The Truth About Taylor Swift and Karlie Kloss' Relationship and Fallout: Romantic Relationship? Breakup? Drama and more on Taylor as a person.
The power this photo holds.
Taylor Swift and Karlie Kloss were everyone’s goals when they became BFFs in the fall of 2013. They met at the 2013 Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show and instantly became really close.
Victoria Secret Fashion Show, 2013. KEVIN MAZUR/GETTY IMAGES
They became so close that Taylor gave Karlie a room to stay in, in Taylor’s NYC apartment in September 2014.
Taylor also included Karlie in her “All Girl Squad.” The same all girl squad that including Gigi Hadid, Zendaya and my favorite musician, Selena Gomez.
Taylor needed a bunch of ‘Yes (Wo)men” to fill her ego.
This OG girl squad pranced around back in the day—not doing much besides posing together at big events and representing girl power. After all, one of the prominent members did say, “I think this industry could use a little bit of female sexism.” — Selena Gomez.
Growing up, Taylor did not have a lot of friends and was often alone in school so she felt like this girl squad was something that was needed to fulfill that part of her life (of course it was good PR as well). Karlie was more than happy to not only be in the squad, but also be Taylor’s best friend.
Mikael Jansson, Vogue, March 2015
The industry took a quick interest in Taylor and Karlie to the point where people used to tell Taylor how they would be best friends.
“People have been telling us for years we needed to meet. I remember makeup artists and hair people going ‘doesn’t she remind you of Karlie? God, she and Karlie would be best friends. They’re the same’” -Taylor Swift.
I wouldn’t necessarily consider Karlie and Taylor to be the same person since Taylor is—actually I’ll leave this detailed description in the upcoming updated ‘Taylor as a Person’ post, but we’ll discuss a little about it as you continue reading.
Taylor and Karlie started getting so close that fans started to speculate if there was anything more to their relationship—perhaps romantically.
A photo of them seemingly kissing at a 1975 concert was taken by TMZ and their relationship was put on the spot by the media.
2015 / TMZ
It’s really obvious that it’s them and that they’re…. kissing. Taylor probably got someone fired over those pics.
Here’s a clearer picture of them at the concert and them leaving.
Taylor and Karlie also had a photoshoot together for Vogue Magazine where they both looked like a couple and even more people started to speculate about their relationship.
You’re trying to tell me these dresses don’t symbolize wedding dresses?
These pictures sort of resemble what a newly wed Hollywood couple would do if they did a shoot with Vogue… and lived on a farm.
They blessed their fans with cute captions of their relationship.
Karlie hearts Taylor? Aw.
All throughout 2014 they were constantly photographed together (2014 was also the year Selena Gomez got checked into rehab and you know Taylor’s rule, no drugs around me. So nice to see her having a new bestie during that time).
Taylor and Karlie did everything together. They attended award shows together, always hung out with their constant IG postings of them having a good time, but when it was time for Karlie’s wedding in October 2018, Taylor was not there. And when it came for her second wedding in June 2019, Taylor was also not there.
For you to miss the wedding of someone you were so SO close to, it means you had one explosive fallout. And that’s exactly what happened.
Karlie’s second wedding, June 2019
At Karlie’s second wedding, guess who was invited? Katy Perry and Taylor’s favorite person: Scooter Braun. Scooter actually manages Karlie and has been since the end of 2015. In 2019, Taylor’s feud with Scooter was made public.
But is that enough to miss your once-bestie’s wedding? Scooter Braun’s presence? In Taylor’s mind, yes. After all, she refused to participate in Ariana Grande’s One Love Manchester concert (after the Manchester bombing) because Scooter was involved (by managing Ariana). If participating for a good cause wasn’t going to cut it for Taylor, I doubt a wedding would.
What led to Karlie and Taylor’s downfall?
As they were at their peak “friendship,” suddenly they crashed. Many sources told the press that it was because Karlie took Taylor’s “generosity” for granted and they cited that Karlie had invited a few friends over at Taylor’s place without Taylor’s knowledge.
I do agree that if a friend is giving you your own space at their home, that doesn’t mean it’s your house and you can go ahead and have people over without the owner knowing. So I totally agree with Taylor, if that is something that upset her.
However, Taylor is the type of person to see red and not see anything past that. Plus, I definitely feel like Taylor would throw in your face all the good things that she’s done for you. Taylor does have a big heart and she is very generous, but that doesn’t mean it’s going to stop her from being like “well I gave you a room in my 4 million dollar apartment and that’s what you do to me?”
According to those same sources who came from Taylor’s rep, that is the reason why their friendship ended or that’s the reason it started to deteriorate.
A couple of years back, a source of mine said that Taylor freaked out over something and had Karlie pack her stuff in boxes and was getting her ready to live somewhere else. Basically, kicking her out. I don’t remember if my source said that Taylor packed Karlie’s bags for her and waited for her to get home, OR is she just had Karlie pack them herself.
We actually talked a little about this in one of our 2016 Tell All Revealed.
Isn’t it funny how we were telling you about their flawed relationship in August 2016 and exactly two years later, in August 2018, they officially stop talking? I’m telling you, we know what we’re talking about.
If she did kick her out because Karlie invited people over without Taylor’s permission then that only tells us what we already know about Taylor; she’s very dramatic. I get that it’s a big deal especially when you’re an already paranoid celebrity, but to throw everything away because of that seems a bit unreasonable to me.
Going back to what we revealed in the 2016 Tell All, Taylor was almost “punishing” Karlie for saying something that Taylor didn’t want her to say. From my understanding, whatever the “secret” was, was pretty harmless. But in Taylor’s mind, I doubt anything registers as “harmless.” So what did Taylor do? As a consequence, she didn’t associate with Karlie for a while. It was described to me as kind of like a “time out.” The dynamic was very… weird to say the least.
Taylor goes above and beyond for you when she loves you. But Taylor will also go above and beyond for you when she’s angry or when she feels disrespected. A bump in the road like that will cause her to cut ties with you. It doesn’t take a lot to upset Taylor.
I don’t want to describe Taylor too much because like I said, I will be giving you guys a ‘Taylor as a Person’ post, but if I were to describe her, I would say she has “tunnel vision.”
When a person has tunnel vision, it means that there is a goal at the end and they don’t care who gets tagged along, dragged or hurt, they are only focused on that goal. Taylor’s tunnel vision works when she’s angry, hurt, inspired, creative, and etc.
It’s not always a bad thing, but it can be because if she has a target or goal, she’s going to get it no matter what. And whatever stands in her process? Well that could be collateral damage. Kind of like how Camila Cabello ruined all friendships/relationships with Fifth Harmony, for her selfish way of achieving a solo career.
Now I wrote this post to give my readers and Kaylor fans, a little gift from my source—information.
Were Taylor and Karlie ever romantically together?
“..yes I heard briefly about them being very serious and in love. I don’t know how long they were together, but it was kinda known amongst people that they loved each other.” -My source
How cute? My cold exposing heart fluttered, but it didn’t flutter for long cause it remembered how they didn’t end it well.
Now this is either confirmation for your Kaylor theories or complete news to you.
Yeah yeah, I know I said that I took a new morality oath were I wouldn’t out anyone, but this is building up on information that I exposed in 2016.
Can’t take back what I already exposed. Ignore my constant use of * in that ^ post, I was going through a phase.
So yes, my source alleges that Taylor and Karlie were dating and that they were both in love with each other. I believe that that “I’m in love” glow is the reason the media couldn’t stop talking about them. They were closer than friends and people in the press speculated that. I mean the TMZ pictures were practically confirmation.
Does it now make more sense as to why Taylor didn’t attend Karlie’s wedding? Obviously their fallout is the reason why she didn’t attend the wedding, but could it possibly be more? After all, would you want to attend your ex’s wedding if you were “in love” once before?
Of course Taylor’s reps deny the fallout. They claim that Taylor had other priorities. Well Taylor, there were 2 weddings and you were invited to both. One would assume that you’d clear your schedule if your bestie is getting married.
When I asked my source why they broke things off, my source said,
“Taylor is very immature and possessive.”
This suggests that something small ticked Taylor off and the next thing you knew, Karlie was kicked out of Taylor’s glamourous New York apartment and was shopping around on Zillow. This was also around the time that Taylor decided to be very uptight, immature, and entitled etc.. I mean Taylor’s behavior was public knowledge and the people were calling her out on it. This was in 2015 and that’s when Taylor started her Katy Perry feud over something that was actually… not Katy’s fault.
I think looking at how Taylor got mad at Katy for something that wasn’t her fault and then starting an entire hate parade, describes Taylor really well.
She doesn’t know how to let things go and when she’s hurt or angry, she can’t see anything but red (tunnel vision).
Also, the fact that Karlie is good friends with Taylor’s once-enemy, Katy Perry, that definitely is something that pisses her off. Taylor is that girl that believes if I don’t like someone, my friends shouldn’t like that person either. This is constantly seen in Taylor’s friendship with Selena Gomez.
According to my sources, her immaturity and pettiness can be seen with how she treats Selena Gomez.
Does Selena deserve it? Yup.
To the public, Selena and Taylor seem like the best of friends, but behind closed doors Taylor is very demanding and will purposely do things to prove her point. Be it out of love or anger, the point is, Taylor will get her point across.
A couple of months ago, Selena posted a picture on her Instagram story of her wearing Kim Kardashian’s SKIMS line.
Shortly afterwards, Selena DELETED that picture and posted an old picture of her and Taylor with a freaky caption once you look at the full story.
“I would DIE for this one.”
The fact that she deleted the picture of Kim’s line and posted an old picture of her and Taylor, with no significant date happening (it’s not like it was Taylor’s birthday or some big anniversary for her), signifies one thing: CONTROL. POSSESSIVENESS.
“Oh I’m not friends with Kim? That means you can’t be either because you’re MINE.”
This isn’t normal nor is it seen in healthy relationships. But once again, Taylor likes to have control over every little thing.
During Taylor’s feud with Kim and Kanye, Karlie was asked if she thought that Kim was a good person. She stuttered saying, “Ha... you know... I honestly... I... I... I think she’s been a lovely person to me in the past. Look, I really don’t know her that well.”
I personally don’t find anything wrong with what she said, I mean does Taylor want her to defame Kim in the interview? Shortly afterwards, Karlie tweeted the following:
It’s like Taylor needs to have everyone in control and in check. They’re all scared it seems.
Selena: i wOUld dIE foR yOU
Karlie: I will always have Taylor’s back
Y’all aren’t fighting in the war, relax.
But like I’m explaining, to befriend Taylor, you also have to cut off your friends if Taylor ain’t okay with them.
So fast forward to after their fall out.
To the public, Karlie and Taylor seem like they have no issue with each other. Karlie even claims that they’re good friends still. But what have we learned about Taylor? It’s best to have her as a friend than an enemy. If you have Taylor has an enemy, the expiration date on how long she will hold the grudge will be at LEAST a year.
I know from sources that Karlie is actually really sweet and I’ve said this for years back on and our ask on Tumblr. So I know damn well that if anyone is going to eat the other alive, it would be Taylor.
Karlie is also very smart. I’m not talking about smart in the sense of being calculated aka Taylor/Selena/esque. I’m talking like book smart. She’s also really kind hearted and I can see why Taylor loved that, but at the same time Taylor can be very controlling especially to people who won’t put their foot down.
This doesn’t mean Taylor didn’t love Karlie because she did and I believe she still does now, I just know that Taylor can be very petty and unreasonable. Her pettiness, gets in the way of good things. I solely believe that if Taylor can let things go, things would have been a lot easy going for her. I feel like Karlie was stepping on eggshells when she was in Taylor’s life.
“Am I allowed to order Chinese, Taylor?”
“Do I have permission to go to the bathroom where I have to pass Katy Perry on the way?”
“Is it okay for Scooter Braun to manage my career despite your vendetta against him?”
Listen, Taylor is the head bitch in ALL her friend groups. And that, can be quite tiring. Karlie is married now and Taylor is still parading around with that Joe Alwyn dude, so let’s see where this goes.
Kevin Mazur/MG18/Getty Images - Getty Images
Let’s summarize some of the points that were made in this post.
Taylor and Karlie were allegedly dating and in love.
It ended on bad terms with Taylor kicking Karlie out of her house.
Taylor is very immature, unreasonable, and quite controlling.
Here are the messages between my source and I.
I hope you guys enjoyed this post especially since I’ve been getting a lot of questions about confirming Kaylor. So here you have it, my source says that Kaylor was real and they were in love.
Comment down below what you think. Did you always have a feeling they were together? What do you think broke them up? Remember the comment section is anonymous so take advantage of that! I will be replying back.
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