Exposed: Selena Gomez and The Weeknd - PR deals, true feelings, drugs, blackmail, Jelena war, and more!
Sit back, get your tea and popcorn, because we are about to serve scalding tea tonight! Your girls got you the inside scoop for this new celebrity couple. I don’t know if you’re ready.

I know I have disappeared for a little bit, but did you really think I was going to come back without this huge post? Come on, I don’t have the nerve.
We already had one post exposing them so make sure you check it out first because we aren’t going to repeat information -
As we have established, Selena Gomez and The Weeknd are a PR contract to gain publicity and attention for Selena’s upcoming era where she wants to be more sexy and explicit. Who better to get her that audience than Mr. Baby I can make that pussy rain, often. Also, they’re working together on something so there’s that. It’s Zeddlena all over again.

Is it publicity for Abel? Nope! Abel has two #1 albums and three #1 singles AND he hasn’t even been in the industry as long as Selena. He’s sold more, won more, made more; he’s overall a bigger star and there is no way that this relationship benefits him more than Selena when he’s the bigger star.
So why did Abel agree to this PR?
Well what have we told you about PR contracts in the past?

According to my source, Abel is being forced into this PR contract due to him having some dirt that he doesn’t want exposed.
In other words… he’s being blackmailed or threatened into a PR contract with Selena Gomez.
Oh yes! Where did we see this again? Who’s another victim of Gomez’s blackmailing and pathetic team?

If you read the 2015 Jelena contract post which we have linked more times than Selena has shaded Justin (which is a lot!), you would have read that the main reason Team Bieber agreed to this PR contract was because the contract served as a truce between Justin’s team and Selena’s team. Team Bieber signing the contract meant they agreed to participate in whatever Jelena drama that Team Gomez wanted and in return, Team Gomez will play nice and not leak any of the things they have on the multi-platinum #1 selling star who does not need PR contracts to stay relevant, Justin Bieber.
Shook? Oh you just wait ladies and gentlemen, because someone needs to put Selena and her team in her place. Are they going to end the exposingsmg team for this? Well let’s just say… they do not want to retaliate especially when Team Bieber has left the exposingsmg team alone meanwhile… ended the other rats (cruisinwithphotoshop and theoutdatedrares)! Oop!

In one of our recent posts, we told you that Justin does not give two shits what Selena does with The Weeknd and he’s just glad she’s out of his life.

What happens right after that?

Check the dates ladies and gentlemen! Jan 11 vs. Jan 16!
And even though I said it 200 times already, I’ll say it again.
TMZ only talks to real sources so they avoid getting sued. Those sources can lie or sell fabricated evidence, but that’s rare. TMZ talks to REAL sources because they do not pay for a story. They pay for evidence. TMZ’s Bieber sources are connected to Justin or else TMZ would never have talked to them in the first place.
Capice? Capice.
Note how we told you the Jelena contract ended in that same post, on Jan 11. Suddenly, Bieber sources are leaking stories to TMZ. Did that happen when the Jelena contract was intact? No no! Therefore that further proves that there was a Jelena contract and that Jelena contract caused peace between Team Bieber and Team Gomez.
Will Team Gomez want to retaliate? Hm.. that wouldn’t be a smart move considering the amount of hard evidence Team Bieber also has on Selena. Yes, I’m talking drug videos, scandals, and more.
Also, note that back in August, Justin called out Selena for using him. He’s DONE WITH HER. He’s DONE WITH HER BULLSHIT.

I mean I told you that a Jelena war would commence if the contract ends.

Those who stick with the exposingsmg team are winners, ladies and gentlemen.
And of course I know Team Gomez keeps their tabs on exposingsmg (hi girlies!), so please, let the war commence so you could prove us right even more and Team Bieber ends Selena once and for all.

Moving back to The Weeknd and Selena!
So yes, they’re a PR and like my source said, Abel is being blackmailed into this since there’s some scandals on him that his team don’t want let out and according to the order of events, Selena’s team have their hands on that scandal. Wow.. Selena and her team sure can’t keep their hands to themselves.

What does Abel really think about Selena?
My source said that Abel doesn’t like Selena at all and he’s actually annoyed by her. Why is he annoyed? Well hello! Being forced into a PR contract because you’re blackmailed into it can’t be that fun. And come to think of it, does Abel even look happy in these pictures?

Selena is staring at the camera with her devilish ways, she’s groping his face, and kissing him meanwhile Abel looks like he’s type confused and in the last picture where they’re kissing, he’s literally looking away and seems like he wants to throw up.
I mean look at him wiping the kiss away.

No one said Selena isn’t attractive, but her heart and selfish ways are what makes her unattractive.

Trust me, if you saw what’s in there, you’d have a heart attack.
Also, the day Selena said that, all her peers laughed and made fun of her considering how contradictory that statement was. The Selena they know has highly explicit content on her phone and constantly sends out nudes and very explicit videos. Let’s just say, her team hopes it doesn’t get in the wrong hands.
ha.. ha..
Now I can already see it.. Selena’s dumb fans posting the following picture like “oh he’s not annoyed by her you rat?”

And I’ll say it again…
That was a work related event, he didn’t even know her personally there, cameras and co-workers are all around them so of course they have to act nice and relatable while the camera is rolling! And it’s not like Abel was annoyed by her there since he didn’t know her!
Moving on to upcoming PR events with Abel and Selena.
If all goes according to plan and nothing changes, my source tells me that Abel and Selena will be attending an award show together. This goes back to our previous point on Selena’s team trying to increase her sex image. We had a whole post on it so check it out -

Selena’s team want to shed away her “innocent” image and continue on the path with a more “mature” image.

However, in interviews Selena is not going to have the new bad girl image that her team will be going for. She’s still going to seem like a totally innocent woman which is far from the truth. Why? Because her fans will watch those interviews and be brainwashed by them meanwhile the “bad girl” image we will be fed, will be used to sell because sex sells.
On top of that, my sources tell me that Selena is actually lowkey going crazy because for one, she relapsed and two, she’s been drinking non stop. I don’t think we emphasized how much of a problem she has with alcohol. We’re always like “coke coke coke coke coke” but really alcohol plays a huge part too.
My source also says that Selena was drunk in the pictures of her and The Weeknd kissing.

Hm.. maybe she’s holding him like that because she can’t stand still considering she’s so drunk. Where did we see this before?

Oh yeah.. when she arrived so drunk and holding on for dear life when she went to go see Justin at the studio in the middle of the night.
Moving onto Bella Hadid, we told you recently that Selena tried being her friend and as we can see now, Selena is now “dating” her ex-boyfriend. So you can only imagine how shady Selena seems to friends. And it won’t be long until those friends retalitie.
Also, one of Bella’s friends spoke to US Weekly and said…

Lmaoooo everyone knows Selena is using the guys she works with. This is a PR gone bad.
And here’s Bella’s recent actions after the news of Abel and Selena “dating” broke out.

Now the funny part is Bella Hadid isn’t the only person she contacted. Guess who else she contacted?
Oh yes. Miss Hailey Baldwin.

LMFAO Selena is really losing it. She’s losing sense of reality, I presume.
What does my girl Hails think about this Selena/Abel situation? Hailey thinks that Selena is shady for messing with Abel right after reaching out to Bella Hadid.
She has been a mess for years. Team Bieber no longer claims her. She can’t clean up her act. Everyone is deluded by her planned perfection to the point where they can’t force her to get help and make her stay on the right path. Her friends no longer claim her. She’ll be lucky if Taylor doesn’t retaliate publicly.
Oh how the tables have turned.

You see, it eventually catches up to you.

Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed tonight’s serving of tea!
My source and I talked some more about Selena, Abel’s drug use, and more so check out our messages.

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