Stumbling and falling: Selena Gomez could barely talk or move at the 2019 AMAs

I’ve always said that in photographs many things are taken out of context. People always come crying to me saying “look how heathy Selena looks here” “She looks so much happier” “She looks refreshed.”

And I ALWAYS say: things aren’t how they appear in photographs and once again, I am right.



What was really going on with Selena backstage at the AMAs?

At the 2019 AMAs Selena was caught on video STUMBLING all over the place, barely keeping her eyes open and forgetting simple dance steps during her performance. Watch for yourself:

My source has confirmed that her stumbling and being in that state, is actually true - she was drunk. My source also said that Selena was also allegedly “coked out of her mind.”

“It’s crazy how we have been telling people about this, from the at home drug tests and Justin being told how her drug addiction was creeping to death. Selena was coked out of her mind at that show and it’s so sad.”

-my source

This all adds up to EVERYTHING we have been saying for the past six years.

We have literally been reporting and exposing this topic as the years go by. For the ESMG team and our readers, this isn’t news but only conformation.

Her fans like to cry out excuses like “Selena has ALWAYS been clumsy! ***inserts video of her tripping**

But there is a clear difference between your ankle twisting in shoes vs. you physically leaning/stumbling all over the place the way a DRUNK person does. copy.gif
Y’all trying to tell me she doesn’t look out of it??

Y’all trying to tell me she doesn’t look out of it??

We have ALWAYS spoken about Selena’s issues with drugs and alcohol and as you are starting to realize (if you’re new), that the ESMG team is always right. I’m stating information that I’ve written SIX years ago in 2013 about Selena and her alcohol addiction.

Check out our first in depth post about Selena and her drug problems linked below. This post is the reason people say Selena is a drug addict. This post brought to light the TRUTH.

Honestly there are sooooo many posts you can read all dealing with the topic of Selena and drugs and most dating back to 2013-2014.

What can I say? We are the winning team.

Also not only was Ms. Gomez high/drunk off her ass, she was also vaping backstage.

And like always, her fans have found excuses.

Screen Shot 2019-11-28 at 5.32.10 PM.png

LMAOOOOO WHAT ??????? The lipstick pictured above is too short and wide to be the Juul that Selly boo is posing with.

Selena has literally been caught with a vape and vaping in public on several occasions. Her fans are genuinely so biased and STUPID that they can’t see anything wrong.

“LMAOOOOOO that is not coke in her nose it’s just white setting powder!!11!! “

“No, she’s not drunk, she’s just clumsy :(“

“No she can sing fine she had a panic attack :(“

“Omg someone messed with the audio at the AMAs :( (even though everyone else didn’t have sound problems)”

“No she’s not vaping that’s just some 99 cent lip gloss!!11!”

It’s 2019 and she’s 27. Let’s stop being stupid when there is proof all around us.

Justin said it best:

Also, Selena was so out of it as time went on so her team thought “lets drench her in makeup and maybe no one will notice.”

She can’t even open her eyes or stand correctly. She’s constantly leaning and her eyes are very DROOPY, but you can’t tell so much because they put on heavy lashes to disguise it.


She’s so sloppy and out of it she can’t even remember her simple dance moves.

It’s so sad because her team fills everyone’s head with things like “she’s just super nervous,” “she had a lupus flare,” “it’s anxiety” and then her fans eat it up, but there is clearly a much bigger problem with Selena that she’s trying to hide.

It’s time to stop believing a celebrity’s team and start thinking for yourself and asking questions.

Selena did NOT have a panic/anxiety attack at the AMAs because there’s literally videos and pictures of her chilling backstage. Look at these two videos with her two makeup looks:

89k Likes, 1,328 Comments - Hung Vanngo (@hungvanngo) on Instagram: "#SelenaGomez x #AMAS2019 ❤️🌟⚡️💫✨⭐️."

128.8k Likes, 2,488 Comments - Hung Vanngo (@hungvanngo) on Instagram: "#SelenaGomez x #AMAS2019 ❤️🌟⚡️💫✨⭐️."

Does that look like someone who is having an anxiety and panic attack? Do you guys even know what an anxiety or panic attack is? Trying to use a literal MENTAL ILLNESS as an excuse for your fave takes away from people who actually struggle with this! Anxiety is not an accessory that you can use to fluff your fave and make her seem likable. Stop using diseases for excuses, it’s disgusting. But who can blame you guys? You did learn from your fave.

Why did Selena not get interviewed at the AMAs?

Did no one else realize that?

It’s Selena’s COMEBACK NIGHT! She just got a #1 single. She’s starting off her new era. And even if all of this was not happening, she would have still gotten interviewed on the red carpet. But she wasn’t. Why?

My source tells me that Selena could literally not talk. She was slurring everything and couldn’t hold herself together. And as we can tell from the videos, Selena was a stumbling drunk everywhere. And in the video that I linked above, you can see that when she was clapping during Taylor Swift’s performance, she could barely hold herself and it looked like she was 0.2 seconds from leaning backwards completely.

That is just so sad.

There were plans for her to be more present at the AMAs, but she came in that state. She didn’t even present an award, talk, get interviewed, or even hang out with Taylor throughout the show. Taylor opted out for two other losers: Halsey and Camila Cabello, because her industry-bff was too coked out of her mind.

Speaking of which, we have a HUGE TAYLENA post coming up about them at the AMAs. Let me just say something… they’re NOT okay. But sure, go swoon over them “singing to each other.”

If you put a gun to Selena’s head and said “do you recall you and Taylor singing to each other at the AMAs?” she would reply saying that she doesn’t even recall herself performing.

This is so sad…. Selena was drunk and high off several things and she can barely speak or move.

Speaking of which, drinking alcohol and vaping/smoking anything is NOT something you should if you have lupus. Vaping is out here killing people on the regular so how is Selena doing it so easily if she literally had a kidney transplant because of her “disease?”

Open your eyes! The truth is right in front of you.

Selena’s team started planting the lupus story in 2013 when Selena made her first rehab trip, but didn’t revisit it again until she started her new “Revival” era in 2015.

Anyways, hope you enjoyed this post! See you tomorrow for our exposed on Chantel Jeffries trying to sue us. Here’s a message between my source and I.


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The Story Behind Chantel Jeffries SUING ExposingSMG


WATCH Selena Gomez DRUNK and falling over at the 2019 AMAs