Justin Bieber Follows Us On Twitter: The Truth About Our Relationship to Team Bieber
MEGA Photos
This post was written in June when the follow happened, but never published bc… not sure why. Anyways yeah… enjoy!
Did you hear? We’re besties! Eh, not really. I still have a love/hate relationship with them. Who’s them? Team Bieber of course! If you didn’t hear by now, then that just tells me you’re not following me on any of my social media accounts (ouch).
Justin Bieber followed my account, ExposingSMG, on Twitter on June 22, 2020.
The fact that he has the Changes album icon (which isn’t his icon right now) shows you that this happened a while ago LMAOO
I was just minding my own business, about to go to sleep until I refresh my notifications one last time only to see that a familiar red icon with a verified checkmark next to it, liked my tweet. I’m like “Alana? Did he finally grow a spine and claim the only people who have said the whole truth about him?”
Not gonna lie, we were shook. One of my blog’s MAIN TOPICS publicly claiming my controversial ass? Hm.
I click on his account and Alana says, “Wait, what does that mean ‘follows you?’” because we only saw that he liked our tweet first.
And that was the birth of Justin Bieber feeding my credibility (and ego).
Justin following me is public knowledge right now since I purposely stayed mute after his follow and watched how this will play out (you’ll see in a moment). Of course, that fanbase who’s only loud on social media, but not on streaming platforms, were having a full blown meltdown with their endless screenshots and screen recordings.
“HOW? HOW CAN HE DO THIS TO US?” they screamed. But no one heard them because no one cares.
They did provide me with this screenshot though so thanks!
I don’t know how this post will age so here’s a crap ton of other screenshots I took while I was on my computer. I don’t like to use Twitter on my phone, but of course I had to log in to see this historic moment.

“OKay we get it, he followed you!!!!” Sorry, but I don’t know what receipts will be needed in the future.
Oh yes, let me show you what tweet he liked.
And he also liked this tweet that was replying back to me. It was a tweet I retweeted before it gained traction so I guess this proves homeboy was going through my tweets? I don’t know.
What I do know is that he hasn’t liked any other tweets since so if you want to go check it out for yourself, be my guest.
The Aftermath
Since I didn’t say anything until the following day, I was just dming my favorite people (you guys, the readers) as they quietly freaked out in my dms.
Convo between me and one of my readers
As you can tell, I was traumatized from the last time someone from Justin’s circle followed and got attacked for years (Hailey).
I’ll share a secret with you guys—I don’t like being branded as a “Selena hate account.” Yes I did expose the living sh-t out of Selena for so many years, but she’s one out of many celebrities spoken about. In the fetus years of this blog, it was JELENA who we kept up with, not just Selena. Justin was getting exposed equally as she was, but everyone remembers us just exposing her (maybe my drags were a bit too creative, but do you have no sense of humor!). And fun fact, one of the main topics of this blog back in the day along with Jelena was Miley Cyrus. And then ever since 2016 when certain events took place in our life which led us to know tea about celebrities you didn’t think we’d know tea about, we became an outlet that spoke about every pop culture figure. So when I get a celebrity follow (there’s a lot, but you just have to look for who follows me lmaooo), it’s branded as “how dare they follow esmg” and not “well this actually shows that y’all are credible in some way.” So that’s my little rant, what do you think? Back to the follow.
I wasn’t actually scared of Justin’s follow LMAO but I was waiting for something to happen which is why I didn’t tweet about it until the next morning.
And yes, it was 3AM in New York. Jesus, Justin you couldn’t have pulled this sh-t another time at a more decent hour?
I had to wake up my sources. I texted my main gal saying we ready to park in his driveway!
LMAO she said all the wannabe exposing and rare accounts are dumb and they can’t do anything about anything.
Peep the “he better not unfollow” part. How come I didn’t tweet about it when he followed? Ah yes, I was waiting for the famous Team-Bieber-follows-then-unfollows CLASSIC trick.
Give me a break.
Justin reading this post while I drag him:
You know Justin, after your follow I was gonna go edit the Jailey dynamic post and remove a few of my rude drags, but now? I guess you’re gonna have to read up buddy! At least you are able to take accountability.
Justin x ESMG
I was shocked that he followed me not because I’m a die hard fangirl, but more of like a “damn he claiming us publicly? He KNOWS how controversial we are.” Which is why my source said he’s TIRED of the rumors and the hate. The thing about us is that we drag Justin when needed and we clear up his name when needed. We’re not like you brainless fools on Twitter who drag blindly.
He looks good here. Photo: MEGA
If you’ve been here for a while, you know that we have a love/hate relationship with Justin and he has the same with us. Years ago my source told me he found out about this blog and he said that he doesn’t think what we’re doing is right and we should leave Selena alone (Selena was never on my good side, I won’t deny that. Sucks for you, Selena).
A few years after that, my source told me that Justin is finally happy someone is willing to take the time to share HIS STORY. I said, that’s cute and all, but run me a check (just kidding).
The sexual assault allegations were the last straw with Justin. Like I’m telling you, he was FED UP. A lot of the popular social media accounts don’t take the time to fact check his story or whenever something happens with him. Justin is an idiot, I’d never deny that, but he has good intentions. This is why I feel bad when he’s getting dragged for things that are flat out lies or completely taken out of context.
And unlike you clowns, I don’t jump on popular bandwagon hate nor do I react impulsively. You know who you are. Celebrities and real INSIDERS look at the hate people like me get and they laugh it off. “Kids, obsessed with a fake image, what do they know?”
Meanwhile, while you guys continuously drag my name and say “oh she’s this person” “oh she’s texting herself” what you’re really doing is bringing me connections. And that my friends, is how a lot of sources have contacted me through this blog. This blog isn’t the same as it was in 2013.
Have you guys missed queen Ems?
I have the ability to post about celebrities like Johnny Depp and Meghan Markle because over the years, we’ve made a lot of connections and gotten a lot of sources. It’s not something I talk about because you read for entertainment/content/info/education while I protect all source identity no matter what.
So what is my relationship with Team Bieber? That my friends is a great question. And it’s a secret I’ll never tell.
xox—just kidding LMAO.
Like I said, I have sources. Does Team Bieber know who those sources are? Another great question.
Me and Justin meeting and him thanking me for my work
The only thing you guys need to worry about is the validity of my information and luckily for you, we are honest about everything we say.
And if you don’t believe it, well it sucks for you because 2 of my main topics have claimed this blog publicly. I’ve exposed Justin for things I never thought he’d speak about and yet he did. It’s not like we were always the nicest to him, but nice to know that he doesn’t hold any grudges for our drags in the past.
Hey! All I did was hold him accountable for his mistakes, but guess what? My job is to also clear up the lies and with the scrutiny that Justin is often put against, there’s a lot of lies.
So if anyone claims that none of these celebrities care or know about this blog, just know that’s a lie. They know. They care. They see it all. And they know we’re telling the truth. I mean, can you imagine how dumb I’d feel if I knew all my topics were reading and I was telling lies? Come on.
So why did he unfollow?
Justin to ESMG in 2014 when he hated us ^^
Justin/Scooter (same person) did it in a way to give this blog attention and credibility on social media. It was like a “Hey I appreciate what you’re doing and this is proof that I keep up with your blog, but I can’t keep following you for obvious reasons so I’m gonna dip in 12 hours.”
What can I say? I’m controversial.
Social media is bigger than you all think. You guys underestimate social media. “Who cares about exposingsmg” oh trust me, a lot of people because celebrities care about whoever has a platform. And I’m ready to f-ck up anyone on sight who threatens my platform ;)
It’s the reason why Ariana Grande is nice to that YouTuber, Gabi Demartino, despite the fact that she isn’t that fond of her. Gabi has 4 million IG followers and can expose Ariana for being a stuck up b-tch (sometimes), and she almost did… which is why Ariana was like “oh sh-t let me protect my social media reputation.”
One day, I have to make a post about the business mind of Ariana Grande. She’s a very smart gal
It’s the reason why Selena Gomez and her team give fans with a platform, information about her and her projects. That’s why random (irrelevant) insiders will have rare pictures or info on Selena recording music or whatever. But will they have valid and reliable information? NO. Because the information is skewed from the inside. It’s this idea that “Hey I’ll give you credibility by giving you rare photos of me that you can share with my brainless fans, and in return, you can protect my image on social media by telling ‘my side’ of the story that isn’t the truth.” That plus they were in contact with a lot of hackers.
Unlike all of these people, Alana and I have created something big. A platform filled with amazing people that come from every fanbase, every social circle, every age, every country, and so on. And unlike all of these people, I will never give false information because, despite popular belief, I actually have morals and I consider myself an ethical person. At the same time, I give information wisely. That means I don’t reveal all.
Going back to Justin and his team, when the hate on social media started infesting within the general public and they realized that social media isn’t as easily controlled as local media, that’s when they realized “Houston, we have a problem.”
In their minds, the follow was a public show of appreciation, but not TOO public because your family at esmg is controversial.
Did I think it was useless? Um… no…. it’s kind of just reassurance to you guys—the readers. I’ve been knew Justin reads and keeps up. Nothing new, but it was nice to have public record of that.
Justin call me sweetie, i won’t bite.
Anyways that’s all!
Thank you for reading and following us along on this journey. Veteran readers, y’all have seen so much. This blog went from nothing to this huge thing and it was never intended for that. We’re looking forward to more exposing and educating together. We love you all.
Comment down below what you think and any questions you guys have! You can comment anonymously so take advantage of that. We will be replying back!