New "ASK PAGE" here on ExposingSMG

By now you guys probably heard the dilemma of our Ask Box on Tumblr getting terminated for literally no reason.

Fear not, we have the problem handled and under control. It was only a matter of time before Tumblr screws us over like it has in the past. This is why we are launching a whole new ASK PAGE which will serve as our new Ask Box. Everything will be in one platform.



Simple. Cute. Straight to the point.

I’m not going to ramble too much in this post since on the new Ask Page, I literally explain in detail the issue with Tumblr and what we’re going to do moving forward in terms of our new ask box.

Read the following linked post which will explain EVERYTHING and it will take you directly to the new Ask page.

I am actually super excited to answer questions this way. I hope you guys like it! I am open to all suggestions and recommendations.

Reminder, you can toggle the different pages on ExposingSMG by clicking the three dashes which look like so:

Screen Shot 2019-12-03 at 9.45.00 AM.png

This is available whether you’re reading on a desktop, tablet, or mobile device. By clicking that, it will lead you to the following breakdown:

Screen Shot 2019-12-03 at 9.46.00 AM.png

The layout slightly differs depending if you’re on a desktop, tablet or mobile device. As you can see, I have linked a new ASK page right under the homepage. You can also see other pages such as the “Master Post” or the Credibility page that I still need to finalize.


In the meantime, keep an eye out for post dates on….

  • Ace Family Exposed

  • Selena Gomez As A Person (part 2)

  • Starting our Michael Jackson Series

And so much more!

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