Exposing Selena Gomez's Backup Plan: Why did she say Justin Bieber Emotionally Abused Her? Explaining the Morality Clause She's Under!


Time and time again Selena Gomez continues to prove how low she is willing to go, to drag ex-boyfriend Justin Bieber.

This post is going to expose so much information so brace yourselves. Firstly, this is basically a part 2 post for the post we published on Selena being thretened. That is linked down below.

Discussed in this post will be, an update on Selena’s health, WHY she claimed Justin emotionally abused her even though she was the instigator in their relationship, how this all ties into Selena being exposed on a massive scale, a little bit on her main friend group, how she’s coping with the pain, and the morality clause that she is obligated to be under. Grab your tea.

On January 27th, 2020, Selena was being interviewed by NPR where she miraculously admits she was a victim to emotional abuse.


The fact that she wasn’t about to clarify what kind of abuse unless the interviewer intervened for clarification…..

Since Selena and her team plan every step, Selena saying this on the day Justin’s “Seasons” series on Youtube aired, was NOT a coincidence.

But we all knew that.

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The Backup Plan

Selena doesn’t do anything unless she has a bullet-proof plan, so saying that she was emotionally abused, FOR ATTENTION may I add, wasn’t the only reason she admitted to it. There’s another clever reason her team made her admit to this… lie.

Why is it a lie you ask? Well for starters, Selena seems to be back on her bullsh!t because here she is a few months later; liking two pictures of him on Instagram.

Hm… interesting. Usually when a person leaves an emotionally abusive relationship, they don’t try to jump back into it a few months later…. or stalk their married ex on Instagram. I mean considering Justin was so “abusive” why is she still keeping tabs on him? Why is she liking an old picture of them if he emotionally abused her? I know victims of abuse don’t look back at their partners past with love especially when you’re out of the “being blinded” phase if you’re talking about in the media. Interesting.

Also, one of my amazing readers made a great point which proved that this drama, is something we hinted at happening in an old post.

I can’t believe I’m still reporting on Jelena in 2020.

Anyway, I recently exposed that someone (or some people), have been working REALLY hard to try to expose Selena with video proof of her doing drugs. That same person/group also sent her a threatening note which I posted the quote in the post linked below.

My source said that Selena has messed with a lot of people over the past 7-5 years and that it’s starting to catch up to her. So, no she doesn’t know who is trying so hard to show her true side to the public.


There have been many attempts to expose her, but like I told you guys, Selena’s team has a lot of connections to media outlets who will contact her team when someone tries to send them a drug video.

I already explained in the post linked above why leaking a video like that is almost impossible to release, but I’ll briefly say it again; It’s not easy to leak videos of celebrities, especially an A list doing drugs. They all do them and there are tons of videos but none of them make it past teams and to the public. It’s very… Rare ;)


Selena and her team know that someone is trying their hardest to expose her so now Selena’s team has to think of a clever plan to fall back on just in case anything leaks.

Thus, Selena saying she was emotionally abused.

Who are they falling back on just in case she does get exposed? Justin. He’s the backup plan just like he always was for them and her sick self.

“Selena’s team wants to focus solely on how she was mentally abused because if everything she’s doing gets out, it’ll be their fall back.”

-my source


It’s… beautifully crafted. I mean can we all give Selena and her team a round of applause for their work of not quitting?

I have literally seen this team CULTIVATE a career around Justin. It’s sick, but the plan is genius. I’ll give that to them.

Let’s break this down together.

Selena’s had her career revolve around Justin Bieber since 2011. She was the spectacular supportive girlfriend in 2011-2012, constantly following him around like a lost puppy, staying with him on tour, press, award shows, and so on. They were the IT couple.


Then, 2013 and 2014 roll along and Selena starts playing her two favorite roles. Nope! Not real movie roles of course!

She plays the “he broke me. I hate him :(” role and the “I don’t need him, I found my worth!” role. Clearly she didn’t find anything since she’s back to stalking him on Instagram like the good ole days in 2014… and...2015 and….2016.. etc. She started going around lying to others and the public about Justin while portraying herself as the “perfect girl.”

Do they both have their flaws? Sure, but Selena portraying herself as an innocent lost victim ain’t it especially when Justin has owned up to his past.

Does she have a personality that isn’t about him? Damn.


2015/2016 comes around and Selena got a new team and started a new era. She still revolves her career around Justin, but she does it in a clever way that it isn’t as obvious as it was in 2013. She constantly talks about “telling her side of the story” on her album Revival. During this time they are also under a huge contract that is very specific.


October 2017-2020 comes around and Jelena is still a hot new topic, but now it’s even more serious because of their recent fling and his engagement to Hailey. Now, Selena comes out and shows how heartbroken she is, but she still talks about Justin in a “I’m finally telling my truth” way aka something she’s been rambling about since 2013. Her entire image at this point is fake. There is like 1% real Selena while the rest is scripted.

And whoever fell for it, is dumber than that I thought. Go on, pat yourself on the back for being a clown.

You have to understand that she’s been living a lie since 2013 and she keeps building up on that lie to the point where a video of her doing drugs will completely backlash on her. She went around making everyone feel like Justin was the abuser, Justin was the cheater, Justin is the one who can’t stay sober etc. Her entire career is a lie at this point and her team needs to fall back on something fast.

Selena’s brain dead fans are so naive and stupid because they believe everything she says so when she does get publicly exposed, they might not know how to function properly ever again.


“They’ll act like she was doing these things [drugs] to self medicate.”

- my source

Basically, they want Selena portrayed as this victim who was “cheated on, emotionally abused,” and whatever other BS they’ve said all because……….. it’s serving as a backup plan WHEN (not if), she gets exposed. Can you believe that crap? An entire plan cultivated and thought through so Ms. Gomez can go on living a lie that’s destroying her inside and might end up killing her. Hey, at least she would have died an apparent saint, right?

Have I ever been wrong about Selena when it comes to her career marketing? There is not one thing that Selena pulled in an era that I didn’t already tell you will happen. I mean this can go for basically anything I say, but anyways!

When I asked for an update on Selena’s drug use, I was told exactly this:

“It’s bad. Selena’s been having sex parties with mostly women. She’s spiraling.” -my source

So basically she’s numbing her problems with sex.

For those of you who don’t know, Selena’s heath is really bad. Despite everything she has done, we are rooting for her to pull through. Read the post below to get a full detailed update on her heath which we got proved right about by the way. I wish her the best.

My source also mentioned that if it all goes to hell, Selena might be doing a Wizards of Waverly Place reboot. This isn’t confirmed, but her team knows how much Disney audiences love her and would feature her in an episode or something. That’s another reason why they can’t have any tapes leaking; cause Disney doesn’t want to be associated with anything that has to do with drugs.


That last sentence is important, keep it in mind because it will be discussed later on.

So Selena is on thin ice because she played around for so many years and didn’t want to listen to anyone’s advice telling her to be careful.

“Most of her main friends being her puppets/not in the limelight should tell people how she likes to keep a bunch of ‘yes men’ around because she hates accountability. She doesn’t do things with logic. It doesn’t have to make sense, it only has to fulfill her vengeance on what she disliked that someone did”

-my source

…. she sounds lovely.

Selena with her robots

Selena with her robots

The whole her-best-friends-being-nobodies thing is important because it shows you how Selena likes to keep the power dynamic too. I mean in her career she has always been second best to someone better so she at least wants to be the head b!tch in her personal life.

I’ve been writing about Selena and her crazy ways since 2013. I’ve practically lived them with her so trust me when I say that everything is tumbling on her. And the funny thing is I always warned Selena and her team (who admitted to keeping tabs on me), that she should start changing her ways and she never listened!1!

Listen, I do wish Selena luck when it comes down to her heath. After all she is a human being and I wouldn’t want to see her in a… permanent solution.

Now let me teach you guys about something called a “morality clause.”

The Morality Clause

I can’t wait for stans to steal this information and pretend they knew all about morality clauses in the year 2024 just like y’all took my lectures on PRs from 2013 and pretended you were all educated on it years later.

A morality clause is something that many companies enforce. It’s basically a contract that they make celebrities sign if they are working with them. It basically states that if anything scandalous got leaked on the celebrity, the company would drop that celebrity. This happens often to Youtubers because they’re not real celebs and are constantly caught up in drama.

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“Selena has contracts with companies that have morality clauses so if sensitive things about her got out, they would separate themselves from her.” -my source

Brands don’t want to partner with someone who has a bad reputation or doesn’t fit the “image” they are looking for. Selena’s career definitely goes by something I like to call a double V: vanilla victim. Brands and companies love vanilla victims. They eat that crap up! Once you expose the truth, the vanilla is gone—the image is tarnished and stained. Once that’s tarnished, the victim mentality leaves too because you are no longer looked at as a poor little victim. You are now seen for who you truly are: a slimy cockroach.

One lie is fine. But several lies piling up with so many loopholes? Good luck.

One lie is fine. But several lies piling up with so many loopholes? Good luck.

For those of you in the comment section of part 1 of this post, talking about “Selena being exposed will just make people sympathize with her and understand because ‘everyone does drugs’” should be seeing the little loophole in your theory right about now.

So Selena’s team is trying really hard to milk this victimizing image for Selena so when things do get released, companies will pity her and IF they clean up the scandal as someone who’s been through “trauma that led to this scandalous behavior,” they might sympathize and keep her, rather than drop her. They want people to have empathy with all this made up trauma she went through, which might also be a reason why Selena recently admitted she was bipolar.

I mean Selena admits she was bipolar and her fans, who made fun of Demi Lovato for being bipolar, suddenly jump on the “Oh my God! She has been through so much, she is so strong!” train.

I mean at this point Selena can say “yeah I smoke meth” and her fans will be like “Omg! She’s so brave for admitting that” even though they’re the same ones making fun of Justin and Demi’s drug history.

I feel like I gave you guys a lot so let me wrap it up in a bullet point list of everything I revealed in this post.

  • Selena has been playing herself for the past 7 years and now everything is piling up on her.

  • Someone or a powerful group of people are trying their hardest to leak things on Selena to the press. Selena’s team having connections to media outlets, such as E! News, is the only thing stopping videos from leaking.

  • Selena’s team is using the “I was emotionally abused by Justin Bieber” story as something to fall back on, once video proof gets leaked or she gets exposed on a massive scale.

  • She claims she was emotionally abused, but yet here she is liking pictures of him and Jelena on Instagram a few days ago (then….”ironically” announces that she is releasing a Rare Deluxe album.)

  • If a Wizards reboot gets picked up, her team wants to have her appear on a few episodes which won’t happen if anything sensitive on her gets leaked.

  • Selena and her team are trying their hardest to give her a victimizing image so companies will pity her and not drop her due to morality clauses.

Lord.. that is a lot of information.

Here are the messages between my source and I.

Ignore the first message being screenshotted from my computer vs. the rest being from my phone.

Since a lot of information was given to you, please comment down below any questions or concerns you have. As always the comment section is anonymous so take advantage of that! ;) We will be replying back!



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