The REAL reason Selena Gomez commented on Bella Hadid's IG post and WHY Bella deleted it after
Selena Gomez stirred up some drama when she followed Bella Hadid on Instagram, after befriending her and then dating her man, Abel Tesfaye aka The Weeknd. And knowing Selena, it didn’t stop there. She ended up commenting on Bella’s photo which led Bella to deleting it, and so on. We are here to explain the WHOLE drama and give you the inside story!
Before we delve into this new drama, let’s refresh our minds on Selena and Abel’s relationship.
Selena and Abel first started dating in January 2017 after his long term (and messy) relationship with Bella Hadid. This shocked many because Bella and Selena were supposedly friends. However, any reader of mine knows that friendship doesn’t mean anything to Selena.
Our sources told you that back when Selena and Bella publicly hung out (October 2016), Selena was actually trying to become friends with Bella. Although, it’s interesting to see her start sleeping with her man a couple of months later. So much for that friendship, Sel!
However, Abelena was actually a PR contract. Despite being a PR contract (contracted public relationship), they still hooked up together. Think of it as… hooking up with your coworker. I mean they were in a work relationship. Alongside hooking up, our sources allege that they did A LOT of drugs together. There wasn’t really feelings there and Abel found her annoying. Team Abel agreed to the PR because Team Gomez were blackmailing them with something. If you don’t believe that, then it’s because you know nothing about Dark Hollywood and trust me, I’m not taking your ignorance personally. I’m not going to talk more about that relationship because we have in depth posts about them.
Moving on!
In January 2017, when news are confirmed that Selena and Abel are an item, Bella unfollowed Selena on Instagram.
Can you blame her? Her so-called “friend” is dating her ex-man. Also, just because you guys know the inside information thanks to our sources, doesn’t mean that Bella knew it. And despite Abelena being a PR contract for Selena to branch out of the Bieber world (even though she ran back to him a week after the Abelena breakup), they still hooked up and were spending a lot of time together.
Two months later, Selena and Abel unfollow Bella on Instagram.
Now it’s over two years later, Bella and Abel got back together and then broke up, Selena ran back to Justin Bieber, Justin married Hailey Baldwin, Selena cried about Justin, and then… re-followed Bella on Instagram.
November 2019, Selena followed Bella Hadid on Instagram, despite Bella not following her back.
And this is where it starts.
The funny part is, the same day that Selena followed Bella, Bella was out hanging with Hailey Bieber,
Selena’s fans sent hate to Hailey because Bella is friends with Hailey. It literally makes no sense but what do you expect from delusional children?
November 16, Selena comments on Bella’s picture.
So November 5th she followed Bella and then Bella did not follow back.. so then Selena ended up commenting on her picture on November 16.
Selena definitely thought that Bella would come running and follow her back as soon as she followed her. So then she commented, thinking it’d get Bella’s attention. But instead, Bella did something worth applauding her for.
Bella deletes the picture that Selena comments on
Bella DELETED the picture and posted a meme and tagged Hailey in it. However, the meme had nothing to do with Selena. Also, if any of you have the screenshot of what Bella tagged Hailey in, please send it to me because I can’t find it!
November 17, a Selena fan posts that Bella deleted the picture and Selena commented on that post saying, “that sucks.”
I just need to take a deep breath.
This back and forth with Selena initiating EVERYTHING, made Bella get so much hate. And with Selena drama, Hailey gets dragged into it no matter what and so she ended up getting hate as well.
Bella doesn’t owe Selena ANYTHING. Just because Selena is done fucking her man, doesn’t mean that suddenly Bella should get over the situation and claim Selena. Selena always does things without thinking and it ALWAYS gets the person in the midst of hate being spewed at them.
She did the same shit back in 2016 with Justin Bieber when he was posting Sofia Richie and she involved herself in that drama.
Nothing Selena ever does comes with good intentions.
Why is Selena trying to be friends with Bella suddenly?
My source tells me that Selena is just putting on a show for the general public and that behind closed doors, she HATES Bella and Kendall Jenner. However, she wants Abel to think that there’s some sort of alliance going on with her and Bella.
Think about.. Abel is releasing an album and Selena is scared of him exposing her even more. Because even though they were a PR, they still hooked up and spent a lot of time together!
Newsflash Selena! Not everyone is like you and Taylor Swift - forming fake groups to get back at an imaginary feud with random men that don’t claim y’all.
My source continues to tell me that when Selena was in her work-relationship with Abel, she was SHIT TALKING the hell out of Bella to him.
Any of my readers can sense an ongoing theme here. Selena is Selena. She doesn’t change. And what I’m telling you now, is shit she did to Katy Perry when Selena was fucking Orlando Bloom, same she did to Jennifer Aniston when Selena was fucking Justin Theroux, and same she’s doing with Bella Hadid when Selena was fucking Abel.
So her trying to be friends with Bella is all for SHOW.
Also, Selena wanted to date Abel for real, but he didn’t like her like that. He didn’t want to be tied down to her and the fact that Selena couldn’t control him emotionally, you know her: speciality, that kills her. This is why she wants to form an alliance with Bella - to get back at Abel.
Imagine if Selena put this much effort into getting her addiction and mental health under control.
When Bella deleted the picture, my source describes it as a “nope, you’re not getting no press off of me” type of situation.
To people, this will make Selena seem mature and how sweet-angel-Sel can hold no grudge! Even though it’s not Selena’s feelings that anyone should care about since it was Selena’s backstabbing move FIRST. Bella deleting the picture because she doesn’t want to associate with an attention seeking fake, makes her seem like a “mean girl” and that’s exactly what headlines kept calling her.
Selena is trying to control what is being said because she can’t control the person (Bella in this case). And coincidentally enough, look at what Bella’s friend, HAILEY, posted on November 17 - the same day Selena commented “that sucks :(“
It’s funny because like three weeks ago, I posted that same quote… twice.
Hailey is my favorite reader! To all my new readers, Hailey actually reads this blog (say hi to her in the comments below). She followed us back in 2016 and unfollowed us when she got death threats from Selena stans. I don’t often mention Hailey following me on Twitter because I don’t want to bring hate upon her. If she knew what was good for her, she would be in contact with the ExposingSMG Team. Oh well!
Back to Selena and Bella!
Selena was definitely expecting a follow back from Bella and not a retaliation.
Somehow, fans and the general public turned Selena into a saint while painting Bella as a bitch; and then dragging Hailey into it. I’ve seen so many tweets saying things like “of course Bella has to post Hailey now to bother Selena.”
Stans said this just because Bella posted Hailey for her birthday on November 22.
Imagine being that delusional. Um Bella doesn’t have to prove anything to anyone? Hailey and Bella have been friends for YEARS! People don’t have to censor themselves for Selena who is wrong like 9 out of ten times.
Selena knew how it would seem and when Bella deleted the picture, signifying problems between them (as she should), she took to Instagram to fake-cry saying “that sucks :(“ which she knew will make her seem like an innocent victim!
This not fair to either Bella or Hailey. Selena does not get to choose when SHE wants to play nice. Whether or not Abel and Selena were a PR, they still slept together and Bella was a big part of Abel’s life hence why they got back together after his contract with Selena was up.
So no, Selena. You don’t get to choose the best of both worlds. She thinks this is Justin Bieber where she plays two acts: “I’m so heartbroken over this smelly asshole” and “I never cared about that trash bag anyways!”
Selena Gomez needs to be stopped. She creates drama in which she is WRONG and out of line for, then tries to play the victim act. No, no. Not in this household, dear. Your actions should be held accountable for.
Selena’s team then released a false statement saying that Bella deleted the picture because she didn’t like it.
First screenshot is from Cosmo while the second is from TMZ.
Yeah ok.
You know what I call this? Damage control by Selena’s PR team.
Selena wanted it to seem like she’s forming an alliance with Bella and Bella was NOT having it, and so she deleted it. So then Selena played the “victim act” where she writes “that sucks” to make it seem like she’s the angel in all of this when the reality is: she fucked her man and Bella ain’t having it.
On November 18, Selena tries to clean up her mess by commenting the following.
Selena is saying she didn’t know the truth about Bella deleting the picture because she apparently “didn’t like it” when that’s a statement planted by Selena’s PR people to make it seem like there is no issue, when there is!
If Bella really was over it, SHE WOULD HAVE FOLLOWED SELENA BACK ON INSTAGRAM. Bella would clairfied the drama on her Instagram story. But instead, she went along with her business.. a concept that Selena should probably practice!
Don’t fall for this shit. This industry is so beyond fake and planted.. your faves are all carbon copies of their publicists. They barely have their own personality.
This is same shit as when Selena released Lose You to Love Me, a whole year after Justin got married, and then her psycho fans sent Hailey death threats, only for Selena to come online and say “no, don’t hate on women, I don’t support women hating” yadda yadda yadda; when Selena for years, slut shamed and attacked all the girls that Justin hung out with. Where does she think her fans learned this mentality from? FROM HER. '
I can’t. I don’t like this shit. I don’t like that Selena is in the wrong, she always provokes shit, and then wants to act hurt.
And in the future, if you see any interactions between the two that seem friendly, just know that’s industry code for “CLEAN UP” in aisle: Selena & Bella!
What are your thoughts on this drama? Feel free to not agree with what I’m saying even though I have sources CONFIRMING the real reason Selena is doing all this. But enlighten me. You can comment anonymously so take advantage of that.
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I love you all. Thanks for reading and enjoy the messages between my source and I.
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