Selena Gomez Repeating the Same Era for 7 Years (VIDEO)

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Since 2013, every single Selena Gomez era REVOLVED around her breakup with Justin Bieber which was reported and confirmed in 2012. Selena said that Justin and her NEVER got back together since 2012. Yet in every era, she has the SAME INTERVIEW over and over again. See for yourself.

We got tired of this so we wanted to make a video since this is better to understand through a video as opposed to a post.

Trust me, you want to watch this. Also, the last minute and thirty seconds of the video are ICONIC.

What can we learn from this kids? The general public is a bunch of clowns that falls for anything if they pity the person.


Don’t be that clown. No reader of ours is a clown nor will they be clowned by smart publicists.

Comment down below your thoughts. Were you shocked to see how IDENTICAL the interviews from 2013, 2014, and so on, were to interviews from 2019 and 2020? Because once you put it all together, it’s actually insane.

So let us know down in the comments below. You can comment anonymously so take advantage of that. We will be replying back!

Also, what other video ideas would you like to see? We’re trying to branch out on Youtube in less-Selena related content.

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