Jasmine Villegas Speaks Up: She Dated Justin Bieber For 7 Months and They Were Broken Up By His Contract with Selena Gomez (More Info on Their Relationship)
Justin with Jasmine on the left and with Selena on the right.
I don’t talk about Snoozjelena anymore considering that toxic relationship is a thing of the past, BUUUUUT we have some new information! And this new information CONFIRMS what I’ve been telling you about for seven years—Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez started dating under a contract.
Back in the day, that was a popular thing to say, but considering all we’ve been hearing for the past decade from Gomez, everyone forgets that small detail.
Back in 2013, I wrote a post titled “And it all started with a deal aka Jelena. The official Jelena contract of 2011. (+ a little bit on Justin and Jasmine). “
That post exposed how Justin and Jasmine were dating and were broken up by Selena. I specifically talk about how awkward things started getting between Justin and Jasmine considering Selena would always come around to Justin’s shows where they performed “Overboard” every night.
Jasmine is known for being in the Baby music video with Justin. Here they are backstage.
In a new interview with Jasmine, she details how she was dating Justin for seven months, but his team wouldn’t allow her to publicize that relationship because of his fans. She then says that things started getting super awkward for her because Selena would come around to Justin’s shows and Jasmine felt that his team allowed him and Selena to publicize their relationship because of status. She also says that she felt like she wasn’t on their level of status and it was weird considering she starred on Wizards of Waverley Place with Selena, a while back.
I mean if you read my post from 2013, then this shouldn’t be too shocking. The ESMG team getting proven right is just the cherry on top.
You can read the full article here, but I’ll post the excerpts that we’ll be discussing.
Y’all ready? Because Jasmine just made my job a whole lot easier for me. Thanks girl, I will be buying your upcoming album!
August 4, 2020
Let’s digest.
Justin and Jasmine dated for seven months.
His team didn’t allow her to confirm their relationship, hence why they both denied it several times throughout the years. In the post I already linked, Jasmine said that they dated for a short period of time in 2012. Justin quietly mentioned it in 2011, which we’ll get to.
Their close friends knew that they were dating.
Selena would come to shows and it was super awkward for Jasmine because Jelena was dating and she was there.
Jasmine didn’t understand why they allowed him to publicize his relationship with Selena EVERYWHERE, but silenced her and thought it had to do with her fame status. They also told her it’s because of his fans, but even then, Jelena was everywhere.
Y’all see how f-cked up that is?
At the time, she claimed that they kept the relationship a secret out of respect for his fans, but now she has told the full truth—Team Bieber said no (because they were candooling with Team Gomez for a PR contract).
Maybe we should give her five more years and she’ll come out and bluntly say there was a contract. You know, it seems like we’re getting closer to the truth as the years go by.
By the way, they met sometime in September 2009.
Here they are in 2009 as well
Jasmine also claims that there is now no bad blood, she “got over it,” and that she just started talking to the chefs because I guess there was no else she could talk to. Basically, she had to get over it because there was nothing she could do about it.
What have we exposed to you?
Justin and Selena started off on a PR contract that was brewing for a very long time, leading to the breakup of Justin and Jasmine.
Their close friends didn’t know that Justin and Selena were fake in the beginning and this led to many fallouts with Justin’s childhood friends, Ryan Butler and Chaz Somers.
On tour, things were very awkward for Jasmine because Selena was always coming around.
Let’s bring up some receipts since this is a credibility post after all. You’re going to quickly realize that we said everything Jasmine said in 2020, except we were 7 years earlier.
December 24, 2013
I screenshotted all the main points that talk about Justin and Jasmine because the rest of the post was going in deep about how Justin and Selena were a PR.
Amazing, we’re proven right as usual!
However, I want to delve more into this topic since it’s relevant.
As you guys can see from the excerpts above, Selena was coming around WHILE Justin was with Jasmine. The dates started overlapping as I’m going to start showing you in a little bit.
“Just A Friend”
Jasmine’s song “Just A Friend” which was released in 2011, is suspected to be about Justin and she even hints at his PR with Selena. After reading this interview about him, the song is definitely about him considering she talks about “standards” in the song, which is also mentioned in the interview.
“You act like I don’t meet your standards” is in reference to his team not letting them publicize their relationship.
“I wish the best of luck to your girlfriend, probably been lying all ABOUT her too.” aka fake PR.
Jasmine is obviously not hinting that he cheated at her and if he did cheat with Selena, then she would have hinted at that. But no. Instead, she decided to talk about status in her interview and how it was basically better for him to be seen with Selena rather than her. The only thing we’re missing here is for Jasmine to utter the words PR CONTRACT, but other than that, it’s kind of obvious.
And if it isn’t obvious to you yet, then you should probably check out the post I already linked where it shows all these times that Selena would lie about Justin being at HER events, meanwhile, he’d be in a whole other country. Or the paparazzi being planted on private property. Endless schemes. However, we will be getting into some of these examples now that Jasmine gave us some accurate information to go off of.
“Kiss and Tell”
It’s also been rumored that Justin’s song “Kiss And Tell” that was on his 2010 album, is about Jasmine. I don’t know how true that is considering the album was released early on in March 2010, but it’s worth noting. Here’s an excerpt of the lyrics:
They talk all about a PRIVATE relationship and Jasmine says that his team didn’t want them public, but all of a sudden when Selena was brought in the picture, they were EVERYWHERE and papped at every. single. moment. of. the. day.
Come on.
Jelena’s first PR contract CONFIRMED practically.
Even if the song wasn’t directly about Jasmine, it shows how Justin feels about a relationship at that time and that is… make it a private relationship. Which was the narrative with Jasmine and it didn’t exactly fit what he did with Selena.
Originally, I thought that Justin and Selena’s PR started in late 2010, but it was in the early planning stages by Selena’s team sometime around the end of 2009 and 2010. Oh, am I reaching too hard? If so, then why was Selena talking about naming her future child, “Emory Bieber” in February 2010?
Not this interview taking place when Justin was 15… a whole adult talking about having a kid with a 15-year-old. You know, this doesn’t sit right with me, but whatever. It’s not the point of the post.
Meanwhile in February 2010…
What the point is, Selena’s team was doing what they do now in 2020—market a “crush” between Justin and Selena that will eventually develop into a real relationship. This is similar to the approach that Shawn Mendes and Camila Cabello’s team took. Justin’s team wasn’t fully in on it and it wasn’t legal at this point because Justin was still being seen publicly with Jasmine.
The music video for Baby was released on February 19, 2010, but it was shot in the beginning of February as Jasmine’s tweet insinuates.
Justin and Jasmine shared a kiss that was later cut out of the video because fans went ballistic with jealousy LMAO
While he was dating Jasmine, Selena’s team was telling Selena to get herself involved with him in some way.
The 2010 KCAs were in March where Justin took Jasmine as his date.
But Selena made an effort to associate herself with him so that’s why she would go up to him and they would take a picture together. Nowadays, the media has tried to paint it as if Justin and Selena spent the KCAs in 2010 together, when really it was just Selena skimping for 10 seconds of Bieber-association.
So we already established that Justin was DATING JASMINE, but Selena (and her team) was doing everything in her power to associate with him. I mean Emory Bieber in 2010? Come on Selena, you can’t be that cringy.
Except for the time you added a still-picture of a Justin Bieber sticker on the back of your phone case in July 2010…
No really… that’s how they made the video. By purposely including a closened up picture of her Bieber sticker.
It’s been 10 years since this video and I’m still flabbergasted. They really added a whole extra still where they purposely closened up on her phone with her finger moved away from his face and added into the video…. yes, I didn’t closen up on anything but anyways.
While Selena was doing that in July… Justin was tweeting this…
Throughout 2010, Selena was always questioned about Justin despite nothing going on between the two of them. It was just this marketing technique that she was milking. I’m sure you can find countless interviews of Selena talking about Justin in 2010 alone.
On the other hand, Jasmine was backstage at Justin’s music video shoots, he was backstage at hers, they were always hanging out (low key, but we got pictures here and there), he took her to Hawaii, and he insisted on bringing her on tour with him
Justin and Jasmine behind the scenes of the Eenie-something video shoot
Justin at the video shoot for Jasmine’s song “All of These Boys”
They were wearing matching bracelets on vacation…
Then on September 9, 2010, they were caught making out in the car.
The photos were published on September 10 by TMZ.
They denied it at the time and Jasmine even denied it again in March of 2020.
She said “he was telling me a secret” and her reply to this article being out is….
Maybe Jasmine should drop a comment down below and let us know if the secret was the Jelena PR contract that was being signed. It surely wasn’t her relationship with Justin since she confirmed it in 2012.
Justin even said that he met Selena while dating Jasmine.
With everything coming to light, you can start to see the dates between the real Justin and Jasmine relationship, overlapping with the fake-Jelena contract.
Selena came around to Justin’s Halloween plans despite him vacationing in Hawaii with his GIRLFRIEND, earlier that month.
That boy next to Justin is Chaz aka one of his best friends from Canada. They had a whole fallout for a short period of time because Justin suddenly started dating Selena out of nowhere despite being with Jasmine like 2 hours ago.
My favorite part is how the fallout was public
Justin’s dramatic ass
The dates of both “relationships” started overlapping and the media was confused because Selena’s team was leaking false information (as per usual) meanwhile it was obvious that Justin was with Jasmine.
“But Selena seems to think she’s his girlfriend too.” the fact that this line can be applied for Selena in several situations when she was attacking a single-Justin Bieber lmao.
Gee…. Justin tweeting about Jasmine… taking Jasmine on vacation… taking her on tour… and yet the only one talking about a possible Jelena is…. Selena when she was bringing up Justin and “Emory Bieber” in every interview in 2010.
There hasn’t been confirmation on when exactly Justin and Jasmine broke up (give me your thoughts in the comments below), but they were linked together until December 2010.
Some sources also said that they were still together in December 2010, hence the article I showed above, but I think Jasmine would deny that because it would spew even MORE complications with the overlapping relationships.
Besides them performing Overboard together until that leg of the tour ended in December, they were last spotted hanging out together exclusively, in October when they were in Hawaii.
However, here’s Selena inviting herself to his tour where they are seen all “close”
f-cking daily mail and their headlines LMAOOO
That’s the awkwardness that Jasmine was talking about. And the fact that she was just chilling with the chefs since everyone else had to play pretend with Jelena is actually kind of sh-tty.
Now what does this say about Selena continuing to talk that way about Justin throughout 2010 AND try to associate with him, despite him being:
a minor
in a relationship
Didn’t Selena have like 7 mental breakdowns alone when Justin was spotted with different girls (despite them being broken up) and yet…. she was trying to get with him (for publicity) of course whilst he was in a relationship?
Again, Jasmine said his team told her not to publicize the relationship for the sake of the fans so how come it was okay to publicize it with Selena? A better question is how did the paparazzi catch Justin and Selena backstage on tour, but not Justin and Jasmine who were dating for the majority of 2010?
So you mean to tell me that the paparazzi were called for Jelena, but not Justin and Jasmine…?
What are the odds of that?
By the contents of this post alone, it’s obvious that Justin and Selena started off on a PR contract that overlapped during his relationship with Jasmine, leading to their breakup. Selena obviously has no morals, we already know that. Scooter and Mandy are doing what’s good for business. And even in 2020 we can still link some Bieber-PR tactics by Selena’s team. Some things never change!
Read more:
Well, I hope you enjoyed this post!
When in doubt, trust the esmg team ;)
If you’re interested in reading about the 2015 Jelena contract that was based more on a “we’ll be associated together and I won’t leak things about you to the press” then click the link down below.
Comment down below what you guys think! Did you just find out that Jelena started off as PR? How do you feel about Jasmine? You can comment anonymously so take advantage of that. We will be answering back! Also, if you comment on any of the old posts linked in this one, we’ll reply there too.