The Story Behind Chantel Jeffries SUING ExposingSMG
We are finally telling this truly hilarious story!
In the last post, we revealed to you that Chantel Jeffries tried to sue us. Chantel got her little Beverly Hills lawyers on us over the summer and we are here to tell you everything:
why she tried to sue us
what the lawyers said
what was the notice we were hit with
what we said
what we did.
It was a nice hot, summer day at ExposingSMG Inc., and Alana and I were debating which posts to get up. You guys have been begging us to tell you some inside tea about Chantel and her main point of relevance: Justin Bieber. So we did what we do best: write a post and tease it for you guys.
We did this by posting the following picture:
This is where it all started…
When I tweeted that photo, I mentioned Chantel because I know she’s quite irrelevant and if I’m mentioning her in something, she’s GOING to see it. No I didn’t say she might, I knew for a fact she would.
Within the hour of the tweet, her lawyers were hitting me up.
They sent me a “Cease and Desist Notice” which is known in the legal world basically as a “shut the hell up and we won’t do anything more if you comply.”
A threat basically.
L:MAO Chantel, honey. Have you even read my blog? You think a Cease and Desist Notice is gonna make the A team, pipe down? YOU were gonna be the one to end us after all we’ve done? I expose industry control (on a baby level) so you really thought I wouldn’t see through it? We had to laugh!
Also here’s a tweet I posted the month I received the email.
Whether you hate me or not, you gotta hand it to me; I am funny.
Of course, as promised, let me show you EXACTLY what I was sent. It was the law firm “Rothenberg, Mohr & Binder, LLP” who contacted me. It’s a huge law firm with some fancy Beverly Hills lawyers who sadly for them, manage randoms that think they are celebrities.
I’m not quite sure why I blurred out the name of the main lawyer who first emailed me. I honestly can leave it up, but I’m a nice person. They are public lawyers after all. It is funny to note that my one TWEET got Chantel shaking and calling up her lawyers within five hours!
Time check the tweet and the email LMAOOOOO
Y’all swear ExposingSMG holds no power and these celebrities are “unbothered” by me yet Chantel called LAWYERS over me TEASING a post. Let alone the actual shit I expose on real celebrities. I literally didn’t post my information and she was shaking (we’ll get to the info later).
Anyways let’s open up the document (which I will explain what it means since it’s confusing to read to some).
That gave me a good laugh.
To be clear, this email was sent BEFORE the post went up. The promotional poster is what had them shaking. The post was still scheduled to go up the following day.. AND SO IT DID.
I know the email is difficult to understand if you are not used to reading legal documents so I’m going to explain everything that was said in the email.
What they are saying:
They’re saying that Chantel owns the rights to her name so anything involving Chantel either needs her permission or she needs to be paid. They specifically state that Chantel never licensed her name for us to use.
They then hit me with the “right of publicity” claim that I’ve heard before and it basically states that a celebrity has a right to control what their name is being USED for.
Then they say that they DEMAND us to shut down everything about Chantel on ALL our social media platforms and if we don’t, they will sue us for $750.00 or even more.
Chantel, you got one thing going on for you nowadays and that’s your bravery.
The only one who’s going to interfere in my posting schedule is… ME. Telling me not to post something, will not change my mind unless you are a source and I consult my sources long before I even begin writing the post.
The funny part is they emailed me on August 8 and then what happened after I received that email?
I posted the scheduled post.
and then they RESENT the email three days later when they saw I didn’t budge!
They said the SAME THING and didn’t even update the notice to accommodate the fact that I still posted despite their little threats. What does this mean? It means they don’t have a legit argument.
I know for a fact that when Chantel came to them with her little “pls shut down these mean exposers!! I don’t want any of my past that I worked so hard to conceal getting out!!” The lawyers definitely notified her that they can’t do much, but they will try to scare us off with a “Cease and Desist” notice.
Industry control.
Inside rare picture of Chantel and her lawyers at their ExposingSMG meeting
Chantel Jeffries pictured on the left.
I talked to my main source and she couldn’t stop laughing. She said something like “Out of all the celebrities who have tried and failed, Chantel thought she’d be the one to bring you down? She’s funny I’ll give her that.”
Trust me, you guys know nothing about the ExposingSMG team. I ran their little email by one of my…. let’s call them a higher-up friend who asked their fancy lawyer, who said “They’re just trying to scare you.”
Mind you, there was not one minute where I was scared. Hence the fact that I still posted what I promised. I got my okay from them and then I handled it. Everything you will see written in my reply, is written by ME and not any lawyer. Like I said, y’all don’t know much about me or what I do.
The truth and what we hit them with:
A celebrity’s right of publicly implicitly regards using a celebrity to SELL or ADVERTISE something that will require people to PURCHASE it. Chantel does not have selling power nor will I ever try to use some random socialite from Bieber’s free-careers-giveaway era, to sell something. Chantel herself can barely sell anything for her own brand.
Chantel is someone that I was going to post about and therefore that’s the point of that picture that they listed in “Exhibit A.”
And then I threatened her and her lawyers and told them to tell their client, “Ms. Jeffries,” that ExposingSMG doesn’t care for the MINUSCULE (very little) amount of “likeness” that she contains. And I also told them that if they threaten our rights as bloggers, physical evidence about Chantel may end up on big media publications since they have a problem with our cute little platform.
I also told them they’re trying to threaten my free speech and that is ILLEGAL.
Here’s our full reply to them.
I sent my reply to my source and she was just cracking up. And then I vowed to end Chantel. Not like I’d have to do much.
Also, turns out that Chantel was terrified of us revealing a certain story that surprise…. WE KNOW ABOUT. We know everything. It’s funny, Chantel, because I wasn’t planning on revealing that situation and my post was talking about your obsession with Justin Bieber and rise to popularity. I might reveal everything I know now. Who knows? It depends on my mood!
And if I had the time to actually post everything I knew, I’d be getting “Cease and Desist” notices left and right from all celebrities.
And what did I proceed to do? I made a whole video talking about how Chantel stalked Justin Bieber and hung out with all girls he befriended.
Alana and I had a blast laughing this hard so thank you Chantel for the one useful thing you’ve done right. Here’s some messages between Alana and I, from when I first got the email
“Oh we crazy crazy”
No, literally.
Anyways the majority of the blacked out messages are Alana and I going back and fourth with inside information from sources regarding this manner and referencing other times we were put in this situation. If I were to show you the messages, you’d be scared and so I’d rather keep y’all in a bubble of bliss.
The thing about this blog is I know my rights and I know what I can or cannot say. I also know how to run it properly. All the 8 year old stans who are like “Oh if ESMG is so legit why don’t they release rares?” as if rares signify as any sort of realness… THEY DON’T.
My information speaks for itself and once I have the credibility page all up and running, it will just get more and more difficult to NOT be on the winning team since everything we say gets proven right. This is why Chantel was sitting shaking when I said we will post about her. That was the first time I genuinely expose Chantel since my 2014 posts on her. And due to this little stunt of yours Chantel, it won’t be the last sweetie!
I need you guys to comprehend that I had her scared from TEASING A POST - not even the post being up! Now imagine how all your faves that I’ve ended before, feel.
The point of this little rant is, my source tells me that my blog is highly talked about within inside circles and celebrities of Hollywood - specifically my topics. Sometimes I doubt myself like “these random celebs give a shit about my word?” and the gag is.. THEY DO. I think it has to do with the fact that nobody knows who I am.
My sources be like:
But that’s for another post.
So that’s the story!
Hello, Chantel. Might as well sign up to our mailing newsletter if you’re going to be that fast on updates.
What do you guys think? Did you learn anything new from this whole situation? Comment down below! You can comment anonymously so take advantage of that! Love you all and see you tomorrow at 2PM est. for the Kendall Jenner and Hailey Bieber post.
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