20 Things I Learned Running An Exposing Blog


From the ExposingSMG team to our readers, here are 20 key details we have learned running an exposing blog.

Before we dive into this post, you can check out some of our newer posts down below if you haven’t read them yet.

Veteran readers know I didn’t wake up one day and decide to expose the industry. All great things just happen and are not forced. This is going to be a mix of things I learned about the information I put out and information about being an exposing blogger in general. So without further ado, here are the twenty things I learned running an exposing blog.

1. You have to repeat yourself… OFTEN so get used to it. The more repetitive, the more it will stick.


Not everyone is satisfied with a simple answer especially with the blog we run. Information tends to repeat in order for it to be drilled into the readers’ heads. As for the veteran readers, this can be tiring. Due to the differing range of audience that this blog has, not everyone is going to be happy and I have made peace with this.

Not everyone is going to like every post. Sometimes when you give your all, to some it’s not going to be enough and to others it’s going to be more than enough. No matter how many times you repeat the information, there will be people who will still not understand or will put words in your mouth.

2. The industry is MESSED THE HELL UP


This is no surprise to anyone especially after reading our end of the year post on Miley Cyrus.

Starting this blog, I only knew like three things: fake relationships, music promotion, and charts. Now what do I know? The industry is run by higher up people and this is what I like to call: Elite and Dark Hollywood. The celebrity world often has ties to high governmental officials and if you pay close attention, you can see the correlation.

Pedophilia and sexual abuse is so common and it runs the hell out of Hollywood.

They used to kill off anyone back in Old Hollywood, but now they’ll do it very secretly, but not as often. Why is it not as often? Social media runs everything and sometimes may serve as protection.

3. All celebrities do is drugs and cheat on each other.


Do you know how many times you guys ask me about people and when I get the information, it’s basically one common theme? I don’t know what the obsession with cheating is, I mean at least drugs can be justified because all celebrities are depressed and overworked, but cheating? Come on.

They all do drugs and when I hear about a celebrity and drugs, I think “a little originality please.” Everyone and their mother does drugs in Hollywood. It is more common than cheating.

Then I hear about cheating and almost everyone is cheating. It’s insane.

4. More people sleep around for roles and positions than you would think.


It’s funny because it’d be the ones bragging about how they don’t need to do anything to get to the top, but it’s quite the opposite. I mean do you, but don’t paint a false narrative or at least try to not drag something you literally do. Celebrities think “I mean if sleeping with him gets me my big break….why not?” and they also think “Well when I’m more famous, I won’t have to do this but for now I must.”

5. Anything will stick if you milk it hard enough.

It’s psychology, the more you hear or see something, you’re bound to believe it.

6. It’s important to give an entire background history on a new topic so it can make sense to those who know nothing about it


We will never publish a post about a scandal without giving the whole rundown of the topic and background history. Maybe that’s why we solidified ourselves as a topic blog or kept the majority of our readers.

When we write, we always write in a way that will appeal to a new reader. I can’t try to shove information down your throat and not justify it or give you some background information.

7. The acting world is more vicious than the singing world.


When comparing the information I know about musicians vs actors, it’s always the actors that have more fucked up and devious stories. I’m not sure if it has to do with the acting world being more exclusive since anyone can make music or because the acting world will often mix with Dark Hollywood since directors, executives, and producers are who run the show.

I feel like with musicians they sort of have to put their soul out there. Even if they’re the “bad guy” most of the time they speak about their pain and it’s from their soul.

Actors and actresses get paid to play other people. So it’s easier for them to hide their true intentions. They don’t have to be as vulnerable as musicians.

8. You can start to see through people more easily.


I don’t know how, but from all the information I accumulated in my brain, it’s like I have a sixth sense. I can see when a celebrity is lying without even having inside information on them or I can just look at the situation and be able to assess it’s truth and it’s details. And when I do get the information, it’s almost always spot on.

Why? Celebrities are carbon copies of their publicists and publicists all do “textbook” things. It’s only a certain few that stick out with such impressive qualities.

With this trait, y’all can only imagine how I apply it to my everyday life.

9. The general public is easily manipulated and very forgetful.


Do you know how many times the general public looked like clowns? Celebrities and the media play them like a fiddle. This goes back to #5 because someone can milk the same thing for a decade and just spice it up differently every time, and people will eat that up (Selena Gomez).

This is something that all calculated celebrities know very well. Which is why it’s so easy for Taylor Swift to have an elaborate feud every era and still manage to come back on top.

Celebrities and THEIR TEAM know damn well if they mess up, give it a few weeks for everyone to forget and forgive, with a little good PR.

Y’all get played daily, congratulations.

10. Most of the celebrities that are painted in a horrible light, are a product of publicized media that feeds off point #5 and point #9.


It’s very rare for a horrible celebrity to be exposed. Even then, they will go to lengths to keep that side of them covered up. Which is why for the celebrities that you do see as perfect little angels, what are they? Carbon copies of their publicists.

Those who are often ripped apart in the media, let it happen because they believe that they know the truth and the people that matter, know the truth. Those types of celebrities give me a headache because then it’s my job to explain why they’re not bad despite what everyone else is telling you.

Often times, celebrities who get ripped apart in the media, are scapegoats for something else or something bigger.

11. Money buys off a scandal.


Many times if celebrities can be exposed with incriminating evidence (like a video), the person is often bought off. If this was Old Hollywood, they’d be killed off, but besides the point.

Say for example you have a video of a perfect wholesome Disney star doing cocaine and you want to sell it to E! News. Guess what? This celebrity has people working for them in E! News and they have already alerted the celebrity and its team of what you want to do. In certain cases, you’d be paid off. In others, you’d be threatened into silence.

What if you don’t have people in the media because you’re not trying to portray a perfect life as a lie? You’ll probably suffer the scandal.

12. Most things are planned.


Imagine this, you’re a cute little fan who would do anything for this celebrity. Your fave celebrity is feuding with this other popular celebrity that is in their same genre/peer/career group. You are doing the most interacting with the opposing fans and doing everything you can defend your fave.

Too bad that all goes to waste since most celebrity feuds are planned.

13. The celebrity families are often part of the problem.


The way a celebrity is brought up and how affects them, usually has to do with their family. Just like your friends have demons from their childhoods, celebrities aren’t any different. Sometimes, the family is not part of the solution. Most times they caused the problem, but will jump in when the problem is almost solved.

Their families usually sell them out.

14. No matter what, the truth will always be there; sometimes you just have to look for it.


We have our main source.

We have sources we reach out to only for certain celebrities.

We have friends that aren’t exactly sources, but they just know information.

When a story is true, it checks out with all of our sources.

What if you don’t have sources? Public knowledge is all around you, but sometimes the valuable information is hidden. You have to do some research to find the truth. The more the truth is hidden, the more scandalous the story is. What you see plastered in the media often, is usually the twisted story.

15. Running a blog about inside information about celebrities isn’t easy


We just make it look easy.

This is just a lesson for fans in general even ones that aren’t haters of the blog. Most of the time if someone hears me say “Taylor Swift and Selena Gomez hooked up” and they think I’m crazy or delusional. But think about what you know about Taylor and Selena? Nothing.

Everything you know about them is from what they choose to show you. You’ve never sat with them and had a conversation, you never met them for coffee or took a bathroom break together at an award show. You can’t think you know a celebrity just because you’ve seen a few pictures of them on your phone.

You can’t expect celebrities to turn themselves off the second you close your phone. 95% of their lives happen behind closed doors, just like 95% of YOUR life happens behind closed doors. Nobody outside your life knows what’s going on with you so why do you expect to know celebrities because you see them through your screen???

In the starting days of this blog, everyone would tell me “well I can make an exposing blog about your fave, too.” Ask yourself this: are there any other exposing blogs besides me? Exactly.

18. Just because information is old doesn’t mean it’s not valuable.


A lot of people like to tell me that I need to let go of the past and move on when talking about certain celebrities. That is probably horrible advice to give someone who writes about other peoples actions. We all do things by habit and patterns, so if I get information that someone has a bad habit of cheating on their partner 8 years ago, most of the time that person’s actions or patterns don’t change in the present day.

Just because I revealed something in 2013 doesn’t mean it’s not valuable now. Just because I’m talking about new stuff, doesn’t mean you should forget the older stuff. I’ve never looked back at my old exposed posts and thought “omg what was I thinking” because guess what? ALL information that I’ve revealed to y’all, is still is valuable now. People don’t change that often.

19. Being biased is a disease.


Being biased is unacceptable when running this type of blog. I have a pretty moral soul and I don’t believe in favoring other people because I simply just “like” them. Like you or not I will do whatever I have to, to be a completely truthful blogger. It’s what everyone deserves. A fair chance.

When you’re biased, you’re blind and I don’t know about y’all but ExposingSMG doesn’t like to be taken off guard because of their “personal” feelings. We keep our personal feelings to the side unless someone asks to hear them.

Often I’ll get called biased because I drag Selena Gomez. Fun fact: Selena’s horrible actions and me writing them, is not an act of being biased. I give credit where it’s due and drag where it’s not. If you can’t see that, then once again, being biased is a disease.

20. Celebrities are just exaggerated versions of ourselves.


If you are going to learn anything from this entire post, it’s point #20. Celebrities are humans just like you and I, but they have more resources which make them who they are.

We all have heard stories of our friends getting cheated on or our friends, friends and we all sit there and hear it without thinking anyone is lying.

We all know that one person who is attention seeking and causes drama for fun.

We all know of someone who is really beautiful, but no matter what you say, they will always sit there and wallow in self pity.

We all know of a Queen B in friendship groups, sometimes we are the Queen B.

So stop acting like everything I tell you is crazy. You hear about drugs, cheating, pedophilia, scamming, and more, all in your daily lives. So why do you hold celebrities to a higher standard when they all have money and power to do anything and more?

They have more exaggerated resources than average people do so therefore they become more exaggerated versions of normal people. They sleep around, do drugs, talk shit, ruin lives, threaten others etc etc. Stop being blind and defending them as if they pay your rent lol

Well there you have it! 20 things I’ve learned running an exposing blog.

Comment down below your thoughts. You can comment anonymously so take advantage of that. We will be replying back.

In the comments below, write some things YOU learned reading an exposing blog.

Tell me your favorite ones from the list. My personal favorites are #9, #19 and #14.



It’s your fave exposers.


Selena Gomez Slapping Justin Bieber (Full Story)


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