The Truth Behind Demi Lovato and Wilmer Valderrama's Toxic and Abusive Relationship
I never wanted to make this post, but I guess the time has come.
Most of you probably know that I am a big fan of Demi. I believe she’s the first person I officially “stanned.” If you follow me on argenthearts, you probably know that I’m type obsessed with Emily Vancamp and Kurt Cobain, but Demi and I go waaaaay back. Lmao just kidding, not like that! But you know she was like my childhood icon. I just want anyone reading this to know that I stan Demi, I love Demi, and with everything I know about her, I respect her and the journey she’s been through. But I am here to tell you the details of her toxic relationship with Wilmer because my personal feelings don’t get in the way of the harsh truth.
So with that being said, let’s expose!
On July 3, 2016, both Demi and Wilmer posted the following on Instagram.

Like I know so much about all of your faves, the logical thing is for me to know about my faves as well, duh! So I asked… because I don’t want to be stanning evil people. And I got the answer. And I stayed quiet about it. Alana and I never planned to write about it despite us knowing so much years…. and years ago. I don’t have the screenshots of the messages because I never screenshot them due to the fact I never planned on releasing the story, but the time has come.

According to my source, Wilmer is not the person everyone thinks he is. He is an asshole who is very mean to Demi and always told her that she’s fat and ugly (basically a twitter troll). He always led her to do so much drugs and that she’s not as sober for as LONG as she says she is. He led her to depression and she’s had outpatient visits to rehab in the past years.
She also says that Wilmer and Demi led kind of an abusive relationship with the abuse being more on the emotional side. She says that Wilmer would always party and do drugs and while doing so, he would cheat on her. We’ve also been told that Wilmer stays with Demi for her name and the money.

My source says that despite his fortune, he kind of “lives off Demi” and keep in mind that the time we were told this, was before Wilmer got any new projects rolling in. At the time, he wasn’t starring in anything and hasn’t been for a while so the money and fame situation is a little different today in 2016.

My source says even more things and I’m not saying I didn’t believe her, I just didn’t want to. Kind of like with you guys when I expose something about someone you hate and you believe me, but when it’s your fave, there’s doubt. I obviously believed my source, but I don’t know, I got really sad because what I’m about to tell you, is going to make you sad as well. I didn’t want to believe that Demi was not sober, but the truth is.. she wasn’t.
We all know Demi’s past and her struggles with her body. With that being said, Wilmer didn’t help her past issues and instead sprung them on her even more.
There’s one event I believe that Demi was at an appearance and when she hung out with Wilmer later that day, he was telling her how nasty she looked and how she needs to get herself under control.

I think that was sometime in 2013 when Demi was actually very very insecure about her body and later admitted to that. She talked about how she layered her clothes and went on a summer tour with her arms always covered because she was so insecure.
Wilmer’s comment didn’t make things any better. Instead, she would go into a state of depression, again, and just cry all day.
I think this is the topic that everyone wants me to talk about.

For my readers that are not part of stan twitter or have been living under a rock the past couple of years, I’ll give you a little history on Demi’s struggles. Demi has suffered with an eating disorder, depression, drug addiction, and used to self harm. she’s also bipolar. So she’s struggled a lot, not to mention her family problems.
Demi’s struggles led her to doing drugs. What a lot of you may not know is that her struggles continued after her public confirmation of rehab. Now I don’t know if there was anyone else in Demi’s life making her turn back to drugs, but what I do know is what Wilmer did to her. Now, Wilmer partied a lot and while telling her how much he loves her, he was also talking shit about her to his asshole friends and sleeping with other people. My source also says that yeah, Demi relapsed due to how Wilmer treated her. This was very prevalent in 2013 and she was very depressed at that time too. So my source says that Demi isn’t as sober for as long as she says, but is continuing to make an effort of being sober. It’s hard… very hard especially under her circumstances. I don’t know if she relapsed in 2014 or 2015 and I don’t know how long she’s been sober, but we have been told that as of now she is sober. I do now that she was having a hard time in 2013 though.

With that being said, that does NOT mean that Demi is hitting up clubs and snorting 8 grams of coke each day while drowning her issues in vodka. My source says that she only knew of her relapsing when Wilmer led her to. So Demi is obviously still working on herself.
Now I know the question of Demi’s image is going to be asked because you know how much I love to ramble about image and publicity.

An iconic album btw, I bought it and you should too.
Demi is very confident in her own skin and she has a right to be since she literally fought for it. Demi doesn’t really have an “image” like she truly does advocate for mental health and sobriety because yes those are things she truly believes in and believes she wants to fully achieve. When Demi kept bringing up her past and what she’s been through back in 2013/2014, that was a message to her rather than a message to the general public. She constantly tries to remind herself of what she’s been through and what’s achieved therefore she can stay on that path. So when you think she’s “milking” her past, she’s just trying to help herself.
There’s been some speculation between the inner circles if Stone Cold is about Wilmer or not.

Like I said, they led an emotionally abusive relationship and the song is very hard for Demi to sing hence her breaking down most of the times she performed it.

I believe it’s about Wilmer because he cheated on her and the song references “moving on” but I’m sure we can all conclude it’s about cheating.
If you actually listen to the song, it’s a cry for help.

That’s our take on the song, like I said, there’s been talk about it between the inner circles.
I don’t know anymore in depth information on Demi and Wilmer than what I just told you, but it’s clear that it was an abusive relationship, emotional wise. I don’t know anything about it being physical.. doubt it though. Wilmer made Demi feel like he was the only source of happiness and I believe that’s why she wanted to get engaged to him at one point. Phew thank god that didn’t happen!
When I heard that Wilmer and Demi broke up, I was happy.

I also tried to believe that Wilmer changed since Demi and him looked so happy, but maybe I should practice what I preach. What we see is always far from the truth.

I just feel really bad for Demi because she’s led a hard life and I hope she makes it out of this okay.

When I saw lovatics being sad about the breakup, I was like oh hell no! They need to know that Demi has finally gotten rid of the ISSUE who was causing the rest of her issues!

So I decided to expose the real story. I’m pretty sure many of you have speculated Demi’s sobriety and I’m sure there has been past sources who have also revealed things like this because it was a common issue within Demi’s life.
If you’re a lovatic and you’re reading this, I don’t want you to think lower of Demi for relapsing. You should respect the fact that she’s working on herself and has combated her issues. She’s living a healthy lifestyle as of now. She’s working out and she’s been feeling much better about herself. I think that now that the source of her problems is finally out of her life, Demi is not going to have to go back to her OLD WAYS (Not goin’ back to my old ways).
That song, Old Ways, one of of my faves btw and listening to it doesn’t upset me. Demi is trying to make a change and has been for a while. Nice to see that change was taken a step further.
Let’s appreciate how many looks she’s been serving lately though!

Hope this post clarified a lot of things up. Comment down below your thoughts or questions.