Fifth Harmony at the PCAs minus Camila Cabello. More on the marketing behind 4H.

Here’s our thoughts on 4H’s debut along with the marketing plan their team took. 

And since you all have been asking, we gave in our two cents on tips on how they could be better. 


We’re still going to be having our third exposed post on Fifth Harmony. Sorry that’s taking too long. We got sidetracked with The Weeknd and Selena Gomez’s drama. 

(Part 1) (Part 2)

Anyways, so Fifth Harmony debuted as a four piece at the 2017 PCAs. 


They performed Work From Home and here are my honest thoughts about it. 

You can watch the performance here -

Firstly, it was overall a good performance. They had a lot of energy and the crowd was into it. They looked comfortable on stage and didn’t look like they wanted to push a member off it. 


As for the quality of the performance, they need to work on their breathing; specifically Dinah who sounds like she just finished a fight and is about to sing her verse. 

Their dancing is okay. I usually find it all over the place and even when they’re doing the same choreography, they’re still not insync. So they need to work on that. 

Also, Work From Home is old. They need to get it together and try to build the next era without features because as we can all see, That’s My Girl, their first no feature song since whatever song came before Worth It, flopped. 


They look more comfortable on the stage and we I didn’t see them trying to outdo each other like in the past. They seemed like a group for once. 


Their outfits look tacky and cheap so they need to upgrade that mess. I feel like you can never go wrong in black and leather… unless you’re Fifth Harmony. 

As for the harmonizing in the beginning of the song where they said “WE ain’t worried bout nothing” I was living!

They sounded great there and I like the sass. 


But the chorus during the bridge seems very empty without Camila’s screeching notes. I didn’t like her notes but they need to fill in that gap to take away the awkwardness from the song. 

If you’re interested on the planning for the performance, keep reading.

Their team was smart to have their names shown on the screen while each girl did her solo. The plan behind that was to market each girl individually by getting them known to the general public that way the general public can pick their new favorites in the group. 


They were also told to act like a group and have no tension between them which wasn’t hard since they didn’t want a member pushed off the stage like I stated earlier. 

With Camila


Without Camila


She just made everything so awkward and extra. 

Congrats to them for winning an award tonight. They won it right after performing which is an example we listed in our rigged award show post. Read that here -


Watch them accepting the award -

In the end, Dinah is dying to get in 0.3 seconds like calm down and act professional. This isn’t your first award show. This isn’t your first win. You’ve been knowing you were going to win. Don’t act like you’re about to eat the microphone for 2 extra seconds of TV time. 

All in all, if 4H work a bit more on their performances, they can be great. I think they should take some tips from Little Mix and I don’t mean that in a shady way. Little Mix manage their breathing very well during live performances and they have choreography that shows them off as a group. It’s not an individual dance contest, Normani and Dinah. 


Good job, Fourth Harmony. You did good. Do better, next time. 






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