Here's why celebrities are scared to speak up about Israel vs. Palestine: A message to all performative activists, if you're going to be neutral, then just don't speak at all.


When I’m not shredding celebrities on the Internet, some might call me an aCtiVisT. Not to suck my own ass, but a lot of celebrities suffer from performative activism, and here’s the difference.

Performative activism is a term referring to activism done to increase one's social clout rather than because of one's devotion to a cause. It is often associated with surface-level activism, referred to as slacktivism.

Many of your favorite celebrities only advocate for something because:

  1. you builled them into it (BLM x June 2020)

  2. it’s a trend

  3. It looks good on them.

Sometimes it’s all 3.


Aside from my little exposing world that I’ve cultivated with all of you tea-thirsty folks, one of my other passions is advocating for any cause that I can. I’m not a better person by doing this nor do I think I deserve a ‘thanks.’ I think it’s my duty as someone who lives in a privileged country and isn’t oppressed or anything. I just feel like we have to have empathy for people (I know, shocking coming from me who rips celebrities a new one each week, but I do have empathy for those hobos as well!).

If you don’t advocate or whatever, I’m not hating on you. I mean to each their own. Ignorance is bliss.

When it comes to dragging celebrities for not advocating, I kinda believe that dragging them is right if they label themselves as someone who is an activist or that they wanna “change/help” the world or whatever BS they often spew to seem #hUmBle.


The reason I say this is because celebrities are stupid. The majority of them are uneducated and sometimes they don’t even know how to read. Celebrities know how to be celebrities.

They know what to say to get people’s hearts fluttering and they know what to do to sell because that is their JOB. We live in a world where influencers are a thing. Sure their privileged asses only wanna influence you to buy a product rather than influence you in the real world by advocating, but most of them are literally stupid. And we can call them that!

I don’t want no stupid person advocating so they can check it off their “things to post on Instagram so I don’t get dragged” checklist.


I’m gonna break up this post into 3 sections so I don’t get too overwhelmed in my own head like Demetria.

  1. Neutrality helps no one

  2. Why celebrities are scared to speak up for Palestine when Israel is committing genocide

  3. A summarized version of what’s happening in the Israeli/Palestinian GENOCIDE… yes, not conflict, GENOCIDE.

Neutrality helps no one


When a celebrity stays neutral, they want to remain politically correct. Why? They don’t want hate. They want praise and they don’t wanna offend people on the Internet when they come out and say “hey! Bombing babies and innocent families isn’t right!” (sorry.. I’m getting off topic).

So when a celebrity wants to remain neutral (Kim Kardashian, Hailey Bieber, Kendall Jenner, etc.) I’d rather have them shut the fck up instead.

as disrespectfully as possible.. shut the fck up

as disrespectfully as possible.. shut the fck up

Listen, there’s right and wrong to everything. It’s very rare for a situation to truly have solid right/wrong reasons. Maybe with feelings and shit because that’s where perception comes in.

But when there is clear injustice going on, you gotta pick a side.

“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere” - MLK

I lowkey included that quote because I was listening to JB’s song 2 Much. Maybe that white boy did something he didn’t.

Are you on the side of the oppressor or are you advocating for the oppressed? Which side of history do you want to be on?


Point of the story is, that BULLSH!T that celebrities are posting like “I want Israelis and Palestinians to live in peace and happiness” is giving CRYING GIRL from Mean Girls tease.


So in conclusion, if you’re going to remain neutral, just shut the fck up instead and save us the agony that you are shoving down our throats with your performative activism.

If you are gonna call yourself an activist and you truly care about the world, toughen the fck up and do something about it. You can’t call yourself an activist then post sh!t like “I just want peace and happiness.” NOooo? Really??? Wow! What a thought provoking thing to say!

Activism isn’t always going to be the popular opinion. Activism isn’t remaining neutral. Activism isn’t walking on eggshells not to offend someone. Activism is advocating for the cause that you truly believe in and wholeheartedly stand behind which means TELL IT HOW IT IS OR SHUT THE FCK UP.

Most celebrities advocated for BLM because it was a trend in 2020. Nearly 90% of them didn’t open their mouths in 2014 when the movement was first popularized. There’s a difference between getting educated in that time span and just doing it because your fans forced you to.

I’m not saying these celebrities don’t care—they do, but performative activism is a cancer that needs to be extracted in today’s culture.


This brings me to the next point of why celebrities don’t want to take a side when it comes to Israel & Palestine and why they remain neutral.

Why celebrities are scared to speak up for Palestine

Oh Palestine… that word… a name of a country… home to millions who were forcefully removed, is a word that has been treated as a slur.

You know when you ignore something and hope for it to go away? That’s what the American government and their besties, the Israeli government, hoped would happen.


So every time someone would open their mouth about Palestine, they’d get blacklisted.

They hoped that when they expelled the Palestinians from their land in 1948 (and before that too), that the old would grow, and slowly Palestinians would be wiped off the Earth in the dramatic way that the Native Americans were.


But they forgot one thing, they didn’t. The older generation died, but the young are coming back to fight.

Going back to being blacklisted, there is a website called CanaryMission that aims to silence Palestinian activists. They have a whole army of robots that ravage the Internet and find anyone that advocates for Palestine and boom, they expose where they go to school, their photos, their full name, their job, and anything that’s applicable that they can find.


If you’re an employer and you want to hire someone, you google them, right? If you’re a Palestinian activist, boom you’re suddenly labeled as antisemitic (which means you hate Jews).

It’s the same concept in Hollywood.

When the government wants to feed a certain narrative, they do it through influential figures. For example, Captain America—America is the greatest country in the world and blah blah blah. Suddenly this hot guy is fighting for America on our screens and it feeds this nationalism that’s burning inside of you.


It’s the same reason why when some shady sh!t is going on in the government, it’s overshadowed by a celebrity scandal.

This goes deeper into Dark Hollywood and tbh, it’s so complicated to even explain. I’d rather talk it out rather than just write it, but I’ll do my best.

In a nutshell, this whole theory that I’m talking about is called propaganda.


Propaganda is information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.

America is painted as the greatest country in the world and the land of the free but where do our taxes go? To bomb children in Palestine. To aid in the crisis in Yemen that is led by Saudi Arabia. To destabilize the Middle East. This goes into an even bigger topic and it gets extremely political and complicated because the government is involved.

The media isn’t as unbiased as it’d like to appear. Fck, neither am I. The reason for that is because there are influences all around us. Some narratives need to be fed and therefore there will be a certain influence behind them. When it comes to this blog, I try my best to tell the truth as I wholeheartedly hear it. Honestly, I don’t have a second agenda lmao

I can’t say the same for media outlets.


It’s why media publications such as E! News, US Weekly, etc., work with celebrities. The tea and info is released by celebrities or their team to the media because that is the narrative that they want out there.

The same goes for politics. The media will cover Israel & Hamas because the narrative that they want out there is Israel is defending itself against big bad terrorist Hamas.

So then dumb fcking celebrities are like “I stand for peace :( I condemn Hamas :( terrorism has no place here” yeah neither does your uneducated and irrelevant opinion.


Jfc… where was I.

Oh yes, why celebrities are scared to speak about Israel vs. Palestine.

The media has pushed a narrative that if you’re against Israel’s blatant terrorism, that means you’re against Jewish people. It’s why sites like Canary Mission can function.

Oh, this college student is cursing Israel out for bombing kids? Well YOU’RE the problem because Israel is just defending itself against the Arab terrorists and therefore you hate Jewish people because you want them to have no land!

And it’s just like… yo.. relax… I said I’m against the bombing of children and innocent civilians, not all that other sh!t.

That’s the same concept with celebrities.

Side note…


If they speak out about Palestine & Israel, they’re labeled as they hate Jews. So the media and anyone who is pro-Palestinian-genocide (I will not call it a conflict btw), will adapt this mob mentality of scaring people from speaking up.

The more you say it, the more you’re bound to believe it.

“If you hate Israel, you hate Jews.” Like hUH? Jews have been around since only 1948? Because I’m pretty fcking sure they were around way longer than that and it’s only the state of Israel that has been around for less than 75 years. 


Bella Hadid has been advocating heavily for Palestine because um… that’s literally her heritage. Bella is actually so sweet. She was at one of the protests and she was very cool to be around.


Anyways, because of her activism for HER NATIONALITY, the state of Israel attacked her publicly. Yes.. their twitter account where they have their own propaganda going on as well.

LMFAOOO they got ate up in the quotes

Anyways, now Bella might be blacklisted from a lot of things because many brands fund Israel. But someone like Gal Gadot, someone who was literally in the IDF (Israeli defense occupation force) can say whatever she wants about her country.

So celebrities will be threatened into silence (Bella) or warned not to post (like Scooter Braun’s clients because Scooter is a Zionist himself… so please do not associate me with that man).

Celebrity managements tell their clients to remain neutral so they don’t offend anyone and therefore ruin a potential relationship with a consumer. It’s why Taylor Swift was scared to speak in the 2016 presidental election. A huge portion of her fans come from the South where Trump was heavily leading.


So it’s not that they don’t care, most celebrities do but also most celebrities just want to live in ignorance. It’s why KJ Apa from Riverdale went off on his fans when they asked him to post about BLM. He said some sh!t about not needing to advocate or whatnot.

In a nutshell—celebrities are part of a propaganda machine. Israel runs heavily on propaganda. This is a topic that divides people and will get twisted as something that it’s not. Many people don’t understand it at all. They think this is about religion. If it was about religion, Palestinians wouldn’t have welcomed the Jews in after World War 2 with open arms.

So basically, celebrities are scared to be blacklisted and overall just told not to get involved.

What is going on in Israel and Palestine

Lord, where do I start?


The first thing you have to know is that it’s not a religious conflict. This isn’t about Jews hating Muslims or Muslims hating Jews.

I’m going to dumb it down and leave out a lot of details but I will summarize the main points. I will link you to more credible sources.

In a nutshell:

After the horrific Holocaust, Jewish people had nowhere to go in Europe. They were seeking refuge and so Britain had the genius idea to place them in Palestine. But whoops… who was already there? Oh yes. Palestinians. Fear not! Just kick them all out. And that’s basically what happened.


Here are some extra details:

  • As antisemitism got worse in Europe, a Zionist movement began in the 19th century that wanted a Jewish-only state.

  • To get rid of all the Jews from Europe, Britain stepped in and decided to give Palestinian land away to European Jews WITHOUT talking to the United Nations and the surrounding Arab countries or Palestine themselves. They completely disregarded Palestine and were like “here u go, you take this land! you get some land! you get some land!”

  • This erupted in war with “Israel” and its neighboring Arab countries. Israel won and the land was divided.

  • Zionists wanted more and more land so they kept occupying more and expelling Palestinians out of their land until the map started looking like this:


Why do Zionists want Palestine? Oil. It’s why the US keeps invading the Middle East. We run on oil and it’s also why many leaders of the Arab world don’t wanna upset poor wittle Merica.


America has connections with the Middle East because of their resources.

During the 1973 Arab-Israeli war, King Faisal cut off oil supplies and deprived the west of oil because of their support towards Israel. Henry A. Kissinger told King Faisal “If Saudi Arabia doesn’t lift the boycott, America will come and bomb the oilfields.”

King Faisal said, “You are the ones who cannot live without oil. You know we come from the desert and our ancestors lived on dates and milk and we can easily go back and live like that again.”




The Zionist movement aims to occupy ALL of Palestine and they want to get Palestine no matter what. So if it means bombing children, bombing families, expelling families, torturing them, whatever they can to get ALL of the land, then so be it.

This is the extremely simplified version of the story btw.

There is a lot that goes into it such as the Nakba (which means ‘catastrophe’), the Gaza blockade, the constant bombing of Gaza, the UK’s role, Zionism, and so on.

I’m going to link references for you to get educated more but in the smallest nutshell:

I have a house. You come and say, hey loser, get the fck out, it’s my house now. Oh you don’t wanna get out? Well I don’t care because I’m backed up by the military, the police, and we are armed and we ain’t scared to bomb you. Yes. This is our house now.

That’s what happened and if you want to remain neutral that means you’re a fcking idiot… all offense intended.

But where’s Palestine’s military? Air force? Navy? Oh… they don’t have one. They don’t have anything. Israel is a nuclear superpower fighting civilians in jeans and t-shirts.


The media will focus heavily on Hamas. They won’t focus on the root of the problem. They’ll focus on Israel just “defending” itself.

Hamas is a group that formed as a response to what happened in Palestine. As a RESULT of the occupation. Even with their weapons and rockets, they don’t stand a chance against the top weaponry of Israel, its billion dollar missile defense system the Iron Dome, its nuclear superpower, and its bestie the United States.

But all you’ll hear about is “but Israel is defending itself from Hamas :( Hamas was hiding in the AP building which is why Israel bombed that building because Hamas was there :(“

Is Hamas also in the residential buildings? Was Hamas in the schools and hospitals they bombed? Was Hamas inside the head of the little innocent children that you drove bullets through????


Hamas was founded in 1987. Israel was founded in 1948. There’s a solid 39 years in which they were bombing and ethnically cleansing Palestinians far before Hamas. What were they defending themselves from then? Hm?

Hamas is just a narrative that they spin the media so they can get away with their sh!t.



Now don’t get me wrong, Israeli civilians are brainwashed by their government. I mean it’s a hard concept for them to swallow and be like “well we are against Israel” because alright… where would y’all go? This is why a two-state solution is problematic.

It’s like asking America to divide half its land and then you occupy the sh!t out them and kill their people but then be like “hey can we pls share :/” and it’s like you think Palestinians wanna share their land after they were forced out?

Don’t get me started on the birthright trips. It’s what Demi Lovato went on in 2019 and got dragged to hell. A birthright trip is usually a free trip offered to Jewish people or Americans where they go to explore “Israel” and it’s basically another propaganda trick.

The gag is…. most Palestinians who are living in America or anywhere else… aren’t allowed back in Palestine..

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Can you imagine? Not only are you kicked off your land but then Jeff down the street can go visit your land because a nuclear superpower said it was his “birthright” but you can’t return to where your grandparents grew up.

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There are literally people alive today that are OLDER than the state of Israel.

So that’s what’s going on right now. Israel aims to bomb the shit out of Gaza and they want full control over it. Gaza is called The World’s Largest Open-Air Prison.

The Gaza Strip is under Israeli occupation and blockade. Israel is bombing Gaza in an attempt to crush the people who are resisting its occupation because Hamas controls Gaza.

In 2007, Gaza had 5 fence crossings with Israel & Egypt. Since then, they have all been shut with Israel controlling Gaza’s sea and airspace. There are only 2 pedestrian crossings out of Gaza and that’s through Beit Hanoun or the Rafah border through Egypt but Egypt doesn't often open the border.

Due to this blockade, 56% of the people in Gaza live in poverty, 82% are unemployed, and the UN predicted that by 2020, the Gaza Strip would become uninhabitable.

Surprise surprise… it’s 2021.

Here’s a little timeline:


Millions of Palestinians sought refuge in different parts of the world. Many live in Jordan, Lebanon, the United States, and so on.

What we are living through right now is settler colonialism and ethnic cleansing. If you’ve ever wondered what side of history you’d be on during the days of slavery or the Holocaust, check what side you’re on now.

There is military occupation, land theft, and the Israeli military has been supported by US aid with $3.8 billion a year paid for by U.S. tax dollars since 2016, for the next 10 years. Many other countries aid their military including Canada, Australia, France, and Belgium.

What re-sparked the outrage recently is because of a neighborhood in Jerusalem named Sheikh Jarrah. In October 2020, an Israeli court ruled to forcibly evict 12 Palestinian families from Sheikh Jarrah. As a result, 550 Palestinians face the threat of dispossession.

There was a video going around of some Israeli settler from Long Island, New York who literally went into a Palestinian home and was like hey, yeah this is mine now. And when questioned, he said, “If I don’t steal it, then someone else is going to.”

Watch for yourself:

If you couldn’t already tell, Jewish people don’t stand for this BS. When I see people say that being against the state of Israel means you are against Jews, that’s disgusting. I don’t believe that Jews stand for dismantling buildings and dismembering innocent civilians or for the genocide of Palestinians. It’s why I see many Jews at Palestinian protests. Jews don’t stand for this terrorism so please don’t speak for them.

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This post has gotten very long and I’m tired.

Here are 30 posts on Instagram that can teach you everything you need to know:

Here is how the media and propaganda aim to divert the Palestinian cause by focusing on Hamas or antisemitism:

Highly recommend you watch that ^

Here are more of his videos that explain so much more things in an easy and humorous manner:

It’s not an equivalent “conflict” as you can see from the stats:

“Does Hamas use children and women as human shields?”


Hope I was able to educate you guys.

sPrEad lOvE aNd peAcE

Let’s keep the comment section respectful and RELEVANT to the topic. Don’t comment “tea on Shawmila?” or any BS that doesn’t have anything to do with this post. I usually don’t care when the comments get out of hand but in this post specifically, keep the comment section INFORMATIVE so when someone comes by it to read, they get educated and not suffocated by “does Justin hate Hailey?” comments. Please, just for this post.

Other than that, I want to know your thoughts on everything I talked about here, celebrities advocating, celebrities not advocating, if you knew about this information beforehand or not, and the usual thoughts. You can comment whatever you want, but just don’t get off-topic.

Don’t be racist or antisemitic. Your ass will get blocked.

And if you want to challenge me, go ahead.



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