Dark Hollywood: MK Ultra. Celebrities under MK Ultra? The CIA’s Mind Control Program ... veteran readers, iykyk
I can’t believe it… nearly six years after this post was written… it is finally seeing the light on ESMG. As I said on the Blogmas poster… veteran readers, iykyk.
I’m not changing anything in this post or rewriting it… it feels like taking an artifact from history and messing with it. The only thing I did was remove certain pieces of information that sources still don’t want to be posted… yes… 6 years later. Sorry! I hope you guys enjoy this post and it was worth the wait. If the writing style is a little different, yall know why.
Yas conspiracy theories are finally back and we are bringing them back with a bang. I’ve been meaning to talk about MK Ultra specifically after a personal experience and because it’s just an interesting (and scary) topic.

If you’re familiar with the Netflix show Stranger Things, then you should keep on reading because Eleven, the main character, is a victim of MK Ultra.
Warning: I personally find this a little disturbing so read at your own cost.
Disclaimer: We don’t claim any of this information as a fact unless stated otherwise. Everything written in this post is purely based on certain events and we don’t claim it as a fact, but merely a conspiracy theory.
A. What is MKUltra?
MKUltra was a mind control program used by the CIA. It’s also called Project MKUltra. Yes, this part is real and not a theory.
In 1953, the CIA launched Project MKUltra in order to experiment with different substances that can alter the brain and give them the ability to mind control humans because they wanted to create obedient robots. They also wanted to use this to their ability because if they were to capture an enemy from a foreign country, they can control their mind and have them spill whatever top secret information they desire. This was going on during the Cold War with Russia and all the United States wanted to do was have the upper hand in the war.

This project was illegal because they took Americans and Canadians and basically drugged them and monitored the brain activity, how they acted, and etc..

LSD was the common drug used and when given to the victims, they were usually unaware.
The victims of Project MKUltra were also tortured, sexually abused, isolated, hypnotized and more. They wanted to see how they can access and control the mind. They wanted the end result of a mind-controlled assassin.

In 1977, this information was brought to the public and it caused an outburst that shut down the project. Or so they say.
B. Malcolm Pauly’s Experience
Malcolm Pauly (his real name has not been released to the public) is someone who claims to be a mind-controlled assassin. He tried to expose the CIA and reveal his experience. He also wrote many books from which we got all this information.

You’re not going to find his picture online and there is a lot of limited information about him and his experience. It’s almost as if they wanted to erase all records of him.
He claims he was invaded in his home and sprayed with the drug, Scopolamine. Scopolamine is a powerful mind-control drug. It’s also called Devil’s Breath. It takes over the mind and makes its victim submissive to whatever the orders are. Victims have reported waking up with no memory of what they did on Scopolamine.

It’s often dubbed as the world’s scariest drug.
After being sprayed with Scopolamine, the people behind this mess wanted to cover up their tracks. So America does what it’s known for and blames its faults on… Muslims. Under the influence of Scopolamine, Pauly was ordered to shout things that prove that he’s a Muslim terrorist. He shouted things like:
“Mohammad is the Prophet!"
"Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar!”
“I know how to make bombs!"

He was also ordered to shout that he was going to blow up some tower. Note that he claims that he was tortured for over 3 hours. Pauly also talks about how the mind was controlled by fear and pain since the officer in charge would do things like shock one eye, dislocate an arm, and hypnosis. He said they used hypnosis to answer questions like, “What is your Arabic name?”
Note that Pauly is a Canadian who was taken into America and tortured, as he says. He states that he is an unwilling participant of Project MKUltra.
Read more about Malcolm Pauly here.
C. Roseanne Barr confirms MK Ultra
Roseanne Barr is a well known actress, comedian, activist, and more. She’s won several big awards in Hollywood like an Emmy, a Golden Globe, and more. And she’s also one of the few people to talk about MK Ultra and be so… bold.

In 2013, she came out and said “MK Ultra rules in Hollywood.”
Here’s her full statement on the situation:
“Hollywood is the one that keeps all of this power structure. They perpetuate the culture of racism, sexism, classism, genderism and keep it all in place. They continue to feed it, and they make a lot of money doing it. They do it at the behest of their masters, who run everything. I speak on behalf of Hollywood. I go to parties, Oscar parties and things like that and big stars pull me aside, take my arm and whisper: “I just want to thank you for the things you say.” And it blows my mind, but that’s the culture, it’s a culture of fear. It’s a big culture of mind control, MK Ultra rules in Hollywood.”
2022 update—a lot of links & videos I included, no longer exist. Yikes. Also, Roseanne is a controversial figure who has made some problematic remarks, so if that influences what she said about MK Ultra, then okay.

D. Hollywood Under MK Ultra
It’s a widely believed that most celebrities, especially the higher up ones, are under the influence of mind control or are victims of MK Ultra.
If you guys don’t know already, fear rules Hollywood celebrities. I haven’t really mentioned that when exposing and I’ve told a couple of people when they dmed me on Twitter asking specific questions. Many of you guys always ask if celebrities are forced into certain contracts and if can they deny it. As I just recently told someone, sure they can say no to the contract for maybe like 10 minutes before they’re…
A. threatened
B. convinced
C. told that it’s in their contract with the label and there’s nothing they can do about it.
So many celebrities either say or don’t say things, out of fear.

Conspiracy theorists believe that Lady Gaga is a victim of the modern day MK Ultra in Hollywood and once tried to expose it.
In her controversial video “Marry The Night,” conspiracy theorists speculate that the plot of the video showcases a mind control victim.
In the video, Lady Gaga is on a stretcher and the creepy nurse goes to Gaga after the trauma she endured and says “I remember when I delivered you.” People say that this is a clue about how slaves are conditioned to be a certain way from their inside circle. The slaves would represent celebrities being controlled. In the video, we also see that she is not alone and is instead in a ward filled with victims who are being conditioned like she is.

Many believe that this is how celebrities are taken and conditioned under MK Ultra. It’s also speculated that “Marry The Night” actually means that Gaga is marrying or binding to the “dark side” of the industry hence Hollywood or as we on the exposingsmg team like to call them, the elite.
You know how we told you the CIA’s goal of victims under MK Ultra was a programmed assassin? Well this leads many people to believe that the theme of assassination is a huge part of MK Ultra influence.
In Lady Gaga’s video Paparazzi, she poisons her boyfriend to death while wearing a Mickey Mouse costume. The costume is symbolic because it represents Disney Channel which many believe is the main company that uses MK Ultra. On top of that, it is believed that her task was to murder her boyfriend, and hence she represents the theme of assassination in the video.

Another celebrity who seems to show the influence of MK Ultra is Britney Spears. Conspiracy theorists argue that if you watch all of Britney’s videos in chronological order, they tell a horrible story of a mind-controlled victim who is conditioned to be a sex slave and more. In many of Britney’s videos, in the end, she then kind of “wakes up” to find that everything that seemed like a reality to her, was actually all in her imagination.

Another reason why theorists believe she is a victim of MK Ultra is because of her song Slave 4 U and her controversial performance at the VMAs in which she dances with a snake, resembling the Church of Satan look. See for yourself.

Church of Satan snake:

They believe that the song is a confirmation of her being a slave to the industry or her masters.
The Onyx Hotel is the name of Britney’s tour in 2004. Britney one time said, “The onyx stone is kind of symbolic of what guides me in my life, like there’s a bigger picture in everything, and there’s something that guides you where you need to go.”

It is argued by many theorists that the the black onyx is used by the Mothers of Darkness to capture souls and well….. control your mind. It’s basically a symbol and Britney entering the onyx hotel or the dark side of Hollywood which is represented by a hotel. To begin the tour, she literally says, “Once you check in, you can’t check out.”

In other words, you can’t leave which is believed by many that you can’t leave the dark side of Hollywood once you enter because you can expose all the secrets.
Or… you know.

The reason why many people believe that Britney Spears is a victim of MK Ultra is because many survivors of MK Ultra say that the programming starts to break down once you approach 30 years old. And Britney was 26 when she released her album Blackout and kinda had her breakdown.

They believe that Britney Spears shaving her head was because she wanted to get out of the program and she even said that was tired of people touching her and she didn’t want them plugging things into her. This is what onlookers said when Britney shaved her head in the salon after one of the workers refused to do it for her.

Many victims of MKUltra report split personalities. Britney Spears has been reported to randomly start speaking in a British accent and then recall no memory of what she did or say while being British. Many other sources have reported to other sites that she has other different personalities that have not been shown to the public… yet.
And one scary example is when she randomly changed personalities during the middle of an interview. People are saying she was just trying not to cry… what do you think?
The last example I’m going to use of Britney is her music video for Break The Ice which shows a lab of many different clones of her. She tries to get through by killing someone with a kiss; once again showing a theme of assassination. The clones then start acting up and seem to be breaking their programming so then they self-destruct.

What’s even creepier is that Britney once released a song called “Mona Lisa” in which she talks about how she’s been cloned and the person out there pretending to be her is not the orginial like her. Her label refused to play or promote the song, but it’s real.
Take a look at the lyrics.

There are even more in depth examples and an entirely bigger story along with other theories regarding Britney and her video discography, but you get the gist.
There are endless examples of a bunch of other celebrities, but I’m going to move on now. If you want a part 2 to this post with a specific celebrity in mind, just let me know.
E. Celebrities under MKUltra - glitches.
It is highly believed that sometimes the mind control programming glitches up and many celebrities who are victims of this, kind of lose track of what they’re supposed to do.
They kind of just stare blankly, do not move, and just overall look creepy.
Here are a couple of examples that most people believe are the result of an MKUltra glitch.
Please note that I’m not saying that these actions are in fact because of a glitch in the mind control programming. I’m just stating what people find as the reason.
1. Eminem in September 2013

If you look at the whole video, Eminem kind of doses off for like 15 seconds and the interviewers are like “uhhhhh.”
2. Al Roker

Guys… he stays like that for over FIFTEEN SECONDS.
This is probably the creepiest example and the video is even scarier.
3. Robin Meade

She stays like that for like 13 seconds but of course I had to shorten up the gif. And no the video was not frozen.
4. Beyonce
I don’t like talking about Beyonce. You can say that this is just Beyonce dozing off for like literally over a minute. Draw your own conclusions.
F. Encountering MK Ultra and my thoughts
It sounds scary when I say “encountering MK Ultra” as if I’m a victim. That’s not the case, but let me tell you my story.
A couple of months ago, I spoke to a former US army veteran. The guy was super nice and he discussed a lot of wrong things that the US government did especially with the war in Iraq and how they were unjust in that situation. I won’t get into that, but that led to the topic of wrong things occurring behind the scenes. The former army veteran started preaching about how you should research things for yourself, not believe anything you read online, and not put all your trust in the government. Why? He went on to list a couple of things that still occur. Something he listed was…. MK Ultra.
Being the conspiracy theorist freak that I am, I was like

When he realized that he uttered the words MK Ultra, he got so shook and awkward and changed the subject as soon as possible. He was like “uh ha ha so back to the slide.” He looked very nervous and uncomfortable. He looked like someone who said something that he shouldn’t have said.
Now everyone else sitting beside me was like

But I am literally the only one who realized what he’s talking about because if you didn’t get the memo, you’re not really supposed to talk about MK Ultra. I mean it’s not even taught in schools.
I looked around and everyone was literally falling asleep. I was like

I gotta tell my peeps on exposingsmg.
And here we are.
Do I believe MK Ultra still exists? Yes. Do I believe that certain celebrities are controlled by it? Yes. Do I claim anything stated in this post unless stated otherwise, as a fact? No. I like my life.
Tell me your thoughts. Thanks for reading!
2022 Angela clocking back in…
As we have learned from our Dark Hollywood series, there are many different forms of control in the industry. Drugs, blackmail, sexual assault, and so much more. I don’t know the depth of MK Ultra and how it’s supposedly used in today’s world… as I said, I don’t know everything. If I did, I probably wouldn’t be here telling this tale.
I wish I was able to include the excerpts of the post that were originally part of it, but maybe in another six years.
What do you want to see from ESMG in 2023? Love you guys. See you later!