Justin Bieber abused Selena Gomez”
Here we go again with the hypocrisy.
Justin posted a rant on Instagram where he admitted to abusing his relationships. Selena’s fans took that as an “I told you he was abusive to her!! :(“ but that’s not what he meant and you can see that if you read the full note. Luckily for you, ESMG has already decoded it.
Also, Justin was literally just complaining about how he doesn’t even speak anymore because everyone mixes up his words.
If Justin was the big bad devil y’all think he is, I’m sure he would cover up his tracks far better than wording something he knows he’s been accused of. And just as he says that in 2019, Ms. Gomez uses it against him in 2020. Do you really think this shit is a coincidence?
Now let us talk about the “toxic” and “abusive” claims.
Selena Gomez hitting Justin Bieber
In the video, you can hear him saying “Stop! Stop we are in public” which probably means she got physically abusive behind doors as well. Her fans recently tried to make excuses for that in which they claim to hear something that makes absolutely no sense, but we quickly shut them down in this post about the truth of that day.
Here is the video:
After all, it’s obvious that she has a temper. Remember when she got caught lip syncing in 2013 and flipped out on the sound guy? All I’m saying is, it takes a camera for a personality change, but you gotta pay attention to the times these celebrities don’t know they’re being filmed.
Lmao anyone else find my titles from 2013 hilarious? Now I’m a professional gal.
Selena being a toxic mess overall
He’s literally scarred from her.
Justin admitted that before he went on shows she would be screaming at him.
Selena’s fans like to say that Justin is obsessed with her and he still mentions her, searches her up and all that, but they all go blind to these.
Mature Sel keeping up with her ex in 2015 yet her fans stayed silent.
So Justin and Hailey are OBSESSED with Selena because of whatever reasons, but yet here is Selena STALKING pictures of Jailey and Hailey. This also isn’t the first time Selena likes pictures with Hailey in it. I don’t care what each party does, all I’m saying is that Justin is always the one crucified for it on social media.
Selena victimizing herself and gas lighting Justin
Was she high? We know the answer to that one.
By the way, this was when Jelena was broken up. She was literally easing her rage by having a mental breakdown publicly.
Where is the support for Justin Bieber? Is it because he’s a man that he can’t endure abuse from an ex? Because not only does Justin sing about how toxic she is, which you guys can go listen to all those songs for yourself (What Do You Mean, Thought of You, Don’t Check on Me, Trust Me, etc..), but there is physical proof of Selena being abusive to him. She’s literally hitting him in a video.
She has spent years tormenting him and shading him.
People excuse her behavior as “well he cheated” with no proof. Even if he cheated, that ain’t a reason for Selena to harass him for seven years. Not only is that completely psychotic, but unprofessional for her career. I mean I guess it’s her profession considering the harassment is her career… but whatever floats your boat.
You guys ever see those viral tweets where a guy cheats on a girl and then the girl goes and does something…. crazy? Soak his PS4… throw his clothes out of the window…. beat the crap out of him… and everyone is like “walk away with some dignity to your name, don’t act like that over a cheater.” I mean again, I don’t see how this harassment can be excused. And once you remember that SHE went back to HIM (it was NEVER him getting off the plane to see her) it should make you think.. that is if you are capable of doing that on your own.
Justin and Hailey being “dirty.”
This one makes no sense on both ends. The argument that Justin and Hailey have lice, are dirty, don’t shower, is childish and isn’t even valid. But once again what have Selenators said that wasn’t invalid and dumb like their fave?
Justin and Hailey are dirty, but here is Selena saying she peed on herself before and Ed Sheeran concert.
Was she trying to be funny and… relatable? I mean her fans cry about how gross Hailey and Justin are, but yet here is Selena going in detail about how she peed on herself.
I ain’t dragging her, but I am talking about the DOUBLE STANDARDS in this post so it should be fair to mention that if it was Justin or Hailey were saying that, we’d get a viral tweet harassing them some more.
I’ll never forget Selena’s fans photoshopping literal crap on Justin’s underwear and getting viral tweets saying that Justin crapped himself. Like do you guys see this? You’re dealing with 9 year olds.
Anyway this was weird moving on…
“Justin Bieber is a racist abuser”
We already covered the abuser part. Let’s tackle the “racist” part.
One thing that the “woke world” needs to understand is that there is a difference between being ignorant and racist. Both Justin and Selena are not racist. However, there was once a time where they were both ignorant about world issues and problems.
The video that was released to TMZ was a video of 14 year old Justin singing a parody of his own song.
and I oop… never heard of Justin Bieber
Justin has apologized time and time over it.
This was in 2014 before woke twitter took over the world.
He has actually learned from this and continues to talk about world issues using his platform.
This opens up a whole new topic that I’ve been meaning to discuss with you guys on woke culture and cancellation despite being there being an active change. I mean you can stay mad at Justin all you want, but we’re here to compare sides (I could give two fcks about ‘sides’).
The hypocrisy is when Selena’s fans start using it as an excuse to spread more hate towards him when Selena herself has yet to apologize for a few things involving black issues.
Here is Selena in her 20’s saying the N word:
There’s always an excuse with them.
Here is Selena shitting on #BlackLivesMatter
Does any of this make Selena racist? No, she is simply an ignorant person. She has yet to acknowledge both these times though. That is the issue with Selena. She’s always blaming her issues on someone else. She never owns up to what she is doing wrong because she can’t take accountability for her actions. The only time she’s not bluntly blaming someone is when she’s victimizing herself.
What was the entire point of this? Selena’s fans love calling Justin racist, but turn a blind eye to Selena’s mistakes as well.
“Hailey was Justin’s second choice”
Was there a time Justin wanted to marry Selena? Yes. That was in 2012 when he did propose to her and she said no. Read about it down below.
Did Justin propose to Selena again in 2017/2018? No. Jelena was a fling in 2017/2018. They weren’t exclusive and they did see other people behind closed doors. You can read all about their reunion here.
So how does any of this prove Hailey wasn’t a “second choice?” Well, Hailey and Justin were in contact during Jelena’s fling. They weren’t together, but they were talking just like Selena was seeing other guys (we have been proven right about this so don’t try it).
If you look into Jailey’s past, you would see that Hailey has been in Justin’s life for a while now—longer than Selena and definitely more stable. Hailey wasn’t someone Justin met in 2018 and decided to marry. He had feelings for Hailey in 2015 and 2016. They even almost dated officially, but Justin didn’t want to start a relationship while he was about to be on tour.
You can read about that below:
To get a little bit more information about Justin and Hailey’s relationship timeline, read the post below.
In that post, you can see everything that went on behind closed doors. Believe it or not, stan Twitter, things do actually take place behind closed doors and because you didn’t see it happening behind a screen, doesn’t mean it never happened.
Just like you all thought Selena was cheerful after the Jailey engagement/wedding, you ended up learning that she wasn’t (again… like we said).
When in reality Selena was sobbing in her room.
If it was Selena who got engaged or married, her fans would’ve spun tales about Justin being suicidal, but because it was the other way around suddenly everyone thinks that he “married his second choice,” “isn’t happy with Hailey,” “Is on crack” (probably was on crack lol), etc..
One more thing on this point…. people are allowed to move on. People don’t always marry their first real love especially when it was filled with toxicity.
“He is trying to silence her by releasing music the same time she is :(“
First of all, if Selena isn’t going to be singing about Justin anymore (according to her) and Justin is releasing music about Hailey, what exactly is Justin silencing Selena from? Releasing “fun” music???
Selena EVERY ERA: “I’m just tryna release fun music.”
The only silencing that will happen, is the silence of Selena’s album hype a few days after it comes out.
Hi, it’s editing-ExposingSMG from 2020—we were right.
If you don’t know anything about charts, just know that an 188k WW debut (with streaming units) is extremely weak. So much for “January belongs to Rare” am I right?
Anyone wondering what Changes’ worldwide debut was?
How do you have the audacity to run loud with a 186k debut, but call Justin a flop with his 1 million+ debut? Also, Changes isn’t even his peak album… so the fact that Justin’s lowest is outselling her highest… I mean come on. You can’t compare where you don’t compete.
Back to the era timings.
In the past, Justin and Selena have started eras that were around the same time.
Eras don’t start based on when your ex is releasing. Eras start in a calculated manner in order to have the necessary competition or the drama to start the headlines to create hype which is basically free promo. Some are specifically circled around a time of award submissions, such as the Grammys. You want to know who Justin’s competition in 2015 was? It sure as hell wasn’t Selena. It was One Direction. Both 1D and JB’s albums competed in their respective markets—total business move. Justin dominated by beating them out for the #1 in the US. 1D dominated by beating him out for the UK #1. Selena dominated by once again speaking about Justin Bieber.
Also PSA: Teams usually have the inside information on other celebrities starting out their eras. Some of them will purposely release during similar times for the competition which will increase headlines and hype. That hype will furthermore increase sales. This is all business and this tactic was heavily used during Fifth Harmony and Little Mix’s popularity. Let me know if you guys want businessy-chart positions post. I know a lot.
I mean look at headlines talking about Justin and Selena’s release for this year.
This doesn’t happen every time, but it does happen a few times especially when two acts are constantly associated together. Selena’s team 100% started her era after the Bieber wedding in order to capitalize off the sympathy and pain act she was milking.
Again… A BUSINESS TACTIC. Stan twitter would rather believe that Scooter is “out to get Selena” as opposed to this being the smarter business move. Just like it was a smart business move to release Lose You To Love Me 2 weeks after the Bieber wedding. Again, that’s another double standard because Justin got dragged for releasing Yummy the same month that Selena dropped her album, but everyone is just supposed to ignore that, right?
Also the main reason Selena’s fans are worried about Justin releasing anything near January is because he will outs—I’m sorry, I mean BURY Selena.
Revival’s sales after 2 years of release: 420k. Purpose after one year: 3.1 million.
Revival’s sales after 2 years of release: 420k. Purpose after one year: 3.1 million.
Even Forbes is predicting that he will outsell her and the funny part is Forbes reached…. a lot.
They predicted that Rare would pull 250k the first week…. in AMERICA ALONE (sorry to break it to yall, she debuted with 50k pure in America). Meanwhile, Justin was set to triple her debut.
And…. he did. As we saw a little earlier in this post, Rare debuted with 186k units worldwide while Changes did over 1 million units. Again, you can’t compare where you don’t compete.
Justin has been teasing a new comeback for a while now—weeks before Selena said anything about Rare.
Posted October 27, 2019
Posted October 27, 2019.
Justin even has merch from his Drew collection that says “Drop the album already.”
Photo: MEGA
Thanks to Hailey, we know that Justin has been in the studio since May.
Her fans aren’t worried that he is “silencing her,” they’re just worried he stops Rare from charting anywhere. Which isn’t going to happen unless Justin was releasing the same week.
Honestly, all this timeline proves is that stans don’t hate Justin. They’re threatened by him.
Hypocrisy between lyrics
Justin released his comeback single “Yummy” on January 3rd. Stan twitter was having a field day because Justin’s lyrics aren’t sad and emotional—dragging him for it being “childish.”
Once again I don’t care about comparing Justin and Selena, BUT there are two sides to every story and Selenators like to run their mouths, even though they’re wrong literally all the time. Let’s take a look at how many lyrics Selena has that aren’t “deep” and “emotional.”
Come and Get It: When you're ready come and get it na na na na na na na na na na na na When you're ready come and get it na na na na na na na na na na na
Look At Her Now: Mm-mm-mm, mm-mm-mm, mm-mm Look at her now, watch her go Mm-mm-mm, mm-mm-mm, mm-mm Wow, look at her now
Kill em with Kindness: Kill 'em with kindness Kill 'em with kindness Kill 'em, kill 'em, kill 'em with kindness
I Can’t Get Enough: 'Cause I can't get enough Yeah, I can't get enough Yeah, I can't get enough of your love Give me some more, I love it I can't get enough
Now don’t get me wrong, I actually like the songs I just listed, but let’s be honest—they’re not the most lyrically composed songs out there. AND THAT’S OKAY!! Artists don’t always have to cry on stage for us to call them meaningful. Justin has plenty of meaningful songs and Selena has meaningful songs. Taking one fun song and comparing it with a deep song doesn’t mean that Justin has no deep songs. It just means you have selective memory and are hypocritical.
Yummy’s lyrics are stupid and don’t make any sense? It’s a fun song just like Selena’s entire career is made up of “fun” songs.
Also Selena’s fans are saying Yummy’s music video is low budget, but this is coming from the fandom who got music videos like Lose You to Love Me and Look at Her Now, which were all filmed on an iPhone with literally nothing extravagant besides one scene.
I’m JUST sayin’
At the end of the day, y’all called out Yummy for being “stupid” with its effects, but Selena called it “inspiration” considering she did the same thing for her “Boyfriend” music video.
You know.. the same video where she also ripped off the basic key concepts of The Weeknd’s “Heartless” music video.
Again, I don’t care for anything Selena did or anything Justin did.
What I’m saying is, when it’s JUSTIN, everyone has a mental breakdown and drags him unreasonably. When it’s Selena—often doing more than Justin, everyone is quiet.
I mean guaranteed he is the bigger star so he’ll get a bigger reaction, but I mean that ain’t no reason for hypocrisy.
Justin never planned on changing Selena’s reputation for the worst like he could’ve (and should’ve but he’s stupid). He has always spoken highly of her while she did the opposite. This is why locals think he’s obsessed with her while she needs to constantly run away from him to be “freed.”
If you start doing your own research on Jelena, you’ll start to notice other things that change the story. You can even start looking into lyrics of different songs Justin has released to get more of his side. And luckily for you, we have documented it all—call us the Jelena Encyclopedia. You’ll be more shocked than Justin was in the following moment.
Justin doing charity in 2011.
I’m not saying Justin is innocent and Selena is the devil. To be honest, I kinda hate them both lol
I’m just showing you both sides on a platter. Do what you want with this information.
However, I am saying that some of the stuff Selena and her fans accuse Justin of aren’t correct. There has always and will always be a double standard between Justin and Selena. People want to believe Selena because she plays the victimizing “meanie Justin Bieber is out to get me :(“ role really well.
And that’s because that’s what manipulative and narcissistic people do, darlings.
Justin staying silent 90% of the time didn’t work out in his favor because now people are taking sides with Selena because she’s the only one speaking. And half the things she’s saying are complete BS.
That’s all for this post! We hope you enjoyed seeing both sides and hopefully being more aware of this topic. Please keep in mind that this post wasn’t made with the intention to go hate on Selena or Justin. It was made to show you guys that there are two sides to EVERY story.
Comment down below your thoughts! You can comment anonymously so take advantage of that. Did this post teach you more about Jelena? Did it change your mindset on anything? Let me know down below. I will be replying back.