Shawn Mendes Has Apparently Been Pining For Camila Cabello All These Years Like A Lost Puppy and Now There's Talks of An Engagement: The Truth

Steve Granitz/WireImage

Steve Granitz/WireImage

I wonder what it’s like to turn your entire career and base it around another person.

Hope they don’t think that’s a good idea.

I wonder…

I wonder…

this can be used as a reaction lol

this can be used as a reaction lol

Who am I talking about? Shawn Mendes and Camila Cabello of course! The more I write about these 2, the more I find it painfully obvious that the only reason their relationship exists is because that’s what’s good for business. Hear me out!

If you’re new here or you’re stumbling across this post, hi welcome, Shawn and Camila are dating under a PR contract. In simpler terms, they’re not really together.

Make sure to read all the way because I am exposing some new tea ;)

I’ve had a great deal of posts up about Shawmila and to be honest, they’re one of my favorite PRs! I even once wrote a post about how they’re the “perfect textbook PR.” If I were to teach a PR class, I would use Shawn and Camila has my #1 example… well one could argue that’s already what I do.

It’s been a very long fcking year so I barely remember what I’ve exposed on these 2 and it’s why I already linked everything for you. Get your binge reading on! God knows time all is all we have in the world nowadays.

“Wait… they’re still “fake” dating? They look so real…”

Um yeah.. that’s the point.

And tbh, they’re not doing that great of a job for you guys to be this fooled!

Let’s pick up from where we last left off in the “Quarantine Zombies” post. There is when I told you that their teams are considering a possible BREAKUP!

The Summer “Breakup” that no one believes happened



Ugh I’m getting flashbacks to my post on Cole Sprouse & Lili Reinhart (except they were real).

Here’s exactly what was said and what happened:


In Touch Weekly were actually the ones to publish the exclusive interview with an insider who said that Shawn and Camila are taking a break after they spent months together during quarantine.

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Their fans then had a mental breakdown and they were like “NO Camila was seen in LA with him and she posted a photo of wearing his sweater” and bLAH BLAH BLAH.

I like to think that anyone who comes across this blog (even with hate in their minds) have some sort of brain power to assess situations logically.

My source reports to me that their teams are considering a breakup in July -> mainstream media reports that they are broken up less than a month later… so what’s going on? Are all these different sources out to get Shawmila?

Nope! But just like I suspected, there was something suspicious going on because it seemed like a “testing the water” breakup announcement. First, it was reported by InTouch Weekly and yet no other big mainstream site jumped on it besides J-14. I didn’t see E! News talking about it or TMZ, and usually those sites jump on something as big as a celebrity breakup in the pop world.

Here’s a message of me explaining it to one of my readers:

shout out to you girlie if you’re reading this

shout out to you girlie if you’re reading this

And as time went on what did we realize? It was exactly that.

In my quarantine zombies post about Shawmila, I focused heavily on the technicalities between them and how this little arrangement of theirs was set to end at different points in time, but it kept getting pushed back.

Other mainstream sites didn’t post about their breakup not because it wasn’t “reliable,” but because I’ve learned that the media is often in cahoots with the celebrity. Welcome to Hollywood.

So if you’re still not sold (which if you’re reading with the only purpose to curse me out in the comments you’re probably not going to change your mind and idc bc wisdom comes with age, see you here in 3 years luv!!) let’s talk about WHEN they got back together.

Their Apparent Reunion

Keep in mind that from August 13 until September 30, everyone was unsure if they were back together or not because neither of their teams confirmed it and Camila + Shawn didn’t say anything to prove otherwise.

But on September 30th that all changed…

Camila took to Instagram to post the following:

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So how did they confirm that they were back together? By Camila calling him “my love” as she promotes his new single, Wonder.

WOW… that’s not obvious at all.

And the media sure caught on to that.

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“Camila Cabello shut down rumors that she broke up with Shawn Mendes by promoting his new album, Wonder.”

Btw, sites that didn’t publish the breakup (aka E! News), ended up publishing that they were “back together” despite the “rumors.”

Wonder (the song) was set to be released on October 2.

The timing of everything? Immaculate.


Now if you’re not catching onto what I’m saying right now, feel free to click out. I ain’t preaching to a choir that doesn’t wanna listen!

You can’t confirm that you guys are back together with a promotional post for a song that is later going to be marketed to be about you, and then try to tell me that’s supposed to convince the audience!

This is almost as transparent as Camila & Shawn’s V Magazine shoot coming out one week BEFORE Camila’s team put out the announcement that her and Matthew Hussey were over. This is more transparent than the fact that Shawn & Camila started kissing and dating the week they dropped their Senorita together.

It’s almost painfully obvious how scripted and manufactured this whole relationship is to the point where if you don’t see it, I’m just assuming that you haven't had your PR-contract-virginity taken yet. Which is fine, welcome to exposingsmg, this is a safe space!


I tried to briefly explain this testing-the-waters-breakup concept on twitter but there’s a reason why I write long posts as opposed to releasing information tweet by tweet.

Many fans bombarded me with “oh they were broken up, yet Camila was in his documentary during this whole time they weren’t being seen.” I wish I could vouch for what’s in the documentary but quite frankly, I ain’t watch it!

However, you have to stop seeing information in the PUBLIC eye and then taking it as if that’s the truthful story. If it’s public, then it’s SUPPOSED TO BE; meaning what you believe, is what they want you to believe.

I sound like a conspiracy theorist lmfaoooo

Like I said, it was a testing the waters breakup (regardless, it happened as I told you it would) and their teams found out what we all know—the only thing going for both Shawn and Camila is… Camila and Shawn.

October 2020 / all their qurantine photos are STILL being taken by the same photo agency, BACKGRID… this can’t be more obvious

October 2020 / all their qurantine photos are STILL being taken by the same photo agency, BACKGRID… this can’t be more obvious

Fans thought they weren’t spotted together because Camila was filming Cinderella but that doesn’t mean anything because it doesn’t account for the months where she wasn’t filming; aka before August 2020 (that’s the time production resumed). Instead, her gig concluded in September and so she ran to her second gig, being Shawn’s part time girlfriend.

Trust me, if these two had any interest and longevity alone, this whole relationship would have been done for. Many of you told me “well Shawn’s fans are starting to not stan anymore because of her” just because your 14 mutuals on twitter stopped stanning, doesn’t mean the general public did.

The locals love to eat up the best friends turned lovers cliche. Not even just the locals! Naive stans love telling me “stay bothered because Camila and Shawn are getting married.” Oh no :( I’m so hurt.

It’s. Good. For. Business.

Camila can barely chart anymore. Romance era? Flopped beyond flopped. And this is coming from someone who genuinely loved the album and her live performances.

I can hear this gif lmfaoooo

I can hear this gif lmfaoooo

Shawn? Can barely hold a hit now without having Justin Bieber jump on it.

Both of them are in crucial states of their career where they kind of need each other to idk… pull some sh!t and seem interesting.

Shawn’s lead single, Wonder, peaked at #18 on Billboard. Thankfully he collabed with Bieber on Monster and the song was able to chart at #8.

Romance had 7 singles and none of them were in the top 10.

  • Liar: #52

  • Shameless: #60

  • Cry For Me: #115 (didn’t even make the Hot 100)

  • Easy: #110 (also didn’t make the Hot 100)

  • Living Proof….. umm OUT (it was #82 in Greece if you count that)

  • My Oh My: #12 and that’s after getting DaBaby to jump on the remix

  • First Man: #94.. and that’s with a Grammy performance

However…. what was #1? Senorita. What won awards? Senorita. What gave them press? Senorita. What was Grammy nominated? Senorita.


Their “relationship” is working exactly as planned.

And that’s the only thing you need to understand. Despite your feelings on the two of them and how you think they’re hurting each other’s careers, the stats say otherwise.

Another reason why they’re keeping this up is because Shawn & his team love the fact that the gay rumors have stopped. Shawn hated his sexuality being questioned and they wanted to bury the gay rumors and Shawmila has genuinely done that.

On top of that, Camila is the “smaller” star in comparison and dating him is more publicity especially internationally.

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Shawn’s Documentary & Declaration of Long Lasting Pining Over Camila For Years


You know when you want to prove yourself to someone who thinks you’re a liar so you just keep rambling thinking that the more details you incorporate, the more it solidifies you?

Yeah that’s Shawn Mendes talking about being “in love” with Camila since the start.

I wish he sold he better, I really do, because I almost threw up in my mouth when I saw a clip from his documentary where he said "the songs have always been about you.. they’ve always been about YOU.”

I guess he thought it’d come off romantic and maybe it did to the general public, but to those with an eye for FAKE CELEBRITIES, I know you cringed as much as I did.

As that article said, to be saying that your music since the start (2014) has always BEEN about Camila is quite the romantic revelation and it’s interesting because both of them were linked with other people during that time.

Camila had a thing with Michael Clifford from 5 Seconds of Summer in like 2014. Then she briefly dated Austin Mahone in 2015. After that, she dated Matthew Hussey up until 2019 (1 week before she started dating Shawn), and not to mention Lauren Jauregui, so when exactly did either of them have any sort of room for a romantic forbidden fling?


Shawn himself was linked to different girls—Alessia Cara being one of them. These photos were literally taken in May 2019, 1 month before him and Camila debuted.

He was also trying to convince us all in 2018 that he was heartbroken that Hailey Baldwin got engaged to Justin Bieber because he had feelings for her.

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It’s just interesting to see how certain narratives try to rewrite history.

To try and convey that you’ve been crying yourself to sleep over Camila for the past six years seems a little desperate.

And it is.

It’s a desperate attempt at convincing the world that 1. he’s not gay and 2. he’s in love with Camila.

trigger warning // slobbering

who was this supposed to convince???

who was this supposed to convince???

And listen, I agree that people should stop pestering Shawn over his sexuality because that’s his business, but the more you try to convey the message, the more its quality gets reduced.

It’s the reason why I don’t give a sh!t what people believe or not because it’s enough for me to know what I’m saying is the truth and if someone else doesn’t want to believe me, then that’s their business.

The funny part is the Romance album was marketed to be about Shawn. Like 3 months before Shawn and Camila debuted, she was in an interview talking about how she’s working on music about being in love because she’s so in love right now.

She literally recorded Romance from November 2018 until October 2019. Then she suddenly dated Shawn in June 2019 where they spent all summer promoting Senorita by kissing every 4 seconds. You’re trying to tell me that in 4 months, she rerecorded and wrote a bunch of new songs about him when she was literally last spotted with Matthew in May?

Check out what she had to say about her and Matthew in November 2018:

But they will tell you that the album is about Shawn.

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What am I trying to get at here? Celebrities can talk from here until tomorrow, but it doesn’t mean it’s true.

Do you know how many times I’ve covered sh!t where the celebrity is trying to rewrite history to fit their narrative? A LOT.

Trust me, I’ve read Shawn & Camila’s interviews where they go in depth about how “in love” they are and the “right” moment they knew and all this pining that Shawn has been doing all these years.

It’s only good for business and I can barely search up one without the other popping out. They’re like a package deal.

So… are they getting married?

I don’t know what possessed Shawn to say that they spoke about being engaged knowing damn well they didn’t, but it goes back to that desperation factor of his. This need to PROVE himself. This need to say YES I AM IN LOVE WITH CAMILA STOP FCKING QUESTIONING IT. It’s not just him either. It’s Camila too in the sense that they are both desperate to prove that they are really together.

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It’s now just a matter of how desperate either of them are going to get and how far are they wiling to go.

If you take Shawn and Camila and compare them with ANY other real celebrity couple, you’re going to see that they’re not doing all the shenanigans that Shawmila is doing. Their entire career revolves around each other.

For example, they released Senorita last year. They released a Christmas single together this year. And before that, they’ve released a few songs together. Since the start, they’ve always been a business package. I’m literally on record in 2016 saying that Shawn and Camila being a PR has always been discussed in meetings.

Will it go that far to marriage? I would not be shocked.

However, I think that’s stupid. When Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez were supposed to get married (under the influence of that cult church), I could totally see that because Justin is this huge bank of endless money and status. And Selena umm… she’s relevant, I guess?

With Shawn and Camila, I don’t see that factor. Shawn is a main pop star right now but he’s not that huge nor does he have that many records under his belt for him to be considered as this huge legend. And Camila? She hasn’t had a real hit without him since… Havana.


I just think it’s sad that his entire career now revolves around convincing everyone that every single song he’s ever written was about Camila and Camila was this unbothered girlie dating 3 other dudes but unaware that Shawn, who she saw like twice a year at the time, was in love with her.

Shawn Mendes for VMAN

Shawn Mendes for VMAN

It ain’t that hard to search up their history!

Okay we get it, they’re not dating, spill something else

A lot of the time when celebrities are in fake relationships, it doesn’t mean that they don’t have real relationships.

Back in 2019, my source mentioned that Shawn was rumored to be seeing someone and then boom suddenly, he was with Camila. When I spoke with a different source about this, I was told that there was talk that Shawn had some secret fling but it was something that he’s totally private about.

I don’t know if Shawn has some current flings going on right now, but it seems like Camila’s are more present.

According to my source, Camila has reportedly been seeing someone and had a few overnight flings here and there.

Work by day, love by night, hm?


Now you may be wondering, wouldn’t it bother the secret lovers when Camila and Shawn are having sex on IG live or during their quarantine walks? Um not really. It’s literally work. Most celebrities treat fake relationships as an ACTING GIG IN A MOVIE. Y’all buy their acting on the big screen so why not from the paparazzi pics? It’s essentially the same thing.

So I think I’ve gotten all your questions out of the way about Shawmila while spilling some tea about their lives when the cameras are off, but we aren’t done yet. After my explosive post on Camila from last week, I think I should talk about this topic.


It’s one thing that nearly every single celebrity has in common.

After the tea we exposed in this Camila post, everyone bombarded us with… “WELL IS SHAWN ON DRUGS? HOW DOES HE FEEL ABOUT THIS??”

In a Rolling Stone interview from 2018, Shawn spoke about how much he LOVESSS weed.

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Personally I don’t know if Shawn does any crazy drugs, but a source once told me that he has reportedly experimented around.

The thing about weed is, it’s a gateway drug. A gateway drug is basically a path that can lead you to a different drug; one that is preferably with a more effective high.

I’ve studied drugs immensely. I’ve led experiments with them, and I’ve done a few research proposals and presentations about all kinds of drugs. Mind your business what I do when I’m not exposing celebrities, but I know what I’m talking about when it comes to drugs.

In my personal opinion, I don’t believe in even a little bit a weed because your body will always get hooked onto something that it’s used to and it will often crave more if it works for you. This can go for anything. It could go from working out all the way to doing cocaine.


So when I see Shawn talk about how much he loves weed and how much it relaxes him, I automatically think that weed could lead him (if it hasn’t already) to a different drug. I mean homeboy spoke about how shrooms interested him. If he was that candid in an interview, you could only imagine what he was censoring. #BringBackCandidShawnHeHasAPersonalityAndIsn’tBoring

Many of you asked how Camila’s alleged habits would affect Shawn.

Honestly, only time can tell. Despite what you may think, they didn’t spend THAT much time together this year. A source once told me that sometimes, they only hung out for the photo stint and once that was done, it was bye bye, see you at the next scheduled meeting. I mean if they sneak around flings, they can sneak out after the staged quarantine walk.

On top of that, celebrities will often schedule when photos have to go up and sometimes they’ll pretend it’s from the present time when it really isn’t.

Kim Kardashian recently posted a photo of her and her family and said it was taken today (or implied it was) but Shallon Lester called her out on Instagram saying that she lives close to where the photo was taken, and the weather hasn’t been like it’s shown in the photo for a very long time.

So beware of what you think the timeline is because social media makes it easy to play around with it.

Back to the topic of drugs, both of them look kinda rough as I stated on my Instagram (exposingsmgblog).

I don’t know if it’s the hideous filter but they just don’t look right and we already discussed the seemingly drug effects in Camila’s face in her post.

Another thing that kind of worries me about Shawn was the fact that he spoke about how things got really bad to the point where he wanted to quit the industry. Combine that feeling with the fact that he uses the gateway drug, weed, because it’s good for him, and it’s rubbing me the wrong way.

And we all know that celebrities turn to drugs when times get tough. I discussed that in depth (and how tour hurts celebrities) in my video on Justin Bieber:

There’s a lot that goes into the lifestyle behind celebrities so if you are not understanding the information in this post, maybe it’s not time for you to understand how things really work. Click out my friend. But if you are interested in this, I have endless posts where I explain a lot of Hollywood technicalities while also spilling some tea.

I’m going to end this post on this question: so if Camila and Shawn aren’t together, how is it like when they hang out?


They’ve always been friends. They get along and help each other with things because they can relate to it. Shawn has definitely been annoyed by Camila in the past by her problematic and racist behavior, as my source reported to me late last year, but at the end of the day, celebrities stick together because they can relate to each other. Also, don’t think that it’s only Camila loving this PR. Shawn loves it too. It’s beneficial for both parities despite how they’ve exhausted all their options to convince people they’re real.

I hope you guys enjoyed this post and I was able to clarify all your questions about Shawmila. It ain’t easy combating what they’re saying when they’re spitting out love novels but stay woke folks.

Let me know what you thought of this post! Comment down below any other questions you have. You can comment anonymously so take advantage of that. I will be reading and replying back ;)

P.S. are you aware that we have a holiday schedule going on? Check it out here.

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