Is Justin Bieber’s “Yummy” exposing the Pizzagate Conspiracy Theory? Justin and Dark Hollywood Collide
Disclaimer: All of this information is either theorized or stated as an opinion. This information is deemed “newsworthy” and it’s from a third-party content unless otherwise stated.
Justin Bieber took social media by storm when he released, ‘Yummy’ which was the lead single off his new album “Changes.” Not only was everyone waiting for his new music as a married man, but fanbases who hate him were also all ready to criticize the song. What we all didn’t realize was how the music video was going to make headlines for different reasons.
While 50% of us who loved the song argued with the other 50% of us who hated the song, other people were starting to make their own observations by questioning the similar ties and hints to the music video with the conspiracy theory, “PizzaGate.”
Before we start, you guys should get familiar with the terms “Dark Hollywood” and “Elite Hollywood” because they will get mentioned and in order to avoid being confused, I made a post defining these words.
If you’re interested in this topic, you can read our other Dark Hollywood posts.
What is PizzaGate?
Pizzagate is a conspiracy theory that went viral during the 2016 US elections. In March 2016, an email account that belonged to John Podesta (Hilary Clinton’s campaign manager) was leaked for the world to see. John Podesta has also been the campaign manager for Bill Clinton and Barack Obama.
The emails that were leaked to the public supposedly show coded messages that connected several high profile people in the US with an alleged link to human trafficking and child sex rings. One of the locations mentioned was the Comet Ping Pong pizzeria in Washington, D.C.
So to breakdown pizzagate even more, it’s the conspiracy that there are coded food terms in emails/messages that deal with human trafficking and child sex rings.
Before I show you guys Podesta’s emails let me show you a set of coded words that the FBI supposedly uses when they’re trying to decode certain messages. These are also the same words that people look out for on social media to try to expose pedophiles.
Originally I wasn’t going to use this screenshot but after searching through Podesta’s emails, I feel like it’s best if we all get familiar with the words and what they get translated into.
John Podesta’s emails
Here are some of the coded emails that belonged to Podesta, which showcase him speaking in a very…very unusual manner. These emails also show what other people have sent to him.
So this email shows John Podesta talking about how the White House had a party where they flew out $65,000 worth of pizza and hot dogs from Chicago. He’s asking if they’re going to be using the same “channels.”
This is so weird for many reasons. One, why is the wording that way? Where are they flying food from? Do the caterers have a name?
You guys don’t know this about us, but Angela and I often plan and throw big parties/events and caterers always have a name, special forms, etc.. It’s not something that gets missed. So the fact that he’s just rambling about $65,000 worth of food coming from Chicago is a little weird.
That’s not the only thing that’s very odd. Why is the food being shipped to the White House? If you guys didn’t know, the White House always prepares their food at the White House. It doesn’t get flown in from anywhere just in case it’s an attack against the President or the high officials there. So clearly… food doesn’t get flown into a White House party.. so I do wonder what exactly is being flown out.
Also take a look at what a person replied back to the original email.
“To celebrate all you hot dogs out there” … clearly the word “hot dogs” is being used to describe or talk about people. What makes you think now whenever they use the term “hot dogs” or “dogs” they won’t be talking about humans AGAIN???
It gets worse.
So someone named Stern or whatever sent John an email dreaming about his “hotdog stand in Hawaii.”
Hotdogs in Hawaii usually don’t have any type of relation. So just the way this email is written and the CONTENT of it is very odd.
“Your hotdog stand in Hawaii” I don’t know about y’all but I can already picture 2-3 different meanings for the text right here.
Let’s keep going since it never gets better lmao
This email comes from HILLARY CLINTON. She’s talking about rabbit feet and sacrificing chickens in the backyards to Moloch.
No one, no one on planet Earth genuinely talks like this no matter who you are. These sentences don’t make sense, they’re clearly all coded. And Moloch…??
So I did what someone else should’ve done and searched up the word “Moloch” mostly because I thought it was made up. What did I find? Something truly disturbing.
Really Hillary? You’re gonna make it THAT easy? For the purpose of my life not being ended by the Clintons… let’s move on.
I introduce to you guys, the “walnuts” topic.
“Mary, plz tell us the straight story,” yes, Mary please we are all begging.
In order to understand what they’re saying and disturb yourself even more, it’s probably best to refer to the list I already posted that decodes these words.
So according to the code list, ‘walnut’ or ‘nuts’ refers to people of color and ‘sauce’ refers to orgy. People of color orgy????
Also, let’s think for a minute. Let’s say these messages were not looked at as coded messages, who normally talks like this? Why the obsession with food and why in that context?
So John responds back to that email saying:
“I’m coming to town the week after next and will bring some walnuts!” okay…? If we use the code language that translates into “I’m coming to town the week after next and will bring some people of color.”
I’m not gonna say anything.
Introducing the handkerchief code:
Someone sends John an email asking if he left a handkerchief that has a map that seems pizza-related.
Let’s breakdown the code words. The term handkerchief has it’s own coded meaning with colors and all that.
Handkerchief means different types of sexual things and the colors indicate exactly what was done.
So a person is asking John if he left his handkerchief that has a map (code word for semen) that seems pizza related (code word for girl.) So if we translate that using the coded rules the text reads, “I think it has semen that seems girl related.” ?? all weird things.
“White w/ black”
Again, very weird language.
“Would love to get pizza for an hour?” who talks like that? Why time how long you’re gonna eat?
People don’t really say, “hey let’s get sushi for 30 minutes” or “let’s get coffee for 15 minutes.” So with everything on the table, it really makes you think.
I’m going to stop showing examples because I think from everything I’ve gathered we can come to the conclusion that there is definitely some type of coded language being used here.
So that’s the conspiracy theory that surrounds Pizzagate. Has it been disproven by ANYONE? Nope. It was just shamed and laughed at to the point where if you bring it up nowadays, you’re ridiculed. It has never been disproven or explained, BUT everyone will refer to it as “debunked.” How has it been debunked? Enlighten me in the comments because I can’t find an answer.
Why is Justin Bieber Involved?
When I first started this post, I focused heavily on Justin Bieber and his music video for his single ‘Yummy.’ Before I show you why people think Justin is showcasing aspects of pizzagate in the video let me remind everyone a few things about him.
At a very young age, Justin has been sexualized in every aspect and that is including some of the people who work with him.
Getty Images
Very odd.
Justin has been famous since a very young age, dating around the time he was around 13/14. We all know that young child stars often experience some form of trauma, either they’ve seen things, heard about things, or were victim to things.
DISCLAIMER!: I am not saying Justin was a victim of pizzagate or am I admitting anything happened to him. I know a lot of things, but I am not admitting anything. I am just simply stating facts that make sense as to what we will later see in the ‘Yummy’ music video.
When Justin was talking about Billie Eilish in an interview, he broke down and started crying because he hopes she never endures anything dangerous in the music industry. Billie is 18 years old. Makes you wonder why he’s so worried for her. He spoke about wanting to “protect” her.
When keeping stuff like this in mind, it shows you that him trying to send a hint about the industry isn’t far fetched. So let’s start. Let’s see what possible hints are in the music video.
The ‘Yummy’ Music Video
The first clip shows him walking through a kitchen with paparazzi flashes. He walks through a kitchen to some secret exclusive party.
I’ve spoken about these types of parties before. They’re usually very elite and take place behind the scenes, so behind a kitchen or in a restaurant basement, and etc..
After getting through the kitchen, he walks into the party where the entertainment is a performance by a bunch of kids. None of them look older than 15/16.
He leaves the screen and the camera is still focusing on the kids and even zooms in a little on them. This is a tactic that directors and producers do when they want the audience to focus on something. They will give that subject its own screen time. Justin has left the frame and instead of the camera following him, it takes its focus on the kids.

As Justin sits, the camera makes sure to focus on a lot of older and elegant looking people at a dinner party. Two of them approach Justin.
Not to get Justin killed or anything but he supposedly ends up putting a John Podesta look alike in the music video.
It is not a coincidence.
Dinner party, kids as entertainment, bunch of old rich people eating and now a John Podesta look alike. Interesting.

A LOT of weird food gets shown in one clip. This might represent the unusualness of the entire event. This is a tactic done in a way where something is so exaggerated it’s supposed to serve as a real purpose. Sometimes this tactic gets confused with satire. So in these clips, we are seeing food that obviously isn’t real but it’s so exaggerated to the point where the viewer is meant to question why.
We see another clip that shows Justin at the dinner party surrounded by a bunch of old rich people.
Now here’s where it gets more creepy… according to theory.
If you look closely, there is a handkerchief in front of Justin.
Just in case it wasn’t obvious to you, what does the director and Justin do? They throw a handkerchief at him and he wipes his mouth with it.
They are purposely drawing attention to the handkerchief. What did we talk about earlier? The handkerchief code.
Now sure, this could just be a napkin he’s wiping his mouth with, but in comparison to every other aspect in the video, it’s something that is worth mentioning.
Once again, this video is filmed in a way where we are subconsciously shown things that we have to pay attention to. So far we have:
child entertainers getting their own spotlight
an abnormal amount of old people shown and it’s obvious that they’re all rich according to their outfits and their prestige
spotlight is given to the weird foods that symbolize sexual things and abnormal things.
This clip shows Justin and a bunch of young people dancing on the table to entertain the older people at the party. It symbolizes how young stars in Hollywood are used as entertainment tools for the higher up.
And then you see this uptight guy walking through the party.
Usually, at extravagant celebrity parties there is a lot of security so I guess he was making sure we understood it wasn’t a random party he was throwing.

There are also clips showing them grabbing the food which was also a little weird. It showcases a little bit of that “possession” that these people feel.
Sexualization of food.
After everything, the party is now over and the only person with Justin in the room is a person we know the name of. The John Podesta look alike.
Then this cryptic thing happens…
There is a cake and after the cake gets eaten, the plate shows a young Justin Bieber with the word “Yummy” under him. There is no reason I could think of that would explain why this plate with cake on it has a 12-year-old Justin with the word “Yummy” besides sending a cryptic message.
Connections Between the ‘Yummy’ music video and the Pizzagate conspiracy theory
The flashes at the beginning of the video symbolize paparazzi flashes: The kitchen that Justin walks through to get to this extravagant dinner party symbolizes Hollywood parties that are so exclusive (for many reasons) that they’re not in plain sight. These Hollywood parties sometimes can only be available to A-listers (not even regular B list celebrities) and they’re usually behind the scenes.
The sexualization and use of children as entertainment for the elite higher up people: Justin first shows a clip of young children entertaining the guests who all are significantly older, look powerful and rich. The only time people relating to Justin’s age show up is when they have to perform for the older people while they all watch and dance. The pizzagate scandal linked some of the highest profiled people in the United States.
The entire video showcases all different types of food. When asked about the lyrics of this song, Justin stated that it was about his sex life, but yet the entire music video shows something completely different. It’s not just a video about food, it’s the way everything is filmed. The way the rich people are just grabbing different items of food and then are being fed certain foods like strawberries and cake. You can also see Justin taking from THEIR plates and ENTERTAINING them.
Certain foods that got their own spotlight have been so exaggerated to the point where the viewer is supposed to question why. One of the jelly foods purposely looks like a boob.
The fact that the people enjoying themselves in the video are only rich old people: It can be meant to show that ‘pizzagate’ is something associated with Dark Hollywood and powerful figures within different industries.
The John Podesta look alike: The pizzagate scandal started because of John’s emails and btw his emails get worse but they’re all hidden from simple Google searches. Anyway, the fact that someone who looks like John is at the table and is often shown through the video says something. They have this guy placed right next to Justin in almost all table shots and then at the end of the video, he’s the only guest left. All of these examples show his importance to the video.
The handkerchief: No one mentioned this whenever people questioned if the music video had any relation to pizzagate. I wasn’t even looking for it until someone from the crew throws a handkerchief at Justin so he could “wipe” his mouth. Arguably the handkerchief served no purpose to the song or video so why was it highlighted and given to Justin? Remember there is an entire handkerchief code (that I showed earlier) that is meant to decode messages.
The security guard: If this music video was meant to show a random dinner party Justin is attending or even throwing, they wouldn’t place a security guard and give him a few of his own shots in the video as well. He comes about at least 3 times in the video. The security guard helps us realize this party isn’t a regular dinner party held at a restaurant. It’s filled with people who look important, which is why the guard is shown a few times just standing there.
The ending shot: A plate with cake, the cake gets eaten, 12-year-old Justin appears with the word ‘Yummy’ written under him. That alone tells a lot.
Let me also remind you guys that Justin had mental breakdowns filming this video.
If you constantly see Justin rubbing his face or head, he’s practicing a “havening technique” that’s supposed to help relieve stress and calm him down. We explained that and everything he went through here.
Yet, on camera you wouldn’t be able to tell how he was feeling.
Now there is an important part of Justin’s life that I should mention.
Justin Bieber in 2016
Chad Batka for The New York Times
In 2016, Justin was notorious for yelling at anyone who wanted a photo with him. To the people outside his life, this seemed like a random and bizarre request.
Justin who had been famous for about 7 years at the time, is NOW asking people not to take photos of him? Not only was he not gonna take photos, he started claiming that he’s a real person and not a caged animal. Justin said that all the requests for pictures and fans who scream in his face make him feel like a zoo animal.
He says on Instagram, “If you happen to see me out somewhere know that I'm not gonna take a picture I'm done taking pictures. It has gotten to the point that people won't even say hi to me or recognize me as a human, I feel like a zoo animal, and I wanna be able to keep my sanity.”
Sometimes he would still take pictures with fans.
These are all 2016.
But then other times he would freak out and tell everyone he will only speak to them if they put their phones away. So there would be times we see Justin and fans on the floor talking or in a crowd talking, but no one is asking for a picture or has their phone out. He wanted to talk to them as if they were all on the same level of status.
These photos are blurry cause if you took out your phone, Justin would’ve started screaming lmaoooo
So here is why Justin flipped sides and started wanting to be treated as a normal person and not a famous person.
In 2016, Justin was at his most popular. The purpose era and tour were a worldwide success and Justin started getting more and more famous. At this point in time, we believe that was Justin’s first experience with the dark and twisted side of the industry. Whether that was very weird people contacting him or coming up to him, something happened in that realm which kind of provoked his mental breakdown.
To be honest, we don’t know the details of everything.
If this term confuses you, you must read the post I liked above about what Dark Hollywood is and what Elite Hollywood is. If you like visuals more I made a youtube video explaining the difference with examples.
Anyways, back to the story.
Reportedly from what I’ve been told, Justin’s experience in this realm of the industry had to do with something like people that came to him with very powerful claims about how they can make him richer and more famous if he completes certain tasks.
Do I know what these tasks are? Well, I don’t not know them ;)
The thing is, the topic of elite and dark Hollywood comes up in the industry in many ways. So with Justin, it’s vague about how dark it became. Maybe it wasn’t as dark as we anticipated or it actually was.
Anyway, that type of lifestyle isn’t something that Justin agreed on it and he was able to remove himself from the situation. And this is when Justin starts to realize that the industry is filled with horrible people. Did he know about the horrible stuff happening back in his baby years such as 2010/2011? Maybe not. He was too busy living out his new rich and celebrity lifestyle to realize. Celebrities only realize the dark parts of Hollywood after they’ve been in it for a while and have had a huge amount of success.
So as Justin starts to realize that Hollywood isn’t what it seems, he decides to teach us locals about that.
Say what you want about him, but at least he tries to tell everyone the truth instead of sitting back and pretending he enjoys certain things.
2016 was also the time Justin canceled all meet and greets at his tour. He said he felt suffocated by drowning in other people’s energy. Later on, he cancels the remaining dates of his Purpose tour.
That was definitely the year Justin was over living a fabricated lifestyle. He hasn’t been to an award show since 2016.
These powerful people don’t ask for favors from random C-list celebrities. They like to spot out the A-listers because by then they might have something over their heads. Thanks to Justin’s horrible reputation, there isn’t a lot you can hold over him that would shock the world. I mean imagine a video of Justin doing drugs gets leaked? Yawn, he sat there and described all the different types of drugs he’s done, this wouldn’t shock anyone.
That was during the time he truly felt like he understood what the dark side of the industry looks like and to feel saner, he wanted the people around him to stop treating him like a celebrity. I’m pretty sure he didn’t want to be constantly reminded what his name means to the darker side of Hollywood.
Also I should make it clear that Justin has never helped anyone in Dark Hollywood and hasn’t done anything cryptic to other people. It was only when he learned about that type of world is when he realized how dangerous his life could be.
This is also why in 2017, Justin spent all his time at a church organization called ‘Hillsong.’ Granted Justin had good intentions, Hillsong did not.
Back in 2018, I wrote a post about Hillsong, their very cryptic history and what they want for Justin. It was a very toxic environment seeing as Hillsong wanted Justin’s money and the press he comes with. While Justin wanted to just better himself and give back to his soul, Hillsong decided to use that vulnerability.
Was Justin Hinting at Pizzagate in the ‘Yummy’ Music Video?
It’s a hard maybe.
My source says that after everything Justin has seen from this industry, hinting at pizzagate is probably one of the most obvious things he could do. Justin is also one of these people who thinks he could take down an entire empire, but what he doesn’t realize is, he can’t. And my source actually believes that it’s not his place and I quote, “He could end up like Michael Jackson.”
For one celebrity, this isn’t their battle. I know some of you will scream at me in the comments saying, “well he’s rich and powerful he could expose them,” yes but he could also drop dead randomly. There isn’t anything guaranteeing his safety if he goes out and starts rambling to the press. He will be deemed crazy and then live a life of downfall till he drops and people will look back and say “such a shame, he was so talented.”
It can’t be one celebrity vs an entire industry of bad people. Doesn’t make sense. This is why for the sake of me and Justin’s life, let’s say the hinting towards pizzagate is a hard maybe with a bunch of “coincidences.”
Let the record state that was a hard maybe. I’m not saying he was hinting at pizzagate but I’m also not not saying he was.
Another thing I want to add is that Yummy was his “comeback” to music because that was the first lead single off an album in FIVE YEARS. The world was tuning in whether to hate or love him. This was also his return after everything he’s been through; whether that’s industry abuse, relationships, or family problems, THAT was chosen to be his return. He says it’s a sex song, but where is the “sex” in the video? The lyrics don’t even match the video by any means and at first, this song and video comes off as a “fun party.” That’s what I said in my review! But now I’m thinking… it’s a lot more than that and I need yall to tell me if you see other things.
I hope you guys enjoyed this post. Let me know in the comments below what you think about this whole Pizzagate conspiracy. What do you guys think about the way Justin was handling things back in 2016? Did he at first seem like an annoying celebrity demanding weird things but now everything makes sense? Remember the comments are anonymous so take advantage of that! I will be replying back.