Dark Hollywood: Hollywood Machines Enable Drugs and Celebrities Are The Victims

Joseph Okpako/WireImage/Getty Images

Drugs in Hollywood…. a tale as old as time or better yet, OLDER than time. That’s how often you’ll hear a story involving a celebrity and drugs. It’s almost painful trying to get a story that doesn’t involve heavy drug use.

So we’ve heard it all, right? The celebs who get on drugs, the ones who party till 4am, the at home drug tests, secret rehab stints, and a celebrity team doing all they can to get them off drugs.

But what about the people who do all they can to keep the celebrity drugged up…?

Welcome to the first Dark Hollywood post on ESMG’s BLOGMAS schedule, and welcome to the story of why some people behind closed doors do all they can to keep a celebrity addicted to drugs.

How Do Celebs Get Involved With Drugs?

It’s a question I get all the time. “But why!” the fan screams, and the only two things I can think of are, their lifestyles and human nature.

Celebrities have their lives set up to make everything easier for them. They are constantly surrounded by ‘Yes Men’ who praise and encourage every behavior they have-including the negative ones. This often has them in a bubble of thinking everything they do is right and will be okay in the end.

Often times a celebrity gets introduced to drugs by someone they’re hanging out with. And in many cases, it’s grown ups giving them access to these drugs. It’s not always a family member or a team member, but it can be someone else in the industry, a friend, a producer, etc.

Once they’re on, they’re hooked. Suddenly their lifestyle gets harder to keep up without drugs.

You leave the club at 4am, you need to get up at 9am for a press tour—suddenly you’re bumping a line of coke for an “energy boost.”

That “energy boost” starts to become a feeling of numbness which leads many celebrities to find other drugs that are stronger. And then it just becomes a circle of addiction.

Many people in the industry do drugs for all different kinds of reasons, but I always get goosebumps hearing about the stories where it starts off as “I just need some energy for this press tour” and then it becomes 10 years of addiction.

The lifestyle is set up for them to form addictions. You can always turn your back on drugs but if you ever wondered what that lifestyle would be like, the pathway is ALWAYS open.

Bottom Line: EVERYONE is ready to give you ANYTHING you want, and it’s in our human nature to follow the status quo.

Who Are The Secret Drug Dealers?

It’s funny because anytime a person thinks of celebrity drug dealers, they think of sketchy people hiding behind bushes when in reality a lot of times, their drug dealers are their… personal doctors.

Now this can be an open window to many MANY different types of stories. Like I’ve said previously, the world of Hollywood is not black and white and there can be 300 forms of a story that falls under 1 topic.

So please don’t think every time you see a celebrity going for a check up, they’re actually getting heroin injected in them.

But most people won’t think to tell you that a lot of celebrities get off on medicated drugs that are “legal enough” to be prescribed and work as your typical party drug.

Not all celebrities are on cocaine some of your fave celebs have opioid addictions.

Sometimes the deadliest drugs in Hollywood aren’t your average cocaine bumps but rather painkillers, Oxycontin, Morphine, and more.

Since they’re being prescribed by doctors, celebrities think they have found a loophole in their drug culture. “Can’t be too bad if it’s being prescribed by a doctor,” “Can’t get caught if it’s legal” is what many think.

What Is A Low-key Popular Drug Used In Hollywood?

Many of these celebrities are hooked on pills. Pills like opioid painkillers, anti-anxiety and anti-depressant medications, Adderall, sedatives, stimulants… the list goes on and on and on.

And it’s crazy because these drugs (in moderation) aren’t considered illegal and if it’s easy for us to get our hands on them, imagine how easy it is for a celebrity to get their hands on them.

Sometimes the doctor will get paid in cash to prescribe pills on the side when the celebrity is obviously abusing them.

Some of these doctors are friends with the celebrity and don’t mind doing something on the side for them such as giving them these medicated drugs.

And I know what some of you guys will think, “these doctors don’t deserve to be doctors” and while we can argue about the morality of doctors and big Pharma, a celebrity’s life is set up for things to be EASY.

Oh this doctor won’t do it?… Well here’s three that can.

So why pills? Well most people don’t realize how highly addictive medication can be. It doesn’t have to be injecting heroin at a club for a drug to be deadly.

Many people who get hooked on pills won’t even realize it’s happening in the first place. Why? Because it’s a medication that’s prescribed. It’s something you think you NEED.

I once heard a story of this famous actor who got into a car accident and started using painkiller prescription pills to deal with the pain. They used so many of these pills to medicate REAL pain and ended up getting a pill addiction because they abused the amount they had to take.

Obviously nobody naturally NEEDS to do cocaine, so once you start you are aware it’s an illegal drug that you can be caught doing.

Pills are easier to hide and clean up. Pills are easier to get your hands on. Getting caught popping a pill doesn’t seem as bad as getting caught doing meth. Pills seem morally okay.

So just because you don’t see a celebrity leaving clubs at 4am every day doesn’t mean they’re 100% clean.

So what happens when you get caught?


Here is where it gets fun.

Celebrity rehabs have a very bad name behind closed doors. And no, not behind your closed doors— behind the closed doors of Hollywood.

Everyone knows that when a celebrity goes to rehab, they’re actually going on a luxury vacation to “detox” especially if they’re not taking their problem seriously.

I’ve heard of these insanely fancy rehabs in Beverly Hills that hold movie nights, luxurious 5 star restaurant foods, work out centers, the perfect ocean views, personal massages, and all these other fancy distractions that charge celebrities as little as 95-100k A MONTH.

For those of you who don’t know, the rehab corporations in Hollywood are billion dollar businesses sitting on other billion dollar businesses. IT’S A SCAM.

These celebrities are paying top notch prices because they think their rehab trip should be as luxurious as their lifestyle, but these rehabs have the same effect as slapping some duct tape on a car that needs fixing.

It’s not going to solve their real issue of addiction. Why? Because they’re too busy getting massages and eating oysters rather than getting any real medicated help.

A celebrity in rehab is practically living a better life than a celebrity without a drug addiction LMAOOO jk jk

They call these rehab places, “recovery centers” and that’s why the celebrity won’t think twice about the treatment because it’s all under a bubble of “letting your body feel good to recover.”

Also just like your average drug addict, a celebrity isn’t going to think they need any real help until they’re truly at rock bottom. Anything above rock bottom and you’re gonna get a celebrity telling you that they’re fine, they don’t have a problem and they can handle it.

When you send them off to these extremely luxurious rEcOvErY cEnTeRz, they’re not thinking twice about what’s going on.

So let’s get to the bottom of this, the people benefiting from a drugged up celebrity will always wanna keep them in that addictive state. How do they benefit? Money, fame, publicity….

These rehab corporations make soooooooo much money off of these celebrities who don’t know any better.

By giving them these fancy distractions and detoxes, they can keep the celebrity coming back every 6 months because they’re not getting any real cut throat help. And the celebrity isn’t pushing for it, because they think “they’re fine!”

They also keep the celebrity in this mentality that they’re okay, and they rely on human nature that once the celebrity gets out, it won’t be long till they get back in. Which will always be more $$$$ for them

So let me answer some questions that I know you’ll have:

Do these people secretly give the celebrity drugs without them knowing?

I have not heard of these rehab centers doing anything illegal of that sort like slipping drugs into their food. To my understanding, they help them in a way that keeps them in an addictive state. Almost as if they’re putting a bandage on a problem, rather than getting to the root of it.

They’ll engage in many different forms of therapy that don’t have anything to do with drugs but more with the mental state of drugs. Which is another fancy way of not helping.

How does the celebrity let this happen?

I don’t wanna say celebrities are often times brainless idiots but there are so many things in their life they don’t have control of.

Also if they’re under a drug addiction, they are not thinking clearly and 90% of the time will swear to you that they don’t have a problem. So when they get to these rehabs, they’re not sitting there like “what’s the protocol 🤨” they’re sitting there like, “i’ll get to enjoy myself and make my manager happy so I don’t have to keep hearing about this.”

How Do These Rehab Centers Get Away With This?

Well it’s not technically wrong, on paper. A person only gets clean when THEY acknowledge it and want to make real life changes. These centers rely on the mindset of addiction and taking advantage of the situation.

They’re not forcing you to stay addicted but they know you need to hit rock bottom to change for real, and you’re not even close to being there. So for the time being, why don’t you come spend 100k a month living in a luxurious and relaxing environment and we’ll see you on the news in 6 years getting real treatment :-).


Living in luxury is a form of not acknowledging that you have a problem.

Now that’s one way a business can benefit from celebrities abusing drugs, what are other ways?

People In the industry benefiting FROM drug-addicted celebrities


Ram Entertainment

We all know the famous story of what Dr. Luke did to Kesha to keep her making hits.

And if you don’t here is a quick recap of what happened.

Trigger warning: In this short part, there will be talk of sexual, physical, verbal and emotional abuse.


Dr. Luke is a producer who worked with Kesha’s record label, Sony Music. Dr. Luke and Sony have an arrangement that involves him running Kemosabe Records. Dr. Luke was the executive producer for both Kesha’s albums. In October 2014, Kesha sued Dr. Luke for sexual assault and battery, sexual harassment, gender violence, emotional abuse and violation of California business practices that had occurred in the 10 years working together.

He would also constantly drug her to keep her under control. Besides abuse of power, all of this was to keep Kesha under control by partying, abusing drugs, and as a result—everyone can make money.

He wanted to keep her on drugs and keep that druggie image because those are the songs that made money. People liked the club hits and Kesha on drugs, made those hits.

Dr. Luke wanted Kesha weak and on drugs because she was easier to control that way. He controlled her, her career, the songs that were put on the album (she wrote over 70 songs for an album and he scrapped almost all of them) , who she can and can’t work with, and etc..

That’s one story of keeping a celeb “in line and drugged up” to benefit from them.

Justin Bieber

Many of you guys remember Justin Bieber’s “Bizzle” era in 2013 and 2014. Bizzle was basically a depressed Justin Bieber who was constantly high on drugs and partying. it was the first time we ever publicly saw how messy and depressed he was.

At the time, there was a famous story going around of Justin’s old housekeeper telling a story of what was going on behind closed doors and it….wasn’t pretty.

Tatiana Voziouk broke news in 2014 when she basically exposed what was going on behind closed doors in the Bieber household.

She said that Justin was constantly on drugs to the point where he turned into a zombie. She worked with him for a full year and said he went from being a cheerful bright pop star to basically a sick zombie.

She often mentioned that he was “a sweetheart, kind, considerate boy” who was being abused and turned into someone she doesn’t recognize.

On his kitchen counter, there were bottles of prescription cough syrup that had codeine in it. Then she said that a medical marijuana company would regularly deliver medical marijuana in the forms of cookies, lollipops, and candies.

What makes her believe Justin lacks control in his own household and life is things she’s seen with her own two eyes.

Such as friends giving him pills to swallow without him being conscious, him being pushed around by people, his credit cards being stolen, friends moving into his place without asking anyone, using his house as a party and drug den when he was in town and out of town. The entire thing was a HUGE mess.

One time she asked him if he was okay and he said, “when they do drugs they act strange.” [talking himself, but in 3rd person which is super creepy].

There were so many people in Justin’s life benefiting from him being on drugs. He was completely zoned out and was in a dangerous place. Tatiana also said she saw them put stuff in his food all the time.

Two friends who were often with Justin during his Bizzle days were Lil Twist and Lil Za. Some people are on the fence about Lil Za being a bad friend (people will argue that he was there for him but was also following the status quo) but everyone knew Lil Twist was bad news.

I was always told in the past that Lil Za does care for Justin and was a real friend to him during those Bizzle days, but that didn’t stop him from getting caught up in the “bad boy popstar” lifestyle with Justin and those other people.

This was Lil Za attending Justin’s wedding in 2019.

Lil Twist however was one of the main people benefiting from drugging Justin and using his credit cards. This was known in 2013 and it’s still a fact today.

He has come out and said that Justin’s team pinned everything on him to clear Justin’s name and while that may hold some truth, it’s not very relevant because he was one of the main providers for keeping the drugs, bringing the girls, having Justin on drugs, using the credit cards, fancy cars and so much more.

The Main Takeaway

Celebrities are often times victims of their own choices and lives. It’s always them never knowing any better and making decisions that were already set up for them in the first place.

You would think because they’re so famous and rich, they wouldn’t be victims of abuse but as we learned in Dark Hollywood, that’s almost never the case.

You’ll always hear the stories of a team or manager trying their hardest to get a celebrity off drugs, but you never hear about the people who keep them on drugs.

I hope you guys enjoyed this post! This is a crazy topic and we can dive deeper together in the comment section below where you can ask me any questions, and I’ll answer them!

We have an ongoing BLOGMAS schedule going on right now so check it out!



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