WATCH Selena Gomez DRUNK and falling over at the 2019 AMAs

Selena Gomez was seen stumbling and falling over every time she tried to walk at the 2019 AMAs, which led everyone to say that she was WASTED out of her mind. Watch it now:

This video also includes OTHER times Selena was drunk and out falling everywhere.

If you have been a reader of the ExposingSMG Team for a while now, you know this is nothing new because since 2013, our sources have been telling you that Selena Gomez is allegedly “an alcoholic.” Her drinking problem has been a huge issue in her relationship with Justin Bieber and he even sang “Have you been drinking to take away the pain?” in his post-breakup song about her.

Please note that the linked post above was written in 2013 in which we say we “think” Selena is an alcoholic, however our sources have confirmed this.

If you want to know what was REALLY going on with Selena backstage at the AMAs, stay tuned for our exposed post coming up soon….

In the meantime, Chantel Jeffries tried to sue us! Go read today’s post!

On Saturday we will reveal the full story. You guys are being fed well this week! Subscribe to our newsletter to be up to date with everything and add “” as a contact so our emails can show in your primary tab.

What do you think about our video of Selena being drunk at the AMAs and throughout the years? Leave a comment down below! Remember, you can comment anonymously so take advantage of that!


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Stumbling and falling: Selena Gomez could barely talk or move at the 2019 AMAs
