Selena Gomez's Secret Boyfriends & Erratic Behavior: Strange Relationship with Benny Blanco, Zayn Malik, Drew Taggart, Dylan O'Brien and more
I’m sorry but Selena Gomez being a mess is always on my yearly Bingo card. The newbies clocking in now must not be familiar with my homegirl Selena and her very erratic but ON BRAND behavior.
On December 7th, Selena went on an erratic Instagram spree to reveal that…
she has been dating Benny Blanco for 6 months
to expose she’s gotten Botox
to hate on the Biebers
and to drag her fans.
I’m all for a good fan dragging, but Selena as usual… does too much.
I made a whole post about that so I won’t bore you with the repetitive info as this post will be source-related only.
Be sure to check out our YouTube video as well:
As you guys know by now, in the October Tell All, our source told us in September that Selena went around at the VMAs saying she has a boyfriend and she was smiling on her phone all night.
Thanks to Sel’s manic episode, she confirmed that she has been dating Benny for 6 months which fits in with the timeline we talked about in the Tell All Reveal:
jkdhsadfjsaldj her 2016 comment being force fed to her is still hilarious
So what’s up with Selena?
Selena’s secret boyfriends
Selena has dated multiple people this year. As we have said for YEARS, Selena often dates many people secretly and most times they aren’t that famous. For many years, she has preferred non-famous people in her private life whilst keeping the Bieber show in her public life.
If you remember, we also told you that she was dating someone around the time that it was confirmed to be Jimmy Butler.
We even told you she was secretly full on dating a woman last year.
My headline from 2022 being relevant today… 😂
But the thing is, it’s hard for Selena to keep a relationship now.
“Selena has always been a bombshell so she was used to men falling to their knees for her. That’s where a lot of her confidence came from. She wouldn’t work hard for attention, she would just grab it. However, that stopped being the case,” my source said.
Long story short, Selena started being off-putting to many people in her private life. She found herself not easily charming everyone like she was used to.
“I heard of multiple stories of men who were obsessed with Selena and then ghosting her. I heard the rumor that Dylan O'Brien and Selena dating was somewhat true. I mean they chatted and he seemed to finally give the girl he was obsessed with over 10 years ago a solid chance, but it’s like the saying goes… don’t meet your heroes. Word on the street is that he was completely turned off by the situation.” — my source
Dylan and Selena happening has been something pushed and talked about by fans for years since Dylan always had a crush on Selena, especially during his prime Teen Wolf days.

Of course, Selena was taken by the world’s biggest pop star, so she didn’t care to look at a B lister. But as you can assume, life humbled her in 2023.
“She and Zayn were talking about music. She was supposed to be part of his music comeback but that didn’t work out. Same thing with her being seen with Drew Taggart. Also she felt really insecure with Zayn and Drew because she wasn’t looking or feeling her best and she felt like they treated her as someone who used to be hot, but wasn’t anymore. Those aren’t my words, that’s how she was describing what happened.”
In the beginning of 2023, Selena and Drew were spotted bowling together. Then they were holding hands in these awkward paparazzi photos.

They didn’t click at all, btw.
Selena of course went on Instagram to announce that she’s single.
she always does the most i swear
It cracks me up how she feels the need to reply to every single thing that’s said about her DESPITE her giving the material.
She’s a veteran in the industry so she knows if she pops up holding hands with this producer and giving a show to the paparazzi, the media is gonna run with the “new boyfriend???!!!” headlines. Oftentimes, the media is going off what Selena’s publicists are saying, but Selena loves playing this “guys pls I am single leave me alone” game.
“But as I told you, she was in contact with a bunch of different producers for the album she keeps pushing back. Her team leaks the news that she’s dating these, what they called them in the meetings, ‘potential bachelors’ but she never refers to them as her boyfriends as she did with Benny at the VMAs as your friend said.” — my source
Benny made Selena feel loved and comfortable is basically what my source is saying. I guess her following comment makes sense:
The issue with Selena is that she’s such a projecting a$s girl.
She’s so quick to look at the flaws of everyone else and blame everyone else for something that uhhh she may be responsible for as well. That’s the issue with the Jelena saga.
She had so many goddamn faults in that sad teenage relationship, as did Justin, but she will always sit there and point the finger instead of growing and trying to genuinely move on.
instead she has to terrorize us with her boobs 😭
And everything that I warned Selena would happen years ago, has happened and has manifested in her future relationships.
The Past Haunts
Selena always got a pat on the back and a book filled with excuses for all her actions, so she never learned to be better. She just learned how to be insufferable and this is why every single person that she has dated, wanted nothing to do with her after meeting her.
Same with friends. It takes only a solid group of people who have the strength appointed by God to put up with Selena and that is her inner circle of besties.

I’ve always said that Selena is a pretty and fun girl, but she’s heading toward a rude wake-up call if she doesn’t change her ways and that happened.
It’s also why she’s so insecure because she can’t believe that Justin was able to move on and “leave her” and even worse, other people managed to find their people and she STILL couldn’t.
When looking back at her experience in the dating world, Selena explained during an interview with Vogue Australia in June 2021 that, over the years, she’s felt like “most of my experiences in relationships have been cursed.”
Who’s the common denominator in most of your relationships boo?
Other People Moved On After Traumatic Situations
You guys called me a hater all these years just because I call a situation how I see it.
When Demi was acting up in 2021 and wouldn’t leave a dangerous victim mentality, I called her a$s right out.
And what happened? She got out of…
the dangerous victim mentality she was in
the dangerous belief that an addict of her standard can be California sober
And what happened?
sjdaslkdjkls she looks incredible
she ended up thriving and doing music she wanted
she ended up finding love and getting engaged again through being put through hell
she ended up finding a healthy balance between food and working out and has looked better than ever
she ended up being sober again despite past fails
Demi is a perfect case to compare to Selena because she’s been through hell and back and still never gave up on trying to do and be better.
Selena Has a Problem
Selena gets a pat on the back from everyone and she lashes out at her fans for this as well during her manic episode.
And don’t hit me with the “you’re ableist by calling her manic.”
I’m not making fun of any mental illness or issues… I am describing Selena. She is a MANIC person and she acts in a manic way and she’s addicted to chaos more than any of us are.
Her bestie spit those words right to her face and Selena had nothing to say but “you’re right.”
“Selena hasn’t done heavy drugs in some time now which is good for her considering she struggled for over 10 years, but her erratic behavior and social media highs always come with a low and that’s what people are scared about… her going back to her old habits,” my source said.
I believe after Selena turned 30, she tried her hardest to be sober or at least not do the crazy stuff she was struggling with. Back in the day, I never got an update that was “Selena isn’t doing drugs.”
And if you’re new to Selena’s drug addiction… welcome, we got posts for you to catch up on because this post ain’t gonna be it. Here’s a few posts where we talk about it:
The Aftermath
So to see Selena trying to do better is always great. She never gave up when the acting world told her she sucks and she never gave up despite how many OD scares she had.
However, the montone botox filled Selena you see today is a result of everything I told you she struggled with.
How Selena used to sound and talk:
Bring her back 😭 I’m tired of her clone
— Rebal🍒 (@TheAngeIsg) December 16, 2023
vs. now
Selena gomez__Latest interview of selena__Short biography of selena gomez
— Taylor Swift and others news (Follow us) (@full_movies_all) December 17, 2023
All the drugs, their effects, the heavy relapses, the excessive plastic surgery, the health scares, and so much more are the hollow Selena you see today.
The Selena that can barely move her mouth or formulate a sentence without sounding like she just inhaled helium at a kid’s birthday party is the Selena you see today due to all the things I told you she struggled with.
I see so many of her fans reminiscing on her old face and old voice and I’m like … well… I told you there was an issue and y’all swore it was all her ex’s fault. Here we are.
We’re almost in 2024 and Selena doesn’t have relationship luck since no one wants to talk to her, and she keeps getting weirder.
Selena Gomez spotted WITHOUT the B ring she was just flaunting a couple of days ago 👀
— A. (@ScandalousMedia) December 20, 2023
“Selena is still trying to avenge her old self and try to rewrite her and Justin’s history. It’s why she STILL can’t let go of him and was in contact with him earlier in the year. It’s insanity on his part too but she’s something else.” — my source
Can we talk about the B ring she debuted an hour after her Instagram meltdown?
She went around town showing off this funny looking B ring and she would pose in a way that you know she’s trying to show off the ring as if it’s some sort of ROCK.
I mean good for you Selena, but I was laughing.
“The ring symbolizes a promise. A promise for engagement or a promise to stay together until 2024? I don’t know. That’s for Selena and Benny to decide but the whole thing is very manic on her behalf since she has a lot of triggers and highs that come with lows,” my source said.
Selena for WSJ Magazine in 2020.
As for Benny, he does like Selena a lot and he gives her the praise and attention which she used to get from other men. He’s more on the funny side so he gets her laughing and he’s a good time to be around, but I can’t help but notice how close this relationship resembles Ariana Grande and Pete Davidson’s manic relationship.
And this has nothing to do with looks… but it has to do with the theme of “pretty girl needing a break from real-life issues and using funny dude to pass the time.”
Well, Selena & Benny have 1 month over on Ariana & Pete who dated for 5 months. Let’s see what will happen.
Excerpt from the next surprise Selena post 👀
“This is also why she started dressing more provocatively and before you knew it, her boobs were in your face. It’s sad really because she always used to talk down to women who showed off their body, but due to her seeking attention and wanting that praise so badly, she started dressing more sexy and got a new stylist for that reason,” — my source
I hope you guys enjoyed this post! Be sure to check out the rest of the Blogmas schedule and what was already posted + what’s coming!
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