Demi Lovato will keep searching for authenticity because they are incomplete on the inside and living in a victim mentality.
Lauren Dukoff for EW
I know what you’re all thinking. Hell must have frozen over if esmg out of all people is turning on Demi Lovato.
I’m not turning on Demi but this is the ice cold splash of water that needs to be thrown on them.
A few days ago, Demi came out as non-binary so their pronouns are now they/them. I apologize if I mess up the pronouns in this post, but I will do my best to get it right. This rant has nothing to do with Demi coming out as non-binary considering the fact that I wanted to drag their ass for far longer than that.
Let’s start with the new information I found out about their team.
Restrictive Team vs. Demi
Part of Demi’s story since 2020 was telling us how horrible their team treated them and their restrictive and extremely controlling ways. The story we all know is the ‘Melon Cake’ story which was explained in the documentary and album.
I decided to not be up Demi’s ass on the situation and go and ask sources for Demi’s former team’s side of the story. For transparency reasons, this information I’m going to tell you is something that BlindGossip touched upon, but it’s something that I was told by sources beforehand as well (aka it’s true since everyone is reporting it). I don’t care what you believe about the source of info or where it came from, but here is what I was told.
According to my source, Demi wholeheartedly believed and went around saying that the only way to control their impulses was by having people be “strong” and straight to the chase with her. They promoted the idea that they needed to be watched 24/7 and that they were unstable.
When their team fired people for having chocolate in the backseat as Melon Cake says or was taking food away from their dressing room, it’s because Demi would have a meltdown if there was food around. The team’s actions were taken as a RESPONSE to Demi’s behavior.
I was shocked hearing this information at first but then I was like, hold up, I must be fcking delusional because a sister version of this story was LITERALLY portrayed in the Dancing With The Devil documentary. One of Demi’s dancers said something like “yeah we all walk on eggshells around Demi and if we have food around it could trigger her.” Demi’s former assistant even said something like “I had to stay the night once because she ate a piece of a cupcake or something.”
I would like to credit Demi and say that Demi said in the documentary that they knew their team was doing this out of love but it was just something that didn’t work.
No, idiot. The team wasn’t doing it out of love. They were doing it as a RESPONSE to YOUR behavior.
Don’t preach to me about what Demi has been through because I know in detail and you can read from previous posts how much I sympathized with them, but after the frozen yogurt fiasco, one thing became clear to me—Demi is living in a victim mentality while also suffering from a savior complex.
May 24 edit—
After discussing this post with so many people on Twitter, it seems like people got the idea that I’m saying Demi is 100% wrong and their team are victims in this situation. Many fans recited the same information that Demi spilled about their former team.
Photo by Rich Fury/Getty Images for OBB Media
I’m NOT saying that Demi is wrong and their team are saints by any means. I don’t go back on anything I’ve said about their relationship whether that’s in the Demi As-A-Person post or the Jonas Brothers post. Demi’s former team capitalized off of their instability and vulnerability. They treated them like crap and as if they was a burden. They prioritized the Jonas Brothers over Demi. They refused to get Demi the help they asked for and instead proposed a vacation.
And most of all, they were tired of dealing with Demi’s problems that in their eyes—didn’t seem to go away (obviously).
WE KNOW THAT. The point of this section was to show you the opposite side. The side where Demi was in the wrong per se. It was the POV from everyone else’s eyes. It’s the POV that was literally discussed in the documentary.
So because I spilled some additional information, it doesn’t negate what Demi said nor am I calling them a liar. There’s just another side to everything. That’s what I wanted to clarify.
Frozen Yogurt Cries, Victim Mentality, and a Savior Complex
Demi believes that the world owes them something because of how badly they were treated. But newsflash home-they (??), YOU were firsthand someone who came up with LIES and SCHEMES to get your way.
Who was it that sat in the chair and said “I lied to everyone.” “No one knew what I was doing.” “I am very manipulative.” Demi.
And sure, I applauded them at first because I was like wooo own up to your actions! But these actions are still ongoing which shows me that Demi didn’t learn anything.
Demi is on candid camera saying that they attacked the frozen yogurt shop as a means of “making a point.” They wanted to make an EXAMPLE out of the shop. Why? Because Demi believes that they are owed the decency of having EVERYTHING tailored towards them.
And when it was tailored towards them by their former team, Demi still had a problem with it because nothing that anyone can do is right in their eyes because they are INCOMPLETE ON THE INSIDE.
Demi is searching and plowing the road and climbing mount fcking Everest looking for a purpose in life, a chance at rebirthing, but Demi will never find it because they’re looking for something that DOESN’T EXIST.
Do you want to know why Demi suffocates us all with their performative activism on Instagram? It goes back to this savior complex.
A savior complex is a state of mind in which an individual holds a belief that they are destined to become a savior today or in the near future.
Because Demi can’t save themselves, they are looking for validation EVERYWHERE else. They can’t help themselves so why are you putting in so much effort to “help” everyone else? What is their response to everything?
“I’m doing this for the little girls around the world and their struggle for their eating disorders.” you’re attacking a frozen yogurt shop for the stupidest thing on Earth itself for who? What little girls are you helping by perpetuating an idea that it’s OKAY to be triggered by everything?
People go to therapy to work through their triggers. People don’t go to therapy to yell at the world for not abiding by their triggers.
I made a whole video about Demi & the frozen yogurt situation where I was a lot nicer than I should have been:
My main issue with Demi is that they will never fully work on themselves. They’ll do 75% of the work and when they see that it’s working, they’ll go back to their old ways and abandon everything.
My favorite example of this is how easily Demi was conned by Max Ehrich. Demi got engaged to that clown WHILE filming a documentary about everything they’ve overcome and how they see so much clearly now.
You see clearly? Is that why invited a strange man into your home who’s probably gay (judging by his male exes who came out in public to say this) and milked a whole fckin story about restarting when you are STILL making the same old mistakes?
If you can’t tell, I’m fed up.
Coming out as non-binary
Look, to each their own.
Demi is hanging out with that person whom they featured on the first episode of the podcast where they came out as nonbinary. That person, whatever their name is, is someone that Demi holds as Jesus.
If God Himself can come down and talk to us, we’ll hold his word as THE word because it’s God, right? Yeah that’s Demi right now.
A fcking squirrel can tell Demi something and Demi will hold it as GOLD.
The point of this rant is, Demi is easily persuaded and I’m not talking about coming out as non-binary. I’m talking about everything.
That person told Demi that gender reveal parties were transphobic so then Demi went and posted that gender reveal parties were transphobic.
That weird doctor that Demi is hanging out with and talking about UFOs with; can tell her that the Earth is flat and they will believe it because they have zero critical thinking skills.
They have everyone else thinking for them.
So I’m trying to capitalize on that. Demetria, if this post comes towards you, wake the fck up. At least I’m well-intentioned.
When I talk about Selena Gomez (new update coming) I always say that she is surrounded by yes men—people that will say yes to everything and never hold her accountable, right? Demi is suffering from that right now and arguably has always suffered from that.
It’s come to the point where mutuals of Demi in the industry CAN’T STAND THEM because talking to Demi is like talking to someone who’s diagnosed as delusional.
Photo by Austin Hargrave for The Sunday Times.
The Max thing fcked them up. What did they say in the documentary? “I guess I’m too gay to be with a man right now.” No cutie pie, you’re embarrassed that you let a strange man trespass on your property with your approval.
Demi will always look for reasons as to why they are the way they are or why the world is the way it is because any reason that gives Demi an EXCUSE is a reason that Demi loves hearing.
This will upset a lot of people, but I’d rather give the truth hardcore than pretend to be deluded and then have the truth come out in 4 business days.
California Sober
And the California sober thing? Yeah… works for many people. I don’t believe it will work for a celebrity that is as easily triggered as Demi or easily persuaded. Elton John said it best. Doesn’t Demi have a shroom room to mimic the effects of drugs? Didn’t they say that they come inside that room to feel the effects of drugs?
What the fck?
If you have to feel the effect of drugs, you aren’t ok. Judging by their logic, the shroom room should trigger them but surprisingly, it doesn’t. Why? Because homethey picks and chooses what they are triggered by depending on who’s whispering in their ear.
One of my sources said that Demi was tired of people questioning their sobriety so by saying that they are no longer sober, it’s not something that someone can hold over them anymore. Why? Because under that definition, it’s not like Demi would be lying if she were to be doing cocaine again and then say she’s not sober. I mean, it’s true.
What I’m trying to say is that many sources feel another OD coming from Demi. I’m sad to say this but all I’ve seen from Demi is mental breakdown after mental breakdown.
I don’t see recovery.
I see chaos.
The need to spill the tea
I used to praise Demi for spilling the tea but now I’m here to tell them to shut the fck up.
There isn’t one thought that passes by Demi’s mind where they don’t feel the need to Instagram about it.
“Omg guyz I am so sorry I’ve been using this filter that changes your face to what society wants!! I will not use it again”
**uses filter again
“Omg guyz I lost weight without even trying!!”
**complains about everyone making a big deal about their weight even tho they are the one constantly updating about it
I had this issue with a close friend of mine that felt the need to tell me every passing thought of theirs. Alana coined the term “bypassing thought” in an iconic fight where she said “I DON’T NEED TO HEAR EVERY BYPASSING THOUGHT.”
It came to the point where it suffocated us because our friend was overthinking out loud. You have to be mindful of other people. If your ass is overthinking plans, I don’t gotta fcking hear about it.
That’s Demi.
~triggered by froyo~ *posts about it*’
~had one thought about a filter~ *posts about it*
~loses 3 pounds~ *posts about it*
~smokes marijuana as public recovering addict~ *posts about it*
The main flaw with this is that Demi is constantly evolving so they don’t give themselves the chance to evolve because they post all the baby steps that do more harm than good. Demi is like Miley, there is a new personality in every era. Watch, in a few months, Demi will talk about how the documentary is no longer authentic to her or that they no longer identify as they/them. It’s because Demi doesn’t give anything time to marinate. They will post about it the second it bypasses their thoughts.
Going back to the victim mentality, I saw many Lovatics post about how Demi was the embodiment of a girly pop star in 2015-2017 and how it’s something that Demi’s team forced upon them.
And if you think that way then you’re just as delusional as Demi, if not even more.
Demi wanted to be a pop star. They wanted to smash the charts. They wanted to be everything that the ideal FEMALE POP STAR is. The leotards, the sparkly, outfits, the beautiful gowns, the long hair—DEMI WANTED THAT.
And if I’m not mistaken, they said that.
And their team wants whatever would make money.
That’s why I was like “what do you mean they starved you” when watching them on Ellen. Like why would someone treat their moneymaker like that? Well that brings us to WHAT did Demi do to provoke this treatment? I know that’s a problematic question because it can’t be applied to all situations, but it applies in this one.
Fans are now mad at Demi for branding themselves as an activist yet staying MUTE in the Israeli/Palestinian conflict genocide.
I have a lot to say about that. Most artists are threatened when talking about that and it has a lot to do with how Israel relies a lot on media propaganda and Hollywood uses celebrities to push their propaganda. I can talk about that in a different post if you want. I do still think that since Demi wants to brand themselves an activist then either advocate for the cause as a whole or don’t call yourself an activist.
White feminism isn’t cute. BLM stands heavily with Palestine and I’ve been to many lectures throughout the years where we see BLM leaders & Palestinian leaders emphasize how it’s one cause (this opens up a different topic about how the IDF trains policemen) so yeah.
Anyways, Demi has been annoying me for months now. I love them, but they need to wake the fck up and I’ll make sure they do.
Comment down below what you think about my rant and if you agree/disagree. New posts coming more regularly.