The Sneaky Relationship Between Oprah Winfrey and Meghan Markle + Prince Harry
Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s entire history is sneaky. However, that’s not the only sneaky aspect of their relationship. Oh no, everyone that they have ties with consists of a sneaky relationship ESPECIALLY when you put Hollywood into the mix. Today, we introduce Oprah Winfrey into the mix.
If this is your first time reading about this royal duo, then I suggest you check out their tag on our blog—Sussex Royal. Here you’ll find everything that has been published about them on this blog.
Let’s do a quick summary:
Meghan and Harry were set up on a blind date back in 2016 where both claim they didn’t know who the other was (Meghan is lying obvi as there is proof of that)
They got engaged in November 2017 and married in May 2018. They gave birth to baby Archie in May 2019.
They abruptly left the royal family duties in January 2020.
Some more inside information from either royal sources or our personal sources claim that:
Meghan is using Harry and their entire leave from the royal family was planned so Meghan can revive her failed career as an actress.
Her half sister claims that she was obsessed with Princess Diana and another source reported that she researched until she found Diana’s favorite perfume and that’s what she wore on her first date with Harry.
Harry was known as the playboy prince and many sources said that the royal family got a lot of scandalous tea about him, out of the media. One of our main sources said that Harry is supposedly cheating on Meghan (that’s in the first M+H post).
When Meghan and Harry left the royal family to live in the United States, they obviously needed many connections to get them established and situated. In Hollywood, nobody does free favors for anyone. It was rumored that Oprah Winfrey was helping them find a place to live—basically being Meghan and Harry’s guardian angel. Their reps deny that she arranged for them to stay in Tyler Perry’s estate in Los Angelos, but that’s actually a lie.
You get a house! And you get a house! and YOU GET A HOUSE! EVERYBODY GETS A HOUSE!
Stories don’t just formulate out of nowhere in mainstream media. There is always some truth to it. The truth could be skewed or it could be true in a different realm, but nonetheless, there is some truth to it.
Perry’s friend, Gayle King, told Entertainment Tonight that, “Oprah didn't hook that up. Harry and Meghan know people. Tyler knows people. Oprah knows people but she did not make that connection for Harry and Meghan to live in Tyler's house."
That’s hilarious. What connections exactly?
Harry doesn’t really have any friends in the US and it’s funny to think that pre-royal Meghan had “connections.” A Z-list actress like Meghan didn’t have any connections in Hollywood and all those connections were solely made after she became a royal which allowed her to become well known.
When Oprah was invited to the royal wedding, she was the first one to arrive and everyone was confused to why she was there. She had no previous ties to either the royal family or the Markle entourage.
WPA Pool/Getty Images
I guess the rumor that Meghan invited people who wouldn’t glance at her a second time in Hollywood to her royal wedding. Kind of like “look at who I am now :-)”
Celebrities like Oprah didn’t give Meghan the time of the day before “Duchess of Sussex” was attached to her name.
This brings me to what we revealed in our June Tell All.
I heard previously from one of my sources that Oprah wants an interview with Meghan. However, it wasn’t Oprah doing it out of the good of her heart. I’m now being told that everyone wants the inside scoop on the royal family—including Oprah. I didn’t know about Oprah hooking them up in LA and basically holding it over their heads as a “you owe me” type of favor, until one of my friends elaborated on it.
Excerpt from the Tell All:
A Hollywood actress marrying into the royal family isn’t just of interest to the British people, but to LA locals as well. It’s like “oooo a royal is among us.” All I’m saying is no one knew any inside information before Meghan stepped onto the scene. Why? Sis is the source of information. She talks to tabloids and locals and information spreads faster than corona.
Who wants to get a handle on this information? Oprah. Oprah doesn’t have good intentions by any means and any Michael Jackson fan will tell you this. Oprah knows what’s good for Oprah and what’s good for business. And that’s why she wants Meghan on her show.
Meghan and Harry’s reps are denying that Oprah is helping them by any means, but that’s not true. She is helping them and now they “owe” her, I guess you could say.
The truth is, we don’t like Oprah. She’s a very shady woman. I’m not saying shady in a “she’s high maintenance and rude haha quirky!!” way. I’m saying it in a… Dark Hollywood type of way.
For example, her role in Michael Jackson’s life was absolutely disgusting. As Alana would describe, “she licked his ass while he was alive, but helped tarnish his reputation after he passed.” People suspect that she helped fund the documentary that alleges he’s a pedophile and yet Oprah was friends with Harvey Weinstein for YEARS. And lemme tell you something, friends in this industry cover-up for each other. Was that the case for Oprah? Maybe. Maybe not. you know the answer
Now Oprah is being accused of sex trafficking in Hollywood (crazy huh?). As I said, she’s a shady businesswoman. I don’t think anyone becomes a billionaire nowadays without losing their lack of morals and ethics. This doesn’t really have much to do with Meghan and Harry, but it’s something to mention.
Back to Meghan and Harry.
Hollywood is an industry full of leeches. Everyone is going to want to cling on to you and in the case of Meghan, she wants to share her story and Oprah wants to hear it. Before Meghan, no one knew any inside tea on the royal family. Now Meghan is running her mouth everywhere and guess who wants a piece? Everyone.
Forbes even mentioned that Ellen wants to interview Meghan, but personally, I think Oprah will take the win.
Oprah has always been the go-to person for a confessional interview where the subject is going to tell their side of the story and the general public is going to sympathize with them. You know, pity marketing! “I’M THE VICTIM. THE ROYAL FAMILY IS RACIST. NO ONE TRIED TO HELP ME!!”
… girl you lived in a palace and did everything you can to get there.
I’m sure Meghan has given up on all hopes of winning back the British audience. She has better luck winning over Hollywood since the stans of Hollywood stars are next level delusional (unless they read esmg!). Hollywood thrives on a fake persona and I’m sure Meghan will fit right in.
Here’s some messages between my friend and I where she will explain this whole Meghan and Harry x Oprah thing better.
She didn’t have to drag Meghan that hard in that last paragraph LMAO.
So let’s digest this information.
Meghan was apparently supposed to appear on Oprah’s televised Zoom conference on racism, but she didn’t even though she was asked.
Why do you guys think that didn’t happen and Meghan perhaps declined? Oprah is a powerhouse celebrity as we were discussing and who can say no to sweet ole Oprah?
Oprah is in fact helping them in the US despite them denying it, we already discussed that.
In the messages, we were talking about a conversation we had in April in which she was telling me that Meghan is getting very paranoid that her plan is actually failing. This is something we discussed in the third Meghan and Harry post about how they had a plan to dominate the US market, but the pandemic threw everything off for them.
The funny thing is, everything is crashing down on Meghan’s plan. I’m not even trying to pain Harry as a clueless child because he is a grown man, but he is kind of just trolling behind Meghan. The funny part is THEY’RE NOT EVEN GETTING ALONG ANYMORE!
I can’t believe their relationships is built on a lie. They were so stan worthy :( can you tell I’m still heart broken LMAOOO / Photo: Pool Getty Images
No one in LA really wants anything to do with Meghan and Harry. I think they thought that LA would sympathize with them, but surely it’s starting to dawn on them that the royal family is much more powerful than they thought. After all, a Disney representative called Meghan controversial and that they have no further dealings with her despite her wishes. That’s funny considering I’m being told that Meghan wanted the Disney deal that Beyonce and Jay Z signed.
Here they are pictured in LA in April 2020.
I still can’t wrap my head around it. She wanted the role over Beyonce? LMAOOOOOO
Meghan surely seems to think that everything should be given to her in Hollywood because she’s married to a royal and is a “victim.” A great legend once said it’s dangerous to stay in a victim mentality. I think Meghan’s entire plan was riding on milking the victim act! You know what they say, a narcissist’s biggest strength is the ability to make people pity them because they will sympathize with them. I’m not saying Meghan is narcissistic, but I’m just saying it’s something to note.
This whole thing is so messy and it’s quite laughable. If you listen closely, you can hear me saying that I’m almost feeling bad for them.
Several sources reported that Harry is miserable in the US because he has no friends. Harry has already stated that he’s no longer close with his brother Prince Wiliam and with that comes not being close to Kate Middleton anymore.
And to the people who still believe that EVERYONE else is at fault and not Meghan, well like I’ve said countless times, if Harry wanted to leave the “toxic family environment” then he should have done so on his own will and not on the fact that his wife is trying to redeem her failed career as a Hollywood actress. Despite the darkness and the history that consumes the royal family, there were still bonds within the family that were worth salvaging—such as the bond he had with his brother.
Anyways so that’s that!
Lady Colin Campbell released a tell-all book on the duo that already came out in the UK. She’s also known as Lady C and she is a British writer and socialite who has published four books about the British royal family. So it’s not like any random talking. A lot of you have messaged me saying that you want me to make a post about what she said in that book or even detail the keynotes she exposed. Honestly, I’m down.
The book is coming out July 27 in America so I’ll give it my coins. I’ve read some excerpts and it talks about Meghan possibly throwing hot tea on royal staff and paying them $250k to keep quiet amongst so much scandalous tea such as Prince Charles going out of his way to desperately involve Meghan in royal activities and her not giving a sh-t. It’s soooooo scandalous.
Here’s an excerpt:
GIRL…… LIKE …. I’m shocked and in disbelief. This just confirms that Meghan isn’t some fame hungry wannabe-actress. She’s more than that. The devil, if you want to say.
So let me know if you’re interested in that.
Hope you guys enjoyed this post. We have a lot more information coming up on these two and we’ve been in contact with a bunch of people who really follow up with them to make that you guys get all the juicy details that are missed by the general public.
Comment down below what you thought and any suggestions. Do you think they’ll go with Oprah or Ellen? Are Meghan and Harry going to be exposed on a bigger level? Is Hollywood going to soften up to them despite their scandalous past? You can comment anonymously so take advantage of that. We will be replying back!
Check out our documentary on them if you haven’t already, I really recommend it.